Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void readBinary(ArkArchive archive)
            TribeVersion = archive.GetInt();

            if (TribeVersion != 1)
                throw new System.NotSupportedException($@"Unknown Tribe Version {TribeVersion} in ""{_fileName}""" + (TribeVersion == 0 ? " (possibly corrupt)" : ""));

            var tribesCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (int i = 0; i < tribesCount; i++)
                Objects.Add(new GameObject(archive, _arkNameCache));

            for (int i = 0; i < tribesCount; i++)
                GameObject obj = Objects[i];
                if (obj.ClassName.Token.Equals("PrimalTribeData"))
                    Tribe = obj;
                obj.loadProperties(archive, i < tribesCount - 1 ? Objects[i + 1] : null, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ArkArchive(ArkArchive toClone, MemoryMappedViewAccessor va)
     _va           = va;
     _size         = toClone._size;
     _nameTable    = toClone._nameTable;
     _arkNameCache = toClone._arkNameCache;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void readBinary(ArkArchive archive)
            ProfileVersion = archive.GetInt();

            if (ProfileVersion != 1)
                throw new NotSupportedException($@"Unknown Profile Version {ProfileVersion} in ""{_fileName}""" + (ProfileVersion == 0 ? " (possibly corrupt)" : ""));

            var profilesCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (var i = 0; i < profilesCount; i++)
                Objects.Add(new GameObject(archive, _arkNameCache));

            for (var i = 0; i < profilesCount; i++)
                var obj = Objects[i];
                if (obj.ClassName.Token.Equals("PrimalPlayerData") || obj.ClassName.Token.Equals("PrimalPlayerDataBP_C"))
                    _profile = obj;
                obj.loadProperties(archive, i < profilesCount - 1 ? Objects[i + 1] : null, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ArkCloudInventoryDinoData(float version, ArkArrayByte dinoData, ArkNameCache arkNameCache = null, ArkNameTree exclusivePropertyNameTree = null) : this()
            //if (version != 3.0) throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown Cloud Inventory Dino Data Version " + version);
            DinoDataVersion = version;

            if (dinoData == null || dinoData.Any(x => !x.HasValue))
                throw new NotSupportedException("DinoData was null or contained null-values.");

            if (arkNameCache != null)
                _arkNameCache = arkNameCache;
            _exclusivePropertyNameTree = exclusivePropertyNameTree;

            //since the ArkArchive implementation we have takes a MemoryMappedViewAccessor for reading operations lets do the lazy thing and write this managed byte[] data to a new memory mapped file
            using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew("ArkCloudInventoryDinoData", dinoData.Count, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite))
                using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor va = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0L, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    va.WriteArray(0, dinoData.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(), 0, dinoData.Count);
                    ArkArchive archive = new ArkArchive(va, dinoData.Count, _arkNameCache, exclusivePropertyNameTree: _exclusivePropertyNameTree);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void readBinary(ArkArchive archive)
            var objectCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (var i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                Objects.Add(new GameObject(archive, _arkNameCache));

            for (var i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                var obj = Objects[i];
                obj.loadProperties(archive, i < objectCount - 1 ? Objects[i + 1] : null, 0);

                if (obj.IsCreature)
                    Creature = obj;
                else if (obj.IsDinoStatusComponent)
                    Status = obj;
                else if (obj.IsTamedCreatureInventory)
                    Inventory = obj;
        //public IDictionary<ArkName, IProperty> Properties
        //    get
        //    {
        //        return properties;
        //    }
        //    set
        //    {
        //        if (value == null) throw new NullReferenceException("Null pointer exception from java");
        //        properties = value;
        //    }
        //protected internal IDictionary<ArkName, IProperty> properties = new Dictionary<ArkName, IProperty>();

        public int getSize(ArkArchive archive)
            _isitemOffset = _classNameOffset + archive.GetNameLength(Offset + _classNameOffset);
            _namesOffset  = _isitemOffset + 4;
            var names = archive.GetInt(Offset + _namesOffset);

            _unkboolOffset = _namesOffset + 4;
            for (var i = 0; i < names; i++)
                _unkboolOffset += archive.GetNameLength(Offset + _unkboolOffset);
            _unkindexOffset  = _unkboolOffset + 4;
            _locationsOffset = _unkindexOffset + 4;
            var locations = archive.GetInt(Offset + _locationsOffset);

            if (locations > 1)
                _logger.Warn($"countLocationData > 1 at {Offset + _locationsOffset:X}");
            _propertiesoffsetOffset = _locationsOffset + 4 + locations * 6 * 4;
            _shouldbezeroOffset     = _propertiesoffsetOffset + 4;

            return(_shouldbezeroOffset + 4);

            //var size = /* uuid */ 16 + archive.GetNameLength(archive.Position + 16) + /* isitem */ 4;
            //var names = archive.GetInt(archive.Position + size);
            //size += /* names count */ 4;
            //for (var i = 0; i < names; i++) size += archive.GetNameLength(archive.Position + size);
            //size += /* unkbool */ 4 + /* unkindex */ 4;
            //var locations = archive.GetInt(archive.Position + size);
            //if (locations > 1) _logger.Warn($"countLocationData > 1 at {archive.Position + size:X}");
            //size += /* locations */ 4 + /* location */ locations * 6 * 4 + /* properties offset */ 4 + /* shouldbezero */ 4;

            //return size;
 public GameObjectReader(ArkArchive archive, ArkNameCache arkNameCache = null)
     _archive      = archive;
     _arkNameCache = arkNameCache ?? new ArkNameCache();
     Offset        = archive.Position;
     Size          = getSize(archive);
        public void readBinary(ArkArchive archive)
            LocalProfileVersion = archive.GetInt();

            if (LocalProfileVersion != 1)
                throw new NotSupportedException($@"Unknown Local Profile Version {LocalProfileVersion} in ""{_fileName}""" + (LocalProfileVersion == 0 ? " (possibly corrupt)" : ""));

            var unknownDataSize = archive.GetInt();

            unknownData = archive.GetBytes(unknownDataSize);

            var profilesCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (int i = 0; i < profilesCount; i++)
                Objects.Add(new GameObject(archive, _arkNameCache));

            for (int i = 0; i < profilesCount; i++)
                GameObject obj = Objects[i];
                if (obj.ClassName.Token.Equals("PrimalLocalProfile"))
                    _localprofile = obj;
                obj.loadProperties(archive, i < profilesCount - 1 ? Objects[i + 1] : null, 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public ArkTribe(string fileName, ArkNameCache arkNameCache = null, ArkNameTree exclusivePropertyNameTree = null) : this()
            _fileName = fileName;

            if (arkNameCache != null)
                _arkNameCache = arkNameCache;
            _exclusivePropertyNameTree = exclusivePropertyNameTree;
            var fi = new FileInfo(fileName);

            SaveTime = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc;
            var size = fi.Length;

            if (size == 0)
            using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(fileName, FileMode.Open, null, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read))
                using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor va = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0L, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read))
                    ArkArchive archive = new ArkArchive(va, size, _arkNameCache, exclusivePropertyNameTree: _exclusivePropertyNameTree);
        public ArkCloudInventory(string fileName, ArkNameCache arkNameCache = null) : this()
            if (arkNameCache != null)
                _arkNameCache = arkNameCache;
            var fi = new FileInfo(fileName);

            SteamId  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
            SaveTime = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc;
            var size = fi.Length;

            if (size == 0)

            using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(fileName, FileMode.Open, null, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read))
                using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor va = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0L, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read))
                    ArkArchive archive = new ArkArchive(va, size, _arkNameCache);
Exemplo n.º 11
        //public int getSize(bool nameTable)
        //    // UUID item names.size() unkBool unkIndex (locationData!=null) propertiesOffset unkInt
        //    int size = 16 + Integer.BYTES * 7;

        //    size += ArkArchive.getNameLength(className, nameTable);

        //    if (names != null)
        //    {
        //        size += names.Select(n => ArkArchive.getNameLength(n, nameTable)).Sum();
        //    }

        //    if (locationData != null)
        //    {
        //        size += (int)locationData.Size;
        //    }

        //    return size;

        //public int getPropertiesSize(bool nameTable)
        //    int size = ArkArchive.getNameLength(qowyn.ark.properties.Property_Fields.NONE_NAME, nameTable);

        //    size += properties.Select(p => p.calculateSize(nameTable)).Sum();

        //    if (extraData != null)
        //    {
        //        size += extraData.calculateSize(nameTable);
        //    }

        //    return size;

        public void read(ArkArchive archive)
            var uuidMostSig  = archive.GetLong();
            var uuidLeastSig = archive.GetLong();
            var key          = Tuple.Create(uuidMostSig, uuidLeastSig);

            Guid uuid = Guid.Empty;

            if (!_uuidCache.TryGetValue(key, out uuid))
                var bytes = new byte[16];
                Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(uuidMostSig), bytes, 8);
                Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(uuidLeastSig), 0, bytes, 8, 8);
                uuid = new Guid(bytes);
                _uuidCache.Add(key, uuid);
            Uuid = uuid;

            ClassName = archive.GetName();

            IsItem = archive.GetBoolean();

            var countNames = archive.GetInt();

            Names = new List <ArkName>();

            for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < countNames; nameIndex++)
                var instanceName = archive.GetName();


            UnkBool  = archive.GetBoolean();
            UnkIndex = archive.GetInt();

            var countLocationData = archive.GetInt();

            if (countLocationData > 1)
                _logger.Warn($"countLocationData > 1 at {archive.Position - 4:X}");

            if (countLocationData != 0)
                Location = new LocationData(archive);

            _propertiesOffset = archive.GetInt();

            var shouldBeZero = archive.GetInt();

            if (shouldBeZero != 0)
                _logger.Warn($"Expected int after propertiesOffset to be 0 but found {shouldBeZero} at {archive.Position - 4:X}");
Exemplo n.º 12
 public ArkArchive(ArkArchive toClone, MemoryMappedViewAccessor va)
     _va                        = va;
     _size                      = toClone._size;
     _nameTable                 = toClone._nameTable;
     _arkNameCache              = toClone._arkNameCache;
     _arkStringCache            = toClone._arkStringCache;
     _exclusivePropertyNameTree = toClone._exclusivePropertyNameTree;
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void readBinaryHeader(ArkArchive archive)
            SaveVersion = archive.GetShort();

            if (SaveVersion == 5)
                GameTime = archive.GetFloat();

                propertiesBlockOffset = 0;
            else if (SaveVersion == 6)
                nameTableOffset       = archive.GetInt();
                propertiesBlockOffset = archive.GetInt();
                GameTime = archive.GetFloat();
            else if (SaveVersion == 7 || SaveVersion == 8)
                binaryDataOffset = archive.GetInt();
                var unknownValue = archive.GetInt();
                if (unknownValue != 0)
                    var msg = $"Found unexpected Value {unknownValue} at {archive.Position - 4:X}";
                    throw new System.NotSupportedException(msg);

                nameTableOffset       = archive.GetInt();
                propertiesBlockOffset = archive.GetInt();
                GameTime = archive.GetFloat();
            else if (SaveVersion == 9)
                binaryDataOffset = archive.GetInt();
                var unknownValue = archive.GetInt();
                if (unknownValue != 0)
                    var msg = $"Found unexpected Value {unknownValue} at {archive.Position - 4:X}";
                    throw new System.NotSupportedException(msg);

                nameTableOffset       = archive.GetInt();
                propertiesBlockOffset = archive.GetInt();
                GameTime = archive.GetFloat();

                //note: unknown integer value was added in v268.22 with SaveVersion=9 [0x25 (37) on The Island, 0x26 (38) on ragnarok/center/scorched]
                archive.GetInt(); //unknownValue2
                var msg = $"Found unknown Version {SaveVersion}";
                throw new System.NotSupportedException(msg);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>Creates a subArchive of an existing archive (slice)</summary>
        /// <param name="toClone">the archive to clone</param>
        /// <param name="offset">position of the sub archive</param>
        /// <param name="size">size of the sub archive</param>
        public ArkArchive Slice(long offset, int size)
            ArkArchive sliced = new ArkArchive(this, this._va);

            _nameTable     = null;
            sliced._size   = size + 1;
            sliced._offset = offset;
            //sliced._isSlice = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void readBinaryObjectProperties(ArkArchive archive, MemoryMappedFile mmf, Func <GameObject, bool> objectFilter = null, bool gameObjects = true, bool gameObjectProperties = true)
            if (gameObjects && gameObjectProperties)
                var success = true;
                    var cb = new ConcurrentBag <ArkArchive>();

                    var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, Objects.Count);
                    if (objectFilter != null)
                        indices = indices.Where(x => objectFilter(Objects[x]));
                    Parallel.ForEach(indices, _savegameMaxDegreeOfParallelism.HasValue ? new ParallelOptions {
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _savegameMaxDegreeOfParallelism.Value
                    } : new ParallelOptions {
                                     () => { ArkArchive arch = null; var va = cb.TryTake(out arch) ? null : mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0L, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read); return(new { va = va, a = arch ?? new ArkArchive(archive, va) }); },
                                     (item, loopState, taskLocals) =>
                        readBinaryObjectPropertiesImpl(item, taskLocals.a);
                                     (taskLocals) => { if (taskLocals?.va != null)
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    success = false;
                    ae.Handle(ex =>
                        if (ex is IOException &&
                            ex.Message.IndexOf("Not enough storage is available to process this command.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
                            _logger.Error($"Not enough memory available to load properties with this degree of parallelism.");


                if (!success)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Failed to load properties for all gameobjects.");
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void readBinary(ArkArchive archive, MemoryMappedFile mmf)
     if (!_baseRead)
         archive.Position = _gameObjectsOffset;
     readBinaryObjectProperties(archive, mmf);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public ArkSavegame(string fileName, ArkNameCache arkNameCache = null)
            _fileName     = fileName;
            _arkNameCache = arkNameCache ?? new ArkNameCache();

            var fi   = new FileInfo(_fileName);
            var size = fi.Length;

            SaveTime = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc;
            //if (size == 0) return false;

            _mmf     = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(_fileName, FileMode.Open, null, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read);
            _va      = _mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0L, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read);
            _archive = new ArkArchive(_va, size, _arkNameCache);
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected void readBinaryObjects(ArkArchive archive, bool gameObjects = true)
            if (gameObjects)
                var count = archive.GetInt();

                for (var n = 0; n < count; n++)
                    var gameObject = new GameObject(archive, _arkNameCache);
                    gameObject.ObjectId = n;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void readBinaryObjects(ArkArchive archive)
            var objectCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (int i = 0; i <= objectCount - 1; i++)
                var go = new GameObject(archive);
                go.ObjectId = i;

            archive.SetNameTable(_nameTable, 0, true);
            for (int n = 0; n <= objectCount - 1; n++)
                var go = _objects[n];
                _objects[n].loadProperties(archive, (n < _objects.Count - 1) ? _objects[n + 1] : null, 0);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public ArkSavegame(string fileName, ArkNameCache arkNameCache = null, int?savegameMaxDegreeOfParallelism = null, ArkNameTree exclusivePropertyNameTree = null)
            _fileName       = fileName;
            _arkNameCache   = arkNameCache ?? new ArkNameCache();
            _arkStringCache = new ArkStringCache();
            _savegameMaxDegreeOfParallelism = savegameMaxDegreeOfParallelism;
            _exclusivePropertyNameTree      = exclusivePropertyNameTree;

            var fi   = new FileInfo(_fileName);
            var size = fi.Length;

            SaveTime = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc;
            //if (size == 0) return false;

            _mmf     = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(_fileName, FileMode.Open, null, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read);
            _va      = _mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0L, 0L, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read);
            _archive = new ArkArchive(_va, size, _arkNameCache, _arkStringCache, _exclusivePropertyNameTree);
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected void readBinaryNameTable(ArkArchive archive)
            var position = archive.Position;

            archive.Position = nameTableOffset;

            var nameCount = archive.GetInt();
            var nameTable = new List <string>(nameCount);

            for (var n = 0; n < nameCount; n++)

            archive.NameTable = nameTable;

            archive.Position = position;
Exemplo n.º 22
        protected void readBinaryHibernation(ArkArchive archive)
            archive.Position = hibernationDataOffset;
            var unk1 = archive.GetInt();
            var unk2 = archive.GetInt();
            var unk3 = archive.GetInt();
            var unk4 = archive.GetInt();

            if (archive.Position == nameTableOffset)
            var unk5       = archive.GetInt();
            var unk6       = archive.GetInt();
            var classCount = archive.GetInt();


            for (int i = 0; i <= classCount - 1; i++)

            var indicesCount = archive.GetInt();

            if (classCount != indicesCount)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Hibernation classCount:{classCount}<>indicesCount:{indicesCount}");
            for (int i = 0; i <= indicesCount - 1; i++)

            var entriesCount = archive.GetInt();

            // needs more refactoring to use parallel execution
            for (int i = 0; i <= entriesCount - 1; i++)
                _hibernationEntries.Add(new HibernationEntry(archive));
        public void readBinary(ArkArchive archive)
            InventoryVersion = archive.GetInt();

            //if (InventoryVersion != 1)
            //    throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown Cloud Inventory Version " + InventoryVersion);

            var objectCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (var i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                Objects.Add(new GameObject(archive, _arkNameCache));

            for (var i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                var obj = Objects[i];
                if (obj.ClassName.Token.Equals("ArkCloudInventoryData"))
                    _inventoryData = obj;
                obj.loadProperties(archive, i < objectCount - 1 ? Objects[i + 1] : null, 0);

            var mydata = InventoryData?.GetPropertyValue <Structs.StructPropertyList>(_myArkData);
            var dinos  = mydata?.GetPropertyValue <Arrays.ArkArrayStruct>(_arkTamedDinosData);

            if (dinos != null)
                InventoryDinoData = dinos.OfType <Structs.StructPropertyList>().Select(x =>
                    var version = x.GetPropertyValue <float?>(_version);
                    if (!version.HasValue)

                    var data = x.GetPropertyValue <Arrays.ArkArrayByte>(_dinoData);

                    return(new ArkCloudInventoryDinoData(version.Value, data, exclusivePropertyNameTree: archive.ExclusivePropertyNameTree));
Exemplo n.º 24
        protected void readBinaryDataFiles(ArkArchive archive, bool dataFiles = true)
            var count = archive.GetInt();

            if (dataFiles)
                for (var n = 0; n < count; n++)
                for (var n = 0; n < count; n++)
Exemplo n.º 25
        protected void readBinaryEmbeddedData(ArkArchive archive, bool embeddedData = true)
            var count = archive.GetInt();

            if (embeddedData)
                for (var n = 0; n < count; n++)
                    EmbeddedData.Add(new EmbeddedData(archive));
                for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void readBinary(ArkArchive archive)
            var x               = archive.GetFloat();
            var y               = archive.GetFloat();
            var z               = archive.GetFloat();
            var unkByte         = archive.GetByte();
            var unkFloat        = archive.GetFloat();
            var nameArchiveSize = archive.GetInt();
            var nameArchive     = archive.Slice(archive.Position, nameArchiveSize);

            archive.Position += nameArchiveSize;
            var objectArchiveSize = archive.GetInt();
            var objectArchive     = archive.Slice(archive.Position, objectArchiveSize);

            archive.Position += objectArchiveSize;
            var unkInt1 = archive.GetInt();

            _classIndex = archive.GetInt();
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void readBinaryBase(ArkArchive archive)

            if (SaveVersion > 5)
                // Name table is located after the objects block, but will be needed to read the objects block


            SaveState = new SaveState {
                GameTime = GameTime, SaveTime = SaveTime, MapName = DataFiles.FirstOrDefault()


            var unknownValue = archive.GetInt();

            if (unknownValue != 0)
                //if (unknownValue > 2)
                //    var msg = $"Found unexpected Value {unknownValue} at {archive.Position - 4:X}";
                //    _logger.Error(msg);
                //    throw new System.NotSupportedException(msg);

                for (int n = 0; n < unknownValue; n++)
                    archive.GetInt();    //unknownFlags
                    archive.GetInt();    //objectCount
                    archive.GetString(); //name
            _baseRead          = true;
            _gameObjectsOffset = archive.Position;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void readBinaryNameTable(ArkArchive archive)
            var version = archive.GetInt();

            if (version != 3)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"hibernation version not supported <>3");
            var nameCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (int i = 0; i <= nameCount - 1; i++)

            var zoneCount = archive.GetInt();

            for (int i = 0; i <= zoneCount - 1; i++)
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void loadProperties(ArkArchive archive, GameObject next, long propertiesBlockOffset, int?nextGameObjectPropertiesOffset = null)
            var offset     = propertiesBlockOffset + _propertiesOffset;
            var nextOffset = nextGameObjectPropertiesOffset != null ? propertiesBlockOffset + nextGameObjectPropertiesOffset.Value : (next != null) ? propertiesBlockOffset + next._propertiesOffset : archive.Size - 1;

            archive.Position = offset;

                var property = PropertyRegistry.readProperty(archive, null);

                while (property != null)
                    if (property != ExcludedProperty.Instance)
                        properties.Add(_arkNameCache.Create(property.Name.Token, property.Index), property);

                    property = PropertyRegistry.readProperty(archive, archive.ExclusivePropertyNameTree);
            catch (UnreadablePropertyException)
                // Stop reading and ignore possible extra data for now, needs a new field in ExtraDataHandler
                //these are in order of most common to least common to keep lookups at a minimum
                if (Properties.ContainsKey(_ownerName) || Properties.ContainsKey(_bHasResetDecayTime) || ClassName.Name == "CherufeNest_C")
                    if (ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DeathItemCache_"))
                        _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsDeathItemCache;
                        goto SkipRest;

                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsStructure;
                    goto SkipRest;

                if (Properties.ContainsKey(_dinoId1))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsCreature;
                int tamingTeamID    = 0;
                int targetingTeamId = 0;

                if (IsCreature)
                    if (Properties.ContainsKey(_tamingTeamID))
                        PropertyInt32 tamingTeam = (PropertyInt32)Properties[_tamingTeamID];
                        tamingTeamID = tamingTeam.Value.GetValueOrDefault(0);

                    if (Properties.ContainsKey(_targetTeamID))
                        PropertyInt32 targetingTeam = (PropertyInt32)Properties[_targetTeamID];
                        targetingTeamId = targetingTeam.Value.GetValueOrDefault(0);

                    if (targetingTeamId > 1000000000)
                        if ((tamingTeamID > 0 && tamingTeamID < 1000000000) & !Properties.ContainsKey(_imprinterName))
                            _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsTamedCreature;

                if (IsCreature && !IsTamedCreature)
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsWildCreature;
                if (IsTamedCreature && (ClassName.Equals(_raft_bp_c) || ClassName.Equals(_motorraft_bp_c)))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsRaftCreature;

                if (Properties.ContainsKey(_currentStatusValues))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsStatusComponent;
                if (IsStatusComponent && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DinoCharacterStatusComponent_"))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsDinoStatusComponent;
                if (IsStatusComponent && !IsDinoStatusComponent && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("PlayerCharacterStatusComponent_"))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsPlayerCharacterStatusComponent;

                if (ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DroppedItemGeneric_") & !ClassName.Name.Contains("NoPhysics"))
                    if (Properties.ContainsKey(_droppedByPlayerId))
                        PropertyInt64 selectedPlayerId = (PropertyInt64)Properties[_droppedByPlayerId];

                        if (selectedPlayerId.Value != 0)
                            _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsDroppedItem;

                if (IsItem)
                    goto SkipRest;

                if (IsCreature)
                    goto SkipRest;

                if (IsStatusComponent)
                    goto SkipRest;

                if (Properties.ContainsKey(_bInitializedMe))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsInventory;
                if (IsInventory && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("PrimalInventoryBP_"))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsStructureInventory;
                if (IsInventory && !IsStructureInventory && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DinoTamedInventoryComponent_"))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsTamedCreatureInventory;
                if (IsInventory && !(IsStructureInventory || IsTamedCreatureInventory) && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("PrimalInventoryComponent"))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsPlayerCharacterInventory;
                if (IsInventory && !(IsStructureInventory || IsTamedCreatureInventory || IsPlayerCharacterInventory) && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DinoWildInventoryComponent_"))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsWildCreatureInventory;

                if (IsInventory)
                    goto SkipRest;

                if (ClassName.Equals(_structurePaintingComponent))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsStructurePaintingComponent;

                    goto SkipRest;

                if (ClassName.Equals(_droppedItem))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsDroppedItem;

                    goto SkipRest;

                if (ClassName.Equals(_male) || ClassName.Equals(_female))
                    _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsPlayerCharacter;

                    goto SkipRest;

                _isFlags |= GameObjectIs.IsSomethingElse;

                //IsStructure = (Properties.ContainsKey(_ownerName) || Properties.ContainsKey(_bHasResetDecayTime));
                //if (IsStructure) goto SkipRest;

                //IsCreature = Properties.ContainsKey(_dinoId1);
                //IsTamedCreature = IsCreature && (Properties.ContainsKey(_tamerString) || Properties.ContainsKey(_tamingTeamID));
                //IsWildCreature = IsCreature && !IsTamedCreature;
                //IsRaftCreature = IsTamedCreature && ClassName.Equals(_raft_bp_c);
                //if (IsCreature) goto SkipRest;

                //IsStatusComponent = Properties.ContainsKey(_currentStatusValues);
                //IsDinoStatusComponent = IsStatusComponent && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DinoCharacterStatusComponent_");
                //IsPlayerCharacterStatusComponent = IsStatusComponent && !IsDinoStatusComponent && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("PlayerCharacterStatusComponent_");
                //if (IsStatusComponent) goto SkipRest;

                //IsInventory = Properties.ContainsKey(_bInitializedMe);
                //IsStructureInventory = IsInventory && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("PrimalInventoryBP_");
                //IsTamedCreatureInventory = IsInventory && !IsStructureInventory && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DinoTamedInventoryComponent_");
                //IsPlayerCharacterInventory = IsInventory && !(IsStructureInventory || IsTamedCreatureInventory) && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("PrimalInventoryComponent");
                //IsWildCreatureInventory = IsInventory && !(IsStructureInventory || IsTamedCreatureInventory || IsPlayerCharacterInventory) && ClassName.Token.StartsWith("DinoWildInventoryComponent_");
                //if (IsInventory) goto SkipRest;

                //IsStructurePaintingComponent = ClassName.Equals(_structurePaintingComponent);
                //if (IsStructurePaintingComponent) goto SkipRest;

                //IsDroppedItem = ClassName.Equals(_droppedItem);
                //if (IsDroppedItem) goto SkipRest;

                //IsPlayerCharacter = ClassName.Equals(_male) || ClassName.Equals(_female);
                //if (IsPlayerCharacter) goto SkipRest;

                //IsSomethingElse = true;

                SkipRest :;

            var distance = nextOffset - archive.Position;

            if (distance > 0)
                ExtraData = ExtraDataRegistry.getExtraData(this, archive, distance);
                ExtraData = null;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public GameObject(ArkArchive archive, ArkNameCache arkNameCache = null)
     _arkNameCache = arkNameCache ?? new ArkNameCache();