public static Dictionary <string, AnimClipInfo> GetAnimClipInfos()
            Debug.Log("Getting anim clip info!");
            string    rawXml    = PathMan.GetModInternalFile(PathMan.ANIM_CLIPS_PATH, "AnimClips.xml", "");
            XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(rawXml));
            Dictionary <string, AnimClipInfo> animClipInfos = new Dictionary <string, AnimClipInfo>();

            if (xmlReader.ReadToDescendant("AnimClips") && xmlReader.ReadToDescendant("AnimClip"))
                // we're now parallel to the anim clip elements.
                    string id = xmlReader.GetAttribute("id");
                    animClipInfos[id] = new AnimClipInfo();
                    XmlReader subtree = xmlReader.ReadSubtree();
                    while (subtree.Read())
                        string tag = subtree.Name;
                        switch (tag)
                        case "KeyFrameLength":
                            animClipInfos[id].keyFrameLength = subtree.ReadContentAsFloat();
                } while (xmlReader.ReadToNextSibling("AnimClip"));

        public void LoadCustomAnimClips()
            Debug.Log("LOADING THE ANIM CLIPS!!!!!");
            List <string> paths = PathMan.GetModFiles(PathMan.ANIM_CLIPS_PATH, ".png");

            Dictionary <string, AnimClipInfo> clipInfos = Utils.GetAnimClipInfos();
            AnimClipInfo defaultClipInto = new AnimClipInfo(); // if it is not defined in the XML

            // Pattern to be considered a frame: alphanumeric "ID" portion and the frame number, seperated with an underscore.
            Regex frameMatchRegex = new Regex(@"(\w+)_([0-9]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            // The key is the id of the anim clip, the value is the list of frames for that clip.
            Dictionary <string, List <AnimClipFrame> > animClips = new Dictionary <string, List <AnimClipFrame> >();

            foreach (string path in paths)
                Match result = frameMatchRegex.Match(path);
                if (result.Success)
                    AnimClipFrame newAnimClipFrame = new AnimClipFrame(path, result.Groups[1].Value, int.Parse(result.Groups[2].Value));
                    // Make a new list for the anim clip key if it doesn't exist already
                    if (!animClips.ContainsKey(newAnimClipFrame.key))
                        animClips[newAnimClipFrame.key] = new List <AnimClipFrame>();

            foreach (string key in animClips.Keys)
                Debug.Log(String.Format("Getting files for anim clip {0} ", key));
                List <AnimClipFrame> currentFrames = animClips[key];
                // sorting is required since the files could be like
                // Sprite_9.png, Sprite_10.png (the 10 would be first in lexographic sort!)

                // Make an anim clip now.
                List <string> fullPaths = new List <string>();
                foreach (AnimClipFrame clip in currentFrames)
                AnimClipInfo newInfo;
                if (!clipInfos.ContainsKey(key))
                    newInfo = defaultClipInto;
                    newInfo = clipInfos[key];
                SpriteAnimationClip newClip = Utils.LoadNewSpriteAnimationClip(fullPaths.ToArray(), newInfo);
                this.spriteAnimClips[key] = newClip;
                Debug.Log("Done with this anim clip!");
 public void LoadCustomSpellIcons()
     foreach (string path in PathMan.GetModFiles(PathMan.ICONS_PATH, ".png"))
         Debug.Log(String.Format("Okay, I'm going to try and load {0} as a spell icon", path));
         Sprite new_sprite = Utils.LoadNewSprite(path);
         this.sprites[Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)] = new_sprite;