
            Frontend page: Report page
            Title: Loan pdf viwer
            Designed: Kanishka SHM
            User story: 
            Developed: Kanishka SHM
            Date created: 
            Modified: Kanishka SHM
            Date Modified: 06/28/2016
        public FileResult PrintPage()
            //check authentication session is null, if null return
            if (Session["AuthenticatedUser"] == null) return null;
            User userData = (User)Session["AuthenticatedUser"];

            //to store report viwer as a pdf file
            Warning[] warnings;
            string[] streamids;
            string mimeType;
            string encoding;
            string filenameExtension;
            ReportViewer rptViewerPrint;

            string rptType = "";
            int loanId = 0;
            string range1 = "";
            string range2 = "";
            int titleStatus = 0;
            int branchId = 0;
            string branchName = "";
            //individual curtailment summary report
            string idnumber = "";

            // get report type
            if (Request.QueryString["rptType"] != "")
                rptType = Request.QueryString["rptType"];

            // get loan id
            if (Request.QueryString["loanId"] != "")
                loanId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["loanId"]);

            // stat date of range
            if(Request.QueryString["range1"] != "")
                range1 = Request.QueryString["range1"];

            // end date of range
            if (Request.QueryString["range2"] != "")
                range2 = Request.QueryString["range2"];

            // title status
            if(Request.QueryString["titleStatus"] != "")
                titleStatus = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["titleStatus"]);

            // branch
            if (Request.QueryString["branchId"] != "")
                branchId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["branchId"]);
            if (Request.QueryString["branchName"] != "")
                branchName = Request.QueryString["branchName"];
            // individual curtailment summary
            if (Request.QueryString["idNumber"] != "")
                idnumber =Request.QueryString["idNumber"];
            // call pdf viwer by report type
            if (rptType == "LotInspection")
                RptDivLotInspection lInspection = new RptDivLotInspection();
                rptViewerPrint = lInspection.PrintPage(loanId);
            else if (rptType == "CurtailmentInvoice")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivCurtailmentInvoice ciInvoice = new RptDivCurtailmentInvoice();
                rptViewerPrint = ciInvoice.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "AdvanceFeeInvoice")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivAdvanceFeeInvoice afInvoice = new RptDivAdvanceFeeInvoice();
                rptViewerPrint = afInvoice.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "LoanFeeInvoice")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivMonthlyLoanFeeInvoice lfInvoice = new RptDivMonthlyLoanFeeInvoice();
                rptViewerPrint = lfInvoice.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "LotInspectionFeeInvoice")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivLotInspectionFeeInvoice liInvoice = new RptDivLotInspectionFeeInvoice();
                rptViewerPrint = liInvoice.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "PayOff")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptPayOff payOff = new RptPayOff();
                rptViewerPrint = payOff.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "AdvanceFeeReceipt")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivAdvanceFeeReceipt adFeeReceipt = new RptDivAdvanceFeeReceipt();
                rptViewerPrint = adFeeReceipt.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "MonthlyLoanFeeReceipt")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivMonthlyLoanFeeReceipt monthlyLoanFeeReceipt = new RptDivMonthlyLoanFeeReceipt();
                rptViewerPrint = monthlyLoanFeeReceipt.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "LotInspectionFeeReceipt")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivLotInspectionFeeReceipt lotInspectionFeeReceipt = new RptDivLotInspectionFeeReceipt();
                rptViewerPrint = lotInspectionFeeReceipt.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "CurtailmentReceipt")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivCurtailmentReceipt crReceipt = new RptDivCurtailmentReceipt();
                rptViewerPrint = crReceipt.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "TransactionHistory")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivTransactionHistory loanSmmry = new RptDivTransactionHistory();
                rptViewerPrint = loanSmmry.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "TitlesStatus")
                RptDivTitleStatus tsStatus = new RptDivTitleStatus();
                rptViewerPrint = tsStatus.PrintPage(loanId, titleStatus);
            else if (rptType == "FullInventory")
                RptDivFullInventory fInventory = new RptDivFullInventory();
                rptViewerPrint = fInventory.PrintPage(loanId);
            else if (rptType == "AdvanceUnit")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptAdvanceUnitReport advanceUnit = new RptAdvanceUnitReport();
                rptViewerPrint = advanceUnit.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "LoanTerms")
                RptDivLoanTerms loanTerms = new RptDivLoanTerms();
                rptViewerPrint = loanTerms.PrintPage(loanId);
            else if(rptType == "CompanySummary")
                RptDivCompanySummary companySummary = new RptDivCompanySummary();
                rptViewerPrint = companySummary.PrintPage(userData.Company_Id);
            else if (rptType == "BranchSummary")

                RptDivBranchSummary branchSummary = new RptDivBranchSummary();
                if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                    rptViewerPrint = branchSummary.PrintPage(branchId,branchName);
                else {
                rptViewerPrint = branchSummary.PrintPage(userData.BranchId,userData.BranchName);
            else if (rptType == "DeletedUnits")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivDeletedUnits deleteUnits = new RptDivDeletedUnits();
                rptViewerPrint = deleteUnits.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "LoanSummary")
                DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range1);
                DateTime endtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(range2);

                RptDivLoanSummary deleteUnits = new RptDivLoanSummary();
                rptViewerPrint = deleteUnits.PrintPage(loanId, startDate, endtDate);
            else if (rptType == "FullCurtSummary")
                RptDivFullCurtailmentSummary fullCurtSummary = new RptDivFullCurtailmentSummary();
                rptViewerPrint = fullCurtSummary.PrintPage(loanId);
            else if (rptType == "IndCurtSummary")
                RptDivIndividualCurtailmentSummary indCurtSummary = new RptDivIndividualCurtailmentSummary();
                rptViewerPrint = indCurtSummary.PrintPage(loanId,idnumber);
                return null;

            // store report viewer as pdf format
            byte[] bytes = rptViewerPrint.LocalReport.Render(
                "PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension,
                out streamids, out warnings);

            // return pdf file
            FileContentResult fsResult = File(bytes, "application/pdf");
            return fsResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Created by : kasun
        /// Created Date: 7/6/2016
        /// Summery: Loan term print
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loanId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public FileResult PrintPage(int loanId)

            Warning[] warnings;
            string[] streamids;
            string mimeType;
            string encoding;
            string filenameExtension;

            RptDivLoanTerms loanTerm = new RptDivLoanTerms();
            var rptViewerPrint = loanTerm.PrintPage(loanId);

            var bytes = rptViewerPrint.LocalReport.Render(
                "PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension,
                out streamids, out warnings);

            var fsResult = File(bytes, "application/pdf");
            return fsResult;