Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //int seed = 0;
            //if (args.Length == 1) seed = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
            rand = new Random();

            BSPNode map = new BSPNode()
                XPos = 0,
                YPos = 0,
                MapXPos = 0,
                MapYPos = 0,
                XSize = 50,
                YSize = 50,
                Depth = 0,
                Active = true

            List<Room> rooms = new List<Room>();
            Generate(map, rooms);
            //Console.WriteLine(map.ToString() + "\n");

            // intersect test
            for (int i = rooms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                bool found = false;
                for (int j = rooms.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    if (i == j) continue;
                    if (Intersects(rooms[i].XPos, rooms[i].YPos, rooms[i].XSize, rooms[i].YSize, rooms[j].XPos, rooms[j].YPos, rooms[j].XSize, rooms[j].YSize))
                        found = true;
                if (!found) rooms.RemoveAt(i);

            // Room walk test
            for (int i = rooms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                List<int> breadcrumbs = new List<int>();
                int walkCount = 1;
                WalkRoomsIntersect(rooms, i, breadcrumbs, ref walkCount);
                if (walkCount < rooms.Count)

            // Create Doors
            for (int i = rooms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                bool doorCreated = false;
                var targetRooms = (from item in rooms
                                     orderby rand.Next()
                                     select item).ToList();

                for (int j = targetRooms.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    if (i == j) continue;
                    if (rooms[i].Doors.FirstOrDefault(dr => dr.AdjoiningRoom == targetRooms[j]) != null) continue;
                    if (Intersects(rooms[i].XPos, rooms[i].YPos, rooms[i].XSize, rooms[i].YSize, targetRooms[j].XPos,
                        targetRooms[j].YPos, targetRooms[j].XSize, targetRooms[j].YSize))
                        for (int attempts = 0; attempts < MAX_DOOR_ATTEMPTS; attempts++)
                            // Room to the left
                            if (targetRooms[j].XPos < rooms[i].XPos)
                                int dx = rooms[i].XPos;
                                int dy = rooms[i].YPos + rand.Next(rooms[i].YSize - 3) + 1;
                                if (dy > targetRooms[j].YPos && dy < targetRooms[j].YPos + (targetRooms[j].YSize - 2))
                                    doorCreated = true;
                                    rooms[i].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom= targetRooms[j], Vertical=true, XPos  = dx, YPos = dy});
                                    targetRooms[j].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom = rooms[i], Vertical = true, XPos = dx, YPos = dy });

                            // Room to the right
                            if (targetRooms[j].XPos > rooms[i].XPos)
                                int dx = targetRooms[j].XPos;
                                int dy = rooms[i].YPos + rand.Next(rooms[i].YSize - 3) + 1;
                                if (dy > targetRooms[j].YPos && dy < targetRooms[j].YPos + (targetRooms[j].YSize - 2))
                                    doorCreated = true;
                                    rooms[i].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom = targetRooms[j], Vertical = true, XPos = dx, YPos = dy });
                                    targetRooms[j].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom = rooms[i], Vertical = true, XPos = dx, YPos = dy });

                            // Room above
                            if (targetRooms[j].YPos < rooms[i].YPos)
                                int dy = rooms[i].YPos;
                                int dx = rooms[i].XPos + rand.Next(rooms[i].XSize - 3) + 1;
                                if (dx > targetRooms[j].XPos && dx < targetRooms[j].XPos + (targetRooms[j].XSize - 2))
                                    doorCreated = true;
                                    rooms[i].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom = targetRooms[j], Vertical = false, XPos = dx, YPos = dy });
                                    targetRooms[j].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom = rooms[i], Vertical = false, XPos = dx, YPos = dy });

                            // Room below
                            if (targetRooms[j].YPos > rooms[i].YPos)
                                int dy = targetRooms[j].YPos;
                                int dx = rooms[i].XPos + rand.Next(rooms[i].XSize - 3) + 1;
                                if (dx > targetRooms[j].XPos && dx < targetRooms[j].XPos + (targetRooms[j].XSize - 2))
                                    doorCreated = true;
                                    rooms[i].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom = targetRooms[j], Vertical = false, XPos = dx, YPos = dy });
                                    targetRooms[j].Doors.Add(new Door() { AdjoiningRoom = rooms[i], Vertical = false, XPos = dx, YPos = dy });
                    if (doorCreated) break;

                if(!doorCreated) rooms.RemoveAt(i);

            // Room walk test using doors
            for (int i = rooms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                List<int> breadcrumbs = new List<int>();
                int walkCount = 1;
                WalkRoomsDoors(rooms, i, breadcrumbs, ref walkCount);
                if (walkCount < rooms.Count)
                    for (int d = rooms[i].Doors.Count-1; d >= 0; d--)

            // Test to see if doors still have valid connecting rooms
            foreach (Room r in rooms)
                for (int i = r.Doors.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (r.Doors[i].AdjoiningRoom == null) r.Doors.RemoveAt(i);

            int[,] mapGrid = new int[map.XSize,map.YSize];
            foreach (Room r in rooms)
                for(int x=0;x<r.XSize;x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < r.YSize; y++)
                        if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == r.XSize - 1 || y == r.YSize - 1) mapGrid[r.XPos + x, r.YPos + y] = 2;
                        else mapGrid[r.XPos + x, r.YPos + y] = 1;

                foreach (Door d in r.Doors)
                    if (d.AdjoiningRoom.Doors.Count == 0) continue;
                    mapGrid[d.XPos, d.YPos] = 1;
                        mapGrid[d.XPos, d.YPos+1] = 1;
                        mapGrid[d.XPos+1, d.YPos] = 1;

            string mapOut = "    ";

            for (int y = 0; y < map.YSize; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.XSize; x++)
                    mapOut += mapGrid[x, y];
                mapOut += "\n    ";

            mapOut = mapOut.Replace("0", " ");
            mapOut = mapOut.Replace("1", ".");

            if(rooms.Count<MIN_ROOMS || rooms.Count>MAX_ROOMS) Main(new[]{""});

            string s = Console.ReadLine();
            if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) Main(new []{s});
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Generate(BSPNode node, List<Room> rooms)
            //if (node.Depth == MAX_DEPTH) return;

            // Split horizontally or vertically depending on size ratio or random if XSize==YSize
            int split = node.XSize > node.YSize ? 1 : node.YSize > node.XSize ? 0 : rand.Next(2);
            switch (rand.Next(2))
                case 0:
                    // Vertical split
                    int splitY = (node.YSize/3) + rand.Next(node.YSize/2);
                    if (splitY < MIN_SPLITSIZE || node.YSize - splitY < MIN_SPLITSIZE)
                        rooms.Add(new Room() { XPos = node.MapXPos, YPos = node.MapYPos, XSize = node.XSize, YSize = node.YSize });
                    BSPNode top = new BSPNode()
                        XPos = 0,
                        YPos = 0,
                        MapXPos = node.MapXPos,
                        MapYPos = node.MapYPos,
                        XSize = node.XSize,
                        YSize = splitY,
                        Depth = node.Depth + 1,
                        Active = true
                    if (top.YSize < MIN_ROOMSIZE)
                        top.Active = false;


                        Generate(top, rooms);
                    BSPNode bottom = new BSPNode()
                        XPos = 0,
                        YPos = splitY-1,
                        MapXPos = node.MapXPos,
                        MapYPos = node.MapYPos + (splitY-1),
                        XSize = node.XSize,
                        YSize = (node.YSize - splitY) +1,
                        Depth = node.Depth + 1,
                        Active = true

                    if (bottom.YSize < MIN_ROOMSIZE)
                        bottom.Active = false;


                        Generate(bottom, rooms);
                case 1:
                    // Horizontal split
                    int splitX = (node.XSize / 3) + rand.Next(node.XSize / 2);
                    if (splitX < MIN_SPLITSIZE || node.XSize - splitX < MIN_SPLITSIZE)
                        rooms.Add(new Room() { XPos = node.MapXPos, YPos = node.MapYPos, XSize = node.XSize, YSize = node.YSize });
                    BSPNode left = new BSPNode()
                        XPos = 0,
                        YPos = 0,
                        MapXPos = node.MapXPos,
                        MapYPos = node.MapYPos,
                        XSize = splitX,
                        YSize = node.YSize,
                        Depth = node.Depth + 1,
                        Active = true

                    if (left.XSize < MIN_ROOMSIZE)
                        left.Active = false;

                        Generate(left, rooms);

                    BSPNode right = new BSPNode()
                        XPos = splitX-1,
                        YPos = 0,
                        MapXPos = node.MapXPos + (splitX-1),
                        MapYPos = node.MapYPos,
                        XSize = (node.XSize - splitX) + 1,
                        YSize = node.YSize,
                        Depth = node.Depth + 1,
                        Active = true

                    if (right.XSize < MIN_ROOMSIZE)
                        right.Active = false;


                        Generate(right, rooms);