Exemplo n.º 1
 public virtual void Up(int pX, int pY, float pPressure)
     isDown = false;
     options = null;
     m_picture = null;
     m_layer = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public virtual void Down(int pX, int pY, float pPressure, Picture pPicture, Layer pLayer, object pOptions)
     isDown = true;
     m_lastPosition = new Point(pX, pY);
     m_lastPressure = pPressure;
     SetOptions(pOptions as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer);
     m_layer = pLayer;
     m_picture = pPicture;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Render the alterations to the layer
        protected override void DrawStep(Layer layer, Point position, float pPressure)
            int size = MathExt.RoundToInt(options.size * pPressure);
            int halfSize = size / 2;
            Rectangle toolArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, size, size);
            int halfSizeSquared = halfSize * halfSize;
            Color color = options.color;

            // Set the tool size rect to the locate on of the point to be painted
            Point centre = new Point((position.X - halfSize),
                                     (position.Y - halfSize));
            toolArea.Location = centre;

            // Get the area to be painted
            Rectangle areaToPaint = new Rectangle();
            areaToPaint = Rectangle.Intersect(layer.GetArea(), toolArea);

            // Get bitmap data to draw to
            Bitmap bmp = layer.GetBitmap();

            // Lock the bitmap memory area
            System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            // Set up iteration of unsafe byte data
            int stride = data.Stride;

            // Do shit with pointers
                byte* ptr = (byte*)data.Scan0;

                // Check this is not a null area
                if (!areaToPaint.IsEmpty)
                    // Go through the draw area and set the pixels as they should be
                    int len = toolArea.Height * toolArea.Width;
                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
                        int x = i % toolArea.Width;
                        int y = i/toolArea.Width;
                        // Check if the pixel is inside the circle
                        if ((((halfSize - x) * (halfSize - x)) + ((halfSize - y) * (halfSize - y)) <= halfSizeSquared) && layer.GetArea().Contains(x + toolArea.X, y + toolArea.Y))
                            // Set the pixel RGB channels individually
                            ptr[((x + toolArea.X) * 4) + (y + toolArea.Y) * stride] = color.B;
                            ptr[((x + toolArea.X) * 4) + (y + toolArea.Y) * stride + 1] = color.G;
                            ptr[((x + toolArea.X) * 4) + (y + toolArea.Y) * stride + 2] = color.R;
                            ptr[((x + toolArea.X) * 4) + (y + toolArea.Y) * stride + 3] = color.A;

            // Unlock the bitmap memory area
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Calculate the line and step through
        public void DrawLine(Layer layer, Point start, Point end, float pStartPressure, float pEndPressure)
            // Create a line vector
            PointF fStart = PointFExt.FromPoint(start);
            PointF fEnd = PointFExt.FromPoint(end);
            PointF delta = fEnd.Subtract(fStart);

            // Create the point to draw at
            PointF drawPoint = new Point(end.X, end.Y);

            // Find the length of the line
            float length = delta.Length();

            // For each step along the line...
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                // Draw a pixel
                float quota =  (float)i / length;
                PointF position = PointFExt.Lerp(fStart, fEnd,quota);
                float pressure = MathExt.Lerp(pStartPressure, pEndPressure, quota);
                DrawStep(layer, position.ToPointRounded(), pressure);

Exemplo n.º 5
 void ToolUp(JToken inputMessage)
     float pressure = inputMessage.Value<float>("pressure");
     int x = inputMessage.Value<int>("x");
     int y = inputMessage.Value<int>("y");
     m_currentTool.Up(x, y, pressure);
     m_currentTool = null;
     m_currentLayer = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
 void ToolDown(JToken inputMessage)
     float pressure = inputMessage.Value<float>("pressure");
     int x = inputMessage.Value<int>("x");
     int y = inputMessage.Value<int>("y");
     Tool tool = m_tools[inputMessage.Value<string>("tool")]; //swap tool on tool down
     string layerID = inputMessage.Value<string>("layer");
     m_currentLayer = m_picture.GetLayer(layerID);
     m_currentTool = tool;
     m_currentTool.Down(x, y, pressure, m_picture, m_currentLayer, inputMessage["options"]);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Redraw(Layer pLayer)
     m_cachedLayer = pLayer;
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Draw on the actual canvas
 protected virtual void DrawStep(Layer layer, System.Drawing.Point point, float pPressure)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public override void Down(int pX, int pY, float pPressure, Picture pPicture, Layer pLayer, object pOptions)
     base.Down(pX, pY, pPressure, pPicture, pLayer, pOptions);
     DrawStep(pLayer, new Point(pX, pY), pPressure);
 private void OnLayerNameChange(Layer layer, String name)
Exemplo n.º 11
 // Draw on the actual canvas
 protected virtual void DrawStep(Layer layer, System.Drawing.Point point, float pPressure)
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void Down(int pX, int pY, float pPressure, Picture pPicture, Layer pLayer, object pOptions)
     base.Down(pX, pY, pPressure, pPicture, pLayer, pOptions);
     DrawStep(pLayer, new Point(pX, pY), pPressure);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void Redraw(Layer pLayer)
     m_cachedLayer = pLayer;
Exemplo n.º 14
 void ToolUp(Dictionary<string, object> inputMessage)
     float pressure = Convert.ToSingle(inputMessage["pressure"]);
     int x = Convert.ToInt32(inputMessage["x"]);
     int y = Convert.ToInt32(inputMessage["y"]);
     m_currentTool.Up(x, y, pressure);
     m_currentTool = null;
     m_currentLayer = null;
Exemplo n.º 15
 void ToolDown(Dictionary<string, object> inputMessage)
     float pressure = Convert.ToSingle(inputMessage["pressure"]);
     int x = Convert.ToInt32(inputMessage["x"]);
     int y = Convert.ToInt32(inputMessage["y"]);
     Tool tool = m_tools[inputMessage["tool"] as string]; //swap tool on tool down
     string layerID = inputMessage["layer"] as string;
     m_currentLayer = m_picture.GetLayer(layerID);
     m_currentTool = tool;
     m_currentTool.Down(x, y, pressure, m_picture, m_currentLayer, inputMessage["options"]);