Exemplo n.º 1
        //public static List<T> getListByRelationship(int id)


        ///<summary>פונקציה לשליפת כל הלומדים  לתורם מסויםsummary>
        ///<param>the id of the relevant donor</param>
        ///<returns>list of the learners that are connected to this donor</returns>
        public static List <Learner> GetLearnersByDonor(string donorId)
            using (BTProjectEntities db = new BTProjectEntities())
                // calles the function above, but for all the donor's reqeusts.

                List <Request> allRequests = Request.cToDTO(db.request_tbl.ToList());
                allRequests = allRequests.Where(r => r.donorEmail == donorId).ToList();

                List <Learner> res = new List <Learner>();
                foreach (Request ra in allRequests)