private void StartListening()
            if (_isListening)
                Debug.LogError("Attempt at starting to listen for updates, while already listening. Did you forget to call base.OnDisable()?");

            var executionOrder = ExecutionOrder;

            if (_updateable != null)
                ManagedUpdate.OnUpdate.AddListener(this, executionOrder);
            if (_lateUpdateable != null)
                ManagedUpdate.OnLateUpdate.AddListener(this, executionOrder);
            if (_fixedUpdateable != null)
                ManagedUpdate.OnFixedUpdate.AddListener(this, executionOrder);

            if (_customUpdateable != null)
                if (_customUpdateIds == null)
                    _customUpdateIds = _customUpdateable.GetCustomUpdateIds() ?? new int[0];

                for (var i = 0; i < _customUpdateIds.Length; i++)
                    ManagedUpdate.AddListener(_customUpdateIds[i], this, executionOrder);

            _isListening = true;