Exemplo n.º 1
        public static PromotionMatcher LoadFromDBByMatchingCourses(DBManager db, Course[] courses)
             *  select * from
             *  (
             *      select tmp2.promotion_id,tmp2.promotion_name, count( pcm.course_id) numall, nummatch   from
             *          (
             *          select promotion_id, promotion_name, count(*) as nummatch from
             *              (
             *              select p.*,pcm.course_id from  promotion p,  promotion_course_mapping pcm where p.promotion_id=pcm.promotion_id and (pcm. course_id=1 or pcm. course_id=2 or pcm.course_id=82 )
             *              ) as tmp1  group by promotion_id
             *          ) as tmp2
             *          ,
             *          (select * from promotion_course_mapping ) as pcm
             *           where tmp2.promotion_id = pcm.promotion_id
             *           group by tmp2.promotion_id
             *  ) as match_pro
             *  where nummatch = numall
             *  order by numall desc, promotion_id
            if (courses.Length == 0)
                return(new PromotionMatcher());

            LinkedList <Promotion> result = new LinkedList <Promotion>();
            // Generate where courses list
            StringBuilder sqlCourses = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < courses.Length; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    sqlCourses.Append(" or ");
                sqlCourses.Append(" pcm.course_id=" + courses[i]._courseID);
            string sql1 = "select * from "
                          + "( "
                          + "    select tmp2.promotion_id, tmp2.promotion_name, nummatch, count( pcm.course_id) numall from "
                          + "    ( "
                          + "         select promotion_id, promotion_name, count(*) as nummatch from "
                          + "         ( "
                          + "             select p.*,pcm.course_id from  promotion p, promotion_course_mapping pcm "
                          + "             where p.is_active=1 and p.promotion_id=pcm.promotion_id and ( " + sqlCourses + " ) "
                          + "         ) as tmp1  group by promotion_id "
                          + "     ) as tmp2 "
                          + "     , "
                          + "     (select * from promotion_course_mapping ) as pcm "
                          + "     where tmp2.promotion_id = pcm.promotion_id group by tmp2.promotion_id "
                          + ") as match_pro "
                          + "where nummatch = numall "
                          + "order by numall desc, promotion_id ";

            OdbcDataReader reader = db.Query(sql1);

            while (reader.Read())
                int       promotionID = reader.GetInt32(0);
                Promotion p           = new Promotion();
                p.LoadFromDB(db, " promotion_id=" + promotionID);

             * if (!filterSubsetPromotion)
             * {
             *  // convert to array
             *  Promotion[] proArray = new Promotion[result.Count];
             *  result.CopyTo(proArray, 0);
             *  return proArray;
             * }*/

             * // filter out subset promotion
             * LinkedList<Promotion> filterResult = new LinkedList<Promotion>();
             * foreach (Promotion p1 in result)
             * {
             *  bool isSubset = false;
             *  foreach (Promotion p2 in result)
             *  {
             *      if (p2._courses.Length < p1._courses.Length) continue;
             *      if (p2._promotionID == p1._promotionID) continue;
             *      bool isSubsetOfThis = true;
             *      for (int i = 0; i < p1._courses.Length; i++)
             *      {
             *          bool found = false;
             *          for (int j = 0; j < p2._courses.Length; j++)
             *          {
             *              if (p1._courses[i]._courseID == p2._courses[j]._courseID)
             *              {
             *                  found = true;
             *                  break;
             *              }
             *          }
             *          if (!found) {
             *              isSubsetOfThis = false;
             *              break;
             *          }
             *      }
             *      // found all courses of p1 in p2 so p1 is subset of p2
             *      if (isSubsetOfThis)
             *      {
             *          isSubset = true;
             *      }
             *  }
             *  if (!isSubset)
             *  {
             *      filterResult.AddLast(p1);
             *  }
             * }
            //if (courses.Length == 3)
            PromotionMatcher matcher = new PromotionMatcher(new LinkedList <Course>(courses), result);


            // convert to array
            //  Promotion[] filterProArray = new Promotion[matcher._matchedPromotions.Count];
            //  matcher._matchedPromotions.CopyTo(filterProArray, 0);

Exemplo n.º 2
 public static LinkedList <Promotion> CopyList(LinkedList <Promotion> plist)
     Promotion[] tmpArray = new Promotion[plist.Count];
     plist.CopyTo(tmpArray, 0);
     return(new LinkedList <Promotion>(tmpArray));
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Extract to multiple Registration
        // TODO: Check duplicated student-course
        public override bool AddToDB(DBManager db)
            if ((_modCourses == null) && (_modPromotions == null))

            LinkedList <Registration> regList = new LinkedList <Registration>();
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            CreateTransactionCode(db, now);

            // Promotion
            if (_modPromotions != null)
                foreach (Promotion p in _modPromotions)
                    if (!Promotion.LoadCourseList(db, p))

                    int accumDiscountedCost = 0;
                    int accumFullCost       = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < p._courses.Length; i++)
                        Course c = p._courses[i];
                        int    fullCostByRatio       = (int)(((float)c._cost / (float)p._fullCost) * p._cost);
                        int    discountedCostByRatio = (int)(((float)c._cost / (float)p._fullCost) * p._discountedCost);
                        accumFullCost       += fullCostByRatio;
                        accumDiscountedCost += discountedCostByRatio;
                        // asjust to last course
                        if ((_isAdjustCost) && (i + 1 == p._courses.Length))
                            int fragmentFullCost       = p._cost - accumFullCost;
                            int fragmentDiscountedCost = p._discountedCost - accumDiscountedCost;
                            // adjust
                            fullCostByRatio       += fragmentFullCost;
                            discountedCostByRatio += fragmentDiscountedCost;

                        Registration reg = new Registration();
                        //reg._transactionID = this._transactionID;
                        // reg._regisID;  auto_increament
                        reg._regisdate      = now;
                        reg._studentID      = this._studentID;
                        reg._courseID       = c._courseID;
                        reg._promotionID    = p._promotionID;
                        reg._branchID       = this._branchID;
                        reg._fullCost       = fullCostByRatio;
                        reg._discountedCost = discountedCostByRatio;
                        reg._seatNo         = (string)_seatNoMap[reg._courseID.ToString()];
                        reg._note           = (string)_noteMap[reg._courseID.ToString()];
                        reg._username       = this._username;
                        reg._status         = 0;
                        reg._paidMethod     = this._paidMethod;
                        reg._paidRound      = 0;
                        reg._paiddate       = this._paiddate;
                        reg._isPaid         = false;

            // Course
            if (_modCourses != null)
                foreach (Course c in _modCourses)
                    Registration reg = new Registration();
                    //reg._transactionID = this._transactionID;
                    // reg._regisID;  auto_increament
                    reg._regisdate      = now;
                    reg._studentID      = this._studentID;
                    reg._courseID       = c._courseID;
                    reg._promotionID    = 0;
                    reg._branchID       = this._branchID;
                    reg._fullCost       = c._cost;
                    reg._discountedCost = c._discountedCost;
                    reg._seatNo         = (string)_seatNoMap[reg._courseID.ToString()];
                    reg._note           = (string)_noteMap[reg._courseID.ToString()];
                    reg._username       = this._username;
                    reg._status         = 0;
                    reg._paidMethod     = this._paidMethod;
                    reg._paidRound      = 0;
                    reg._paiddate       = this._paiddate;
                    reg._isPaid         = false;



            SynchronizedAddToDB(db, this, regList);

