Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="creature"></param>
		/// <param name="itemEntityId"></param>
		/// <param name="moveToInventory"></param>
		/// <param name="directBankTransaction"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool Buy(Creature creature, long itemEntityId, bool moveToInventory, bool directBankTransaction)
			var shop = this;
			var owner = creature.Temp.CurrentShopOwner;

			// Get item
			// In theory someone could buy an item without it being visible
			// to him, but he would need the current entity id that
			// changes on each restart. It's unlikely to ever be a problem.
			var item = shop.GetItem(itemEntityId);
			if (item == null)
				// Don't warn, this might happen when items are moved while
				// a player has the shop open.
				Send.MsgBox(creature, Localization.Get("The item is not available."));
				return false;

			// Check stock
			if (item.Stock == 0)
				Send.MsgBox(creature, Localization.Get("This item is not in stock anymore."));
				return false;

			// Determine which payment method to use, the same way the client
			// does to display them. Points > Stars > Ducats > Gold.
			var paymentMethod = PaymentMethod.Gold;
			if (item.OptionInfo.StarPrice > 0)
				paymentMethod = PaymentMethod.Stars;
			if (item.OptionInfo.DucatPrice > 0)
				paymentMethod = PaymentMethod.Ducats;
			if (item.OptionInfo.PointPrice > 0)
				paymentMethod = PaymentMethod.Points;

			// Allow direct transaction only for buying with gold
			if (directBankTransaction && paymentMethod != PaymentMethod.Gold)
				Send.MsgBox(creature, Localization.Get("You can't by this item via direct bank transaction."));
				return false;

			// Get buying price
			var price = int.MaxValue;
			switch (paymentMethod)
				case PaymentMethod.Gold: price = item.OptionInfo.Price; break;
				case PaymentMethod.Stars: price = item.OptionInfo.StarPrice; break;
				case PaymentMethod.Ducats: price = item.OptionInfo.DucatPrice; break;
				case PaymentMethod.Points: price = item.OptionInfo.PointPrice; break;

			// The client expects the price for a full stack to be sent in the
			// ItemOptionInfo, so we have to calculate the actual price here.
			// However, the points payment method prices are absolute, the
			// client displays them as is.
			if (item.Data.StackType == StackType.Stackable && paymentMethod != PaymentMethod.Points)
				price = (int)(price / (float)item.Data.StackMax * item.Amount);

			// Wednesday: Decrease in prices (5%) for items in NPC shops,
			// including Remote Shop Coupons and money deposit for Exploration Quests.
			if (ErinnTime.Now.Month == ErinnMonth.AlbanHeruin)
				price = (int)(price * 0.95f);

			// Check currency
			var canPay = false;
			switch (paymentMethod)
				case PaymentMethod.Gold:
					// Disable direct bank transaction if price is less than 50k
					if (directBankTransaction && price < 50000)
						directBankTransaction = false;

					// Check gold
					var gold = 0;
					if (directBankTransaction)
						gold = creature.Client.Account.Bank.Gold;
						price = price + (int)(price * 0.05f); // Fee
						gold = creature.Inventory.Gold;

					canPay = (gold >= price);

				case PaymentMethod.Stars: canPay = (creature.Inventory.Stars >= price); break;
				case PaymentMethod.Ducats: canPay = false; break; // TODO: Implement ducats.
				case PaymentMethod.Points: canPay = (creature.Points >= price); break;

			if (!canPay)
				switch (paymentMethod)
					case PaymentMethod.Gold: Send.MsgBox(creature, Localization.Get("Insufficient amount of gold.")); break;
					case PaymentMethod.Stars: Send.MsgBox(creature, Localization.Get("Insufficient amount of stars.")); break;
					case PaymentMethod.Ducats: Send.MsgBox(creature, Localization.Get("Insufficient amount of ducats.")); break;
					case PaymentMethod.Points: Send.MsgBox(creature, Localization.Get("You don't have enough Pon.\nYou will need to buy more.")); break;

				return false;

			// Buy, adding item, and removing currency
			var success = false;

			var newItem = new Item(item);

			// Set guild data
			if (newItem.HasTag("/guild_robe/") && creature.Guild != null && creature.Guild.HasRobe)
				// EBCL1:4:-11042446;EBCL2:4:-7965756;EBLM1:1:45;EBLM2:1:24;EBLM3:1:6;GLDNAM:s:Name;
				newItem.Info.Color1 = creature.Guild.Robe.RobeColor;
				newItem.Info.Color2 = GuildRobe.GetColor(creature.Guild.Robe.BadgeColor);
				newItem.Info.Color3 = GuildRobe.GetColor(creature.Guild.Robe.EmblemMarkColor);
				newItem.MetaData1.SetInt("EBCL1", (int)GuildRobe.GetColor(creature.Guild.Robe.EmblemOutlineColor));
				newItem.MetaData1.SetInt("EBCL2", (int)GuildRobe.GetColor(creature.Guild.Robe.StripesColor));
				newItem.MetaData1.SetByte("EBLM1", creature.Guild.Robe.EmblemMark);
				newItem.MetaData1.SetByte("EBLM2", creature.Guild.Robe.EmblemOutline);
				newItem.MetaData1.SetByte("EBLM3", creature.Guild.Robe.Stripes);
				newItem.MetaData1.SetString("GLDNAM", creature.Guild.Name);

			// Cursor
			if (!moveToInventory)
				success = creature.Inventory.Add(newItem, Pocket.Cursor);
			// Inventory
				success = creature.Inventory.Add(newItem, false);

			if (success)
				// Reset gold price if payment method wasn't gold, as various
				// things depend on the gold price, like repair prices.
				// If any payment method but gold was used, the gold price
				// would be 0.
				if (paymentMethod != PaymentMethod.Gold)

				// Reduce gold/points
				switch (paymentMethod)
					case PaymentMethod.Gold:
						if (directBankTransaction)
							creature.Client.Account.Bank.RemoveGold(creature, price);
							creature.Inventory.Gold -= price;

					case PaymentMethod.Stars: creature.Inventory.Stars -= price; break;
					case PaymentMethod.Ducats: break; // TODO: Implement ducats.
					case PaymentMethod.Points: creature.Points -= price; break;

				// Reduce stock
				if (item.Stock > 0)
					// Don't let it go below 0, that would mean unlimited.
					item.Stock = Math.Max(0, item.Stock - 1);
					if (item.Stock == 0)
						// Refresh shop, so the item disappears.
						Send.AddToNpcShop(creature, this.GetTabs(creature, owner));

					Send.ServerMessage(creature, "Debug: Stock remaining: {0}", item.Stock);

			return success;