Exemplo n.º 1
 public Person getSuperiorInSociety(Society society)
     if (society.getCapital() != null && society.getCapital().province == this.province)
     foreach (Title t in society.titles)
         if (t is Title_ProvinceRuler)
             Title_ProvinceRuler t2 = (Title_ProvinceRuler)t;
             if (t2.province == this.province)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void computeThreats()
            //Actually do the evaluations here
            List <ThreatItem> rems = new List <ThreatItem>();

            foreach (ThreatItem item in threatEvaluations)
                item.threat = 0;
                if (item.group != null && (map.socialGroups.Contains(item.group) == false))
                if (item.group == null)
                    if (item.form == ThreatItem.formTypes.ENSHADOWED_NOBLES)
                        if (this.state == personState.broken)
                        }                                                  //Broken minded can't fear the darkness
                        double totalSus = 0;
                        foreach (Person p in this.society.people)
                            RelObj rel = this.getRelation(p);
                            double sus = rel.suspicion * map.param.person_threatFromSuspicion;
                            item.threat += sus;
                            totalSus    += sus;
                        if (totalSus > 1)
                            item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Supicion of enshadowed nobles (+" + (int)(totalSus) + ")", totalSus));
                    if (item.form == ThreatItem.formTypes.AGENTS)
                        if (this.state == personState.broken)
                        }                                                  //Broken minded can't fear the darkness
                        double mult = 1 - shadow;
                        item.threat += mult * item.generatedThreat;
                        item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Evidence found (+" + (int)(mult * item.generatedThreat) + ")", (mult * item.generatedThreat)));
                    if (item.form == ThreatItem.formTypes.PLAGUE)
                        double u          = 0;
                        double socU       = 0;
                        double neighbourU = 0;
                        double worldU     = 0;
                        item.threat = 0;
                        foreach (Location l2 in map.locations)
                            if (l2 == this.getLocation())
                                foreach (Property pr in l2.properties)
                                    u            = pr.proto.plagueThreat * 8;;
                                    item.threat += u;
                                    if (pr.proto.plagueThreat > 0)
                                        item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Plague present in my settlement (+" + (int)(u) + ")", (int)(u)));
                            else if (l2.isNeighbour(this.getLocation()))
                                foreach (Property pr in l2.properties)
                                    neighbourU += pr.proto.plagueThreat * 5;
                            else if (l2.soc == this.society)
                                foreach (Property pr in l2.properties)
                                    socU += pr.proto.plagueThreat * 2;
                            else if (this.society.lastTurnNeighbours.Contains(l2.soc))
                                foreach (Property pr in l2.properties)
                                    worldU += pr.proto.plagueThreat * 0.75;
                        if (neighbourU > 0)
                            item.threat += neighbourU;
                            item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Plagues in neighbouring settlements (+" + (int)(neighbourU) + ")", (int)(neighbourU)));
                        if (socU > 0)
                            item.threat += socU;
                            item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Plagues in our lands (+" + (int)(socU) + ")", (int)(socU)));
                        if (worldU > 0)
                            item.threat += worldU;
                            item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Neighbouring nation plagues (+" + (int)(worldU) + ")", (int)(worldU)));

                        if (this.getLocation() != null && this.getLocation().settlement is SettlementHuman)
                            int settlementSize = ((SettlementHuman)this.getLocation().settlement).population;
                            if (item.threat > 0 && settlementSize <= map.param.unit_rd_redDeathPlagueDur)
                                item.threat += map.param.threat_smallSettlementVsDisease;
                                item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("My small settlement could easily be wiped out by plague (+"
                                                               + (int)(map.param.threat_smallSettlementVsDisease) + ")", (int)(map.param.threat_smallSettlementVsDisease)));
                        if (item.threat > 200)
                            item.threat = 200;
                        if (item.threat < 0)
                            item.threat = 0;
                    double value = item.group.getThreat(null);
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Social Group's total threat (+" + (int)(value) + ")", value));
                    Location sourceLoc = null;
                    //Fear things which are nearby
                    if (this.title_land != null)
                        sourceLoc = title_land.settlement.location;
                    //If you don't have a landed title you live in the capital
                    if (sourceLoc == null)
                        sourceLoc = society.getCapital();
                    //Fallback to just use the first location, to avoid null exceptions in extreme edge cases
                    if (sourceLoc == null)
                        sourceLoc = map.locations[0];

                    double distance = 0;
                    if (this.getLocation() != null)
                        if (this.getLocation().distanceToTarget.ContainsKey(item.group))
                            distance = getLocation().distanceToTarget[item.group];
                    if (distance < 1)
                        distance = 1;
                    int distanceI = (int)distance;
                    distance = Math.Sqrt(distance);
                    double infoAvail = 1 / distance;
                    if (infoAvail < 0.2)
                        infoAvail = 0.2;
                    int intInfoAvailability = (int)(infoAvail * 100);
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Distance (" + (int)(intInfoAvailability) + "% Multiplier)", intInfoAvailability));
                    value *= infoAvail;

                    double ourMilitary          = society.currentMilitary + (society.maxMilitary / 2);
                    double theirMilitary        = item.group.currentMilitary + (item.group.maxMilitary / 2);
                    double militaryStrengthMult = theirMilitary / (ourMilitary + 1);
                    //double militaryStrengthMult = 50 / ((society.currentMilitary + (society.maxMilitary / 2)) + 1);
                    if (militaryStrengthMult < 0.5)
                        militaryStrengthMult = 0.5;
                    if (militaryStrengthMult > 2.5)
                        militaryStrengthMult = 2.5;
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Relative strengths of social-group's militaries (" + (int)(100 * militaryStrengthMult) + "% Multiplier)", (int)(100 * militaryStrengthMult)));
                    value *= militaryStrengthMult;

                    item.threat = value;

                    if (item.group is Society)
                        double  susThreat = 0;
                        Society soc       = (Society)item.group;
                        foreach (Person p in soc.people)
                            susThreat += this.getRelation(p).suspicion *100;
                        if (susThreat > 200)
                            susThreat = 200;
                        item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Suspicion that nobles are enshadowed (+" + (int)(susThreat) + ")", (int)susThreat));
                        item.threat += susThreat;

                        if (soc.offensiveTarget == this.society && soc.posture == Society.militaryPosture.offensive)
                            double threatAdd = map.param.person_threatFromBeingOffensiveTarget * item.threat;
                            item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("We are their offensive target (" + (int)(threatAdd) + ")", threatAdd));
                            item.threat += threatAdd;

                        bool hasKillOrder = false;
                        foreach (KillOrder order in soc.killOrders)
                            if (order.person == this)
                                hasKillOrder = true;
                        if (hasKillOrder)
                            item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("They intend to execute me! (+50)", 50));
                            item.threat += 50;
                            if (item.threat > 75 && (soc.posture != Society.militaryPosture.offensive) && susThreat == 0 && (soc.isAtWar() == false))
                                item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("They are at peace, non-offensive and have no suspected dark nobles (cap at 75)", 0));
                                item.threat = 75;
                            else if (item.threat > 125 && soc.offensiveTarget != this.society && susThreat == 0)
                                item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("We are not their offensive target and no suspected dark nobles (cap at 125)", 0));
                                item.threat = 125;

                item.threatBeforeTemporaryDread = item.threat;

                if (Math.Abs(item.temporaryDread) > 1)
                    item.threat += item.temporaryDread;
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Temporary Dread (+" + (int)(item.temporaryDread) + ")", item.temporaryDread));

                if (item.threat < 0)
                    item.threat = 0;
                if (item.threat > 200)
                    item.threat = 200;
            foreach (ThreatItem item in rems)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void computeThreats()
            //Actually do the evaluations here
            foreach (ThreatItem item in threatEvaluations)
                item.threat = 0;
                if (item.group == null)
                    if (item.form == ThreatItem.formTypes.ENSHADOWED_NOBLES)
                        if (this.state == personState.broken)
                        }                                                  //Broken minded can't fear the darkness
                        double totalSus = 0;
                        foreach (Person p in this.society.people)
                            RelObj rel = this.getRelation(p);
                            double sus = rel.suspicion * map.param.person_threatFromSuspicion;
                            item.threat += sus;
                            totalSus    += sus;
                        if (totalSus > 1)
                            item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Supicion of enshadowed nobles", totalSus));
                    double value = item.group.getThreat(null);
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Social Group's total threat: ", value));
                    Location sourceLoc = null;
                    //Fear things which are nearby
                    if (this.title_land != null)
                        sourceLoc = title_land.settlement.location;
                    //If you don't have a landed title you live in the capital
                    if (sourceLoc == null)
                        sourceLoc = society.getCapital();
                    //Fallback to just use the first location, to avoid null exceptions in extreme edge cases
                    if (sourceLoc == null)
                        sourceLoc = map.locations[0];

                    double infoAvailability    = map.getInformationAvailability(sourceLoc, item.group);
                    int    intInfoAvailability = (int)(infoAvailability * 100);
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Information (% kept)", intInfoAvailability));
                    value *= infoAvailability;

                    double militaryStrengthMult = 50 / ((society.currentMilitary + (society.maxMilitary / 2)) + 1);
                    if (militaryStrengthMult < 0.5)
                        militaryStrengthMult = 0.5;
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Military Strength Comparison (% multiplier)", (int)(100 * militaryStrengthMult)));
                    value *= militaryStrengthMult;

                    item.threat = value;

                    if (item.group is Society)
                        double  susThreat = 0;
                        Society soc       = (Society)item.group;
                        foreach (Person p in soc.people)
                            susThreat += this.getRelation(p).suspicion *100;
                        if (susThreat > 200)
                            susThreat = 200;
                        item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Suspicion that nobles are enshadowed", (int)susThreat));
                        item.threat += susThreat;

                if (Math.Abs(item.temporaryDread) > 1)
                    item.threat += item.temporaryDread;
                    item.reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Temporary Dread", item.temporaryDread));

                if (item.threat < 0)
                    item.threat = 0;
                if (item.threat > 200)
                    item.threat = 200;
        public override void implement(VoteOption option)
            if (option.group != null)
                Society         receiver     = (Society)option.group;
                bool            canVassalise = false;
                List <Location> trans        = new List <Location>();
                foreach (Location loc in society.map.locations)
                    if (loc.soc == society)
                    if (loc.soc == receiver && loc.settlement != null)
                        canVassalise = true;
                if (canVassalise)
                    World.log(society.getName() + " ALLIES UNDER " + receiver.getName());
                    society.map.turnMessages.Add(new MsgEvent(society.getName() + " forms alliance under " + receiver.getName() + ", transferring all lands and landed nobles.", MsgEvent.LEVEL_RED, true, receiver.getCapitalHex()));

                    foreach (Location loc in trans)
                        receiver.map.takeLocationFromOther(receiver, society, loc);

                    string message = society.getName() + " is allying itself under " + receiver.getName() + ", in response to their fears of the rising darkness. This alliance is made of nations "
                                     + " believed to be safe from the shadow";
                    if (receiver.allianceName == null)
                        if (receiver.getCapital() != null)
                            string name = "";
                            int    q    = Eleven.random.Next(7);
                            if (q == 0)
                                name = receiver.getCapital().shortName + " Alliance";
                            if (q == 1)
                                name = receiver.getCapital().shortName + " Concord";
                            if (q == 2)
                                name = receiver.getCapital().shortName + " Guardians";
                            if (q == 3)
                                name = "Alliance of " + receiver.getCapital().shortName;
                            if (q == 4)
                                name = receiver.getCapital().shortName + " Entente";
                            if (q == 5)
                                name = "The " + receiver.getCapital().shortName + " League";
                            if (q == 6)
                                name = "The " + receiver.getCapital().shortName + " Compact";

                            message += "\nThis alliance will now go by the name of " + name;
                            receiver.allianceName = name;
                    society.map.world.prefabStore.popImgMsg(message, "The sheep naturally flock together in times of threat, seeking safety in number. But is the wolf already in their midst?");
 public void dismissGoto()
     GraphicalMap.panTo(society.getCapital().hex.x, society.getCapital().hex.y);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void takeCommand(Map map, string command)
            World.log("cheat command registered: " + command);

                if (command == "power")
                    map.overmind.power = 1024;
                    map.overmind.availableEnthrallments = 128;
                if (command == "testsave")
                if (command == "testload")
                if (command == "silence")
                    World.self.displayMessages = !World.self.displayMessages;
                if (command == "shadow")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().shadow = 1;
                if (command == "music")
                if (command == "aware")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().awareness = 1;
                if (command == "testproperty")
                    Property.addProperty(map, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Military Aid");
                if (command == "playback")
                    World.staticMap.world.ui.addBlocker(World.staticMap.world.prefabStore.getPlayback(World.staticMap.world, World.staticMap).gameObject);
                if (command == "uivoting")
                    World.staticMap.world.ui.uiVoting.populate((Society)GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.soc, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person());
                if (command == "100")
                if (command == "enthrall")
                    if (GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person() == null)
                        int    c      = 0;
                        Person choice = null;
                        foreach (Person p in ((Society)GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.soc).people)
                            if (p.getLocation() == GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location)
                                c += 1;
                                if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0)
                                    choice = p;
                        choice.state            = Person.personState.enthralled;
                        map.overmind.enthralled = choice;
                        map.overmind.enthralled       = GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person();
                        map.overmind.enthralled.state = Person.personState.enthralled;
                if (command == "love")
                    foreach (Person p in map.overmind.enthralled.society.people)
                        p.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).addLiking(100, "Cheat love", map.turn);
                if (command == "hate")
                    foreach (Person p in map.overmind.enthralled.society.people)
                        p.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).addLiking(-100, "Cheat hate", map.turn);
                if (command == "resetSteamAchievements")
                    World.staticMap.world.prefabStore.popMsg("All steam achievements reset");
                if (command == "thetruth")
                    foreach (Unit u in map.units)
                        if (u is Unit_Seeker seeker)
                            seeker.knowsTruth = true;
                if (command == "insanity")
                if (command == "ruin")
                if (command == "redDeath")
                    Property.addProperty(GraphicalMap.map, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Red Death");
                if (command == "rotting" || command == "rotting sickness")
                    Property.addProperty(GraphicalMap.map, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Rotting Sickness");
                if (command == "fogSource")
                    Property.addProperty(GraphicalMap.map, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Well of Fog");
                if (command == "hot")
                    for (int i = 0; i < map.tempMap.Length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < map.tempMap[0].Length; j++)
                            map.tempMap[i][j] += 0.1f;
                            if (map.tempMap[i][j] > 1)
                                map.tempMap[i][j] = 1;
                if (command == "cold")
                    //for (int i = 0; i < map.tempMap.Length; i++)
                    //    for (int j = 0; j < map.tempMap[0].Length; j++)
                    //    {
                    //        map.tempMap[i][j] -= 0.1f;
                    //        if (map.tempMap[i][j] < 0) { map.tempMap[i][j] = 0; }
                    //    }
                    foreach (Hex[] row in map.grid)
                        foreach (Hex h in row)
                            h.transientTempDelta -= 0.1f;
                if (command == "globalcooling")
                    World.cheat_globalCooling = !World.cheat_globalCooling;
                if (command == "min sanity")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().sanity = 0.01;
                if (command == "die")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().die("Killed by console", true);
                if (command == "inquisitor")
                    Unit_Investigator inv = (Unit_Investigator)GraphicalMap.selectedSelectable;
                if (command == "civilWar")
                    List <Person> rebels = new List <Person>();
                    Society       soc    = (Society)GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.soc;
                    int           c      = 0;
                    foreach (Person p in soc.people)
                        if (p.title_land == null)
                        if (p.getLocation().province != soc.getCapital().province)
                if (command == "evidence")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence = 1;
                if (command == "disrupt")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().action = new Act_Disrupted();
                if (command == "10 evidence")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence += 0.1;
                    if (GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence > 1)
                        GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence = 1;
                if (command == "refresh")
                    World.staticMap.overmind.hasTakenAction = false;
                if (command == "nextAge")
                if (command == "unit")
                    Unit u = new Unit_Investigator(GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, (Society)GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.soc);
                if (command == "victory")
                if (command == "defeat")
                if (command == "course")
                if (command == "worm")
                    SG_WormHive add = new SG_WormHive(map, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location);
                if (command == "placeevidence")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.evidence.Add(new Evidence(map.turn));
                    World.log("Placing evidence");
                if (command == "vote")
                    Society soc = map.overmind.enthralled.society;
                    if (soc.voteSession != null)
                        World.log("Attempting to build blocker");
                        map.world.ui.addBlocker(map.world.prefabStore.getScrollSet(soc.voteSession, soc.voteSession.issue.options).gameObject);
                if (command == "infiltrate")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.settlement.infiltration = 1;
                if (command == "infiltratehalf")
                    GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.settlement.infiltration = 0.5;
                    World.log("Infiltrate half");
            //catch(Exception e)
            //    World.log(e.Message);