Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <BLLAppDTO.GiftBLL> DeleteArchivedAsync(BLLAppDTO.ArchivedGiftBLL archivedGift, Guid userId)
            var targetGiftId   = archivedGift.GiftId;
            var giftReceiverId = userId;
            var giftGiverId    = archivedGift.UserGiverId;

            // UserIds are mandatory for reactivating gift. Current user has to be receiver, not giver.
            if (userId == null || giftGiverId == null || giftGiverId == userId)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userId));
            // Check that target gift exists and status is archived
            var gift = Mapper.Map(await UOW.Gifts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(targetGiftId, giftReceiverId));

            if (gift == null || !gift.StatusId.ToString().Equals(_archivedId))
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          $"Could not find pending Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} to confirm archival");
            // Get corresponding ArchivedGift
            var archivedPendingGift = await UOW.ArchivedGifts.GetReceivedByGiftIdAsync(targetGiftId, giftReceiverId);

            if (archivedPendingGift == null || giftGiverId != archivedPendingGift.UserGiverId)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Could not find pending archived Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} to confirm archival");
            // Remove ArchivedGift
            await UOW.ArchivedGifts.RemoveAsync(archivedPendingGift, giftReceiverId);

            // Remove Gift
            var activeGift = Mapper.Map(await UOW.Gifts.RemoveAsync(Mapper.Map(gift), giftReceiverId));

Exemplo n.º 2
        /** Delete pending archived gift, change Gift status back to Active */
        public async Task <BLLAppDTO.GiftBLL> DenyPendingArchivedAsync(BLLAppDTO.ArchivedGiftBLL archivedGift, Guid userId)
            var targetGiftId   = archivedGift.GiftId;
            var giftReceiverId = userId;
            var giftGiverId    = archivedGift.UserGiverId;

            // Make Gift active again
            var gift = await UOW.Gifts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(targetGiftId, giftReceiverId);

            var reactivatedGift = await UpdateGiftStatusToActiveAsync(Mapper.Map(gift), giftReceiverId);

            if (reactivatedGift == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          $"Could not deny gifting and reactivate Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()}");
            // Get corresponding pending ArchivedGift and remove it
            var archivedPendingGift = await UOW.ArchivedGifts.GetPendingReceivedByGiftIdAsync(targetGiftId, userId);

            if (archivedPendingGift == null || giftGiverId != archivedPendingGift.UserGiverId)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Could not find pending received Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} to deny");
            await UOW.ArchivedGifts.RemoveAsync(archivedPendingGift.Id, userId);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /** Create a copy of existing Gift but make it Active, keep archived entries */
        public async Task <BLLAppDTO.GiftBLL> ReactivateArchivedAsync(BLLAppDTO.ArchivedGiftBLL archivedGift, Guid userId)
            var targetGiftId   = archivedGift.GiftId;
            var giftReceiverId = userId;
            var giftGiverId    = archivedGift.UserGiverId;

            // UserIds are mandatory for reactivating gift. Current user has to be receiver, not giver.
            if (userId == null || giftGiverId == null || giftGiverId == userId)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userId));
            // Check that target gift exists and status is archived
            var gift = Mapper.Map(await UOW.Gifts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(targetGiftId, giftReceiverId));

            if (gift == null || !gift.StatusId.ToString().Equals(_archivedId))
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          $"Could not find archived Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} to reactivate");
            // Get corresponding ArchivedGift
            var archivedReceivedGift = await UOW.ArchivedGifts.GetReceivedByGiftIdAsync(targetGiftId, giftReceiverId);

            if (archivedReceivedGift == null || giftGiverId != archivedReceivedGift.UserGiverId)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Could not find archived Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} to reactivate");
            // Keep the archive entry but create a new copy of it in Active status
            var activeGift = await AddNewGiftBasedOnArchivedEntry(Mapper.MapArchivedGiftDALToResponse(archivedReceivedGift), giftReceiverId);

            if (activeGift == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Could not reactivate Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} - data insertion fail");

            // // Remove ArchivedGift
            // await UOW.ArchivedGifts.RemoveAsync(archivedPendingGift, giftReceiverId);

            // Update gift's status to Active
            // var activeGift = await UpdateGiftStatusToActive(gift, giftReceiverId);
            // return activeGift;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /** Change ArchivedGift to isConfirmed */
        public async Task <BLLAppDTO.GiftBLL> ConfirmPendingArchivedAsync(BLLAppDTO.ArchivedGiftBLL archivedGift, Guid userId)
            var targetGiftId   = archivedGift.GiftId;
            var giftReceiverId = userId;
            var giftGiverId    = archivedGift.UserGiverId;

            // UserIds are mandatory for archiving pending gift. Current user has to be receiver, not giver.
            if (userId == null || giftGiverId == null || giftGiverId == userId)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userId));
            // Check that target gift exists and status is archived
            var gift = Mapper.Map(await UOW.Gifts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(targetGiftId, giftReceiverId));

            if (gift == null || !gift.StatusId.ToString().Equals(_archivedId))
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          $"Could not find pending Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} to confirm archival");

            // Get corresponding ArchivedGift
            var archivedPendingGift = await UOW.ArchivedGifts.GetPendingReceivedByGiftIdAsync(targetGiftId, userId);

            if (archivedPendingGift == null || giftGiverId != archivedPendingGift.UserGiverId)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Could not find pending archived Gift {targetGiftId.ToString()} to confirm archival");
            // UPDATE ArchivedGift to confirmed status
            archivedPendingGift.IsConfirmed = true;
            var confirmedArchivedGift = Mapper.MapArchivedGiftDALToResponse(await UOW.ArchivedGifts.UpdateAsync(archivedPendingGift, giftReceiverId));

            if (confirmedArchivedGift == null || confirmedArchivedGift.IsConfirmed == false)
                return(null !);
            // Include new data regarding reservation in response
            gift.IsArchivalConfirmed = confirmedArchivedGift.IsConfirmed; // should be 'true'
            gift.ArchivedFrom        = confirmedArchivedGift.DateArchived;
            gift.UserGiverId         = confirmedArchivedGift.UserGiverId;
            gift.UserGiverName       = archivedPendingGift.UserGiver?.FullName;