Exemplo n.º 1
        // Sets up the email service to recieve and check emails
        public EmailService SetupEmail()
            EmailConfiguration config  = ExternalData.GetEmailConfiguration();
            EmailService       service = new EmailService(config);

Exemplo n.º 2
        // Sets up and starts everything, making sure the program check for emails regularly
        private async Task MainAsync()
            string token = (string)ExternalData.GetSection("Discord")["Token"];
            DiscordSocketConfig _config = new DiscordSocketConfig {
                MessageCacheSize = 100

            _client      = new DiscordSocketClient(_config);
            _client.Log += Log;

            var service = SetupEmail();

            timer.Elapsed += (source, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Last pop: " + e.SignalTime);

            await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token);

            await _client.StartAsync();

            timer.Enabled = true;
            await Task.Delay(-1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Sends an email, unused
        //public void SendEmail(EmailService service)
        //	EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage
        //	{
        //		FromAddresses = new List<EmailAddress>() { new EmailAddress("TorNiklas", "*****@*****.**") },
        //		ToAddresses	  = new List<EmailAddress>() { new EmailAddress("TorNiklas", "*****@*****.**") },
        //		Subject       = "This day is nice",
        //		Content       = "You'd be surprised, it really is."
        //	};
        //	service.Send(message);

        // Checks for new emails, pushes any new emails to messageStack
        public void StackNewEmailsAsync(EmailService service)
            ulong  serverID;
            ulong  channelID;
            string message = "";
            string chapterTitle;
            string novelTitle;
            string url;
            string mention;

            List <EmailMessage> emails = service.ReceiveLatestEmail(numberOfEmailsToCheck);

            //foreach (var email in emails)
            //	Console.WriteLine(email);
            foreach (EmailMessage email in emails)
                if (checkedEmails.Contains(email))

                string announcements = "Announcements";
                string patreon       = "Patreon";

                if (debug)
                    announcements = "FAnnouncements";
                    patreon       = "FPatreon";

                // Filter emails based on sender
                switch (email.FromAddresses[0].Address)
                // Redirected
                case "*****@*****.**":
                    if (email.Subject.Contains("Novels by Mecanimus "))
                        // All emails from this address are on a certain format, the top code here
                        //is to extrace certain information from those emails
                        HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

                        chapterTitle = email.Subject.Split("\"")[1];

                        string link = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a")[2].Attributes["href"].Value;

                            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(link);
                            req.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
                            var myResp = req.GetResponse();                                     // This will fail
                            url = myResp.ResponseUri.ToString();

                            //string author = email.Subject.Split("\"")[0];
                            //WebClient client = new WebClient();

                            ////this doesn't work for some reason; 403 forbidden
                            //string jsonString = client.DownloadString("https://www.patreon.com/api/posts?include=user.null%2Caccess_rules.tier.null%2Cattachments.null%2Caudio.null%2Cimages.null%2Cpoll.choices.null%2Cpoll.current_user_responses.null&fields[user]=full_name%2Cimage_url%2Curl&fields[post]=comment_count%2Ccontent%2C%2Ccurrent_user_can_view%2Cembed%2Cimage%2Cis_paid%2Clike_count%2Cmin_cents_pledged_to_view%2Cpatreon_url%2Cpatron_count%2Cpledge_url%2Cpost_file%2Cpost_type%2Cpublished_at%2Cteaser_text%2Ctitle%2Cupgrade_url%2Curl&fields[reward]=[]&fields[access-rule]=access_rule_type%2Camount_cents%2Cpost_count&fields[media]=download_url%2Cimage_urls%2Cmetadata&filter[campaign_id]=3125991&filter[contains_exclusive_posts]=true&filter[is_draft]=false&page[size]=10&sort=-published_at&json-api-use-default-includes=false&json-api-version=1.0");

                            //dynamic content = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
                            //JObject attributes = content["data"][0]["attributes"];
                            //string id = (string)content["data"][0]["id"];
                            //chapterTitle = (string)attributes["title"];
                            //url = (string)attributes["url"];
                        catch (WebException e)
                            url = e.Response.ResponseUri.ToString().Split("?")[0];

                        // Chapter title contains novel title, so this is fine
                        Regex   regex = new Regex(@"^[\w\s]+(?=\s\d+:)");
                        Match   match = regex.Match(chapterTitle);
                        JObject jid;
                        if (match.Success)                                 //Is chapter
                            novelTitle = match.Value;
                            jid        = (JObject)ExternalData.GetSection("Novels")[novelTitle];
                            serverID   = (ulong)jid["Server"];
                            channelID  = (ulong)jid[patreon];
                            mention    = (string)jid["PatreonMention"];
                            message    = MakeMessage(mention, chapterTitle, url);
                        else                                 //Is announcement
                            //General place for announcements
                            jid       = (JObject)ExternalData.GetSection("Novels")["A Journey of Black and Red"];
                            serverID  = (ulong)jid["Server"];
                            channelID = (ulong)jid[patreon];
                            mention   = (string)jid["PatreonMention"];
                            message   = MakeMessage(mention, chapterTitle, url, "announcement");
                        messageStack.Push(new Tuple <ulong, string>(channelID, message));

                case "*****@*****.**":
                    if (email.Subject.StartsWith("New Chapter of "))
                        // All emails from this address are on a certain format, the top code here
                        //is to extrace certain information from those emails
                        HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

                        chapterTitle = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td")[27].InnerText.Split("\n")[4];
                        string link  = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a")[1].Attributes["href"].Value;
                        string novel = email.Subject.Split("New Chapter of ")[1];

                        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(link);
                        req.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
                        HttpWebResponse myResp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                        url = myResp.ResponseUri.ToString();

                        JObject jid = (JObject)ExternalData.GetSection("Novels")[novel];
                        serverID  = (ulong)jid["Server"];
                        channelID = (ulong)jid[announcements];
                        mention   = (string)jid["Mention"];

                        // Pushes a message with extracted onformaion to messageStack
                        message = MakeMessage(mention, chapterTitle, url);
                        messageStack.Push(new Tuple <ulong, string>(channelID, message));

                case "*****@*****.**":
                    //Console.WriteLine("Mail from patreon");

                    //Console.WriteLine("Unrecognised email adress");