        public static void RestoredFiles(List <string> fileGhost, string backupFilesPath, string restoredFilesPath, SkinListBox listbox)
            WaitThreadControl wtc = new WaitThreadControl {
                RecordedDatabase = false

            Thread thread = new Thread((q) =>
                foreach (var item in fileGhost)
                    CopyDirectory(backupFilesPath + "\\" + item, restoredFilesPath);//todo:将等待窗体放进参数里,在每次拷贝一个文件后,改变等待窗体显示的内容,用invoke

                ((WaitThreadControl)q).RecordedDatabase = true;
                listbox.Invoke(new Action <string>(n => listbox.AddToButtom(n)), "拷贝完成...OK");

            thread.IsBackground = true;
            WaitDialog wd = new WaitDialog(wtc);

            wd.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
        /// <summary>
        /// 备份指定的数据库文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databasefile">备份文件要存放到的路径</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool BackUpDataBase(string databasefile, UserInfo userinfo, SkinListBox listbox, bool isFullBackup)

            ///RESTORE DATABASE [dzcjda_sjz] FROM  DISK = N'H:\xuz\dif_20170516.bak' WITH  FILE = 1,  MOVE N'dzcjda_sjz' TO N'F:\sql2008shili\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\dzcjda_sjz.mdf',  MOVE N'dzcjda_sjz_log' TO N'F:\sql2008shili\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\dzcjda_sjz_1.ldf',  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10
            ///if (File.Exists(databasefile))
            ///    return false;
            WaitThreadControl wtc = new WaitThreadControl {
                RecordedDatabase = false
            Thread thread = new Thread((q) =>
                string sql;
                if (isFullBackup)
                    //sql = "BACKUP DATABASE @baseName TO DISK = @backFilePath ";
                    sql = "BACKUP DATABASE @baseName TO  DISK = @backFilePath WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,  NAME = N'dzcjda_sjz-完整 数据库 备份', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10";
                    sql = "BACKUP DATABASE @baseName TO  DISK = @backFilePath WITH  DIFFERENTIAL , NOFORMAT, INIT,  NAME = N'dzcjda_sjz-差异 数据库 备份', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10";
                //string sql1 = @"BACKUP DATABASE [MZLWebApp] TO  DISK = '" + databasefile + ".bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = '"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") +"', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10";
                SqlParameter[] spms = new SqlParameter[] {
                    new SqlParameter("@baseName", userinfo.BaseName),
                    new SqlParameter("@backFilePath", databasefile)
                    SQLHelper.ExecutNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, spms);
                catch (Exception)
                    listbox.Invoke(new Action <string>(n => listbox.AddToButtom(n)), "备份失败...False");
                    ((WaitThreadControl)q).RecordedDatabase = true;
                listbox.Invoke(new Action <string>(n => listbox.AddToButtom(n)), "备份成功...OK");
                ((WaitThreadControl)q).RecordedDatabase = true;

            thread.IsBackground = true;
            WaitDialog wd = new WaitDialog(wtc);

            wd.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public WaitDialog(WaitThreadControl wtc) : this()
            Thread thread = new Thread(n => {
                while (!((WaitThreadControl)n).RecordedDatabase)
                    //skinTextBox1.Invoke(new Action<string>(m => { skinTextBox1.Text = m; }),wtc.RecordedDatabase.ToString());
                this.Invoke(new Action(closeForm));

            thread.IsBackground = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// 一键还原数据库
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backfile">一个或两个文件,完全备份和差异备份</param>
        /// <param name="userinfo"></param>
        /// <param name="listbox"></param>
        /// <param name="type">是完整还原还是差异还原</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool FullRestoreDatabase(string[] backfile, UserInfo userinfo, SkinListBox listbox, BacOrResType type)
            ArrayList    list = new ArrayList();
            string       sql  = "SELECT spid FROM sysprocesses ,sysdatabases WHERE sysprocesses.dbid=sysdatabases.dbid AND sysdatabases.Name=@baseName";
            SqlParameter spm  = new SqlParameter("@baseName", userinfo.BaseName);

            using (SqlDataReader reader = SQLHelper.ExcuteDataReader(sql, CommandType.Text, spm))
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    while (reader.Read())
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                sql = string.Format("KILL {0}", list[i].ToString());
                SQLHelper.ExecutNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, null);
                //MessageBox.Show("系统已经清除的数据库线程: " + list[i].ToString() + "\r\n正在还原数据库!");
                listbox.AddToButtom("清除数据库线程: " + list[i].ToString());

            listbox.AddToButtom(type == BacOrResType.Full ? "开始完整还原数据库..." : "开始差异还原数据库...");
            WaitThreadControl wtc = new WaitThreadControl {
                RecordedDatabase = false

            #region 通过斜线旋转执行等待
            //Thread waitThread = new Thread((canStop) =>
            //    {
            //        string[] strArray = new string[] { "/", "—", "\\" };
            //        int i = 0;
            //        WaitDialog wd = new WaitDialog();
            //        wd.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
            //        listbox.Invoke(new Action<WaitDialog>(wd1 =>
            //        {
            //            ((WaitDialog)wd1).ShowDialog();
            //        }), wd);
            //        while (!((WaitThreadControl)canStop).RecordedDatabase)
            //        {
            //            int b;
            //            Math.DivRem(i, 3, out b);
            //            listbox.Invoke(new Action(() =>
            //            {
            //                listbox.Items.RemoveAt(listbox.Items.Count - 1);
            //                listbox.AddToButtom("正在还原数据库,禁止所有操作..." + strArray[b]);
            //            }));
            //            i++;
            //            Thread.Sleep(300);
            //        }

            //        listbox.Invoke(new Action<string>(u =>
            //        {
            //            listbox.Items.RemoveAt(listbox.Items.Count - 1);
            //            listbox.AddToButtom(u);
            //        }), "还原数据库执行完成...OK");
            //    });
            Thread thread = new Thread((q) =>
                bool hasBase = ConnectionTestInfo.CheckExistsDataBase(userinfo);
                string movPath     = hasBase ? "" : @"MOVE @mdfFileName TO @mdfFilePath ,  MOVE @logFileName TO @logFilePath ,";//数据库是否存在
                string defaultPath = string.Empty;
                if (!hasBase)
                    #region 获取数据库默认路径代码
                    listbox.Invoke(new Action <string>(n => { listbox.AddToButtom(n); }), "获取系统默认路径...");//.AddToButtom("获取系统默认路径...");
                    sql = "select filename from master..sysfiles";
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = SQLHelper.ExcuteDataReader(sql, CommandType.Text))
                        if (reader.HasRows)
                            if (reader.Read())
                                defaultPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(reader.GetString(0));
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultPath))
                        listbox.Invoke(new Action <string>(n => { listbox.AddToButtom(n); }), "获取系统默认路径失败,需指定数据库存放路径...");
                        listbox.Invoke(new Action <string, string>((n, m) => { listbox.AddToButtom(n); listbox.AddToButtom(m); }), "获取默认路径成功...OK", defaultPath);
                        //listbox.Invoke(new Action<string>(n => { listbox.AddToButtom(n); }), defaultPath);
                if (type == BacOrResType.Full)
                    sql = @"RESTORE DATABASE @baseName FROM  DISK = @backFileName WITH  FILE = 1, " + movPath + " NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10";//NORECOVERY,
                    sql = "RESTORE DATABASE @baseName FROM  DISK = @backFileName WITH  FILE = 1, " + movPath + "  NORECOVERY, REPLACE,  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10";
                SqlParameter[] spms = new SqlParameter[]
                    new SqlParameter("@baseName", userinfo.BaseName),
                    new SqlParameter("@backFileName", backfile[0]),
                    new SqlParameter("@mdfFileName", userinfo.BaseName),
                    new SqlParameter("@mdfFilePath", defaultPath + "\\" + userinfo.BaseName + ".mdf"),
                    new SqlParameter("@logFileName", userinfo.BaseName + "_log"),
                    new SqlParameter("@logFilePath", defaultPath + "\\" + userinfo.BaseName + ".ldf")
                SQLHelper.ExecutNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, true, spms);
                //listbox.Invoke(new Action<string> ( u => listbox.AddToButtom(u) ),"执行完成");
                if (type == BacOrResType.Def)
                    spms[1] = new SqlParameter("@backFileName", backfile[1]);
                    sql     = @"RESTORE DATABASE @baseName FROM  DISK = @backFileName WITH  FILE = 1,  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10";
                    SQLHelper.ExecutNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, true, spms);
                ((WaitThreadControl)q).RecordedDatabase = true;
                listbox.Invoke(new Action <string>(n => listbox.AddToButtom(n)), "还原完成...OK");
            thread.IsBackground = true;
            WaitDialog wd = new WaitDialog(wtc);
            wd.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
            //waitThread.IsBackground = true;


            #region 原来的代码

            //string constr = userinfo.ConnectionString;
            //string database = userinfo.BaseName;//MyDataBase;
            //string path = backfile;
            //string BACKUP = String.Format("RESTORE DATABASE {0} FROM DISK = '{1}'", database, path);
            //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
            //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(BACKUP, con);
            //    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            //    MessageBox.Show("还原成功,点击退出系统!");
            //    Application.Exit();
            //catch (SqlException ee)
            //    //throw(ee);

            //    //MessageBox.Show("还原失败");

            //    MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString());

            //    con.Close();
            //return "成功与否字符串";