Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GenerateAutomaticInventory()
            var ethDate = new EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate();

            if (InventoryRequired(false))
                Stores stores = new Stores();
                while (!stores.EOF) //This needs to be done for each store
                    if (!DoesBalanceExist(ethDate.Year, stores.ID, true))
                    //If Inventory information hasn't already been filled for this store
                        var itm = new Items();

                        itm.ExcludeNeverReceivedItemsNoCategoryOptimized(stores.ID, ethDate.Year);
                        while (!itm.EOF) //For each time
                            var yearEnd = new YearEnd();
                            var balance = new Balance();

                            yearEnd.LoadByItemIDStoreAndYear(itm.ID, stores.ID, ethDate.Year, true);

                            if (yearEnd.RowCount > 0)

                            //YearEnd.PurgeAutomaticallyEnteredInventory(itm.ID, stores.ID, ethDate.Year);
                            yearEnd.ItemID  = itm.ID;
                            yearEnd.StoreID = stores.ID;
                            yearEnd.Year    = ethDate.Year;

                            //yearEnd.EBalance = balance.GetSOH(itm.ID, stores.ID, 10, ethDate.Year);
                            yearEnd.EBalance             = balance.GetSOHOptimized(itm.ID, stores.ID, 10, ethDate.Year);
                            yearEnd.PhysicalInventory    = yearEnd.EBalance;
                            yearEnd.AutomaticallyEntered = true;
                            yearEnd.UnitID = 0;
        private void BuildStoreInventoryList(int year, int storeId, DataTable dtItm)
            string[] str = { "Item Name", "Batch No.", "Remark" };
            foreach (string co in str)
            str = new string[] { "ItemId", "No.", "Beginning Balance", "Ending Balance(SOH)", "Physical Inventory", "ID", "RecID"};//, "Change Since Sene 30" };

            foreach (string co in str)
                dtBB.Columns.Add(co, typeof(int));
            int count = 1;
            var yProcess = new YearEnd();
            var bal = new Balance();

            dtDate.Value = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime dtCurent = new DateTime();
            dtDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
            dtCurent = ConvertDate.DateConverter(dtDate.Text);

            var recDoc = new ReceiveDoc();
            int month = dtCurent.Month;
            //btnSave.Enabled = true;

            //if ((dtCurent.Month == 10 && dtCurent.Day == 30) || dtCurent.Month == 11)
            //    //btnSave.Enabled = ((!yProcess.IsInventoryComplete(year, storeId)));
            //    btnSave.Enabled =true;
            //    month = 10;

            //    btnSave.Enabled = false;

            var yEnd = new YearEnd();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtItm.Rows)//For each item
                string itemName = dr["ItemName"].ToString() + " - " + dr["DosageForm"].ToString() + " - " + dr["Strength"].ToString();
                int itemID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]);
                bool BalanceExists = (yProcess.DoesBalanceExist(year, storeId, itemID, false));

                //We don't want to display those items whose inventory has already been done.
                if (BalanceExists)

                //Int64 soh = bal.GetSOH(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]), storeId, month, year);
                Int64 soh = bal.GetSOHOptimized(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]), storeId, month, year);
                Int64 bbal = yEnd.GetBBalance(year, storeId, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]), month);

                yProcess.GetBalanceByItemId(year, storeId, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]));

                Int64 BB = (yProcess.RowCount > 0) ? yProcess.BBalance : bbal;
                Int64 EB = ((yProcess.RowCount > 0 && yProcess.EBalance != 0) ? yProcess.EBalance : soh);
                //Now if the physical inventory is chosen to be default value, we set it to the ending balance of last year.
                string Phy = (yProcess.RowCount > 0) ? yProcess.PhysicalInventory.ToString() : (_defaultValueToPhysicalInventory ? EB.ToString() : "");
                int id = (yProcess.RowCount > 0) ? yProcess.ID : 0;
                string remark = (yProcess.RowCount > 0) ? yProcess.Remark : "";
                //object[] obj = {Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]),count,itemName,"",BB,((EB != 0)?EB.ToString("#,###"):"0"),Phy,remark,id,-1};
                DataRowView drv = dtBB.DefaultView.AddNew();
                if (yProcess.RowCount > 0)
                    drv["ID"] = yProcess.ID;
                drv["ItemId"] = dr["ID"];
                drv["No."] = count;
                drv["Item Name"] = itemName;
                drv["Beginning Balance"] = BB;
                drv["Ending Balance(SOH)"] = EB;

                if (Phy != "")
                    drv["Physical Inventory"] = Phy;
                drv["RecID"] = -1;
                drv["Remark"] = remark;
                var ethioDate = new EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate(year, 1, 1);
                //drv["Change Since Sene 30"] = BLL.Balance.GetChangeAfterDate(itemID, storeId, ethioDate.EndOfFiscalYear.ToGregorianDate());
                //if (!BalanceExists)
                int theLastBalance = 0;
                DataTable dtBatchs = recDoc.GetBatchWithValue(storeId, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]), dtCurent);
                foreach (DataRow drBatch in dtBatchs.Rows) //For each batch
                    if (drBatch["QuantityLeft"] != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToInt64(drBatch["QuantityLeft"]) != 0)
                        drv = dtBB.DefaultView.AddNew();

                        drv["Item Name"] = ">>";
                        drv["Batch No."] = drBatch["BatchNo"];
                        drv["Ending Balance(SOH)"] = Convert.ToInt64(drBatch["QuantityLeft"]);
                        //Now if the physical inventory is chosen to be default value, we set it to the ending balance of last year.
                        if (_defaultValueToPhysicalInventory)
                            drv["Physical Inventory"] = drBatch["QuantityLeft"].ToString();

                        theLastBalance += Convert.ToInt32(drBatch["QuantityLeft"]);
                        drv["RecID"] = drBatch["ID"];

            grdYearEnd.DataSource = dtBB;
            dtDate.CustomFormat = "MMMM dd, yyyy";
        public void GenerateAutomaticInventory()
            var ethDate = new EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate();
            if (InventoryRequired(false))
                Stores stores = new Stores();
                while (!stores.EOF) //This needs to be done for each store
                  if (!DoesBalanceExist(ethDate.Year, stores.ID, true))
                        //If Inventory information hasn't already been filled for this store
                        var itm = new Items();

                        itm.ExcludeNeverReceivedItemsNoCategoryOptimized(stores.ID, ethDate.Year);
                        while (!itm.EOF) //For each time
                            var yearEnd = new YearEnd();
                            var balance = new Balance();

                            yearEnd.LoadByItemIDStoreAndYear(itm.ID, stores.ID, ethDate.Year, true);

                            if (yearEnd.RowCount > 0)

                            //YearEnd.PurgeAutomaticallyEnteredInventory(itm.ID, stores.ID, ethDate.Year);
                            yearEnd.ItemID = itm.ID;
                            yearEnd.StoreID = stores.ID;
                            yearEnd.Year = ethDate.Year;

                            //yearEnd.EBalance = balance.GetSOH(itm.ID, stores.ID, 10, ethDate.Year);
                            yearEnd.EBalance = balance.GetSOHOptimized(itm.ID, stores.ID, 10, ethDate.Year);
                            yearEnd.PhysicalInventory = yearEnd.EBalance;
                            yearEnd.AutomaticallyEntered = true;
                            yearEnd.UnitID = 0;
