/// <summary>
        /// Main application
        /// </summary>
        public App()
            // Check for updates in Release mode
#if !DEBUG

            // Hook startup / exit actions
            Startup       += _Starting;
            Exit          += _Exiting;
            SessionEnding += (sender, e) => _Exiting(null, null);

            // Initialize controller components
            _settings = (Settings)FindResource("Settings");
            var c  = (Panel)((Window)FindResource("HiddenWindow")).Content;
            var pm = c.Children.OfType <PowerManagement.PowerManagement>().First();
            var ri = c.Children.OfType <RawInput.RawInput>().First();
            var gh = c.Children.OfType <GlobalHotKey>().First();
            _autoKeyboard = new AutoKeyboardBacklightController(pm, ri);
            _autoScreen   = new AutoScreenBrightnessController(gh);
            _autoScreen.BrightnessChanged += (se, ev) =>
                _lastPoint = new DataPoint(ev.Intensity, ev.Brightness);
                // Update the calibration graph if it is open
                if (_calibration != null)
                    _calibration.CurrentPoint = new DataPoint(ev.Intensity, ev.Brightness);
            _autoKeyboard.Activity += (se, ev) =>
                // Record changes in OnLevel, used next time application runs
                if (ev.Act == AutoKeyboardBacklightController.ActivityEventArgs.Activity.OnLevelChanged)
                    _settings.Keyboard_OnLevel = _autoKeyboard.OnLevel;
                // Refresh screen brightness on power resume events
                if (ev.Act == AutoKeyboardBacklightController.ActivityEventArgs.Activity.PowerResume)
                    if (_autoScreen.Enabled)
                        _ = _autoScreen.Retrigger();

            // Triggers loading of the icon & menu in tray
        // Show the screen brightness vs ambient light level calibration window
        private void _ShowCalibration(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (_calibration == null)
                // Create new window from saved points if not already open
                _calibration = new Calibration(_settings.Screen_LearnedPoints.Select(p => new DataPoint(p.Item1, p.Item2)).ToList(), _settings.Screen_Curvature);
                if (_lastPoint != null)
                    _calibration.CurrentPoint = (DataPoint)_lastPoint;
                var isEn   = _autoScreen.Enabled;
                var isHkEn = _autoScreen.HotKeyEnabled;
                _autoScreen.Enabled       = false;
                _autoScreen.HotKeyEnabled = false;
                var tempScreen = new AutoScreenBrightnessController(null);
                tempScreen.BrightnessChanged += (sen, eve) =>
                    _calibration.CurrentPoint = new DataPoint(eve.Intensity, eve.Brightness);
                _calibration.Refresh += (sen, eve) =>
                    tempScreen.LearnedPoints = eve.LearnedPoints;
                    tempScreen.Curvature     = eve.Curvature;
                    _ = tempScreen.Retrigger();
                _calibration.ManualScreenBrightness += (sen, eve) =>
                    byte br = (byte)Math.Round(eve.ScreenBrightness * 100.0);
                    _lastPoint = new DataPoint(_calibration.CurrentPoint.X, eve.ScreenBrightness);
                    _calibration.CurrentPoint = (DataPoint)_lastPoint;
                _calibration.Closed += (sen, eve) =>
                    _calibration              = null;
                    _autoScreen.Enabled       = isEn;
                    _autoScreen.HotKeyEnabled = isHkEn;
                _calibration.Apply += (sen, eve) =>
                    // Transfer points on Apply
                    _settings.Screen_Curvature = _calibration.Curvature;
                    _settings.Screen_LearnedPoints.AddRange(_calibration.LearnedPoints.Select(p => new Tuple <double, double>(p.X, p.Y)).ToList());
                    _settings.Screen_LearnedPoints = _settings.Screen_LearnedPoints;

                    _ = _autoScreen.Retrigger();