Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the query manager for a character.
        /// </summary>
        public QueryManager(Entity characterBody, CharacterContactCategorizer contactCategorizer)
            this.characterBody      = characterBody;
            this.contactCategorizer = contactCategorizer;

            SupportRayFilter = SupportRayFilterFunction;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new step manager for a character.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="characterBody">The character's body.</param>
 /// <param name="contactCategorizer">Contact categorizer used by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="supportFinder">Support finder used by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="queryManager">Query provider to use in checking for obstructions.</param>
 /// <param name="horizontalMotionConstraint">Horizontal motion constraint used by the character. Source of 3d movement direction.</param>
 public StepManager(Cylinder characterBody, CharacterContactCategorizer contactCategorizer, SupportFinder supportFinder, QueryManager queryManager, HorizontalMotionConstraint horizontalMotionConstraint)
     this.characterBody         = characterBody;
     currentQueryObject         = new ConvexCollidable <CylinderShape>(characterBody.CollisionInformation.Shape);
     ContactCategorizer         = contactCategorizer;
     SupportFinder              = supportFinder;
     QueryManager               = queryManager;
     HorizontalMotionConstraint = horizontalMotionConstraint;
     //The minimum step height is just barely above where the character would generally find the ground.
     //This helps avoid excess tests.
     minimumUpStepHeight = CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration * 1.1f;// Math.Max(0, -.01f + character.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin * (1 - character.SupportFinder.sinMaximumSlope));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new character controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Initial position of the character.</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the character body while standing.</param>
        /// <param name="crouchingHeight">Height of the character body while crouching.</param>
        /// <param name="proneHeight">Height of the character body while prone.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="margin">Radius of 'rounding' applied to the cylindrical body. Higher values make the cylinder's edges more rounded.
        /// The margin is contained within the cylinder's height and radius, so it must not exceed the radius or height of the cylinder.
        /// To change the collision margin later, use the CharacterController.CollisionMargin property.</param>
        /// <param name="mass">Mass of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumTractionSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can maintain traction on.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumSupportSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can consider a support.</param>
        /// <param name="standingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while crouching with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="crouchingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while crouching with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="proneSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while prone with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="tractionForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which provides traction.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while on a support that does not provide traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which does not provide traction</param>
        /// <param name="airSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move with no support.
        /// The character will not be decelerated while airborne.</param>
        /// <param name="airForce">Maximum force that the character can apply with no support.</param>
        /// <param name="jumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps</param>
        /// <param name="slidingJumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps without traction</param>
        /// <param name="maximumGlueForce">Maximum force the vertical motion constraint is allowed to apply in an attempt to keep the character on the ground.</param>
        public CharacterController(
            Vector3 position           = new Vector3(),
            float height               = 1.7f, float crouchingHeight = 1.7f * .7f, float proneHeight = 1.7f * 0.3f, float radius = 0.6f, float margin = 0.1f, float mass = 10f,
            float maximumTractionSlope = 0.8f, float maximumSupportSlope = 1.3f,
            float standingSpeed        = 8f, float crouchingSpeed     = 3f, float proneSpeed = 1.5f, float tractionForce = 1000, float slidingSpeed = 6, float slidingForce = 50, float airSpeed = 1, float airForce = 250,
            float jumpSpeed            = 4.5f, float slidingJumpSpeed = 3,
            float maximumGlueForce     = 5000
            if (margin > radius || margin > crouchingHeight || margin > height)
                throw new ArgumentException("Margin must not be larger than the character's radius or height.");

            Body = new Cylinder(position, height, radius, mass);
            Body.IgnoreShapeChanges = true; //Wouldn't want inertia tensor recomputations to occur when crouching and such.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin = margin;
            //Making the character a continuous object prevents it from flying through walls which would be pretty jarring from a player's perspective.
            Body.PositionUpdateMode        = PositionUpdateMode.Continuous;
            Body.LocalInertiaTensorInverse = new Matrix3x3();
            //TODO: In v0.16.2, compound bodies would override the material properties that get set in the CreatingPair event handler.
            //In a future version where this is changed, change this to conceptually minimally required CreatingPair.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Events.DetectingInitialCollision += RemoveFriction;
            Body.LinearDamping         = 0;
            ContactCategorizer         = new CharacterContactCategorizer(maximumTractionSlope, maximumSupportSlope);
            QueryManager               = new QueryManager(Body, ContactCategorizer);
            SupportFinder              = new SupportFinder(Body, QueryManager, ContactCategorizer);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint = new HorizontalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint.PositionAnchorDistanceThreshold = radius * 0.25f;
            VerticalMotionConstraint = new VerticalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder, maximumGlueForce);
            StepManager   = new StepManager(Body, ContactCategorizer, SupportFinder, QueryManager, HorizontalMotionConstraint);
            StanceManager = new StanceManager(Body, crouchingHeight, proneHeight, QueryManager, SupportFinder);
            PairLocker    = new CharacterPairLocker(Body);

            StandingSpeed    = standingSpeed;
            CrouchingSpeed   = crouchingSpeed;
            ProneSpeed       = proneSpeed;
            TractionForce    = tractionForce;
            SlidingSpeed     = slidingSpeed;
            SlidingForce     = slidingForce;
            AirSpeed         = airSpeed;
            AirForce         = airForce;
            JumpSpeed        = jumpSpeed;
            SlidingJumpSpeed = slidingJumpSpeed;

            //Enable multithreading for the characters.
            IsUpdatedSequentially = false;
            //Link the character body to the character controller so that it can be identified by the locker.
            //Any object which replaces this must implement the ICharacterTag for locking to work properly.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Tag = new CharacterSynchronizer(Body);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new character controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Initial position of the character.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="mass">Mass of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumTractionSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can maintain traction on.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumSupportSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can consider a support.</param>
        /// <param name="speed">Speed at which the character will try to move while crouching with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="tractionForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which provides traction.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while on a support that does not provide traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which does not provide traction</param>
        /// <param name="airSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move with no support.
        /// The character will not be decelerated while airborne.</param>
        /// <param name="airForce">Maximum force that the character can apply with no support.</param>
        /// <param name="jumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps</param>
        /// <param name="slidingJumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps without traction</param>
        /// <param name="maximumGlueForce">Maximum force the vertical motion constraint is allowed to apply in an attempt to keep the character on the ground.</param>
        public SphereCharacterController(
            Vector3 position           = new Vector3(),
            float radius               = .85f, float mass = 10f,
            float maximumTractionSlope = 0.8f, float maximumSupportSlope = 1.3f,
            float speed            = 8f, float tractionForce      = 1000, float slidingSpeed = 6, float slidingForce = 50, float airSpeed = 1, float airForce = 250,
            float jumpSpeed        = 4.5f, float slidingJumpSpeed = 3,
            float maximumGlueForce = 5000)
            Body = new Sphere(position, radius, mass);
            Body.IgnoreShapeChanges = true; //Wouldn't want inertia tensor recomputations to occur if the shape changes.
            //Making the character a continuous object prevents it from flying through walls which would be pretty jarring from a player's perspective.
            Body.PositionUpdateMode        = PositionUpdateMode.Continuous;
            Body.LocalInertiaTensorInverse = new Matrix3x3();
            //TODO: In v0.16.2, compound bodies would override the material properties that get set in the CreatingPair event handler.
            //In a future version where this is changed, change this to conceptually minimally required CreatingPair.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Events.DetectingInitialCollision += RemoveFriction;
            Body.LinearDamping         = 0;
            ContactCategorizer         = new CharacterContactCategorizer(maximumTractionSlope, maximumSupportSlope);
            QueryManager               = new QueryManager(Body, ContactCategorizer);
            SupportFinder              = new SupportFinder(Body, QueryManager, ContactCategorizer);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint = new HorizontalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint.PositionAnchorDistanceThreshold = (3f / 17f) * radius;
            VerticalMotionConstraint = new VerticalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder, maximumGlueForce);
            PairLocker = new CharacterPairLocker(Body);

            Speed            = speed;
            TractionForce    = tractionForce;
            SlidingSpeed     = slidingSpeed;
            SlidingForce     = slidingForce;
            AirSpeed         = airSpeed;
            AirForce         = airForce;
            JumpSpeed        = jumpSpeed;
            SlidingJumpSpeed = slidingJumpSpeed;

            //Enable multithreading for the sphere characters.
            //See the bottom of the Update method for more information about using multithreading with this character.
            IsUpdatedSequentially = false;

            //Link the character body to the character controller so that it can be identified by the locker.
            //Any object which replaces this must implement the ICharacterTag for locking to work properly.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Tag = new CharacterSynchronizer(Body);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new support finder.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="characterBody">Body entity used by the character.</param>
 /// <param name="queryManager">Query provider used by the character. Used to perform ray cast tests against the character's near environment.</param>
 /// <param name="contactCategorizer">Contact categorizer to use.</param>
 public SupportFinder(Entity characterBody, QueryManager queryManager, CharacterContactCategorizer contactCategorizer)
     this.characterBody = characterBody;
     QueryManager       = queryManager;
     ContactCategorizer = contactCategorizer;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new character controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Initial position of the character.</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the character body while standing.</param>
        /// <param name="crouchingHeight">Height of the character body while crouching.</param>
        /// <param name="proneHeight">Height of the character body while prone.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="margin">Radius of 'rounding' applied to the cylindrical body. Higher values make the cylinder's edges more rounded.
        /// The margin is contained within the cylinder's height and radius, so it must not exceed the radius or height of the cylinder.
        /// To change the collision margin later, use the CharacterController.CollisionMargin property.</param>
        /// <param name="mass">Mass of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumTractionSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can maintain traction on.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumSupportSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can consider a support.</param>
        /// <param name="standingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while crouching with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="crouchingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while crouching with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="proneSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while prone with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="tractionForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which provides traction.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while on a support that does not provide traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which does not provide traction</param>
        /// <param name="airSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move with no support.
        /// The character will not be decelerated while airborne.</param>
        /// <param name="airForce">Maximum force that the character can apply with no support.</param>
        /// <param name="jumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps</param>
        /// <param name="slidingJumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps without traction</param>
        /// <param name="maximumGlueForce">Maximum force the vertical motion constraint is allowed to apply in an attempt to keep the character on the ground.</param>
        public CharacterController(
            // Fix64 cannot be used for default parameters. As a workaround, make all parameters nullable and assign default values inside the constructor
            Vector3 position           = new Vector3(),
            Fix64?height               = null, Fix64?crouchingHeight = null, Fix64?proneHeight = null, Fix64?radius = null, Fix64?margin = null, Fix64?mass = null,
            Fix64?maximumTractionSlope = null, Fix64?maximumSupportSlope = null,
            Fix64?standingSpeed        = null, Fix64?crouchingSpeed      = null, Fix64?proneSpeed = null, Fix64?tractionForce = null, Fix64?slidingSpeed = null, Fix64?slidingForce = null, Fix64?airSpeed = null, Fix64?airForce = null,
            Fix64?jumpSpeed            = null, Fix64?slidingJumpSpeed = null,
            Fix64?maximumGlueForce     = null
            if (height == null)
                height = (Fix64)1.7m;
            if (crouchingHeight == null)
                crouchingHeight = (Fix64)(1.7m * .7m);
            if (proneHeight == null)
                proneHeight = (Fix64)(1.7m * 0.3m);
            if (radius == null)
                radius = (Fix64)0.6m;
            if (margin == null)
                margin = (Fix64)0.1m;
            if (mass == null)
                mass = 10;
            if (maximumTractionSlope == null)
                maximumTractionSlope = (Fix64)0.8m;
            if (maximumSupportSlope == null)
                maximumSupportSlope = (Fix64)1.3m;
            if (standingSpeed == null)
                standingSpeed = 8;
            if (crouchingSpeed == null)
                crouchingSpeed = 3;
            if (proneSpeed == null)
                proneSpeed = (Fix64)1.5m;
            if (tractionForce == null)
                tractionForce = 1000;
            if (slidingSpeed == null)
                slidingSpeed = 6;
            if (slidingForce == null)
                slidingForce = 50;
            if (airSpeed == null)
                airSpeed = 1;
            if (airForce == null)
                airForce = 250;
            if (jumpSpeed == null)
                jumpSpeed = (Fix64)4.5m;
            if (slidingJumpSpeed == null)
                slidingJumpSpeed = 3;
            if (maximumGlueForce == null)
                maximumGlueForce = 5000;

            if (margin > radius || margin > crouchingHeight || margin > height)
                throw new ArgumentException("Margin must not be larger than the character's radius or height.");

            Body = new Cylinder(position, (Fix64)height, (Fix64)radius, (Fix64)mass);
            Body.IgnoreShapeChanges = true; //Wouldn't want inertia tensor recomputations to occur when crouching and such.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.CollisionMargin = (Fix64)margin;
            //Making the character a continuous object prevents it from flying through walls which would be pretty jarring from a player's perspective.
            Body.PositionUpdateMode        = PositionUpdateMode.Continuous;
            Body.LocalInertiaTensorInverse = new Matrix3x3();
            //TODO: In v0.16.2, compound bodies would override the material properties that get set in the CreatingPair event handler.
            //In a future version where this is changed, change this to conceptually minimally required CreatingPair.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Events.DetectingInitialCollision += RemoveFriction;
            Body.LinearDamping         = F64.C0;
            ContactCategorizer         = new CharacterContactCategorizer((Fix64)maximumTractionSlope, (Fix64)maximumSupportSlope);
            QueryManager               = new QueryManager(Body, ContactCategorizer);
            SupportFinder              = new SupportFinder(Body, QueryManager, ContactCategorizer);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint = new HorizontalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint.PositionAnchorDistanceThreshold = (Fix64)radius * F64.C0p25;
            VerticalMotionConstraint = new VerticalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder, (Fix64)maximumGlueForce);
            StepManager   = new StepManager(Body, ContactCategorizer, SupportFinder, QueryManager, HorizontalMotionConstraint);
            StanceManager = new StanceManager(Body, (Fix64)crouchingHeight, (Fix64)proneHeight, QueryManager, SupportFinder);
            PairLocker    = new CharacterPairLocker(Body);

            StandingSpeed    = (Fix64)standingSpeed;
            CrouchingSpeed   = (Fix64)crouchingSpeed;
            ProneSpeed       = (Fix64)proneSpeed;
            TractionForce    = (Fix64)tractionForce;
            SlidingSpeed     = (Fix64)slidingSpeed;
            SlidingForce     = (Fix64)slidingForce;
            AirSpeed         = (Fix64)airSpeed;
            AirForce         = (Fix64)airForce;
            JumpSpeed        = (Fix64)jumpSpeed;
            SlidingJumpSpeed = (Fix64)slidingJumpSpeed;

            //Enable multithreading for the characters.
            IsUpdatedSequentially = false;
            //Link the character body to the character controller so that it can be identified by the locker.
            //Any object which replaces this must implement the ICharacterTag for locking to work properly.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Tag = new CharacterSynchronizer(Body);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new character controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Initial position of the character.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="mass">Mass of the character body.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumTractionSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can maintain traction on.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumSupportSlope">Steepest slope, in radians, that the character can consider a support.</param>
        /// <param name="speed">Speed at which the character will try to move while crouching with a support that provides traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="tractionForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which provides traction.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move while on a support that does not provide traction.
        /// Relative velocities with a greater magnitude will be decelerated.</param>
        /// <param name="slidingForce">Maximum force that the character can apply while on a support which does not provide traction</param>
        /// <param name="airSpeed">Speed at which the character will try to move with no support.
        /// The character will not be decelerated while airborne.</param>
        /// <param name="airForce">Maximum force that the character can apply with no support.</param>
        /// <param name="jumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps</param>
        /// <param name="slidingJumpSpeed">Speed at which the character leaves the ground when it jumps without traction</param>
        /// <param name="maximumGlueForce">Maximum force the vertical motion constraint is allowed to apply in an attempt to keep the character on the ground.</param>
        public SphereCharacterController(
            // Fix64 cannot be used for default parameters. As a workaround, make all parameters nullable and assign default values inside the constructor
            Vector3 position           = new Vector3(),
            Fix64?radius               = null, Fix64?mass = null,
            Fix64?maximumTractionSlope = null, Fix64?maximumSupportSlope = null,
            Fix64?speed            = null, Fix64?tractionForce    = null, Fix64?slidingSpeed = null, Fix64?slidingForce = null, Fix64?airSpeed = null, Fix64?airForce = null,
            Fix64?jumpSpeed        = null, Fix64?slidingJumpSpeed = null,
            Fix64?maximumGlueForce = null)
            if (radius == null)
                radius = (Fix64).85m;
            if (mass == null)
                mass = 10;
            if (maximumTractionSlope == null)
                maximumTractionSlope = (Fix64)0.8m;
            if (maximumSupportSlope == null)
                maximumSupportSlope = (Fix64)1.3m;
            if (speed == null)
                speed = 8;
            if (tractionForce == null)
                tractionForce = 1000;
            if (slidingSpeed == null)
                slidingSpeed = 6;
            if (slidingForce == null)
                slidingForce = 50;
            if (airSpeed == null)
                airSpeed = 1;
            if (airForce == null)
                airForce = 250;
            if (jumpSpeed == 0)
                jumpSpeed = (Fix64)4.5m;
            if (slidingJumpSpeed == null)
                slidingJumpSpeed = 3;
            if (maximumGlueForce == null)
                maximumGlueForce = 5000;

            Body = new Sphere(position, (Fix64)radius, (Fix64)mass);
            Body.IgnoreShapeChanges = true; //Wouldn't want inertia tensor recomputations to occur if the shape changes.
            //Making the character a continuous object prevents it from flying through walls which would be pretty jarring from a player's perspective.
            Body.PositionUpdateMode        = PositionUpdateMode.Continuous;
            Body.LocalInertiaTensorInverse = new Matrix3x3();
            //TODO: In v0.16.2, compound bodies would override the material properties that get set in the CreatingPair event handler.
            //In a future version where this is changed, change this to conceptually minimally required CreatingPair.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Events.DetectingInitialCollision += RemoveFriction;
            Body.LinearDamping         = F64.C0;
            ContactCategorizer         = new CharacterContactCategorizer((Fix64)maximumTractionSlope, (Fix64)maximumSupportSlope);
            QueryManager               = new QueryManager(Body, ContactCategorizer);
            SupportFinder              = new SupportFinder(Body, QueryManager, ContactCategorizer);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint = new HorizontalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder);
            HorizontalMotionConstraint.PositionAnchorDistanceThreshold = (Fix64)(3m / 17m) * (Fix64)radius;
            VerticalMotionConstraint = new VerticalMotionConstraint(Body, SupportFinder, (Fix64)maximumGlueForce);
            PairLocker = new CharacterPairLocker(Body);

            Speed            = (Fix64)speed;
            TractionForce    = (Fix64)tractionForce;
            SlidingSpeed     = (Fix64)slidingSpeed;
            SlidingForce     = (Fix64)slidingForce;
            AirSpeed         = (Fix64)airSpeed;
            AirForce         = (Fix64)airForce;
            JumpSpeed        = (Fix64)jumpSpeed;
            SlidingJumpSpeed = (Fix64)slidingJumpSpeed;

            //Enable multithreading for the sphere characters.
            //See the bottom of the Update method for more information about using multithreading with this character.
            IsUpdatedSequentially = false;

            //Link the character body to the character controller so that it can be identified by the locker.
            //Any object which replaces this must implement the ICharacterTag for locking to work properly.
            Body.CollisionInformation.Tag = new CharacterSynchronizer(Body);