Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void DrawConnections(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ConnectionPanel panel, Character character)
            Rectangle panelRect = panel.GuiFrame.Rect;
            int       x = panelRect.X, y = panelRect.Y;
            int       width = panelRect.Width, height = panelRect.Height;

            Vector2 scale = GetScale(panel.GuiFrame.RectTransform.MaxSize, panel.GuiFrame.Rect.Size);

            bool mouseInRect = panelRect.Contains(PlayerInput.MousePosition);

            int totalWireCount = 0;

            foreach (Connection c in panel.Connections)
                totalWireCount += c.Wires.Count(w => w != null);

            Wire equippedWire = null;

            bool allowRewiring = GameMain.NetworkMember?.ServerSettings == null || GameMain.NetworkMember.ServerSettings.AllowRewiring || panel.AlwaysAllowRewiring;

            if (allowRewiring && (!panel.Locked && !panel.TemporarilyLocked || Screen.Selected == GameMain.SubEditorScreen))
                //if the Character using the panel has a wire item equipped
                //and the wire hasn't been connected yet, draw it on the panel
                foreach (Item item in character.HeldItems)
                    Wire wireComponent = item.GetComponent <Wire>();
                    if (wireComponent != null)
                        equippedWire = wireComponent;

            //two passes: first the connector, then the wires to get the wires to render in front
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Vector2 rightPos = GetRightPos(x, y, width, scale);
                Vector2 leftPos  = GetLeftPos(x, y, scale);

                Vector2 rightWirePos = new Vector2(x + width - 5 * scale.X, y + 30 * scale.Y);
                Vector2 leftWirePos  = new Vector2(x + 5 * scale.X, y + 30 * scale.Y);

                int wireInterval           = (height - (int)(20 * scale.Y)) / Math.Max(totalWireCount, 1);
                int connectorIntervalLeft  = GetConnectorIntervalLeft(height, scale, panel);
                int connectorIntervalRight = GetConnectorIntervalRight(height, scale, panel);

                foreach (Connection c in panel.Connections)
                    //if dragging a wire, let the Inventory know so that the wire can be
                    //dropped or dragged from the panel to the players inventory
                    if (DraggingConnected != null && i == 1)
                        //the wire can only be dragged out if it's not connected to anything at the other end
                        if (Screen.Selected == GameMain.SubEditorScreen ||
                            (DraggingConnected.Connections[0] == null && DraggingConnected.Connections[1] == null) ||
                            (DraggingConnected.Connections.Contains(c) && DraggingConnected.Connections.Contains(null)))
                            int linkIndex = c.FindWireIndex(DraggingConnected.Item);
                            if (linkIndex > -1 || panel.DisconnectedWires.Contains(DraggingConnected))

                    //outputs are drawn at the right side of the panel, inputs at the left
                    if (c.IsOutput)
                        if (i == 0)
                            c.DrawConnection(spriteBatch, panel, rightPos, GetOutputLabelPosition(rightPos, panel, c), scale);
                            c.DrawWires(spriteBatch, panel, rightPos, rightWirePos, mouseInRect, equippedWire, wireInterval);
                        rightPos.Y     += connectorIntervalLeft;
                        rightWirePos.Y += c.Wires.Count(w => w != null) * wireInterval;
                        if (i == 0)
                            c.DrawConnection(spriteBatch, panel, leftPos, GetInputLabelPosition(leftPos, panel, c), scale);
                            c.DrawWires(spriteBatch, panel, leftPos, leftWirePos, mouseInRect, equippedWire, wireInterval);
                        leftPos.Y     += connectorIntervalRight;
                        leftWirePos.Y += c.Wires.Count(w => w != null) * wireInterval;

            if (DraggingConnected != null)
                if (mouseInRect)
                    DrawWire(spriteBatch, DraggingConnected, PlayerInput.MousePosition, new Vector2(x + width / 2, y + height - 10), null, panel, "");

                if (!PlayerInput.PrimaryMouseButtonHeld())
                    if (GameMain.NetworkMember != null || panel.CheckCharacterSuccess(character))
                        if (DraggingConnected.Connections[0]?.ConnectionPanel == panel ||
                            DraggingConnected.Connections[1]?.ConnectionPanel == panel)
                            if (DraggingConnected.Item.ParentInventory == null)
                            else if (DraggingConnected.Connections[0] == null && DraggingConnected.Connections[1] == null)
                                DraggingConnected.ClearConnections(user: Character.Controlled);

                    if (GameMain.Client != null)

                    DraggingConnected = null;

            //if the Character using the panel has a wire item equipped
            //and the wire hasn't been connected yet, draw it on the panel
            if (equippedWire != null && (DraggingConnected != equippedWire || !mouseInRect))
                if (panel.Connections.Find(c => c.Wires.Contains(equippedWire)) == null)
                    DrawWire(spriteBatch, equippedWire, new Vector2(x + width / 2, y + height - 150 * GUI.Scale),
                             new Vector2(x + width / 2, y + height),
                             null, panel, "");

                    if (DraggingConnected == equippedWire)

            float step = (width * 0.75f) / panel.DisconnectedWires.Count();

            x = (int)(x + width / 2 - step * (panel.DisconnectedWires.Count() - 1) / 2);
            foreach (Wire wire in panel.DisconnectedWires)
                if (wire == DraggingConnected && mouseInRect)
                if (wire.HiddenInGame && Screen.Selected == GameMain.GameScreen)

                Connection recipient = wire.OtherConnection(null);
                string     label     = recipient == null ? "" : recipient.item.Name + $" ({recipient.DisplayName})";
                if (wire.Locked)
                    label += "\n" + TextManager.Get("ConnectionLocked");
                DrawWire(spriteBatch, wire, new Vector2(x, y + height - 100 * GUI.Scale),
                         new Vector2(x, y + height),
                         null, panel, label);
                x += (int)step;

            //stop dragging a wire item if the cursor is within any connection panel
            //(so we don't drop the item when dropping the wire on a connection)
            if (mouseInRect || (GUI.MouseOn?.UserData is ConnectionPanel && GUI.MouseOn.MouseRect.Contains(PlayerInput.MousePosition)))
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawWires(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ConnectionPanel panel, Vector2 position, Vector2 wirePosition, bool mouseIn, Wire equippedWire, float wireInterval)
            float connectorSpriteScale = (35.0f / connectionSprite.SourceRect.Width) * panel.Scale;

            for (int i = 0; i < MaxWires; i++)
                if (wires[i] == null || wires[i].Hidden || (DraggingConnected == wires[i] && (mouseIn || Screen.Selected == GameMain.SubEditorScreen)))
                if (wires[i].HiddenInGame && Screen.Selected == GameMain.GameScreen)

                Connection recipient = wires[i].OtherConnection(this);
                string     label     = recipient == null ? "" : recipient.item.Name + $" ({recipient.DisplayName})";
                if (wires[i].Locked)
                    label += "\n" + TextManager.Get("ConnectionLocked");
                DrawWire(spriteBatch, wires[i], position, wirePosition, equippedWire, panel, label);

                wirePosition.Y += wireInterval;

            if (DraggingConnected != null && Vector2.Distance(position, PlayerInput.MousePosition) < (20.0f * GUI.Scale))
                connectionSpriteHighlight.Draw(spriteBatch, position, scale: connectorSpriteScale);

                if (!PlayerInput.PrimaryMouseButtonHeld())
                    if ((GameMain.NetworkMember != null || panel.CheckCharacterSuccess(Character.Controlled)) &&
                        Wires.Count(w => w != null) < MaxPlayerConnectableWires)
                        //find an empty cell for the new connection
                        int index = FindEmptyIndex();
                        if (index > -1 && !Wires.Contains(DraggingConnected))
                            bool alreadyConnected = DraggingConnected.IsConnectedTo(panel.Item);
                            if (DraggingConnected.Connect(this, !alreadyConnected, true))
                                var otherConnection = DraggingConnected.OtherConnection(this);
                                SetWire(index, DraggingConnected);

                    if (GameMain.Client != null)
                    DraggingConnected = null;

            if (FlashTimer > 0.0f)
                //the number of flashes depends on the duration, 1 flash per 1 full second
                int   flashCycleCount    = (int)Math.Max(flashDuration, 1);
                float flashCycleDuration = flashDuration / flashCycleCount;

                //MathHelper.Pi * 0.8f -> the curve goes from 144 deg to 0,
                //i.e. quickly bumps up from almost full brightness to full and then fades out
                connectionSpriteHighlight.Draw(spriteBatch, position,
                                               flashColor * (float)Math.Sin(FlashTimer % flashCycleDuration / flashCycleDuration * MathHelper.Pi * 0.8f), scale: connectorSpriteScale);

            if (Wires.Any(w => w != null && w != DraggingConnected && !w.Hidden && (!w.HiddenInGame || Screen.Selected != GameMain.GameScreen)))
                int screwIndex = (int)Math.Floor(position.Y / 30.0f) % screwSprites.Count;
                screwSprites[screwIndex].Draw(spriteBatch, position, scale: connectorSpriteScale);