Exemplo n.º 1
        public int extrasID;            // which extra option was selected

        // CONSTRUCTOR for the class
        public SaveableStaff(StaffMember s)
            this.index = s.GetIndex();
            this.currentJob = s.GetJobID();
            this.dayHired = s.GetStartDay();
            this.name = s.GetStaffname();
            this.attributes = s.GetAttributes();
            this.transformID = s.GetTransformID();

            Color[] c = s.GetAllColours();

            // set colours
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                colourArrays[i,0] = c[i].r;
                colourArrays[i,1] = c[i].g;
                colourArrays[i,2] = c[i].b;

            hairStyleID = s.GetHairID();
            extrasID = s.GetExtrasID();
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a staff member
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="staff">The staff member object associated with the Game Object</param>
    /// <param name="xPos">The x position of the staff member</param>
    /// <param name="yPos">The y position of the staff member</param>
    void CreateStaff(StaffMember staff, int xPos, int yPos)
        // get the colours to set the components to
        Color[] colours = AppearanceScript.colours;

        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(xPos, yPos);

        Transform t = staff.GetTransform();

        GameObject goStaff = (GameObject)Instantiate(t.gameObject, pos, Quaternion.identity);
        goStaff.name = "Staff#" + staff.GetIndex();
        goStaff.tag = "Staff";
        goStaff.GetComponent<mouseDrag>().staffMember = staff;

        float x = pos.x;
        float y = pos.y;

        goStaff.GetComponent<mouseDrag>().staffMember.SetVector(x, y);

        // colours[2] = skin
        // colours[1] = hair
        // colours[0] = shirt

        SpriteRenderer[] components = goStaff.GetComponentsInChildren<SpriteRenderer>();
        components[0].color = colours[0];
        components[1].color = colours[2];
        components[2].color = colours[2];
        components[3].color = colours[1];
        components[4].color = colours[1];

        components[0].sortingOrder = xPos;
        components[1].sortingOrder = xPos + 2;
        components[2].sortingOrder = xPos + 1;
        components[3].sortingOrder = xPos + 3;
        components[4].sortingOrder = xPos + 2;
        components[5].sortingOrder = xPos + 3;
        components[6].sortingOrder = xPos + 1;

        // TODO: sort the colour if not 0 or 2
        components[3].sprite = AppearanceScript.hairStyle;
        components[4].sprite = AppearanceScript.extraOption;

        GameObject[] sms = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Staff");
        for (int i = 0; i < sms.Length; i++)
            sms[i].GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = colours[0];

        // staff menu stuff
        GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(staffInfoObject.gameObject, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
        go.transform.SetParent(popupController.staffList, false);

        Image[] imgs = go.GetComponentsInChildren<Image>();
        Text[] txts = go.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();

        imgs[1].color = staff.GetColourByIndex(2);
        imgs[2].color = staff.GetColourByIndex(1);
        imgs[3].color = staff.GetColourByIndex(1);

        if (staff.GetHairStyle() != null)
            imgs[3].sprite = staff.GetHairStyle();
            imgs[3].sprite = null;
            imgs[3].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

        if (staff.GetExtras() != null)
            imgs[2].sprite = staff.GetExtras();
            imgs[2].sprite = null;
            imgs[2].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

        txts[0].text = staff.GetStaffname();

        Button b = imgs[4].GetComponent<Button>();
        b.onClick.AddListener(() => MoveToStaffLocation(staff.GetIndex()));

        Button b2 = imgs[5].GetComponent<Button>();
        b2.onClick.AddListener(() => ViewStaffMemberInfo(staff.GetIndex()));


        // check if the collar needs to change
        int totalAttribute = staff.GetLevel();

        SpriteRenderer collar = goStaff.transform.FindChild("collar").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        collar.sprite = collarImages[totalAttribute - 1];