Exemplo n.º 1
        /* C R E A T E  N E W  W I N D O W */

        *       %%Function: CreateNewWindow
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogWindow.CreateNewWindow
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public static AzLogWindow CreateNewWindow(AzLogModel azlm, string sViewName, AzLogFilter azlf, ILogClient ilc)
            AzLogWindow azlw = new AzLogWindow();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sViewName))
                sViewName = "Default";

            azlw.m_azlv = new AzLogView(azlw);

            // propagate the filter values we were given into the textboxes on our window
            AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition azlfc;

            azlfc = azlf.Operations[0].Condition;
            if (azlfc.LHS.Source == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow && azlfc.Comparison == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Gte)
                azlw.m_ebStart.Text = azlfc.RHS.Dttm(null).ToLocalTime().ToString("MM/dd/yy HH:mm");

            azlfc = azlf.Operations[1].Condition;
            if (azlfc.LHS.Source == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow && azlfc.Comparison == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Lt)
                azlw.m_ebEnd.Text = azlfc.RHS.Dttm(null).ToLocalTime().ToString("MM/dd/yy HH:mm");

            azlw.m_ilc  = ilc;
            azlw.m_azlm = azlm;
            azlw.m_azlv.BuildView(azlw.m_azlm, new CompareLogEntryTickCount(azlw.m_azlm));
            // azlw.m_lvLog.VirtualListSize = azlw.m_azlv.Length;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /* C R E A T E  N E W  W I N D O W */
            %%Function: CreateNewWindow
            %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogWindow.CreateNewWindow
            %%Contact: rlittle

        public static AzLogWindow CreateNewWindow(AzLogModel azlm, string sViewName, AzLogFilter azlf, ILogClient ilc)
            AzLogWindow azlw = new AzLogWindow();

            azlw.m_azlv = new AzLogView(azlw);

            // propagate the filter values we were given into the textboxes on our window
            AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition azlfc;

            azlfc = azlf.Operations[0].Condition;
            if (azlfc.LHS.Source == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow && azlfc.Comparison == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Gte)
                azlw.m_ebStart.Text = azlfc.RHS.Dttm(null).ToString("MM/dd/yy HH:mm");

            azlfc = azlf.Operations[1].Condition;
            if (azlfc.LHS.Source == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow && azlfc.Comparison == AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Lt)
                azlw.m_ebEnd.Text = azlfc.RHS.Dttm(null).ToString("MM/dd/yy HH:mm");

            azlw.m_ilc = ilc;
            azlw.m_azlm = azlm;
            azlw.m_azlv.BuildView(azlw.m_azlm, new CompareLogEntryTickCount(azlw.m_azlm));

            azlw.m_lvLog.VirtualListSize = azlw.m_azlv.Length;

            return azlw;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /* A Z  E D I T  F I L T E R S */

        *       %%Function: AzEditFilters
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzEditFilters.AzEditFilters
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public AzEditFilters(AzLogFilter azlf)
            m_azlf = azlf;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /* S E T  F I L T E R */

        *       %%Function: SetFilter
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogView.SetFilter
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public void SetFilter(AzLogFilter azlf)
            m_azlf = azlf;
            if (m_pliale != null && m_pliale.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /* D O  E D I T  R E M O V E  F I L T E R S */

        *       %%Function: DoEditRemoveFilters
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogWindow.DoEditRemoveFilters
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        private void DoEditRemoveFilters(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AzLogFilter azlfNew = AzEditFilters.EditFilters(m_azlv.Filter.Clone());

            if (azlfNew != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
        /* C R E A T E  V I E W  F O R  C O L L E C T I O N */

        *       %%Function: CreateViewForCollection
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLog.CreateViewForCollection
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *   Create a window with the initial query parameters from this screen
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        private void CreateViewForCollection(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_azlm == null)
                m_azlm = new AzLogModel();

                // load all of our datasources and attach them
                foreach (IAzLogDatasource iazlds in m_azlc.Sources)
                    if (!iazlds.FOpen(null, s_sRegRoot))
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("couldn't open datasource {0}", iazlds.ToString()));


            // figure out the timespan being requested
            DateTime dttmMin, dttmMac;

            if (m_cbAllDates.Checked)
                if (!m_azlm.FGetMinMacDateRange(out dttmMin, out dttmMac))
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot automatically set date range -- this option only works when at least one datasource is a file. Setting date range to today.");

                    dttmMin = DateTime.Today;
                    dttmMac = dttmMin.AddDays(1);
                AzLogModel.FillMinMacFromStartEnd(m_ebStart.Text, m_ebEnd.Text, out dttmMin, out dttmMac);

            AzLogFilter azlf = new AzLogFilter();

            // create a basic filter based on the range they asked for
            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil,
                                                          AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Gte, dttmMin));
            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil,
                                                          AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Lt, dttmMac));

            AzLogWindow azlw = AzLogWindow.CreateNewWindow(m_azlm, m_azlc.DefaultView, azlf, this);



            // we don't know what partition we're going to find this data in, so launch a query
            // from the first partition for this date range
            //m_azlm.FFetchPartitionsForDateRange(dttmMin, nHourMin, dttmMac, nHourMac);
            m_azlm.FFetchPartitionsForDateRange(dttmMin, dttmMac);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void TestAzLogFilterSingle()
            AzLogFilter azlf = new AzLogFilter();
            TestAzLogFilterValueMock mock = new TestAzLogFilterValueMock();

            mock.m_mpColumnValue = new Dictionary <AzLogEntry.LogColumn, string>();
            mock.m_mpColumnValue.Add(AzLogEntry.LogColumn.AppName, "TestValue");

            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.String, AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.Column, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.AppName, AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Eq, "TestValue"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, azlf.FEvaluate(mock));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /* C L O N E */

        *       %%Function: Clone
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogFilter.Clone
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *   Do a deep clone of all the operations in this filter.
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public AzLogFilter Clone()
            AzLogFilter azlfNew = new AzLogFilter();

            foreach (AzLogFilterOperation azlfo in m_plazlfo)

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void TestAzLogFilterIdChange()
            AzLogFilter azlf   = new AzLogFilter();
            Guid        idSave = azlf.ID;

            Assert.AreEqual(idSave, azlf.ID);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(idSave, azlf.ID);
            idSave = azlf.ID;
            Assert.AreNotEqual(idSave, azlf.ID);
Exemplo n.º 10
        *       %%Function: CreateColorContext
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogWindow.CreateColorContext
        *   we're going to get called for the color item, so the parent of this item
        *   should have our tag
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        private void CreateColorContext(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripMenuItem subMenuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;
            ToolStripMenuItem menuItem    = colorThisToolStripMenuItem;

            ContextMenuContext cmc = (ContextMenuContext)(menuItem).Tag;

            AzLogFilter filter = new AzLogFilter();

            filter.Add(new AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.String, AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.Column, cmc.lc, AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Eq, cmc.azle.GetColumn(cmc.lc)));
            m_azlv.AddColorFilter(filter, subMenuItem.BackColor, subMenuItem.ForeColor);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void TestAzLogFilterDateRange(string sDttmRow, AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp cmpop1, String sCmp1, AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp cmpop2, string sCmp2,
                                                    bool fExpected)
            AzLogFilter azlf = new AzLogFilter();
            TestAzLogFilterValueMock mock = new TestAzLogFilterValueMock();

            mock.m_dttmRow = DateTime.Parse(sDttmRow);

            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil, cmpop1, DateTime.Parse(sCmp1)));
            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil, cmpop2, DateTime.Parse(sCmp2)));

            Assert.AreEqual(fExpected, azlf.FEvaluate(mock));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void TestMessageSplit(string sPartition, string sMessage, string[] rgsExpected)
            AzLogModel azlm = new AzLogModel();

            m_azlf = new AzLogFilter(); // just get a default empty one

            azlm.AddTestDataPartition(DateTime.Parse(sPartition), new Int64[] { 10 }, new string[] { sMessage });

            BuildView(azlm, new CompareLogEntryTickCount(azlm));

            AzLogEntry azle = AzleItem(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[0], azle.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[1], azle.Message0);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[2], azle.Message1);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[3], azle.Message2);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[4], azle.Message3);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[5], azle.Message4);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[6], azle.Message5);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[7], azle.Message6);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[8], azle.Message7);
            Assert.AreEqual(rgsExpected[9], azle.Message8);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void DoFetchLogEntries(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // figure out the timespan being requested
            DateTime dttmMin, dttmMac;

            AzLogModel.FillMinMacFromStartEnd(m_ebStart.Text, m_ebEnd.Text, out dttmMin, out dttmMac);

            AzLogFilter azlf = new AzLogFilter();

            // create a basic filter based on the range they asked for
            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil,
                                                          AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Gte, dttmMin));
            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil,
                                                          AzLogFilter.AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Lt, dttmMac));

            AzLogWindow azlw = AzLogWindow.CreateNewWindow(m_azlm, m_sDefaultView, azlf, this);



            // we don't know what partition we're going to find this data in, so launch a query
            // from the first partition for this date range
            //m_azlm.FFetchPartitionsForDateRange(dttmMin, nHourMin, dttmMac, nHourMac);
            m_azlm.FFetchPartitionsForDateRange(dttmMin, dttmMac);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void TestAzLogFilterDateRange(string sDttmRow, AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp cmpop1, String sCmp1, AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp cmpop2, string sCmp2,
            bool fExpected)
            AzLogFilter azlf = new AzLogFilter();
            TestAzLogFilterValueMock mock = new TestAzLogFilterValueMock();
            mock.m_dttmRow = DateTime.Parse(sDttmRow);

            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil, cmpop1, DateTime.Parse(sCmp1)));
            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.DateTime, AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.DttmRow, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.Nil, cmpop2, DateTime.Parse(sCmp2)));

            Assert.AreEqual(fExpected, azlf.FEvaluate(mock));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void TestAzLogFilterSingle()
            AzLogFilter azlf = new AzLogFilter();
            TestAzLogFilterValueMock mock = new TestAzLogFilterValueMock();
            mock.m_mpColumnValue = new Dictionary<AzLogEntry.LogColumn, string>();
            mock.m_mpColumnValue.Add(AzLogEntry.LogColumn.AppName, "TestValue");

            azlf.Add(new AzLogFilterCondition(AzLogFilterValue.ValueType.String, AzLogFilterValue.DataSource.Column, AzLogEntry.LogColumn.AppName, AzLogFilterCondition.CmpOp.Eq, "TestValue"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, azlf.FEvaluate(mock));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static void TestAzLogFilterIdChange()
            AzLogFilter azlf = new AzLogFilter();
            Guid idSave = azlf.ID;

            Assert.AreEqual(idSave, azlf.ID);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(idSave, azlf.ID);
            idSave = azlf.ID;
            Assert.AreNotEqual(idSave, azlf.ID);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /* F  E D I T  F I L T E R S */

        *       %%Function: EditFilters
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzEditFilters.EditFilters
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public static AzLogFilter EditFilters(AzLogFilter azlf)
            AzEditFilters azef = new AzEditFilters(azlf.Clone());

            return(azef.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK ? azef.Filters : null);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public AzColorFilter()
     Filter    = new AzLogFilter();
     BackColor = Color.White;
     ForeColor = Color.Black;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void AddColorFilter(AzLogFilter azlf, Color colorBack, Color colorFore)
     m_colorFilters.Add(new AzColorFilter(azlf, colorBack, colorFore));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public AzColorFilter(AzLogFilter filter, Color colorBack, Color colorFore)
     Filter    = filter;
     BackColor = colorBack;
     ForeColor = colorFore;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /* S E T  F I L T E R */
            %%Function: SetFilter
            %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogView.SetFilter
            %%Contact: rlittle

        public void SetFilter(AzLogFilter azlf)
            m_azlf = azlf;
            if (m_pliale != null && m_pliale.Count > 0)