Inheritance: AnimationTrack
Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///		Creates a new VertexAnimationTrack automatically associated with a Vertex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.</param>
        /// <param name="target">Vertex object which will be affected by this track.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public VertexAnimationTrack CreateVertexTrack(ushort handle, VertexData targetVertexData,
                                                      VertexAnimationType type)
            // create a new track and set it's target
            VertexAnimationTrack track = CreateVertexTrack(handle, type);

            track.TargetVertexData = targetVertexData;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///		Creates an VertexAnimationTrack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handle">Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public VertexAnimationTrack CreateVertexTrack(ushort handle, VertexAnimationType animType)
            VertexAnimationTrack track = new VertexAnimationTrack(this, handle, animType);

            // add the track to the list
            vertexTrackList[handle] = track;

Exemplo n.º 3
		protected void WriteAnimationTrack( BinaryWriter writer, VertexAnimationTrack track )
			var start_offset = writer.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Current );
			WriteChunk( writer, MeshChunkID.AnimationTrack, 0 );

			WriteUShort( writer, (ushort)track.AnimationType );
			WriteUShort( writer, track.Handle );
			foreach ( var keyFrame in track.KeyFrames )
				if ( keyFrame is VertexMorphKeyFrame )
					var vmkf = keyFrame as VertexMorphKeyFrame;
					WriteMorphKeyframe( writer, vmkf );
				else if ( keyFrame is VertexPoseKeyFrame )
					var vpkf = keyFrame as VertexPoseKeyFrame;
					WritePoseKeyframe( writer, vpkf );

			var end_offset = writer.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Current );
			writer.Seek( (int)start_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin );
			WriteChunk( writer, MeshChunkID.AnimationTrack, (int)( end_offset - start_offset ) );
			writer.Seek( (int)end_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin );
Exemplo n.º 4
		protected void ReadPoseKeyframe( BinaryReader reader, VertexAnimationTrack track )
			var time = ReadFloat( reader );
			var vkf = track.CreateVertexPoseKeyFrame( time );

			if ( !IsEOF( reader ) )
				var chunkID = ReadChunk( reader );
				while ( !IsEOF( reader ) && chunkID == MeshChunkID.AnimationPoseRef )
					switch ( chunkID )
						case MeshChunkID.AnimationPoseRef:
							var poseIndex = ReadUShort( reader );
							var influence = ReadFloat( reader );
							vkf.AddPoseReference( poseIndex, influence );
					if ( !IsEOF( reader ) )
						chunkID = ReadChunk( reader );
				if ( !IsEOF( reader ) )
					// backpedal to the start of chunk
					Seek( reader, -ChunkOverheadSize );
Exemplo n.º 5
		protected void ReadMorphKeyframe( BinaryReader reader, VertexAnimationTrack track )
			var time = ReadFloat( reader );
			var mkf = track.CreateVertexMorphKeyFrame( time );
			var vertexCount = track.TargetVertexData.vertexCount;
			// create/populate vertex buffer
			var decl = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexDeclaration();
			decl.AddElement( 0, 0, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position );

			var buffer = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer( decl, vertexCount, BufferUsage.Static, true );
			// lock the buffer for editing
			var vertices = buffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );
			// stuff the floats into the normal buffer
			ReadFloats( reader, vertexCount*3, vertices );
			// unlock the buffer to commit
			mkf.VertexBuffer = buffer;
Exemplo n.º 6
	    /// <summary>
	    ///		Creates an VertexAnimationTrack. 
	    /// </summary>
	    /// <param name="handle">Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.</param>
	    /// <param name="animType"></param>
	    /// <returns></returns>
	    public VertexAnimationTrack CreateVertexTrack( ushort handle, VertexAnimationType animType )
			VertexAnimationTrack track = new VertexAnimationTrack( this, handle, animType );

			// add the track to the list
			vertexTrackList[ handle ] = track;

			return track;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Apply(Entity entity, float time, float weight,
                          bool software, bool hardware)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, VertexAnimationTrack> pair in vertexTrackList)
                int handle = pair.Key;
                VertexAnimationTrack track = pair.Value;

                VertexData swVertexData;
                VertexData hwVertexData;
                VertexData origVertexData;
                bool       firstAnim = false;
                if (handle == 0)
                    // shared vertex data
                    firstAnim      = !entity.BuffersMarkedForAnimation;
                    swVertexData   = entity.SoftwareVertexAnimVertexData;
                    hwVertexData   = entity.HardwareVertexAnimVertexData;
                    origVertexData = entity.Mesh.SharedVertexData;
                    // sub entity vertex data (-1)
                    SubEntity s = entity.GetSubEntity(handle - 1);
                    firstAnim      = !s.BuffersMarkedForAnimation;
                    swVertexData   = s.SoftwareVertexAnimVertexData;
                    hwVertexData   = s.HardwareVertexAnimVertexData;
                    origVertexData = s.SubMesh.vertexData;
                // Apply to both hardware and software, if requested
                if (software)
                    Debug.Assert(!EqualityComparer <VertexData> .ReferenceEquals(origVertexData, swVertexData));
                    if (firstAnim && track.AnimationType == VertexAnimationType.Pose)
                        // First time through for a piece of pose animated vertex data
                        // We need to copy the original position values to the temp accumulator
                        VertexElement origelem =
                        VertexElement destelem =
                        HardwareVertexBuffer origBuffer =
                        HardwareVertexBuffer destBuffer =
//                      Debug.Assert(!EqualityComparer<HardwareVertexBuffer>.ReferenceEquals(origBuffer, destBuffer));
                        if (!EqualityComparer <HardwareVertexBuffer> .ReferenceEquals(origBuffer, destBuffer))
                            destBuffer.CopyData(origBuffer, 0, 0, destBuffer.Size, true);
                    track.TargetMode = VertexAnimationTargetMode.Software;
                    track.ApplyToVertexData(swVertexData, time, weight, entity.Mesh.PoseList);
                if (hardware)
                    track.TargetMode = VertexAnimationTargetMode.Hardware;
                    track.ApplyToVertexData(hwVertexData, time, weight, entity.Mesh.PoseList);
 protected void ReadMorphKeyframe(BinaryMemoryReader reader, VertexAnimationTrack track)
     float time = ReadFloat(reader);
     VertexMorphKeyFrame mkf = track.CreateVertexMorphKeyFrame(time);
     int vertexCount = track.TargetVertexData.vertexCount;
     // create/populate vertex buffer
     HardwareVertexBuffer buffer =
                 vertexCount, BufferUsage.Static, true);
     // lock the buffer for editing
     IntPtr vertices = buffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);
     // stuff the floats into the normal buffer
     ReadFloats(reader, vertexCount * 3, vertices);
     // unlock the buffer to commit
     mkf.VertexBuffer = buffer;