Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a project XML file and relinks all the parts for file rebuilding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">XML file to parse</param>
        public BNSAXMLFile(string filePath)
            this.FilePath = filePath;
            Console.WriteLine("Loading project file: " + filePath);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            //Parse Process:
            //1. Read animation tree
            //2. Read tileset folder
            //3. Read minianim folder
            //4. Read palette folder
            //5. Read oamdatalists folder
            //6. Link all objects

            //Build lists, mark pointer placeholders
            //Byte align after lists are built
            //insert pointers
            //merge into single file

            string tilesetBasepath      = Directory.GetParent(filePath).FullName + "\\tilesets\\tileset";
            string palettesBasepath     = Directory.GetParent(filePath).FullName + "\\palettes\\palette";
            string oamDataListsBasepath = Directory.GetParent(filePath).FullName + "\\oamdatalists\\oamdatalist";
            string miniAnimsBasepath    = Directory.GetParent(filePath).FullName + "\\minianims\\minianim";

            XmlNodeList animationNodes = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/bnsafile/animations/animation");

            Console.WriteLine("Found " + animationNodes.Count + " animations");
            Animations = new List <Animation>();
            foreach (XmlNode animationNode in animationNodes)
                //Read Animation XML
                Animation animation = new Animation(animationNode);
                //Verify references exist in filesystem
                foreach (Frame f in animation.Frames)
                    //Verify Tileset
                    string tilesetPath = tilesetBasepath + f.TilesetIndex.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + ".bin";
                    if (!File.Exists(tilesetPath))
                        IsValid = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Tileset file missing: " + tilesetPath + ", referenced by Anim " + animation.Index + " frame " + f.Index);

                    //Verify OAM
                    string oamPath = oamDataListsBasepath + f.OAMDataListIndex + "-0-0.bin";
                    if (!File.Exists(oamPath))
                        IsValid = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("OAM Data List file missing: " + oamPath + ", referenced by Anim " + animation.Index + " frame " + f.Index);

                    //Verify MiniAnim
                    string minianimFrame1 = miniAnimsBasepath + f.MiniAnimationIndex + "-0-0.bin";
                    if (!File.Exists(minianimFrame1))
                        IsValid = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("MiniAnimation file missing: " + minianimFrame1 + ", referenced by Anim " + animation.Index + " frame " + f.Index);
                Console.WriteLine("OK - animation contains all direct binary references");
            //Read Tilesets
            Tilesets = new List <Tileset>();
            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++)
                string tilesetPath = tilesetBasepath + index.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + ".bin";
                if (File.Exists(tilesetPath))
                    Tileset tileset = new Tileset(tilesetPath, i);
                    break; //No more tilesets
            Console.WriteLine("Read " + Tilesets.Count + " tilesets");

            //Read Palettes
            Palettes = new List <Palette>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                string palettePath = palettesBasepath + i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ".bin";
                if (File.Exists(palettePath))
                    Palette palette = new Palette(palettePath);
                    break; //No more palettes
            Console.WriteLine("Read " + Palettes.Count + " palettes");

            //Read MiniAnims
            string[] miniAnimFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetParent(filePath).FullName + "\\minianims");
            int      maxindex      = 0;

            foreach (string file in miniAnimFiles)
                string fname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                fname = fname.Substring(8);
                int dashIndex = fname.IndexOf('-');
                fname    = fname.Substring(0, dashIndex);
                maxindex = Math.Max(maxindex, Int32.Parse(fname));
            Console.WriteLine("Found " + (maxindex + 1) + " mini animations");
            MiniAnimationGroups = new List <MiniAnimGroup>();
            for (index = 0; index <= maxindex; index++)
                int subindex = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Parsing Group " + index);
                MiniAnimGroup group = new MiniAnimGroup(index);
                while (File.Exists(miniAnimsBasepath + maxindex + "-" + subindex + "-0.bin"))
                    //MiniAnimation List
                    MiniAnim animation = new MiniAnim(miniAnimsBasepath, index, subindex);

            //Read OAM Data
            string[] oamListEntries = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetParent(filePath).FullName + "\\oamdatalists");
            maxindex = 0;
            foreach (string file in oamListEntries)
                string fname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                fname = fname.Substring(11);
                int dashIndex = fname.IndexOf('-');
                fname    = fname.Substring(0, dashIndex);
                maxindex = Math.Max(maxindex, Int32.Parse(fname));
            Console.WriteLine("Found " + (maxindex + 1) + " OAM Data List Groups");
            OAMDataListGroups = new List <OAMDataListGroup>();
            for (int i = 0; i <= maxindex; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Parsing OAM Data List Group " + i);
                OAMDataListGroup list = new OAMDataListGroup(oamDataListsBasepath, i);
            IsValid = true;
        private void loadBNSA(Stream bnsaStream)
            LargestTileset = bnsaStream.ReadByte();
            //Magic Number Test
            if (bnsaStream.ReadByte() != 0 || bnsaStream.ReadByte() != 1) //0x1 and 0x2 positions
                //Invalid Magic Number
                ValidBNSA = false;
            AnimationCount = bnsaStream.ReadByte();
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Animations: " + AnimationCount);
            //Read Animation Pointers
            for (int i = 0; i < AnimationCount; i++)
                int       animationPointer = ReadIntegerFromStream(bnsaStream);
                long      nextPosition     = bnsaStream.Position;
                Animation animation        = new Animation(this, animationPointer, bnsaStream);
                if (i < AnimationCount - 1)
                    bnsaStream.Seek(nextPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); //reset position to next pointer

            //Read Tilesets
            TilesetStartPointer = bnsaStream.Position;
            Console.WriteLine("Reading Tilesets, starting at 0x" + TilesetStartPointer.ToString("X2"));
            int index = 0;

            while (bnsaStream.Position < ProbablyPaletteStartPointer)
                //Read Tilesets
                Tileset ts = new Tileset(bnsaStream, index);
                Tilesets.Add(ts); //Might need some extra checking...

            //Read Palettes
            PaletteStartPointer = bnsaStream.Position;
            Console.WriteLine("Found start of Palettes at 0x" + PaletteStartPointer.ToString("X2"));
            if (ReadIntegerFromStream(bnsaStream) == 0x20)
                while (true)
                    long pos = bnsaStream.Position;
                    //Verify next item is a palette and not a minianim
                    int minianimCheckPtr1 = ReadIntegerFromStream(bnsaStream);
                    if (minianimCheckPtr1 % 4 == 0)
                        //All pointers in the minianim table are lined up on a 4-byte boundary.
                        //Indexing starts at 0. Each pointer is 4 bytes, so the first one will have to point to a 4-point value

                        //could be an pointer to 1-frame minianim, maybe...
                        if (minianimCheckPtr1 == 4)
                            long subpos = bnsaStream.Position;
                            //Check for 1 pointer minianim signature
                            if (bnsaStream.ReadByte() == 0x0 && bnsaStream.ReadByte() == 0x01 && bnsaStream.ReadByte() == 0x80)
                                bnsaStream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                break; //Not a palette. Next Item is a single-frame minianim group. End of Palette Block
                                bnsaStream.Seek(subpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); //rewind and continue check

                        //Could be a multi-miniframe mugshot, let's check the amount of pointers and the values.
                        Boolean determinedDataIsPalette  = false;
                        int     numberOfMiniAnimsInGroup = minianimCheckPtr1 / 4; //Pointer will go to first value after pointer table, so divide by num bytes in a pointer
                        if (minianimCheckPtr1 == 0 || numberOfMiniAnimsInGroup * 4 > bnsaStream.Length - pos)
                            //couldn't possbibly be a minianim. Read it as a palette.
                            determinedDataIsPalette = true;

                        if (!determinedDataIsPalette)
                            int previousPointerToCheckAgainst = minianimCheckPtr1;

                            Boolean validMiniAnimPointerData = true;
                            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfMiniAnimsInGroup; i++)
                                int nextMiniAnimCheckPtr = ReadIntegerFromStream(bnsaStream);
                                if (nextMiniAnimCheckPtr < previousPointerToCheckAgainst)
                                    validMiniAnimPointerData = false;
                            if (validMiniAnimPointerData)
                                //Probably a minianim
                                bnsaStream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        } //end of check for readAsPalette
                    bnsaStream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    Console.WriteLine("Reading Palette 0x" + bnsaStream.Position.ToString("X2"));
                    Palette palette = new Palette(bnsaStream);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Reading next Palette 0x" + bnsaStream.Position.ToString("X2"));
            }//} else
             //    Console.WriteLine("Palettes should start here, but we didn't find 0x00000020! (At position  0x" + PaletteStartPointer.ToString("X2") + ")");
             //    return;

            //Read Mini-Animations
            Console.WriteLine("Reading MiniAnim Data at 0x" + bnsaStream.Position.ToString("X2"));
            while (true)
                //Validate next data is a mini animation.
                long          groupStartPos = bnsaStream.Position;
                MiniAnimGroup group         = new MiniAnimGroup(bnsaStream);
                if (!group.IsValid)
                    //End of Mini-Anims
                    bnsaStream.Seek(groupStartPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Round up to the next 4 byte boundary
                bnsaStream.ReadByte(); //pos++
                while (bnsaStream.Position % 4 != 0)
                    bnsaStream.ReadByte(); //Official game padding. Since we are assuming these are all official, when repacking we should also follow this padding rule.

            //Read OAM Data Block Lists
            Console.WriteLine("Reading OAM Data Blocks at 0x" + bnsaStream.Position.ToString("X2"));
            int oindex = 0;

            while (bnsaStream.Position < bnsaStream.Length)
                byte firstByte = (byte)bnsaStream.ReadByte();
                bnsaStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
                if (firstByte == 0xFF)
                    break; //End marker.
                OAMDataListGroup oamListBlock = new OAMDataListGroup(bnsaStream, oindex);
                //Round up to the next 4 byte boundary (if possible)
                if (bnsaStream.Position < bnsaStream.Length)
                    bnsaStream.ReadByte(); //pos++
                    while (bnsaStream.Position % 4 != 0 && bnsaStream.Position < bnsaStream.Length)
                        bnsaStream.ReadByte(); //Official game padding. Since we are assuming these are all official, when repacking we should also follow this padding rule.
                    Console.WriteLine("Not rounding up boundary because at or past end of stream.");

            if (bnsaStream.Position != bnsaStream.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("...Nothing left to parse but we aren't at the end of the file!");
                Console.WriteLine("...Reached end of the file.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts pointers to references to other parsed BNSA objects. This allows us to export references rather than hard coded values for easy recompilation and editing of the outputted XML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parsedBNSA">BNSA File that has been parsed</param>
        public void ResolveReferences(BNSAFile parsedBNSA)
            //foreach (Palette palette in parsedBNSA.Palettes)
            //    if (palette.Pointer == PalettePointer)
            //    {
            //        ResolvedPalette = palette;
            //        break;
            //    }

            foreach (Tileset tileset in parsedBNSA.Tilesets)
                if (tileset.Pointer == TilesetPointer)
                    ResolvedTileset = tileset;
            foreach (OAMDataListGroup oamDataList in parsedBNSA.OAMDataListGroups)
                if (oamDataList.Pointer == OAMDataListPointer)
                    ResolvedOAMDataListGroup = oamDataList;
            foreach (MiniAnimGroup minianimgroup in parsedBNSA.MiniAnimGroups)
                if (minianimgroup.Pointer == MiniAnimationPointer)
                    ResolvedMiniAnimGroup = minianimgroup;
                    ResolvedMiniAnimGroup.ResolveReferences(parsedBNSA, this);

            //if (ResolvedPalette != null)
            //    Console.WriteLine("----Resolved Palette Reference");
            //    Console.WriteLine("----/!\\ Failed to Resolve Palette: 0x"+PalettePointer.ToString("X2"));

            if (ResolvedTileset != null)
                Console.WriteLine("----Resolved Tileset Reference");
                Console.WriteLine("----/!\\ Failed to Resolve Tileset Pointer 0x" + TilesetPointer.ToString("X2"));
                throw new Exception("Failed to resolve mini-animation object.");

            if (ResolvedMiniAnimGroup != null)
                Console.WriteLine("----Resolved MiniAnim Reference");
                Console.WriteLine("----/!\\ Failed to Resolve MiniAnim 0x" + MiniAnimationPointer.ToString("X2"));
                throw new Exception("Failed to resolve mini-animation object.");

            if (ResolvedOAMDataListGroup != null)
                Console.WriteLine("----Resolved OAM Data List Reference");
                Console.WriteLine("----/!\\ Failed to Resolve OAM Data List 0x" + OAMDataListPointer.ToString("X2"));
                throw new Exception("Failed to resolve mini-animation object.");

            //foreach (MiniAnim tileset in parsedBNSA.MiniAnimGroups)
            //    if (minianim.Pointer == TilesetPointer)
            //    {
            //        ResolvedMiniAnim = tileset;
            //        break;
            //    }