A 'canvas' which can receive the results of a rendering operation.
This abstract class defines a common root to all targets of rendering operations. A render target could be a window on a screen, or another offscreen surface like a render texture.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Exemplo n.º 1
		internal GLPBRTTManager( BaseGLSupport glSupport, RenderTarget target )
			: base( glSupport )
			_glSupport = glSupport;
			_mainWindow = target;

			_mainGLContext = (GLContext)target.GetCustomAttribute( "GLCONTEXT" );
Exemplo n.º 2
		public override void Unbind( RenderTarget target )
			// copy on unbind
			object attr = target.GetCustomAttribute( "target" );
			if ( attr != null )
				GLSurfaceDesc surface = (GLSurfaceDesc)attr;
				if ( surface.Buffer != null )
					( (GLTextureBuffer)surface.Buffer ).CopyFromFrameBuffer( surface.ZOffset );
Exemplo n.º 3
		public override void Unbind( RenderTarget target )
			// Copy on unbind
			GLESSurfaceDescription surface;
			surface.Buffer = null;
			surface = (GLESSurfaceDescription) target[ "TARGET" ];
			if ( surface.Buffer != null )
				( (GLESTextureBuffer) surface.Buffer ).CopyFromFramebuffer( surface.ZOffset );
Exemplo n.º 4
		public override void CopyContentsToMemory( PixelBox dst, RenderTarget.FrameBuffer buffer )
			if ( buffer == FrameBuffer.Auto )
				buffer = FrameBuffer.Front;
			if ( buffer != FrameBuffer.Front )
				throw new Exception( "Invalid buffer." );

			pixelBuffer.BlitToMemory( dst );
        private void InitializeContext(RenderTarget primary)
            // Set main and current context
            _mainContext = (GLContext)primary["GLCONTEXT"];
            _currentContext = _mainContext;

            // Set primary context as active
            if (_currentContext != null)

            // Setup GLSupport

            LogManager.Instance.Write("*** GL Renderer Started ***");

Exemplo n.º 6
		public CompositeTargetOperation( RenderTarget target )
			RenderQueues = new BitArray( (int)RenderQueueGroupID.Count );
			Target = target;
			CurrentQueueGroupId = 0;
			RenderSystemOperations = new List<CompositorInstance.QueueIDAndOperation>();
			VisibilityMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
			LodBias = 1.0f;
			OnlyInitial = false;
			HasBeenRendered = false;
			FindVisibleObjects = false;
			// This fixes an issue, but seems to be wrong for some reason.
			MaterialScheme = string.Empty;
			ShadowsEnabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
		public void CopyContentsToMemory( D3D9RenderWindow renderWindow, PixelBox dst, RenderTarget.FrameBuffer buffer )
			var resources = this._mapRenderWindowToResources[ renderWindow ];
			var swapChain = IsSwapChainWindow( renderWindow );

			if ( ( dst.Left < 0 ) || ( dst.Right > renderWindow.Width ) || ( dst.Top < 0 ) ||
			     ( dst.Bottom > renderWindow.Height ) || ( dst.Front != 0 ) || ( dst.Back != 1 ) )
				throw new AxiomException( "Invalid box." );

			var desc = new D3D9.SurfaceDescription();
			DX.DataRectangle lockedRect;
			D3D9.Surface pTempSurf = null, pSurf = null;

			if ( buffer == RenderTarget.FrameBuffer.Auto )
				buffer = RenderTarget.FrameBuffer.Front;

			if ( buffer == RenderTarget.FrameBuffer.Front )
				var dm = this.pDevice.GetDisplayMode( 0 );

				desc.Width = dm.Width;
				desc.Height = dm.Height;
				desc.Format = D3D9.Format.A8R8G8B8;

				pTempSurf = D3D9.Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain( this.pDevice, desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format,
				                                               D3D9.Pool.SystemMemory );

					if ( swapChain )
						resources.SwapChain.GetFrontBufferData( pTempSurf );
						pTempSurf = this.pDevice.GetFrontBufferData( 0 );
				catch ( DX.SharpDXException ex )
					throw new AxiomException( "Can't get front buffer: {0}", ex.Message );

				if ( renderWindow.IsFullScreen )
						if ( ( dst.Left == 0 ) && ( dst.Right == renderWindow.Width ) && ( dst.Top == 0 ) &&
						     ( dst.Bottom == renderWindow.Height ) )
							lockedRect = pTempSurf.LockRectangle( D3D9.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D9.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
							var rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle( dst.Left, dst.Top, dst.Right - dst.Left, dst.Bottom - dst.Top );
							lockedRect = pTempSurf.LockRectangle( rect, D3D9.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D9.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
						throw new AxiomException( "Can't lock rect" );
					//GetClientRect(mHWnd, &srcRect);
					var srcRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle( dst.Left, dst.Top, dst.Right - dst.Left, dst.Bottom - dst.Top );
					var point = new System.Drawing.Point( srcRect.Left, srcRect.Top );

					point = System.Windows.Forms.Control.FromHandle( renderWindow.WindowHandle ).PointToScreen( point );

					srcRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle( point.X, point.Y, srcRect.Right + point.X - srcRect.Left,
					                                        srcRect.Bottom + point.Y - dst.Top );

					desc.Width = srcRect.Right - srcRect.Left;
					desc.Height = srcRect.Bottom - srcRect.Top;

						lockedRect = pTempSurf.LockRectangle( srcRect, D3D9.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D9.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
						throw new AxiomException( "Can't lock rect" );
				pSurf = swapChain ? resources.SwapChain.GetBackBuffer( 0 ) : this.pDevice.GetBackBuffer( 0, 0 );
				desc = pSurf.Description;

				pTempSurf = D3D9.Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain( this.pDevice, desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format,
				                                               D3D9.Pool.SystemMemory );

				if ( desc.MultiSampleType == D3D9.MultisampleType.None )
					var hr = this.pDevice.GetRenderTargetData( pSurf, pTempSurf );
					if ( hr.Failure )
						throw new AxiomException( "Can't get render target data" );
					var pStretchSurf = D3D9.Surface.CreateRenderTarget( this.pDevice, desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format,
					                                                    D3D9.MultisampleType.None, 0, false );
					var hr = this.pDevice.StretchRectangle( pSurf, pStretchSurf, D3D9.TextureFilter.None );
					if ( hr.Failure )
						throw new AxiomException( "Can't stretch rect" );

					hr = this.pDevice.GetRenderTargetData( pStretchSurf, pTempSurf );
					if ( hr.Failure )
						throw new AxiomException( "Can't get render target data" );


					if ( ( dst.Left == 0 ) && ( dst.Right == renderWindow.Width ) && ( dst.Top == 0 ) &&
					     ( dst.Bottom == renderWindow.Height ) )
						lockedRect = pTempSurf.LockRectangle( D3D9.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D9.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
						var rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle( dst.Left, dst.Top, dst.Right - dst.Left, dst.Bottom - dst.Top );
						lockedRect = pTempSurf.LockRectangle( rect, D3D9.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D9.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
					throw new AxiomException( "Can't lock rect" );

			var format = D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( desc.Format );

			if ( format == PixelFormat.Unknown )
				throw new AxiomException( "Unsupported format" );

			using ( var data = BufferBase.Wrap( lockedRect.DataPointer, lockedRect.Pitch*dst.Height ) )
				var src = new PixelBox( dst.Width, dst.Height, 1, format, data );
				src.RowPitch = lockedRect.Pitch/PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes( format );
				src.SlicePitch = desc.Height*src.RowPitch;

				PixelConverter.BulkPixelConversion( src, dst );

		public override void InitializeFromRenderSystemCapabilities( RenderSystemCapabilities caps, RenderTarget primary )
			if ( caps.RendersystemName != Name )
				throw new AxiomException(
					"Trying to initialize GLRenderSystem from RenderSystemCapabilities that do not support OpenGL" );

			// set texture the number of texture units
			this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits = caps.TextureUnitCount;

			//In GL there can be less fixed function texture units than general
			//texture units. Get the minimum of the two.
			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.FragmentPrograms ) )
				int maxTexCoords;
				Gl.glGetIntegerv( Gl.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB, out maxTexCoords );
				if ( this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits > maxTexCoords )
					this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits = maxTexCoords;

			/* Axiom: assume that OpenTK/Tao does this already
			 * otherwise we will need to use delegates for these gl calls ..
			if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.GL15NoVbo))
				// Assign ARB functions same to GL 1.5 version since
				// interface identical

				Gl.glBindBufferARB = Gl.glBindBuffer;
				Gl.glBufferDataARB = Gl.glBufferData;
				Gl.glBufferSubDataARB = Gl.glBufferSubData;
				Gl.glDeleteBuffersARB = Gl.glDeleteBuffers;
				Gl.glGenBuffersARB = Gl.glGenBuffers;
				Gl.glGetBufferParameterivARB = Gl.glGetBufferParameteriv;
				Gl.glGetBufferPointervARB = Gl.glGetBufferPointerv;
				Gl.glGetBufferSubDataARB = Gl.glGetBufferSubData;
				Gl.glIsBufferARB = Gl.glIsBuffer;
				Gl.glMapBufferARB = Gl.glMapBuffer;
				Gl.glUnmapBufferARB = Gl.glUnmapBuffer;

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.VertexBuffer ) )
				this._hardwareBufferManager = new GLHardwareBufferManager();
				this._hardwareBufferManager = new GLDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

			// XXX Need to check for nv2 support and make a program manager for it
			// XXX Probably nv1 as well for older cards
			// GPU Program Manager setup
			this.gpuProgramMgr = new GLGpuProgramManager();

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.VertexPrograms ) )
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "arbvp1" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "arbvp1", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "vp30" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "vp30", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "vp40" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "vp40", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gp4vp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gp4vp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gpu_vp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gpu_vp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.GeometryPrograms ) )
				//TODO : Should these be createGLArbGpuProgram or createGLGpuNVparseProgram?
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "nvgp4" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "nvgp4", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gp4gp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gp4gp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gpu_gp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gpu_gp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.FragmentPrograms ) )
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "fp20" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "fp20", new Nvidia.NvparseProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_4" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_4", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_3" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_3", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_2" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_2", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_1" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_1", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "arbfp1" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "arbfp1", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "fp40" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "fp40", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "fp30" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "fp30", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

			if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "glsl" ) )
				// NFZ - check for GLSL vertex and fragment shader support successful
				this._GLSLProgramFactory = new GLSL.GLSLProgramFactory();
				HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.AddFactory( this._GLSLProgramFactory );
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "GLSL support detected" );

			/* Axiom: assume that OpenTK/Tao does this already
			 * otherwise we will need to use delegates for these gl calls ..
			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareOcculusion ) )
				if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.GL15NoHardwareOcclusion ) )
					// Assign ARB functions same to GL 1.5 version since
					// interface identical
					Gl.glBeginQueryARB = Gl.glBeginQuery;
					Gl.glDeleteQueriesARB = Gl.glDeleteQueries;
					Gl.glEndQueryARB = Gl.glEndQuery;
					Gl.glGenQueriesARB = Gl.glGenQueries;
					Gl.glGetQueryObjectivARB = Gl.glGetQueryObjectiv;
					Gl.glGetQueryObjectuivARB = Gl.glGetQueryObjectuiv;
					Gl.glGetQueryivARB = Gl.glGetQueryiv;
					Gl.glIsQueryARB = Gl.glIsQuery;

			// Do this after extension function pointers are initialised as the extension
			// is used to probe further capabilities.
			ConfigOption cfi;
			var rttMode = 0;
			if ( ConfigOptions.TryGetValue( "RTT Preferred Mode", out cfi ) )
				if ( cfi.Value == "PBuffer" )
					rttMode = 1;
				else if ( cfi.Value == "Copy" )
					rttMode = 2;

			// Check for framebuffer object extension
			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects ) && rttMode < 1 )
				// Before GL version 2.0, we need to get one of the extensions
				//    GLEW_GET_FUN(__glewDrawBuffers) = Gl.glDrawBuffersARB;
				//else if(caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.FrameBufferObjectsATI))
				//    GLEW_GET_FUN(__glewDrawBuffers) = Gl.glDrawBuffersATI;

				if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
					// Create FBO manager
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Using GL_EXT_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)" );
					this.rttManager = new GLFBORTTManager( this._glSupport, false );
					caps.SetCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.RTTSeperateDepthBuffer );

					//TODO: Check if we're using OpenGL 3.0 and add RSC_RTT_DEPTHBUFFER_RESOLUTION_LESSEQUAL flag
				// Check GLSupport for PBuffer support
				if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.PBuffer ) && rttMode < 2 )
					if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
						// Use PBuffers
						this.rttManager = new GLPBRTTManager( this._glSupport, primary );
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Using PBuffers for rendering to textures" );

						//TODO: Depth buffer sharing in pbuffer is left unsupported
					// No pbuffer support either -- fallback to simplest copying from framebuffer
					this.rttManager = new GLCopyingRTTManager( this._glSupport );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Using framebuffer copy for rendering to textures (worst)" );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Warning: RenderTexture size is restricted to size of framebuffer. If you are on Linux, consider using GLX instead of SDL." );

					//Copy method uses the main depth buffer but no other depth buffer
					caps.SetCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.RTTMainDepthbufferAttachable );
					caps.SetCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.RTTDepthbufferResolutionLessEqual );

				// Downgrade number of simultaneous targets
				caps.MultiRenderTargetCount = 1;

			var defaultLog = LogManager.Instance.DefaultLog;
			if ( defaultLog != null )
				caps.Log( defaultLog );

			// Create the texture manager        
			textureManager = new GLTextureManager( this._glSupport );

			this._glInitialised = true;
Exemplo n.º 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Bind a certain render target if it is a FBO. If it is not a FBO, bind the main frame buffer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="target"></param>
		public override void Bind( RenderTarget target )
			/// Check if the render target is in the rendertarget->FBO map
			var fbo = (GLFrameBufferObject)target[ "FBO" ];
			if ( fbo != null )
				// Old style context (window/pbuffer) or copying render texture
				Gl.glBindFramebufferEXT( Gl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0 );
		public override void InitializeFromRenderSystemCapabilities( RenderSystemCapabilities caps, RenderTarget primary )
			if ( caps.RendersystemName != Name )
				throw new AxiomException(
					"Trying to initialize D3D9RenderSystem from RenderSystemCapabilities that do not support Direct3D9" );

			if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "hlsl" ) )
				HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.AddFactory( this._hlslProgramFactory );

			var defaultLog = LogManager.Instance.DefaultLog;

			if ( defaultLog != null )
				caps.Log( defaultLog );
Exemplo n.º 11
		/// <summary>
		///   Unbind a certain render target. This is called before binding another RenderTarget, and before the context is switched. It can be used to do a copy, or just be a noop if direct binding is used.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="target"> </param>
		public abstract void Unbind( RenderTarget target );
Exemplo n.º 12
		private void SetRenderTarget( RenderTarget target )
			Contract.RequiresNotNull( _rttManager, "_rttManager" );
			if ( activeViewport != null )
				_rttManager.Unbind( activeRenderTarget );

			activeRenderTarget = target;
			// Switch context if different from current one
			GLESContext newContext = null;
			newContext = (GLESContext)target[ "GLCONTEXT" ];
			if ( newContext != null && this._currentContext != newContext )
				SwitchContext( newContext );
			// Bind frame buffer object
			_rttManager.Bind( target );
Exemplo n.º 13
		public override RenderTarget DetachRenderTarget( RenderTarget target )
			return base.DetachRenderTarget( target );
 /// <summary>
 ///		Detaches the render target from this render system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">Reference to the render target to detach.</param>
 /// <returns>the render target that was detached</returns>
 public virtual RenderTarget DetachRenderTarget(RenderTarget target)
     // TODO: Remove prioritized render targets?
     return target;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public RenderTargetViewportEventArgs(RenderTarget source, Viewport viewport)
     : base(source)
     this.viewport = viewport;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public RenderTargetEventArgs(RenderTarget source)
     this.source = source;
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Create global rendertextures.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateGlobalTextures()
            if (this.supportedTechniques.Count == 0)

            //To make sure that we are consistent, it is demanded that all composition
            //techniques define the same set of global textures.
            var globalTextureNames = new List <string>();

            //Initialize global textures from first supported technique
            var firstTechnique = this.supportedTechniques[0];

            foreach (var def in firstTechnique.TextureDefinitions)
                if (def.Scope == CompositionTechnique.TextureScope.Global)
                    //Check that this is a legit global texture
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(def.ReferenceCompositorName))
                        throw new AxiomException("Global compositor texture definition can not be a reference.");

                    if (def.Width == 0 || def.Height == 0)
                        throw new AxiomException("Global compositor texture definition must have absolute size.");

                    if (def.Pooled)
                        LogManager.Instance.Write("Pooling global compositor textures has no effect", null);


                    //TODO GSOC : Heavy copy-pasting from CompositorInstance. How to we solve it?
                    // Make the tetxure
                    RenderTarget renderTarget = null;
                    if (def.PixelFormats.Count > 1)
                        var MRTBaseName = string.Format("c{0}/{1}/{2}", autoNumber++.ToString(), _name, def.Name);
                        var mrt         = Root.Instance.RenderSystem.CreateMultiRenderTarget(MRTBaseName);
                        this.globalMRTs.Add(def.Name, mrt);

                        // create and bind individual surfaces
                        var atch = 0;
                        foreach (var p in def.PixelFormats)
                            var texName = string.Format("{0}/{1}", MRTBaseName, atch.ToString());
                            var tex     = TextureManager.Instance.CreateManual(texName, ResourceGroupManager.InternalResourceGroupName,
                                                                               TextureType.TwoD, def.Width, def.Height, 0, 0, p,
                                                                               TextureUsage.RenderTarget, null,
                                                                               def.HwGammaWrite && !PixelUtil.IsFloatingPoint(p),
                                                                               def.Fsaa ? 1 : 0);

                            var rt = tex.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();
                            rt.IsAutoUpdated = false;
                            mrt.BindSurface(atch, rt);
                            // Also add to local textures so we can look up
                            var mrtLocalName = GetMRTLocalName(def.Name, atch);
                            this.globalTextures.Add(mrtLocalName, tex);
                        renderTarget = mrt;
                        var texName = "c" + autoNumber++.ToString() + "/" + _name + "/" + def.Name;
                        // space in the name mixup the cegui in the compositor demo
                        // this is an auto generated name - so no spaces can't hart us.
                        texName = texName.Replace(" ", "_");
                        var tex = TextureManager.Instance.CreateManual(texName, ResourceGroupManager.InternalResourceGroupName,
                                                                       TextureType.TwoD, def.Width, def.Height, 0, def.PixelFormats[0],
                                                                       TextureUsage.RenderTarget, null,
                                                                       def.HwGammaWrite &&
                                                                       def.Fsaa ? 1 : 0);

                        renderTarget = tex.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();
                        this.globalTextures.Add(def.Name, tex);

                    //Set DepthBuffer pool for sharing
                    renderTarget.DepthBufferPool = def.DepthBufferId;

            //Validate that all other supported techniques expose the same set of global textures.
            foreach (var technique in this.supportedTechniques)
                var isConsistent = true;
                var numGlobals   = 0;
                foreach (var texDef in technique.TextureDefinitions)
                    if (texDef.Scope == CompositionTechnique.TextureScope.Global)
                        if (!globalTextureNames.Contains(texDef.Name))
                            isConsistent = false;
                if (numGlobals != globalTextureNames.Count)
                    isConsistent = false;
                if (!isConsistent)
                    throw new AxiomException("Different composition techniques define different global textures.");
Exemplo n.º 18
 public virtual void NotifyRenderTargetAttached(RenderTarget renderTarget)
Exemplo n.º 19
		public override void Bind( RenderTarget target )
			// Nothing to do here
			// Binding of context is done by GL subsystem, as contexts are also used for RenderWindows
Exemplo n.º 20
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="primary"></param>
		protected void InitializeContext( RenderTarget primary )
			// Set main and current context
			_mainContext = (GLESContext)primary[ "GLCONTEXT" ];
			LogManager.Instance.Write( _mainContext == null ? "maincontext NULL" : "maincontext NOT NULL" );
			_currentContext = _mainContext;

			// Set primary context as active
			if ( _currentContext != null )

			// intialize GL extensions and check capabilites

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "***************************" );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "*** GLES Renderer Started ***" );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "***************************" );

			// log hardware info
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Vendor: {0}", _glSupport.Vendor );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Video Board: {0}", _glSupport.VideoCard );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Version: {0}", _glSupport.Version );

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Extensions supported: " );

			foreach ( string ext in _glSupport.Extensions )
				LogManager.Instance.Write( ext );

			// create our special program manager
			this._gpuProgramManager = new GLESGpuProgramManager();

			// query hardware capabilites
			CheckCaps( primary );

			// create a specialized instance, which registers itself as the singleton instance of HardwareBufferManager
			// use software buffers as a fallback, which operate as regular vertex arrays
			if ( this._rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer ) )
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESHardwareBufferManager();
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

			// by creating our texture manager, singleton TextureManager will hold our implementation
			textureManager = new GLESTextureManager( _glSupport );
			_polygonMode = GLFill;
			this._glInitialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override DepthBuffer CreateDepthBufferFor( RenderTarget renderTarget )
            var pBack = (Surface[])renderTarget[ "DDBACKBUFFER" ];

		    if( pBack[0] == null )
			    return null;

            var srfDesc = pBack[ 0 ].Description;

		    //Find an appropiarte format for this depth buffer that best matches the RenderTarget's
		    var dsfmt = GetDepthStencilFormatFor( srfDesc.Format );

		    //Create the depthstencil surface
		    var activeDevice = ActiveD3D9Device;

            var depthBufferSurface = Surface.CreateDepthStencil( activeDevice, srfDesc.Width, srfDesc.Height, dsfmt,
                                                                 srfDesc.MultisampleType, srfDesc.MultisampleQuality,
                                                                 true );

		    var newDepthBuffer = new D3D9DepthBuffer( PoolId.Default, this,
												    activeDevice, depthBufferSurface,
												    dsfmt, srfDesc.Width, srfDesc.Height,
												    srfDesc.MultisampleType, srfDesc.MultisampleQuality, false );

		    return newDepthBuffer;
Exemplo n.º 22
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="primary"></param>
		private void CheckCaps( RenderTarget primary )
			_rsCapabilities = new RenderSystemCapabilities();

			_rsCapabilities.DeviceName = OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GL.GetString( All.Renderer );
			_rsCapabilities.VendorName = OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GL.GetString( All.Vendor );
			_rsCapabilities.RendersystemName = Name;

			// GL ES 1.x is fixed function only
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.FixedFunction );
			// Multitexturing support and set number of texture units
			int units = 0;
			OpenGL.GetInteger( All.MaxTextureUnits, ref units );
			_rsCapabilities.TextureUnitCount = units;

			// Check for hardware stencil support and set bit depth
			int stencil = 0;
			OpenGL.GetInteger( All.StencilBits, ref stencil );
			GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );

			if ( stencil != 0 )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.StencilBuffer );
				_rsCapabilities.StencilBufferBitCount = stencil;

			// Scissor test is standard
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.ScissorTest );

			// Vertex Buffer Objects are always supported by OpenGL ES
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer );

			// OpenGL ES - Check for these extensions too
			// For 1.1, http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/api/1.1/glext.h
			// For 2.0, http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/api/2.0/gl2ext.h

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_AMD_compressed_3DC_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture" ) )
				// TODO: Add support for compression types other than pvrtc
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureCompression );

				if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc" ) )
					_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureCompressionPVRTC );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AnisotropicFiltering );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_framebuffer_object" ) )
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Framebuffers are supported." );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PBuffer );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture );

			// Cube map
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture_cube_map" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.CubeMapping );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_stencil_wrap" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.StencilWrap );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_blend_subtract" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AdvancedBlendOperations );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_ANDROID_user_clip_plane" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.UserClipPlanes );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture3D" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Texture3D );

			// GL always shares vertex and fragment texture units (for now?)
			_rsCapabilities.VertexTextureUnitsShared = true;
			// Hardware support mipmapping
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Automipmap );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.MipmapLODBias );

			//blending support
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureBlending );

			// DOT3 support is standard
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Dot3 );

			if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer ) )
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESHardwareBufferManager();
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

			/// Do this after extension function pointers are initialised as the extension
			/// is used to probe further capabilities.
			int rttMode = 0;
			if ( ConfigOptions.ContainsKey( "RTT Preferred Mode" ) )
				ConfigOption opt = ConfigOptions[ "RTT Preferred Mode" ];
				// RTT Mode: 0 use whatever available, 1 use PBuffers, 2 force use copying
				if ( opt.Value == "PBuffer" )
					rttMode = 1;
				else if ( opt.Value == "Copy" )
					rttMode = 2;
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] 'RTT Preferred Mode' = {0}", rttMode );
			// Check for framebuffer object extension
			if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects ) && ( rttMode < 1 ) )
				if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
					// Create FBO manager
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using GL_OES_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)" );
					_rttManager = new GLESFBORTTManager();
				// Check GLSupport for PBuffer support
				if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.PBuffer ) && rttMode < 2 )
					if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
						// Use PBuffers
						_rttManager = new GLESPBRTTManager();
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using PBuffers for rendering to textures" );
					// No pbuffer support either -- fallback to simplest copying from framebuffer
					_rttManager = new GLESCopyingRTTManager();
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using framebuffer copy for rendering to textures (worst)" );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Warning: RenderTexture size is restricted to size of framebuffer." );
				_rsCapabilities.MultiRenderTargetCount = 1;

			// Point size
			float ps = 0;
			OpenGL.GetFloat( All.PointSizeMax, ref ps );
			GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
			_rsCapabilities.MaxPointSize = ps;

			// Point sprites
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_point_sprite" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PointSprites );

			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PointExtendedParameters );

			// UBYTE4 always supported
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.VertexFormatUByte4 );

			// Infinite far plane always supported
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.InfiniteFarPlane );

			// hardware occlusion support
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareOcculusion );

			//// Check for Float textures
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture_half_float" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureFloat );

			// Alpha to coverage always 'supported' when MSAA is available
			// although card may ignore it if it doesn't specifically support A2C
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AlphaToCoverage );
 public CompositorTargetOperation(RenderTarget target)
     this.target = target;
     currentQueueGroupID = 0;
     renderSystemOperations = new List<QueueIDAndOperation>();
     visibilityMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
     lodBias = 1.0f;
     onlyInitial = false;
     hasBeenRendered = false;
     findVisibleObjects = false;
Exemplo n.º 24
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="target"></param>
		public void DetachRenderTarget( RenderTarget target )
			if ( this.activeRenderSystem == null )
				throw new AxiomException( "Cannot detach render target - no render system has been selected." );

			this.activeRenderSystem.DetachRenderTarget( target );
Exemplo n.º 25
		/// <summary>
		/// Unbind a certain render target. No-op for FBOs.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="target"></param>
		public override void Unbind( RenderTarget target )
			// Nothing to see here, move along.
Exemplo n.º 26
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pb"> </param>
		/// <param name="buffer"> </param>
		public override void CopyContentsToMemory( PixelBox pb, RenderTarget.FrameBuffer buffer )
			throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 27
		public virtual void Unbind( RenderTarget target ) {}
Exemplo n.º 28
 public RenderTargetEventArgs(RenderTarget source)
     this.source = source;
Exemplo n.º 29
		public void GLESRTTManager( GLESSupport support, RenderTarget mainWindow )
			_support = support;
			_mainWindow = mainWindow;
			_mainContext = (GLESContext)_mainWindow[ "glcontext" ];
Exemplo n.º 30
        public virtual void NotifyRenderTargetDetached(RenderTarget renderTarget)
            var success = this.attachedRenderTargets.Remove(renderTarget);

Exemplo n.º 31
 public RenderTargetViewportEventArgs(RenderTarget source, Viewport viewport)
     : base(source)
     this.viewport = viewport;
Exemplo n.º 32
		public override void InitializeFromRenderSystemCapabilities( RenderSystemCapabilities caps, RenderTarget primary )
			if ( caps.RendersystemName != this.Name )
				throw new AxiomException( "Trying to initialize GLES2RenderSystem from RenderSystemCapabilities that do not support OpenGL ES" );

			this.gpuProgramManager = new GLES2GpuProgramManager();
			this.glslESProgramFactory = new GLSLES.GLSLESProgramFactory();
			HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.AddFactory( this.glslESProgramFactory );

			//todo: check what can/can't support cg
			this.glslESCgProgramFactory = new GLSLES.GLSLESCgProgramFactory();
			HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.AddFactory( this.glslESCgProgramFactory );

			//Set texture the number of texture units
			this.fixedFunctionTextureUnits = caps.TextureUnitCount;

			//Use VBO's by default
			this.hardwareBufferManager = new GLES2HardwareBufferManager();

			//Create FBO manager
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL ES 2: Using FBOs for rendering to textures" );
			this.rttManager = new GLES2FBOManager();
			caps.SetCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.RTTSerperateDepthBuffer );

			Log defaultLog = LogManager.Instance.DefaultLog;
			if ( defaultLog != null )
				caps.Log( defaultLog );

			textureManager = new GLES2TextureManager( this.glSupport );

			this.glInitialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 33
		public override void Bind( RenderTarget target )
			// nothing to do here
Exemplo n.º 34
		public DepthBuffer CreateDepthBufferFor( RenderTarget renderTarget )
			GLES2DepthBuffer retVal = null;

			//Only FBO & ppbuffer support different depth buffers, so everything
			//else creates dummy (empty containers

			GLES2FrameBufferObject fbo = null;
			fbo = (GLES2FrameBufferObject) renderTarget[ "FBO" ];

			if ( fbo != null )
				// Presence of an FBO means the manager is an FBO Manager, that's why it's safe to downcast
				// Find best depth & stencil format suited for the RT's format
				GLenum depthFormat = GLenum.None, stencilFormat = GLenum.None;
				( this.rttManager as GLES2FBOManager ).GetBestDepthStencil( fbo.Format, ref depthFormat, ref stencilFormat );
				var depthBuffer = new GLES2RenderBuffer( depthFormat, fbo.Width, fbo.Height, fbo.FSAA );

				GLES2RenderBuffer stencilBuffer = depthBuffer;
				if ( stencilBuffer != null )
					stencilBuffer = new GLES2RenderBuffer( stencilFormat, fbo.Width, fbo.Height, fbo.FSAA );

				//No "custom-quality" multisample for now in GL
				retVal = new GLES2DepthBuffer( 0, this, this.currentContext, depthBuffer, stencilBuffer, fbo.Width, fbo.Height, fbo.FSAA, 0, false );
			return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        ///		The constructor. Dimensions of the viewport are expressed as a pecentage between
        ///		0 and 100. This allows the dimensions to apply irrespective of
        ///		changes in the target's size: e.g. to fill the whole area,
        ///		values of 0,0,100,100 are appropriate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera">Reference to the camera to be the source for the image.</param>
        /// <param name="target">Reference to the render target to be the destination for the rendering.</param>
        /// <param name="left">Left</param>
        /// <param name="top">Top</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height</param>
        /// <param name="zOrder">Relative Z-order on the target. Lower = further to the front.</param>
        public Viewport(Camera camera, RenderTarget target, float left, float top, float width, float height, int zOrder)
            Debug.Assert(camera != null, "Cannot use a null Camera to create a viewport.");
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Cannor use a null RenderTarget to create a viewport.");

            LogManager.Instance.Write("Creating viewport rendering from camera '{0}', relative dimensions L:{1},T:{2},W:{3},H:{4}, Z-Order:{5}",
                camera.Name, left, top, width, height, zOrder);

            this.camera = camera;
            this.target = target;
            this.zOrder = zOrder;

            relativeLeft = left;
            relativeTop = top;
            relativeWidth = width;
            relativeHeight = height;

            backColor = ColorEx.Black;
            clearEveryFrame = true;
            clearBuffers = FrameBuffer.Color | FrameBuffer.Depth;

            // Calculate actual dimensions

            isUpdated = true;
            showOverlays = true;
            showSkies = true;
            showShadows = true;

            materialSchemeName = MaterialManager.DefaultSchemeName;

            // notify camera
Exemplo n.º 36
 public virtual bool IsCompatible(RenderTarget renderTarget)
     return(Width >= renderTarget.Width && Height >= renderTarget.Height && Fsaa == renderTarget.FSAA);