Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the given resource
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetResource">resource that needs to be deleted</param>
        /// <remarks>This method gets a "handle" to a resource in the <paramref name="targetResource"/> and should pend a change which
        /// deletes that resource.
        /// That includes removing the resource from its resource set and freeing up all the resources associated with that resource.
        /// Note that this method is not called for complex type instances, only entity resurces are deleted in this way. Complex type instances
        /// should be deleted when the entity type which points to them is deleted.
        /// All changes made by this method should be creates as pending until SaveChanges is called which will commit them (or if it's not called and ClearChanges
        /// is called instead they should be discarded).</remarks>
        public virtual void DeleteResource(object targetResource)
            DSPResource dspTargetResource = ValidateDSPResource(targetResource);

            ResourceSet  resourceSet = null;
            ResourceType rt          = dspTargetResource.ResourceType;

            while (rt != null)
                resourceSet = rt.GetAnnotation().ResourceSet;
                if (resourceSet != null)
                rt = rt.BaseType;

            IList <object> resourceSetList = this.dataContext.GetResourceSetEntities(resourceSet.Name);

            // Add a pending change to remove the resource from the resource set
            this.pendingChanges.Add(() =>
        private static DSPServiceDefinition SetupService()
            DSPMetadata metadata = new DSPMetadata("ActionsWithLargePayload", "AstoriaUnitTests.ActionTestsWithLargePayload");
            var customer = metadata.AddEntityType("Customer", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddKeyProperty(customer, "ID", typeof(int));
            var customers = metadata.AddResourceSet("Customers", customer);

            ComplexType = metadata.AddComplexType("AddressComplexType", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(ComplexType, "ZipCode", typeof(int));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(ComplexType, "City", typeof(string));

            DSPContext context = new DSPContext();

            DSPResource customer1 = new DSPResource(customer);
            customer1.SetValue("ID", 1);

            MyDSPActionProvider actionProvider = new MyDSPActionProvider();
            SetUpActionWithLargeParameterPayload(actionProvider, metadata, customer);
            SetUpActionWithLargeCollectionParameterPayload(actionProvider, metadata, customer);
            SetupLargeNumberOfActions(actionProvider, metadata, customer);

            DSPServiceDefinition service = new DSPServiceDefinition()
                Metadata = metadata,
                CreateDataSource = (m) => context,
                ForceVerboseErrors = true,
                Writable = true,
                ActionProvider = actionProvider,

            return service;
        private static void PopulateProperties(object context, object entity, DSPResource resource, Dictionary<DSPResource, object> entitiesAlreadyAdded)
            Assert.IsTrue(resource.ResourceType.ResourceTypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType || entitiesAlreadyAdded.ContainsKey(resource), "entitiesAlreadyAdded.ContainsKey(resource)");

            foreach (var property in resource.Properties)
                ResourceProperty resourceProperty = resource.ResourceType.Properties.Single(p => p.Name == property.Key);
                if (resourceProperty.ResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.Primitive)
                    SetPropertyValue(entity, resourceProperty.Name, property.Value);
                else if (resourceProperty.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference)
                    DSPResource childResource = (DSPResource)property.Value;
                    object childEntity;
                    if (!entitiesAlreadyAdded.TryGetValue(childResource, out childEntity))
                        Type entityType = context.GetType().Assembly.GetType(childResource.ResourceType.FullName);
                        childEntity = Activator.CreateInstance(entityType);
                        entitiesAlreadyAdded.Add(childResource, childEntity);
                        PopulateProperties(context, childEntity, childResource, entitiesAlreadyAdded);

                    SetPropertyValue(entity, resourceProperty.Name, childEntity);
                else if (resourceProperty.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference)
                    List<DSPResource> relatedEntities = (List<DSPResource>)property.Value;
                    object collection = GetPropertyValue(entity, resourceProperty.Name);
                    MethodInfo addMethod = collection.GetType().GetMethod("Add", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    foreach (DSPResource childResource in relatedEntities)
                        object childEntity;
                        if (!entitiesAlreadyAdded.TryGetValue(childResource, out childEntity))
                            Type entityType = context.GetType().Assembly.GetType(childResource.ResourceType.FullName);
                            childEntity = Activator.CreateInstance(entityType);
                            entitiesAlreadyAdded.Add(childResource, childEntity);
                            PopulateProperties(context, childEntity, childResource, entitiesAlreadyAdded);

                        addMethod.Invoke(collection, new object[] { childEntity });
                else if (resourceProperty.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ComplexType)
                    DSPResource complexResource = (DSPResource)property.Value;
                    Type complexType = context.GetType().Assembly.GetType(complexResource.ResourceType.FullName);
                    object complexValue = Activator.CreateInstance(complexType);
                    PopulateProperties(context, complexValue, complexResource, null);
                    SetPropertyValue(entity, resourceProperty.Name, complexValue);
                    // TODO: support collection type properties.
                    throw new Exception("invalid property encountered");
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the slug header value to the entity instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slug">slug header value</param>
        /// <param name="entity">entity instance to apply the slug value</param>
        protected override void ApplySlugHeader(string slug, object entity)
            DSPResource      resource = (DSPResource)entity;
            ResourceType     type     = resource.ResourceType;
            ResourceProperty key      = type.KeyProperties.First(); // we only try to set the slug header to the first key property.

            resource.SetValue(key.Name, StringToPrimitive(slug, key.ResourceType.InstanceType));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>Gets a value of a property specified by a path to that property.</summary>
 /// <param name="resource">The resource to read the value from.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The path to the property to read.</param>
 /// <returns>The value of the property/</returns>
 public static object GetPropertyPathValue(this DSPResource resource, string path)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
     return(GetPropertyPathValueOnResource(resource, path.Split('/'), 0));
        private static void PopulateContextWithDefaultData(Type contextType, DSPContext dspContext, DSPDataProviderKind providerKind)
            Assert.IsTrue(providerKind == DSPDataProviderKind.EF || providerKind == DSPDataProviderKind.Reflection, "expecting only EF and reflection provider");
            Dictionary<DSPResource, object> entitiesAlreadyAdded = new Dictionary<DSPResource, object>();

            // push all the data to the context.
            // create a new instance of the context
            var context = Activator.CreateInstance(contextType);

            // Clear the database if the context is EF context
            if (providerKind == DSPDataProviderKind.EF)
                if (((DbContext)context).Database.Exists())

            foreach (var set in dspContext.EntitySets)
                string setName = set.Key;
                List<object> entities = set.Value;

                foreach (var entity in entities)
                    DSPResource resource = (DSPResource)entity;
                    if (!entitiesAlreadyAdded.ContainsKey(resource))
                        Type entityType = contextType.Assembly.GetType(resource.ResourceType.FullName);
                        var entityInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(entityType);
                        if (providerKind == DSPDataProviderKind.EF)
                            IList list = (IList)context.GetType().GetField("_" + setName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(context);

                        entitiesAlreadyAdded.Add(resource, entityInstance);
                        PopulateProperties(context, entityInstance, resource, entitiesAlreadyAdded);
                    else if (providerKind == DSPDataProviderKind.Reflection)
                        // Since in reflection provider, adding to the collection does not add to the top level set, adding it explicitly now.
                        IList list = (IList)context.GetType().GetField("_" + setName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(context);

            if (providerKind == DSPDataProviderKind.EF)
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static object GetPropertyPathValueOnResource(object source, string[] path, int index)
            if (index >= path.Length)
            DSPResource resource = (DSPResource)source;

            return(GetPropertyPathValueOnResource(resource.GetValue(path[index]), path, index + 1));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>Validates that the <paramref name="resource"/> is a <see cref="DSPResource"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="resource">The resource instance to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>The resource instance casted to <see cref="DSPResource"/>.</returns>
        public static DSPResource ValidateDSPResource(object resource)
            DSPResource dspResource = resource as DSPResource;

            if (resource != null && dspResource == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The specified resource is not a DSPResource. That is not supported by this provider.");

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>Gets a list of all open properties for the specified resource.</summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target resource to get open properties from.</param>
        /// <returns>Enumerable of pairs, where the Key is the name of the open property and the Value is the value if that property.</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method should only return open properties. Properties declared in metadata for this resource's resource type
        /// must not be returned by this method.
        /// Properties can have null values. The type of the property is determined from the returned object, only primitive types are supported for now.</remarks>
        public IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > GetOpenPropertyValues(object target)
            DSPResource entity = target as DSPResource;

            if (entity != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unrecognized resource type.");
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>Gets a value of a declared property for a resource.</summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target resource to get a value of the property from.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceProperty">The name of the property to get.</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the property.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The returned value's type should match the type declared in the resource's resource type.</remarks>
        public object GetPropertyValue(object target, ResourceProperty resourceProperty)
            DSPResource entity = target as DSPResource;

            if (entity != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unrecognized resource type.");
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the entity and stream parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">entity instance.</param>
        /// <param name="streamProperty">stream info</param>
        protected override void ValidateEntity(object entity, ResourceProperty streamProperty)
            DSPResource  resource = (DSPResource)entity;
            ResourceType type     = resource.ResourceType;

            if (streamProperty == null && !type.IsMediaLinkEntry)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The specified entity is not an MLE.");

            if (streamProperty != null && type.Properties.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.Stream && s.Name == streamProperty.Name) == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The specified streamName does not exist on the entity.");
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the value of the given resource to its default value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource">resource whose value needs to be reset</param>
        /// <returns>same resource with its value reset</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method should reset resource properties to their default values.
        /// The resource is specfied by its resource "handle" by the <paramref name="resource"/>.
        /// The method can choose to modify the existing resource or create a new one and it should return a resource "handle"
        /// to the resource which has its properties with default values. If it chooses to return a new resource it must also
        /// replace that old resource with the new one in its resource set and all the references which may point to it.
        /// The returned resource must have the same identity as the one on the input. That means all its key properties must have the same value.
        /// All changes made by this method should be creates as pending until SaveChanges is called which will commit them (or if it's not called and ClearChanges
        /// is called instead they should be discarded).</remarks>
        public virtual object ResetResource(object resource)
            DSPResource dspResource = ValidateDSPResource(resource);

            this.pendingChanges.Add(() =>
                foreach (var resourceProperty in dspResource.ResourceType.Properties)
                    // We must only reset values of non-key properties, the key properties must be persited (to maintain the identity of the resource instance)
                    if ((resourceProperty.Kind & ResourcePropertyKind.Key) != ResourcePropertyKind.Key)
                        dspResource.SetValue(resourceProperty.Name, null);

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Passes the etag value for the given resource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceCookie">cookie representing the resource.</param>
        /// <param name="checkForEquality">true if we need to compare the property values for equality. If false, then we need to compare values for non-equality.</param>
        /// <param name="concurrencyValues">list of the etag property names and its corresponding values.</param>
        public void SetConcurrencyValues(object resourceCookie, bool?checkForEquality, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > concurrencyValues)
            DSPResource dspTargetResource = ValidateDSPResource(resourceCookie);

            // This implementation does pretty much exactly the same thing as the product if no IDataServiceUpdateProvider is implemented
            // Especially this throws the same exceptions/status codes as the product.
            if (checkForEquality == null)
                throw new DataServiceException(400, "Update operation to resource of type '" + dspTargetResource.ResourceType.FullName + "' is missing an If-Match header even though the resource has an ETag.");

            foreach (var concurrencyValue in concurrencyValues)
                if (!concurrencyValue.Value.Equals(dspTargetResource.GetValue(concurrencyValue.Key)))
                    throw new DataServiceException(412, "Wrong If-Match header value for property '" + concurrencyValue.Key + "'. The header value is '" + concurrencyValue.Value.ToString() + "', but the expected value is '" + (dspTargetResource.GetValue(concurrencyValue.Key) ?? "null").ToString() + "'.");
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of the given property on the target object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetResource">target object which defines the property</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">name of the property whose value needs to be updated</param>
        /// <returns>the value of the property for the given target resource</returns>
        /// <remarks>The method gets a resource "handle" in the <paramref name="targetResource"/> and the name of a resource property
        /// defined on it and should return the value of that property.</remarks>
        public virtual object GetValue(object targetResource, string propertyName)
            DSPResource dspTargetResource = ValidateDSPResource(targetResource);

            // First try to get the value from the modified properties
            Dictionary <string, object> propertiesModified;

            if (this.propertyValuesModified.TryGetValue(dspTargetResource, out propertiesModified))
                object propertyValue;
                if (propertiesModified.TryGetValue(propertyName, out propertyValue))

            // Only if the property has no been modified yet, return the value from the actual resource.
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the resource of the given type and belonging to the given container
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="containerName">container name to which the resource needs to be added</param>
        /// <param name="fullTypeName">full type name i.e. Namespace qualified type name of the resource</param>
        /// <returns>object representing a resource of given type and belonging to the given container</returns>
        /// <remarks>The method should create a new instance of the resource type specified by the <paramref name="fullTypeName"/>
        /// and add it to the resource set specified by the <paramref name="containerName"/>.
        /// The method should then return the "handle" to the resource just created.
        /// All properties of the new resource should have their default values.
        /// This method is called in two slightly different cases:
        ///   - entity resource creation - in this case the <paramref name="containerName"/> specifies the name of the resource set
        ///       the newly created entity should be added to and the <paramref name="fullTypeName"/> is the FullName of the resource type representing
        ///       entity type. The method should create new instance of the type and add it to the resource set.
        ///   - complex resource creation - in this case the <paramref name="containerName"/> is null and the <paramref name="fullTypeName"/>
        ///       specified the FullName of the resource type representing a complex type. The method should just create new instance of the type
        ///       and return it. Later the <see cref="SetValue"/> will be called to set the complex type instance returned as a value of some
        ///       complex property.
        /// All changes made by this method should be creates as pending until SaveChanges is called which will commit them (or if it's not called and ClearChanges
        /// is called instead they should be discarded).</remarks>
        public virtual object CreateResource(string containerName, string fullTypeName)
            ResourceType resourceType;

            if (!this.metadata.TryResolveResourceType(fullTypeName, out resourceType))
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown resource type '" + fullTypeName + "'.");

            // Create new instance of the DSPResource (this will create empty property bag, which is the same as all properties having default values)
            DSPResource newResource = (DSPResource)Activator.CreateInstance(resourceType.InstanceType, resourceType);

            if (containerName != null)
                // We're creating an entity and should add it to the resource set
                // This check here is just for documentation, the method should never be called with non-entity type in this case.
                if (resourceType.ResourceTypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The specified resource type '" + fullTypeName + "' is not an entity type, but resource set was specified.");

                IList <object> resourceSetList = this.dataContext.GetResourceSetEntities(containerName);

                // And register pending change to add the resource to the resource set list
                this.pendingChanges.Add(() =>
                // We're creating a complex type instance, so no additional operation is needed.
                // This check here is just for documentation the method should never be called with non-complex type in this case.
                if (resourceType.ResourceTypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.ComplexType)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The specified resource type '" + fullTypeName + "' is not a complex type.");

            // The method should return the resource "handle", we don't have handles so we return the resource itself directly.
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given value to the collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetResource">target object which defines the property</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">name of the property whose value needs to be updated</param>
        /// <param name="resourceToBeAdded">value of the property which needs to be added</param>
        /// <remarks>Adds resource instance <paramref name="resourceToBeAdded"/> into a resource reference set
        /// <paramref name="propertyName"/> on resource <paramref name="targetResource"/>.
        /// Both resources, that is <paramref name="targetResource"/> and <paramref name="resourceToBeAdded"/>, are specified
        /// in the parameters as the resource "handle".
        /// All changes made by this method should be creates as pending until SaveChanges is called which will commit them (or if it's not called and ClearChanges
        /// is called instead they should be discarded).</remarks>
        public virtual void AddReferenceToCollection(object targetResource, string propertyName, object resourceToBeAdded)
            // We don't use resource "handles" so both resources passed in as parameters are the real resource instances.
            DSPResource dspTargetResource    = ValidateDSPResource(targetResource);
            DSPResource dspResourceToBeAdded = ValidateDSPResource(resourceToBeAdded);

            // All resource set reference properties must be of type IList<DSPResource> (assumption of this provider)
            // Note that we don't support bi-directional relationships so we only handle the one resource set reference property in isolation.

            IList <DSPResource> list = dspTargetResource.GetValue(propertyName) as IList <DSPResource>;

            if (list == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The value of the property '" + propertyName + "' does not implement IList<DSPResource>, which is a requirement for resource set reference property.");

            this.pendingChanges.Add(() =>
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">entity instance.</param>
        protected override void ValidateEntity(object entity)
            DSPResource resource = entity as DSPResource;

            if (entity == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only entities of DSPResource type are currently supported.");

            ResourceType type = resource.ResourceType;

            if (type.ResourceTypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("EntityType expected");

            if (!type.IsMediaLinkEntry && !type.Properties.Any(p => p.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.Stream))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The given entity is not an MLE and has no named streams.");
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value of the given property on the target object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetResource">target object which defines the property</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">name of the property whose value needs to be updated</param>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">value of the property</param>
        /// <remarks>This method should pend a change which will set a resource property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>
        /// to value specified by <paramref name="propertyValue"/> on the resource specified by the resource "handle" <paramref name="targetResource"/>.
        /// All changes made by this method should be creates as pending until SaveChanges is called which will commit them (or if it's not called and ClearChanges
        /// is called instead they should be discarded).</remarks>
        public virtual void SetValue(object targetResource, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
            DSPResource dspTargetResource = ValidateDSPResource(targetResource);

            // Note that we rely on the DSPResource.SetValue implementation to correctly deal with collections.

            // Add a pending change to modify the value of the property
            this.pendingChanges.Add(() =>
                dspTargetResource.SetValue(propertyName, propertyValue);

            // And remember the new value
            Dictionary <string, object> propertiesModified;

            if (!this.propertyValuesModified.TryGetValue(dspTargetResource, out propertiesModified))
                propertiesModified = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                this.propertyValuesModified[dspTargetResource] = propertiesModified;
            propertiesModified[propertyName] = propertyValue;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>Creates a server resource from the specified client resource</summary>
        /// <param name="clientResource">The client resource instance.</param>
        /// <param name="createCollection">Optional func to create a new collection instance on the server.
        /// The first parameter is the collection resource type, the second is enumeration of server items to be added to the collection.</param>
        /// <param name="clientInstanceToResourceType">Func to resolve client resource to a server resource type.</param>
        /// <returns>The server resource instance.</returns>
        public static DSPResource CreateServerResourceFromClientResource(
            object clientResource,
            Func <providers.CollectionResourceType, IEnumerable <object>, object> createCollection,
            Func <object, providers.ResourceType> clientInstanceToResourceType)
            providers.ResourceType resourceType = clientInstanceToResourceType(clientResource);

            DSPResource resource = new DSPResource(resourceType);
            IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> properties = clientResource.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

            foreach (var property in properties)
                var sameProperties = properties.Where(p => p.Name == property.Name).ToList();
                sameProperties.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(p2.DeclaringType) ? 1 : -1);
                if (sameProperties[0] == property)
                    object value = property.GetValue(clientResource, null);
                    providers.ResourceProperty resourceProperty = resourceType == null ? null : resourceType.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == property.Name);
                    resource.SetRawValue(property.Name, CreateServerValueFromClientValue(value, resourceProperty == null ? null : resourceProperty.ResourceType, createCollection, clientInstanceToResourceType));

Exemplo n.º 20
        private static DSPResource CreateResource(DSPMetadata metadata, string entityTypeName, int idValue, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] propertyValues, bool useComplexType)
            var entityType = metadata.GetResourceType(entityTypeName);

            DSPResource entity;
            if (useComplexType)
                entity = new DSPResource(entityType);
                entity = new DSPResource(entityType, propertyValues);

            entity.SetValue("ID", idValue);

            DSPResource resourceForProperties;
            if (useComplexType)

                string complexTypeName = GetComplexTypeName(entityTypeName);
                var complexType = metadata.GetResourceType(complexTypeName);
                resourceForProperties = new DSPResource(complexType, propertyValues);
                entity.SetValue("ComplexProperty", resourceForProperties);
                resourceForProperties = entity;
            return entity;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the properties of a DSPResource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entry">DSPResource instance to serialize.</param>
 private void WriteProperties(DSPResource entry)
     ResourceType type = entry.ResourceType;
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> property in entry.Properties)
         ResourceProperty resourceProperty = type.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == property.Key);
         this.WriteValue(resourceProperty.ResourceType, property.Value);
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes a DSPResource entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">DSPResource instance to serialize.</param>
        public void WriteEntity(DSPResource entity)
            ResourceType type = entity.ResourceType;
            if (type.ResourceTypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only EntityType is currently supported.");

            this.StartEntry(entity, true);


Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes the specified entity resource
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity resource to serialize.</param>
 /// <param name="format">The format in which to serialize.</param>
 /// <param name="output">The stream to serialize to.</param>
 /// <param name="encoding">The text encoding to use for the serialization.</param>
 public static void WriteEntity(DSPResource entity, DSPResourceSerializerFormat format, Stream output, Encoding encoding)
     CreateSerializerAndRun(format, output, encoding, (serializer) => { serializer.WriteEntity(entity); });
        public void AllowRedefiningConcurrencyTokenOnDerivedType()
            var metadataProvider = new DSPMetadata("DefaultContainer", "Default");

            var entityType = metadataProvider.AddEntityType("EntityType", null, null, false /*isAbstract*/);
            metadataProvider.AddKeyProperty(entityType, "ID", typeof(int));
            metadataProvider.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "LastUpdatedAuthor", typeof(string), true /*eTag*/);

            var derivedType = metadataProvider.AddEntityType("DerivedType", null, entityType, false /*isAbstract*/);
            metadataProvider.AddPrimitiveProperty(derivedType, "LastModifiedAuthor", typeof(string), true /*eTag*/);

            metadataProvider.AddResourceSet("Customers", entityType);

            var wrapper = new DataServiceMetadataProviderWrapper(metadataProvider);

            DSPResource baseTypeInstance = new DSPResource(entityType);
            baseTypeInstance.SetValue("ID", 1);
            baseTypeInstance.SetValue("LastUpdatedAuthor", "Phani");

            DSPResource derivedTypeInstance = new DSPResource(derivedType);
            derivedTypeInstance.SetValue("ID", 1);
            derivedTypeInstance.SetValue("LastModifiedAuthor", "Raj");

            DSPContext dataContext = new DSPContext();
            var entities = dataContext.GetResourceSetEntities("Customers");
            entities.AddRange(new object[] { baseTypeInstance, derivedTypeInstance });

            var service = new DSPUnitTestServiceDefinition(metadataProvider, DSPDataProviderKind.Reflection, dataContext);
            using (TestWebRequest request = service.CreateForInProcess())
                    request.RequestUriString = "/$metadata";
Exemplo n.º 25
 protected abstract void StartEntry(DSPResource entry, bool isTopLevel);
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected override void PreWriteProperties(DSPResource entry)
     // Do nothing.
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes the specified entity resource into a string
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity resource to serialize.</param>
 /// <param name="format">The format in which to serialize.</param>
 /// <returns>The entity serialized as a string</returns>
 public static string WriteEntity(DSPResource entity, DSPResourceSerializerFormat format)
     return CreateSerializerAndRunIntoString(format, (serializer) => { serializer.WriteEntity(entity); });
Exemplo n.º 28
        internal static DSPServiceDefinition SetUpNamedStreamService()
            DSPMetadata metadata = new DSPMetadata("NamedStreamIDSPContainer", "NamedStreamTest");

            // entity with streams
            ResourceType entityWithNamedStreams = metadata.AddEntityType("EntityWithNamedStreams", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddKeyProperty(entityWithNamedStreams, "ID", typeof(int));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityWithNamedStreams, "Name", typeof(string));
            ResourceProperty streamInfo1 = new ResourceProperty("Stream1", ResourcePropertyKind.Stream, ResourceType.GetPrimitiveResourceType(typeof(Stream)));
            ResourceProperty streamInfo2 = new ResourceProperty("Stream2", ResourcePropertyKind.Stream, ResourceType.GetPrimitiveResourceType(typeof(Stream)));

            // entity1 with streams
            ResourceType entityWithNamedStreams1 = metadata.AddEntityType("EntityWithNamedStreams1", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddKeyProperty(entityWithNamedStreams1, "ID", typeof(int));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityWithNamedStreams1, "Name", typeof(string));
            ResourceProperty refStreamInfo1 = new ResourceProperty("RefStream1", ResourcePropertyKind.Stream, ResourceType.GetPrimitiveResourceType(typeof(Stream)));

            // entity2 with streams
            ResourceType entityWithNamedStreams2 = metadata.AddEntityType("EntityWithNamedStreams2", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddKeyProperty(entityWithNamedStreams2, "ID", typeof(string));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityWithNamedStreams2, "Name", typeof(string));
            ResourceProperty collectionStreamInfo = new ResourceProperty("ColStream", ResourcePropertyKind.Stream, ResourceType.GetPrimitiveResourceType(typeof(Stream)));

            ResourceSet set1 = metadata.AddResourceSet("MySet1", entityWithNamedStreams);
            ResourceSet set2 = metadata.AddResourceSet("MySet2", entityWithNamedStreams1);
            ResourceSet set3 = metadata.AddResourceSet("MySet3", entityWithNamedStreams2);

            // add navigation property to entityWithNamedStreams
            metadata.AddResourceReferenceProperty(entityWithNamedStreams, "Ref", set2, entityWithNamedStreams1);
            metadata.AddResourceSetReferenceProperty(entityWithNamedStreams, "Collection", set3, entityWithNamedStreams2);
            metadata.AddResourceSetReferenceProperty(entityWithNamedStreams2, "Collection1", set2, entityWithNamedStreams1);

            DSPServiceDefinition service = new DSPServiceDefinition();
            service.Metadata = metadata;
            service.MediaResourceStorage = new DSPMediaResourceStorage();
            service.SupportMediaResource = true;
            service.SupportNamedStream = true;
            service.ForceVerboseErrors = true;
            service.PageSizeCustomizer = (config, type) =>
                                             config.SetEntitySetPageSize("MySet3", 1);

            // populate data
            DSPContext context = new DSPContext();

            DSPResource entity1 = new DSPResource(entityWithNamedStreams);

                entity1.SetValue("ID", 1);
                entity1.SetValue("Name", "Foo");
                DSPMediaResource namedStream1 = service.MediaResourceStorage.CreateMediaResource(entity1, streamInfo1);
                namedStream1.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
                byte[] data1 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                namedStream1.GetWriteStream().Write(data1, 0, data1.Length);

                DSPMediaResource namedStream2 = service.MediaResourceStorage.CreateMediaResource(entity1, streamInfo2);
                namedStream2.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
                byte[] data2 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                namedStream2.GetWriteStream().Write(data2, 0, data2.Length);

            DSPResource entity2 = new DSPResource(entityWithNamedStreams1);

                entity2.SetValue("ID", 3);
                entity2.SetValue("Name", "Bar");
                DSPMediaResource refNamedStream1 = service.MediaResourceStorage.CreateMediaResource(entity2, refStreamInfo1);
                refNamedStream1.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
                byte[] data1 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                refNamedStream1.GetWriteStream().Write(data1, 0, data1.Length);

                // set the navigation property
                entity1.SetValue("Ref", entity2);

                DSPResource entity3 = new DSPResource(entityWithNamedStreams2);

                entity3.SetValue("ID", "ABCDE");
                entity3.SetValue("Name", "Bar");
                DSPMediaResource stream = service.MediaResourceStorage.CreateMediaResource(entity3, collectionStreamInfo);
                stream.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
                byte[] data1 = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                stream.GetWriteStream().Write(data1, 0, data1.Length);
                entity3.SetValue("Collection1", new List<DSPResource>() { entity2 });

                DSPResource entity4 = new DSPResource(entityWithNamedStreams2);

                entity4.SetValue("ID", "XYZ");
                entity4.SetValue("Name", "Foo");
                DSPMediaResource stream1 = service.MediaResourceStorage.CreateMediaResource(entity3, collectionStreamInfo);
                stream1.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
                stream1.GetWriteStream().Write(data1, 0, data1.Length);
                entity4.SetValue("Collection1", new List<DSPResource>() { entity2 });

                entity1.SetValue("Collection", new List<DSPResource>() { entity3, entity4 });

            service.DataSource = context;
            return service;
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a datasource from the given metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">The metadata against which the datasource is created.</param>
        /// <returns>DSPContext representing the data source.</returns>
        private static DSPContext CreateDataSource(DSPMetadata metadata)
            DSPContext context = new DSPContext();
            ResourceType customerType = metadata.GetResourceType("CustomerEntity");
            DSPResource entity1 = new DSPResource(customerType);
            entity1.SetValue("ID", 1);
            entity1.SetValue("Name", "Vineet");
            DSPResource entity2 = new DSPResource(customerType);
            entity2.SetValue("ID", 2);
            entity2.SetValue("Name", "Jimmy");

            return context;
Exemplo n.º 30
            private void PreferHeader_SetupRequest(TestWebRequest request, string httpMethod, string format, XDocument existingItemAtom, DSPResource existingItem, Action<XDocument> modifyInputAtom)
                string realHttpMethod = httpMethod;
                if (realHttpMethod == "POSTMR") { realHttpMethod = "POST"; }

                request.HttpMethod = realHttpMethod;
                request.RequestContentType = httpMethod == "POSTMR" ? UnitTestsUtil.MimeTextPlain : format;
                request.Accept = format;

                XDocument inputAtom = new XDocument(existingItemAtom);
                // Remove all nav property links as those are not supported on some operations
                inputAtom.Root.Elements(UnitTestsUtil.AtomNamespace + "link").Where(e =>
                    e.Attribute("rel").Value.Contains("http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/related/") ||
                request.RequestHeaders["Slug"] = null;
                if (httpMethod == "POST")
                    inputAtom.Root.Element(UnitTestsUtil.AtomNamespace + "content").Element(UnitTestsUtil.MetadataNamespace + "properties")
                        .Element(UnitTestsUtil.DataNamespace + "ID").Value = "1";
                    request.IfMatch = null;
                    request.RequestUriString = "/Items";
                else if (httpMethod == "POSTMR")
                    request.RequestHeaders["Slug"] = "1";
                    request.IfMatch = null;
                    request.RequestUriString = "/Streams";
                    request.IfMatch = existingItem.GetETag();
                    request.RequestUriString = "/Items(0)";

                if (httpMethod == "POSTMR")
                    request.SetRequestStreamAsText("some text content");
                    if (modifyInputAtom != null)
Exemplo n.º 31
 protected abstract void WriteEntryMetadata(DSPResource entry);
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static DSPContext GetDefaultData(DSPMetadata metadata)
            var peopleType = metadata.GetResourceType("PeopleType");
            var employeeType = metadata.GetResourceType("EmployeeType");
            var managerType = metadata.GetResourceType("ManagerType");
            var customerType = metadata.GetResourceType("CustomerType");
            var employeeAddressType = metadata.GetResourceType("EmployeeAddressType");
            var customerAddressType = metadata.GetResourceType("CustomerAddressType");

            #region Default Data for the Model
            var context = new DSPContext();

            DSPResource people1 = new DSPResource(peopleType);
            people1.SetValue("ID", 1);
            people1.SetValue("Name", "Foo");

            DSPResource andyAddress = new DSPResource(employeeAddressType);
            andyAddress.SetValue("ID", 1);
            andyAddress.SetValue("Street", "Andy's address");
            andyAddress.SetValue("City", "Sammamish");
            andyAddress.SetValue("State", "WA");

            DSPResource andy = new DSPResource(managerType);
            andy.SetValue("ID", 2);
            andy.SetValue("Name", "Andy");
            andy.SetValue("FullName", "Andy Conrad");
            andy.SetValue("Address", andyAddress);

            DSPResource pratikAddress = new DSPResource(employeeAddressType);
            pratikAddress.SetValue("ID", 2);
            pratikAddress.SetValue("Street", "pratik's address");
            pratikAddress.SetValue("City", "Bothell");
            pratikAddress.SetValue("State", "WA");

            DSPResource pratik = new DSPResource(employeeType);
            pratik.SetValue("ID", 3);
            pratik.SetValue("Name", "Pratik");
            pratik.SetValue("FullName", "Pratik Patel");
            pratik.SetValue("Manager", andy);
            pratik.SetValue("Address", pratikAddress);

            DSPResource jimmyAddress = new DSPResource(employeeAddressType);
            jimmyAddress.SetValue("ID", 3);
            jimmyAddress.SetValue("Street", "jimmy's address");
            jimmyAddress.SetValue("City", "somewhere in seattle");
            jimmyAddress.SetValue("State", "WA");

            DSPResource jimmy = new DSPResource(employeeType);
            jimmy.SetValue("ID", 4);
            jimmy.SetValue("Name", "Jimmy");
            jimmy.SetValue("FullName", "Jian Li");
            jimmy.SetValue("Manager", andy);
            jimmy.SetValue("Address", jimmyAddress);

            andy.SetValue("DirectReports", new List<DSPResource>() { pratik, jimmy });

            DSPResource shyamAddress = new DSPResource(employeeAddressType);
            shyamAddress.SetValue("ID", 4);
            shyamAddress.SetValue("Street", "shyam's address");
            shyamAddress.SetValue("City", "university district");
            shyamAddress.SetValue("State", "WA");

            DSPResource shyam = new DSPResource(managerType);
            shyam.SetValue("ID", 5);
            shyam.SetValue("Name", "Shyam");
            shyam.SetValue("FullName", "Shyam Pather");
            shyam.SetValue("Address", shyamAddress);

            DSPResource marceloAddress = new DSPResource(employeeAddressType);
            marceloAddress.SetValue("ID", 5);
            marceloAddress.SetValue("Street", "marcelo's address");
            marceloAddress.SetValue("City", "kirkland");
            marceloAddress.SetValue("State", "WA");

            DSPResource marcelo = new DSPResource(employeeType);
            marcelo.SetValue("ID", 6);
            marcelo.SetValue("Name", "Marcelo");
            marcelo.SetValue("FullName", "Marcelo Lopez Ruiz");
            marcelo.SetValue("Manager", shyam);
            marcelo.SetValue("Address", marceloAddress);

            andy.SetValue("Manager", shyam);

            shyam.SetValue("DirectReports", new List<DSPResource>() { andy, marcelo });

            DSPResource customer1Address = new DSPResource(customerAddressType);
            customer1Address.SetValue("ID", 6);
            customer1Address.SetValue("Street", "customer1's address");
            customer1Address.SetValue("City", "somewhere");
            customer1Address.SetValue("State", "WA");

            var customer1 = new DSPResource(customerType);
            customer1.SetValue("ID", 7);
            customer1.SetValue("FullName", "Customer FullName");
            customer1.SetValue("Address", customer1Address);

            var people = context.GetResourceSetEntities("People");
            people.AddRange(new object[] { people1, andy, pratik, jimmy, shyam, marcelo, customer1 });

            var addresses = context.GetResourceSetEntities("Addresses");
            addresses.AddRange(new object[] { andyAddress, pratikAddress, jimmyAddress, shyamAddress, marceloAddress, customer1Address });

            #endregion Default Data for the Model

            return context;
        private static DSPContext GetDefaultData(DSPMetadata metadata)
            var peopleType = metadata.GetResourceType("PeopleType");
            var officeType = metadata.GetResourceType("OfficeType");

            #region Default Data for the Model
            var context = new DSPContext();

            DSPResource people1 = new DSPResource(peopleType);
            people1.SetValue("ID", 1);
            people1.SetValue("Name", "Foo");
            people1.SetValue("Body", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("a byte array"));          
            people1.SetValue("Age", 23);

            var office = new DSPResource(officeType);
            office.SetValue("Building", "Building 18");
            office.SetValue("OfficeNumber", 100);
            people1.SetValue("Office", office);

            var people = context.GetResourceSetEntities("People");
            people.Add( people1 );

            #endregion Default Data for the Model

            return context;
Exemplo n.º 34
        private static DSPServiceDefinition ModelWithDerivedNavigationProperties()
            // Navigation Collection Property: Client - Entity, Server - NonEntity
            DSPMetadata metadata = new DSPMetadata("ModelWithDerivedNavProperties", "AstoriaUnitTests.Tests.DerivedProperty");

            var peopleType = metadata.AddEntityType("Person", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddKeyProperty(peopleType, "ID", typeof(int));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(peopleType, "Name", typeof(string));
            var bestFriendProperty = metadata.AddResourceReferenceProperty(peopleType, "BestFriend", peopleType);
            var friendsProperty = metadata.AddResourceSetReferenceProperty(peopleType, "Friends", peopleType);
            var aquaintancesProperty = metadata.AddResourceSetReferenceProperty(peopleType, "Aquaintances", peopleType);

            var peopleSet = metadata.AddResourceSet("People", peopleType);

            var officeType = metadata.AddComplexType("Office", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(officeType, "Building", typeof(string));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(officeType, "OfficeNumber", typeof(int));

            var vacationType = metadata.AddComplexType("Vacation", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(vacationType, "Description", typeof(string));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(vacationType, "StartDate", typeof(DateTimeOffset));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(vacationType, "EndDate", typeof(DateTimeOffset));

            var employeeType = metadata.AddEntityType("Employee", null, peopleType, false);
            metadata.AddCollectionProperty(employeeType, "Vacations", vacationType);
            metadata.AddComplexProperty(employeeType, "Office", officeType);
            metadata.AddCollectionProperty(employeeType, "Skills", ResourceType.GetPrimitiveResourceType(typeof(string)));
            metadata.AddNamedStreamProperty(employeeType, "Photo");

            var managerType = metadata.AddEntityType("PeopleManager", null, employeeType, false);

            var drProperty = metadata.AddResourceSetReferenceProperty(managerType, "DirectReports", employeeType);
            var managerProperty = metadata.AddResourceReferenceProperty(employeeType, "Manager", managerType);
            var colleaguesProperty = metadata.AddResourceSetReferenceProperty(employeeType, "Colleagues", employeeType);

            metadata.AddResourceAssociationSet(new ResourceAssociationSet(
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, employeeType, managerProperty),
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, managerType, drProperty)));

            metadata.AddResourceAssociationSet(new ResourceAssociationSet(
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, peopleType, bestFriendProperty),
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, peopleType, null)));

            metadata.AddResourceAssociationSet(new ResourceAssociationSet(
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, peopleType, friendsProperty),
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, peopleType, null)));

            metadata.AddResourceAssociationSet(new ResourceAssociationSet(
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, employeeType, colleaguesProperty),
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, employeeType, null)));

            metadata.AddResourceAssociationSet(new ResourceAssociationSet(
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, peopleType, aquaintancesProperty),
                new ResourceAssociationSetEnd(peopleSet, peopleType, null)));


            DSPContext context = new DSPContext();

            DSPResource people1 = new DSPResource(peopleType);
            people1.SetValue("ID", 1);
            people1.SetValue("Name", "Foo");
            people1.SetValue("Friends", new List<DSPResource>());

            DSPResource thanksgivingVacation = new DSPResource(vacationType);
            thanksgivingVacation.SetValue("Description", "Thanksgiving");
            thanksgivingVacation.SetValue("StartDate", new DateTime(2011, 11, 19));
            thanksgivingVacation.SetValue("EndDate", new DateTime(2011, 11, 27));

            DSPResource christmasVacation = new DSPResource(vacationType);
            christmasVacation.SetValue("Description", "Christmas");
            christmasVacation.SetValue("StartDate", new DateTime(2011, 12, 24));
            christmasVacation.SetValue("EndDate", new DateTime(2012, 1, 2));

            DSPResource andy = new DSPResource(managerType);
            andy.SetValue("ID", 2);
            andy.SetValue("Name", "Andy");
            andy.SetValue("Vacations", new List<DSPResource>() { thanksgivingVacation, christmasVacation });
            var office = new DSPResource(officeType);
            office.SetValue("Building", "Building 18");
            office.SetValue("OfficeNumber", 100);
            andy.SetValue("Office", office);
            andy.SetValue("Skills", new List<string>() { "CSharp", "VB", "SQL" });
            andy.SetValue("Friends", new List<DSPResource>() { people1 });
            andy.SetValue("Aquaintences", new List<DSPResource>());

            DSPResource pratik = new DSPResource(employeeType);
            pratik.SetValue("ID", 3);
            pratik.SetValue("Name", "Pratik");
            pratik.SetValue("Manager", andy);
            pratik.SetValue("Vacations", new List<DSPResource>() { christmasVacation });
            office = new DSPResource(officeType);
            office.SetValue("Building", "Building 18");
            office.SetValue("OfficeNumber", 101);
            pratik.SetValue("Office", office);
            pratik.SetValue("Skills", new List<string>() { "CSharp", "VB", "SQL" });
            pratik.SetValue("Friends", new List<DSPResource>() { people1 });
            pratik.SetValue("Aquaintences", new List<DSPResource>());

            DSPResource jimmy = new DSPResource(employeeType);
            jimmy.SetValue("ID", 4);
            jimmy.SetValue("Name", "Jimmy");
            jimmy.SetValue("Manager", andy);
            jimmy.SetValue("Vacations", new List<DSPResource>() { thanksgivingVacation, christmasVacation });
            office = new DSPResource(officeType);
            office.SetValue("Building", "Building 18");
            office.SetValue("OfficeNumber", 102);
            jimmy.SetValue("Office", office);
            jimmy.SetValue("Skills", new List<string>() { "CSharp", "SQL" });
            jimmy.SetValue("Friends", new List<DSPResource>() { people1 });
            jimmy.SetValue("Aquaintences", new List<DSPResource>());

            andy.SetValue("DirectReports", new List<DSPResource>() { pratik, jimmy });

            DSPResource shyam = new DSPResource(managerType);
            shyam.SetValue("ID", 5);
            shyam.SetValue("Name", "Shyam");
            shyam.SetValue("Manager", shyam);
            shyam.SetValue("Vacations", new List<DSPResource>() { thanksgivingVacation, christmasVacation });
            office = new DSPResource(officeType);
            office.SetValue("Building", "Building 18");
            office.SetValue("OfficeNumber", 103);
            shyam.SetValue("Office", office);
            shyam.SetValue("Skills", new List<string>());
            shyam.SetValue("Friends", new List<DSPResource>() { people1 });
            shyam.SetValue("Aquaintences", new List<DSPResource>());

            DSPResource marcelo = new DSPResource(employeeType);
            marcelo.SetValue("ID", 6);
            marcelo.SetValue("Name", "Marcelo");
            marcelo.SetValue("Manager", shyam);
            marcelo.SetValue("Vacations", new List<DSPResource>());
            office = new DSPResource(officeType);
            office.SetValue("Building", "Building 18");
            office.SetValue("OfficeNumber", 104);
            marcelo.SetValue("Office", office);
            marcelo.SetValue("Skills", new List<string>() { "CSharp", "VB", "SQL" });
            marcelo.SetValue("Friends", new List<DSPResource>() { people1 });
            marcelo.SetValue("Aquaintences", new List<DSPResource>());

            andy.SetValue("Manager", shyam);
            shyam.SetValue("DirectReports", new List<DSPResource>() { andy, marcelo });

            pratik.SetValue("BestFriend", andy);
            andy.SetValue("BestFriend", shyam);
            shyam.SetValue("BestFriend", marcelo);
            marcelo.SetValue("BestFriend", jimmy);
            jimmy.SetValue("BestFriend", people1);
            people1.SetValue("BestFriend", pratik);

            andy.SetValue("Colleagues", new List<DSPResource>() { marcelo });
            pratik.SetValue("Colleagues", new List<DSPResource>() { jimmy });
            jimmy.SetValue("Colleagues", new List<DSPResource>() { pratik });
            marcelo.SetValue("Colleagues", new List<DSPResource>() { andy });
            shyam.SetValue("Colleagues", new List<DSPResource>());

            people1.SetValue("Aquaintances", new List<DSPResource>() { pratik, andy, jimmy, shyam, marcelo });

            var people = context.GetResourceSetEntities("People");

            DSPServiceDefinition service = new DSPServiceDefinition()
                Metadata = metadata,
                CreateDataSource = (m) => context,
                ForceVerboseErrors = true,
                MediaResourceStorage = new DSPMediaResourceStorage(),
                SupportNamedStream = true,
                Writable = true,
                DataServiceBehavior = new OpenWebDataServiceDefinition.OpenWebDataServiceBehavior() { IncludeRelationshipLinksInResponse = true },

            return service;
Exemplo n.º 35
        private DSPUnitTestServiceDefinition CreateTestService(bool openType = false)
            DSPMetadata metadata = new DSPMetadata("SpatialQueryTests", "AstoriaUnitTests.Tests");
            var entityType = metadata.AddEntityType("SpatialEntity", null, null, false);
            metadata.AddKeyProperty(entityType, "ID", typeof(int));
            entityType.IsOpenType = openType;

            if (!openType)
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "Geography", typeof(Geography));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "Point", typeof(GeographyPoint));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "Point2", typeof(GeographyPoint));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "LineString", typeof(GeographyLineString));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "Polygon", typeof(GeographyPolygon));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeographyCollection", typeof(GeographyCollection));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "MultiPoint", typeof(GeographyMultiPoint));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "MultiLineString", typeof(GeographyMultiLineString));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "MultiPolygon", typeof(GeographyMultiPolygon));

                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "Geometry", typeof(Geometry));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryPoint", typeof(GeometryPoint));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryPoint2", typeof(GeometryPoint));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryLineString", typeof(GeometryLineString));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryPolygon", typeof(GeometryPolygon));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryCollection", typeof(GeometryCollection));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryMultiPoint", typeof(GeometryMultiPoint));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryMultiLineString", typeof(GeometryMultiLineString));
                metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryMultiPolygon", typeof(GeometryMultiPolygon));

            metadata.AddCollectionProperty(entityType, "CollectionOfPoints", typeof(GeographyPoint));
            metadata.AddCollectionProperty(entityType, "GeometryCollectionOfPoints", typeof(GeometryPoint));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeographyNull", typeof(Geography));
            metadata.AddPrimitiveProperty(entityType, "GeometryNull", typeof(Geometry));

            metadata.AddResourceSet("Spatials", entityType);


            DSPContext context = new DSPContext();
            var set = context.GetResourceSetEntities("Spatials");

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                DSPResource spatialEntity = new DSPResource(entityType);
                spatialEntity.SetValue("ID", i);
                spatialEntity.SetValue("Geography", GeographyFactory.Point(32.0 - i, -100.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("Point", GeographyFactory.Point(33.1 - i, -110.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("Point2", GeographyFactory.Point(32.1 - i, -110.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("LineString", GeographyFactory.LineString(33.1 - i, -110.0).LineTo(35.97 - i, -110).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("Polygon", GeographyFactory.Polygon().Ring(33.1 - i, -110.0).LineTo(35.97 - i, -110.15).LineTo(11.45 - i, 87.75).Ring(35.97 - i, -110).LineTo(36.97 - i, -110.15).LineTo(45.23 - i, 23.18).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeographyCollection", GeographyFactory.Collection().Point(-19.99 - i, -12.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("MultiPoint", GeographyFactory.MultiPoint().Point(10.2 - i, 11.2).Point(11.9 - i, 11.6).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("MultiLineString", GeographyFactory.MultiLineString().LineString(10.2 - i, 11.2).LineTo(11.9 - i, 11.6).LineString(16.2 - i, 17.2).LineTo(18.9 - i, 19.6).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("MultiPolygon", GeographyFactory.MultiPolygon().Polygon().Ring(10.2 - i, 11.2).LineTo(11.9 - i, 11.6).LineTo(11.45 - i, 87.75).Ring(16.2 - i, 17.2).LineTo(18.9 - i, 19.6).LineTo(11.45 - i, 87.75).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("CollectionOfPoints", new List<GeographyPoint>()
                        GeographyFactory.Point(10.2, 99.5),
                        GeographyFactory.Point(11.2, 100.5)

                spatialEntity.SetValue("Geometry", GeometryFactory.Point(32.0 - i, -10.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryPoint", GeometryFactory.Point(33.1 - i, -11.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryPoint2", GeometryFactory.Point(32.1 - i, -11.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryLineString", GeometryFactory.LineString(33.1 - i, -11.5).LineTo(35.97 - i, -11).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryPolygon", GeometryFactory.Polygon().Ring(33.1 - i, -13.6).LineTo(35.97 - i, -11.15).LineTo(11.45 - i, 87.75).Ring(35.97 - i, -11).LineTo(36.97 - i, -11.15).LineTo(45.23 - i, 23.18).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryCollection", GeometryFactory.Collection().Point(-19.99 - i, -12.0).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryMultiPoint", GeometryFactory.MultiPoint().Point(10.2 - i, 11.2).Point(11.9 - i, 11.6).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryMultiLineString", GeometryFactory.MultiLineString().LineString(10.2 - i, 11.2).LineTo(11.9 - i, 11.6).LineString(16.2 - i, 17.2).LineTo(18.9 - i, 19.6).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryMultiPolygon", GeometryFactory.MultiPolygon().Polygon().Ring(10.2 - i, 11.2).LineTo(11.9 - i, 11.6).LineTo(11.45 - i, 87.75).Ring(16.2 - i, 17.2).LineTo(18.9 - i, 19.6).LineTo(11.45 - i, 87.75).Build());
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryCollectionOfPoints", new List<GeometryPoint>()
                        GeometryFactory.Point(10.2, 99.5),
                        GeometryFactory.Point(11.2, 100.5)

                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeographyNull", null);
                spatialEntity.SetValue("GeometryNull", null);


            var service = new DSPUnitTestServiceDefinition(metadata, DSPDataProviderKind.CustomProvider, context);
            service.DataServiceBehavior.AcceptSpatialLiteralsInQuery = true;
            service.Writable = true;

            return service;
Exemplo n.º 36
 private static void PopulateResourceSet(DSPContext context, DSPResource resource)
     string resourceSetName = GetResourceSetName(resource.ResourceType.Name);
     var resourceSet = context.GetResourceSetEntities(resourceSetName);
     resourceSet.AddRange(new object[] { resource });
Exemplo n.º 37
 protected override void StartEntry(DSPResource entry, bool isTopLevel)
     // {
Exemplo n.º 38
 protected abstract void PreWriteProperties(DSPResource entry);
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Write metadata information for the entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">Entry to write metadata for.</param>
        protected override void WriteEntryMetadata(DSPResource entry)
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry != null");

            // __metadata : { type: "Type" }
            if (entry.ResourceType != null)
Exemplo n.º 40
            public void PreferHeader_UnrelatedRequests()
                DSPMetadata metadata = PreferHeader_CreateMetadata();
                var item = new DSPSelfmodifyingResource(metadata.GetResourceType("Item"));
                item.SetRawValue("ID", 0);
                item.SetRawValue("ETagProperty", 0);
                item.SetRawValue("Self", item);
                var collection = new DSPResource(metadata.GetResourceType("Collection"));
                collection.SetRawValue("ID", 0);
                collection.SetRawValue("CollectionProperty", new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 });
                var stream = new DSPSelfmodifyingResource(metadata.GetResourceType("Stream"));
                stream.SetRawValue("ID", 42);
                var namedStream = new DSPSelfmodifyingResource(metadata.GetResourceType("NamedStream"));
                namedStream.SetRawValue("ID", 42);
                DSPServiceDefinition service = PreferHeader_CreateService(metadata, item, collection, stream, namedStream);
                service.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = ODataProtocolVersion.V4;

                var entityReferencePayload = new XElement(UnitTestsUtil.MetadataNamespace + "ref");
                entityReferencePayload.SetAttributeValue("id", "/Items(0)");

                var testCases = new[] {
                    new {
                        HttpMethod = "GET",
                        RequestUri = "/Items",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {
                        HttpMethod = "GET",
                        RequestUri = "/Collection",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {
                        HttpMethod = "GET",
                        RequestUri = "/$metadata",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {
                        HttpMethod = "GET",
                        RequestUri = "/Items/$count",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {
                        HttpMethod = "GET",
                        RequestUri = "/Items(0)/Self/$ref",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {
                        HttpMethod = "DELETE",
                        RequestUri = "/Collection(0)/Description/$value",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {
                        HttpMethod = "PUT",
                        RequestUri = "/Items(0)/Self/$ref",
                        Payload = entityReferencePayload.ToString(),
                        ContentType = UnitTestsUtil.MimeApplicationXml
                    new {  // GET MR
                        HttpMethod = "GET",
                        RequestUri = "/Streams(42)/$value",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {  // GET named stream
                        HttpMethod = "GET",
                        RequestUri = "/NamedStreams(42)/NamedStream1",
                        Payload = "", ContentType = ""
                    new {  // PUT named stream
                        HttpMethod = "PUT",
                        RequestUri = "/NamedStreams(42)/NamedStream1",
                        Payload = "another text file",
                        ContentType = UnitTestsUtil.MimeTextPlain

                using (TestWebRequest request = service.CreateForInProcess())
                        new string[] { null, "return=representation", "return=minimal" },
                        (testCase, preferHeader) =>

                        request.HttpMethod = testCase.HttpMethod;
                        request.RequestUriString = testCase.RequestUri;
                        request.RequestHeaders["Prefer"] = preferHeader;
                        request.RequestVersion = "4.0;";
                        request.RequestMaxVersion = "4.0;";
                        request.RequestContentType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(testCase.ContentType) ? null : testCase.ContentType;
                        string payload = testCase.Payload;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload) && payload.StartsWith("["))
                            int i = payload.IndexOf("]");
                            string header = payload.Substring(1, i - 1);
                            string[] headervalue = header.Split(':');
                            request.RequestHeaders[headervalue[0]] = headervalue[1];
                            payload = payload.Substring(i + 1);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload))


                        string preferApplied;
                        request.ResponseHeaders.TryGetValue("Preference-Applied", out preferApplied);
                        Assert.IsNull(preferApplied, "No Preference-Applied header should be present on the response.");
Exemplo n.º 41
        protected override void StartEntry(DSPResource entry, bool isTopLevel)
            this.writer.WriteStartElement(AtomEntryElementName, UnitTestsUtil.AtomNamespace.NamespaceName);

            if (isTopLevel)
Exemplo n.º 42
        protected override void WriteEntryMetadata(DSPResource entry)
            // <category term="type" scheme="odatascheme"/>



Exemplo n.º 43
        protected override void PreWriteProperties(DSPResource entry)
            // For MLEs, the <m:properties> element is outside of the content element and we can omit the content element.
            if (!entry.ResourceType.IsMediaLinkEntry)
                // <content type="type">


            // <m:properties>
Exemplo n.º 44
        private static void ExecuteUpdate(DSPResource resource, int id, TestWebRequest baseRequest, string httpMethod, string preferHeader, bool useBatch, DSPResourceSerializerFormat payloadFormat)
            string payload = DSPResourceSerializer.WriteEntity(resource, payloadFormat);

            bool isPost = httpMethod == "POST";
            bool expectedReturnContent = preferHeader == "return=representation" || isPost && preferHeader == null;

            string uriSuffix = isPost ? String.Empty : String.Format("({0})", id);

            TestWebRequest request = useBatch ? new InMemoryWebRequest() : baseRequest;
            request.RequestUriString = String.Format("/{0}s{1}", resource.ResourceType.Name, uriSuffix);
            request.HttpMethod = httpMethod;
            request.RequestVersion = "4.0;";
            request.RequestMaxVersion = "4.0;";
            request.RequestHeaders["Prefer"] = preferHeader;
            request.Accept = payloadFormat == DSPResourceSerializerFormat.Atom ? "application/atom+xml,application/xml" : UnitTestsUtil.JsonLightMimeType;
            request.RequestContentType = "application/atom+xml";

            if (useBatch)
                var batchRequest = new BatchWebRequest();
                var changeset = new BatchWebRequest.Changeset();

                Assert.IsTrue(UnitTestsUtil.IsSuccessStatusCode(baseRequest.ResponseStatusCode), "Unexpected error occurred on batch.");

            Assert.IsTrue(UnitTestsUtil.IsSuccessStatusCode(request.ResponseStatusCode), "Unexpected error occurred when sending the request.");
            if (expectedReturnContent)
                // If the request is expected to return content, verify there were no instream errors
                Exception e = request.ParseResponseInStreamError();
                string errorMessage = e != null ? e.Message : string.Empty;
                Assert.IsNull(e, "Expected no exception, but got the following error", errorMessage);
Exemplo n.º 45
        /// <summary>Creates a server resource from the specified client resource</summary>
        /// <param name="clientResource">The client resource instance.</param>
        /// <param name="createCollection">Optional func to create a new collection instance on the server.
        /// The first parameter is the collection resource type, the second is enumeration of server items to be added to the collection.</param>
        /// <param name="clientInstanceToResourceType">Func to resolve client resource to a server resource type.</param>
        /// <returns>The server resource instance.</returns>
        public static DSPResource CreateServerResourceFromClientResource(
            object clientResource,
            Func<providers.CollectionResourceType, IEnumerable<object>, object> createCollection,
            Func<object, providers.ResourceType> clientInstanceToResourceType)
            providers.ResourceType resourceType = clientInstanceToResourceType(clientResource);

            DSPResource resource = new DSPResource(resourceType);
            IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties = clientResource.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (var property in properties)
                var sameProperties = properties.Where(p => p.Name == property.Name).ToList();
                sameProperties.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(p2.DeclaringType) ? 1 : -1);
                if (sameProperties[0] == property)
                    object value = property.GetValue(clientResource, null);
                    providers.ResourceProperty resourceProperty = resourceType == null ? null : resourceType.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == property.Name);
                    resource.SetRawValue(property.Name, CreateServerValueFromClientValue(value, resourceProperty == null ? null : resourceProperty.ResourceType, createCollection, clientInstanceToResourceType));                }

            return resource;