Exemplo n.º 1
 public Settings(MyGroupList screen1Group, MyGroupList screen2Group, MyScreenParam screen1Param, MyScreenParam screen2Param)
     this.screen1Group = screen1Group;
     this.screen2Group = screen2Group;
     this.screen1Param = screen1Param;
     this.screen2Param = screen2Param;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AreaMonitor(ScreenParam screenParam, MyGroupList myGroupList)
            string    sql        = "";
            DataTable dataTable  = null;
            string    time       = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
            string    date       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            bool      updateFlag = false;

            if (screenParam.DutyNoFormat.Equals(ScreenParam.dutyPrefix))
                updateFlag = true;
                int result = DateTime.Compare(Convert.ToDateTime(time), Convert.ToDateTime(screenParam.UpdateTime));
                if (result >= 0 && !date.Equals(screenParam.DutyDate))
                    updateFlag = true;
            if (updateFlag)
                string year = "'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "'";
                sql = String.Format("select * from IO_LeaderDuty where M_Month={0:G} and M_Date={1:D}", year, Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd")));
                string         name  = "";
                SqlParameter[] paras = null;

                dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, paras);
                foreach (DataRow dt in dataTable.Rows)
                    name = dt["M_Name"].ToString();
                screenParam.DutyNoFormat = ScreenParam.dutyPrefix + name + "  " + screenParam.DutyNo;
                if (name.Length > 0)
                    screenParam.DutyDate = date;

            SqlParameter[] param = null;
            sql = "SELECT top 1 A.*,B.Base_PerID,B.Base_PerNo,B.Base_PerName,C.Base_RoleName FROM AcvB_AccessLog A,"
                  + " General_Personnel B,General_Role C,General_Group D "
                  + " where A.Base_PerID=B.Base_PerID and B.Base_RoleID=C.Base_RoleID and B.Base_GroupID=D.Base_GroupID"
                  + " and A.Device_ID in(" + myGroupList.DevicesFormat + ")"
                  + " order by A.Access_DateTime desc";
            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            //stopwatch.Start(); //  开始监视代码
            dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, param);
            string inOutRecord = "";

            foreach (DataRow dt in dataTable.Rows)
                if (dt["InOutFlag"].ToString().Equals("0"))
                    inOutRecord = "进闸";
                    inOutRecord = "出闸";
                inOutRecord = "当前刷卡: " + dt["Base_PerName"].ToString() + "  工号" + dt["Base_PerNo"].ToString();
            //screenParam.PersonRecord = inOutRecord;
            //stopwatch.Stop(); //  停止监视
            //TimeSpan timeSpan = stopwatch.Elapsed; //  获取总时间
            //Console.WriteLine("seconds:" + timeSpan.TotalSeconds);

            param    = new SqlParameter[3];//参数化有问题,暂时用字符串连接代替
            param[0] = new SqlParameter("@deviceList", myGroupList.DevicesFormat);
            param[1] = new SqlParameter("@groupIdLen", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
                Value = 5
            param[2] = new SqlParameter("@groupId", screenParam.GroupId);

            sql = "select F.Base_RoleID,Max(G.Base_RoleName) as Base_RoleName,count(E.Base_PerID) as PerCount from"
                  + " (select top 500000  a.* from AcvB_AccessLog a where ISNULL(Base_PerID,'''')<>'''' and Device_ID in(" + myGroupList.DevicesFormat + ")"
                  + " and a.Access_DateTime=(select MAX(Access_DateTime) from AcvB_AccessLog"
                  + " where Base_PerID=a.Base_PerID and isnull(Reserved,'''')='''' )"
                  + " order by Base_PerID) E, General_Personnel F,General_Role G,General_Group H"
                  + " where E.Base_PerID=F.Base_PerID and F.Base_RoleID=G.Base_RoleID and F.Base_GroupID=H.Base_GroupID"
                  //+ " and SUBSTRING(H.Base_AuthID,1,@groupIdLen) = @groupId"
                  + " and E.InOutFlag='0' and E.Card_Status='1'"
                  + " group by F.Base_RoleID";

            dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, param);
            foreach (DataRow dt in dataTable.Rows)
                string role_id = dt["Base_RoleID"].ToString();
                int    count   = dt.Field <int>("PerCount");
                screenParam.SetRoleTotal(role_id, count);

Exemplo n.º 3
 private void screen2Radio_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     this.mainGrid.DataContext = myScreen2Param.ScreenParam;
     screenParamUse            = myScreen2Param.ScreenParam;
     screenGroupUse            = screen2Group;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void InitializeScreenGroup()
     screen1Group = new MyGroupList("Devs");
     screen2Group = new MyGroupList("Devs2");