Exemplo n.º 1
        private void StrategyEditStateChanged(object sender, Notification.StateChangedEventArgs e)
            StrategyEditViewModel strategyEdit = sender as StrategyEditViewModel;

            _log.Debug(m => m("StrategyEdit ({0}) state changed for control {1}; was {2}, now is {3}",
                              strategyEdit.InternalId, Id, e.OldState.ToString().ToLower(), e.NewState.ToString().ToLower()));

            // To save the property changed notifications being raised multiple times during an evaluation,
            // ignore this event if that is what we're doing.  (The primary purpose of this event is to handle
            // the scenario where another control is changing value.)
            if (!_currentlyEvaluatingValidationState)
                _log.Debug("Ignoring StrategyEdit change notification as this control's value change is currently being processed");
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal void UnbindStrategyEdit(StrategyEditViewModel strategyEditViewModel)
            strategyEditViewModel.StateChanged -= new EventHandler <StateChangedEventArgs>(StrategyEditStateChanged);

Exemplo n.º 3
        internal void BindStrategyEdit(StrategyEditViewModel strategyEditViewModel)
            strategyEditViewModel.StateChanged += new EventHandler <StateChangedEventArgs>(StrategyEditStateChanged);
