Exemplo n.º 1
        public static (int tileId, List <Tile> tiles) GetTiles(int tileId, NpgsqlConnection conn, double extentTile, string geometryTable, string geometryColumn, BoundingBox3D box3d, int epsg, int currentLod, List <int> lods, double[] geometricErrors, string lodcolumn = "", string query = "")
            var tiles = new List <Tile>();

            var xrange = (int)Math.Ceiling(box3d.ExtentX() / extentTile);
            var yrange = (int)Math.Ceiling(box3d.ExtentY() / extentTile);

            for (var x = 0; x < xrange; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < yrange; y++)
                    if (currentLod == 0)
                        var perc = Math.Round((double)counter / (xrange * yrange) * 100, 2);
                        Console.Write($"\rcreating quadtree: {counter}/{xrange * yrange} - {perc:F}%");

                    var lodQuery    = LodQuery.GetLodQuery(lodcolumn, lods[currentLod]);
                    var from        = new Point(box3d.XMin + extentTile * x, box3d.YMin + extentTile * y);
                    var to          = new Point(box3d.XMin + extentTile * (x + 1), box3d.YMin + extentTile * (y + 1));
                    var hasFeatures = BoundingBoxRepository.HasFeaturesInBox(conn, geometryTable, geometryColumn, from, to, epsg, lodQuery, query);
                    if (hasFeatures)
                        var tile = new Tile(tileId, new BoundingBox((double)from.X, (double)from.Y, (double)to.X, (double)to.Y))
                            Lod            = lods[currentLod],
                            GeometricError = geometricErrors[currentLod]
                        if (currentLod < lods.Count - 1)
                            var newBox3d  = new BoundingBox3D((double)from.X, (double)from.Y, (double)box3d.FromPoint().Z, (double)to.X, (double)to.Y, (double)box3d.ToPoint().Z);
                            var new_tiles = GetTiles(tileId, conn, extentTile / 2, geometryTable, geometryColumn, newBox3d, epsg, currentLod + 1, lods, geometricErrors, lodcolumn, query);
                            tile.Children = new_tiles.tiles;
                            tileId        = new_tiles.tileId;
            return(tileId, tiles);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <GeometryRecord> GetGeometrySubset(NpgsqlConnection conn, string geometry_table, string geometry_column, string idcolumn, double[] translation, Tile t, int epsg, string shaderColumn = "", string attributesColumn = "", string lodColumn = "")
            var geometries = new List <GeometryRecord>();
            var g          = GetGeometryColumn(geometry_column, translation);
            var sqlselect  = $"SELECT {idcolumn}, ST_AsBinary({g})";

            if (shaderColumn != String.Empty)
                sqlselect = $"{sqlselect}, {shaderColumn} ";
            if (attributesColumn != String.Empty)
                sqlselect = $"{sqlselect}, {attributesColumn} ";

            var sqlFrom = "FROM " + geometry_table;

            var lodQuery = LodQuery.GetLodQuery(lodColumn, t.Lod);
            var sqlWhere = $" WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_Centroid(ST_Envelope({ geometry_column})), ST_MakeEnvelope({ t.BoundingBox.XMin}, { t.BoundingBox.YMin}, { t.BoundingBox.XMax}, { t.BoundingBox.YMax}, { epsg})) and ST_GeometryType({ geometry_column}) = 'ST_PolyhedralSurface' { lodQuery}";

            var sql = sqlselect + sqlFrom + sqlWhere;

            var cmd                = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn);
            var reader             = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            var attributesColumnId = int.MinValue;
            var shadersColumnId    = int.MinValue;

            if (attributesColumn != String.Empty)
                attributesColumnId = FindField(reader, attributesColumn);
            if (shaderColumn != String.Empty)
                shadersColumnId = FindField(reader, shaderColumn);
            var batchId = 0;

            while (reader.Read())
                var id     = reader.GetString(0);
                var stream = reader.GetStream(1);

                var geom           = Geometry.Deserialize <WkbSerializer>(stream);
                var geometryRecord = new GeometryRecord(batchId)
                    Id = id, Geometry = geom

                if (shaderColumn != String.Empty)
                    var json = GetJson(reader, shadersColumnId);
                    geometryRecord.Shader = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ShaderColors>(json);
                if (attributesColumn != String.Empty)
                    geometryRecord.Attributes = GetColumnValuesAsList(reader, attributesColumnId);

