public void Setup(BuildTarget target,
                          NodeData node,
                          IEnumerable <PerformGraph.AssetGroups> incoming,
                          IEnumerable <ConnectionData> connectionsToOutput,
                          PerformGraph.Output Output)
            Action <Type, Type, AssetReference> multipleAssetTypeFound = (Type expectedType, Type foundType, AssetReference foundAsset) => {
                throw new NodeException(string.Format("{3} :ImportSetting expect {0}, but different type of incoming asset is found({1} {2})",
                                                      expectedType.FullName, foundType.FullName, foundAsset.fileNameAndExtension, node.Name), node.Id);

            Action <Type> unsupportedType = (Type unsupported) => {
                throw new NodeException(string.Format("{0} :Incoming asset type is not supported by ImportSetting (Incoming type:{1}). Perhaps you want to use Modifier instead?",
                                                      node.Name, (unsupported != null)?unsupported.FullName:"null"), node.Id);

            Action <Type, Type> incomingTypeMismatch = (Type expectedType, Type incomingType) => {
                throw new NodeException(string.Format("{0} :Incoming asset type is does not match with this ImportSetting (Expected type:{1}, Incoming type:{2}).",
                                                      node.Name, (expectedType != null)?expectedType.FullName:"null", (incomingType != null)?incomingType.FullName:"null"), node.Id);

            Action <ConfigStatus> errorInConfig = (ConfigStatus _) => {
                var firstAsset = TypeUtility.GetFirstIncomingAsset(incoming);

                if (firstAsset != null)
                    // give a try first in sampling file
                    SaveSampleFile(node, firstAsset);

                    ValidateInputSetting(node, target, incoming, multipleAssetTypeFound, unsupportedType, incomingTypeMismatch, (ConfigStatus eType) => {
                        if (eType == ConfigStatus.NoSampleFound)
                            throw new NodeException(node.Name + " :ImportSetting has no sampling file. Please configure it from Inspector.", node.Id);
                        if (eType == ConfigStatus.TooManySamplesFound)
                            throw new NodeException(node.Name + " :ImportSetting has too many sampling file. Please fix it from Inspector.", node.Id);

            ValidateInputSetting(node, target, incoming, multipleAssetTypeFound, unsupportedType, incomingTypeMismatch, errorInConfig);

            // ImportSettings does not add, filter or change structure of group, so just pass given group of assets
            if (incoming != null && Output != null)
                var dst = (connectionsToOutput == null || !connectionsToOutput.Any())?
                          null : connectionsToOutput.First();

                foreach (var ag in incoming)
                    Output(dst, ag.assetGroups);