Exemplo n.º 1
 public void TestFullyQualifiedGetInstanceOf()
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= <<foo>>");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Assert.AreEqual("foo", group.GetInstanceOf("a").Render());
     Assert.AreEqual("foo", group.GetInstanceOf("/a").Render());
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void TestAbsoluteTemplateRefFromOutside()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/subdir/b
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= << </subdir/b()> >>\n");
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "b.st", "b() ::= <<bar>>\n");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", group.GetInstanceOf("a").Render());
     Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", group.GetInstanceOf("/a").Render());
     Assert.AreEqual("bar", group.GetInstanceOf("/subdir/b").Render());
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void printReport(string filename)
            string URIFilename = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "templates" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ST-HtmlReport" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            Uri uri = new Uri(URIFilename);
            logger.Debug("Defining Template directory for HTML report to " + uri.LocalPath);
            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(uri.LocalPath, '$', '$');

            ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer();
            group.Listener = errors;

            Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("MainTemplate");

            st.Add("Report", this);

            string result = st.Render();

            if (errors.Errors.Count > 0)
                foreach (TemplateMessage m in errors.Errors)
                    throw new Exception(m.ToString());

            StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(filename, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestAnonymousTemplateInRegionInSubdir()
            //fails since it makes region name /region__/g/a/_r
            string dir = tmpdir;
            string g = "a() ::= <<[<@r()>]>>\n" +
                       "@a.r() ::= <<\n" +
                       "<[\"foo\"]:{x|<x>}>\n" +
            writeFile(dir, "g.stg", g);

            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
            group.Verbose = true;
            Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("g/a");
            string expected = "[foo]";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void TestGroupFileInSubDir()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/group.stg with b and c templates
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= <<foo>>");
     string groupFile =
         "b() ::= \"bar\"\n" +
         "c() ::= \"duh\"\n";
     writeFile(dir, "subdir/group.stg", groupFile);
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Template st1 = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     Template st2 = group.GetInstanceOf("subdir/group/b");
     Template st3 = group.GetInstanceOf("subdir/group/c");
     string expected = "foobarduh";
     string result = st1.Render() + st2.Render() + st3.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void TestGroupFileInDir()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/group.stg with b and c templates
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= <<foo>>");
     string groupFile =
         "b() ::= \"bar\"\n" +
         "c() ::= \"duh\"\n";
     writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile);
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Assert.AreEqual("foo", group.GetInstanceOf("a").Render());
     Assert.AreEqual("bar", group.GetInstanceOf("/group/b").Render());
     Assert.AreEqual("duh", group.GetInstanceOf("/group/c").Render());
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void TestRefToAnotherTemplateInSameSubdir()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/subdir/b
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "a.st", "a() ::= << <b()> >>\n");
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "b.st", "b() ::= <<bar>>\n");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", group.GetInstanceOf("/subdir/a").Render());
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void TestRelativeInSubdir()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/subdir/b
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= << </subdir/c()> >>\n");
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "b.st", "b() ::= <<bar>>\n");
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "c.st", "c() ::= << <b()> >>\n");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Assert.AreEqual("  bar  ", group.GetInstanceOf("a").Render());
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void TestSimpleDefaultArg()
     string dir = tmpdir;
     string a = "a() ::= << <b()> >>\n";
     string b = "b(x=\"foo\") ::= \"<x>\"\n";
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", a);
     writeFile(dir, "b.st", b);
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     string expected = " foo ";
     string result = st.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void TestEscapeOneRightAngle()
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= << > >>");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     st.Add("x", "parrt");
     string expected = " > ";
     string result = st.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void TestImportTemplateFromSubdir()
            // /randomdir/x/subdir/a and /randomdir/y/subdir/b
            string dir = tmpdir;
            string a = "a() ::= << </subdir/b()> >>\n";
            string b = "b() ::= <<x's subdir/b>>\n";
            writeFile(dir, Path.Combine("x", "subdir", "a.st"), a);
            writeFile(dir, Path.Combine("y", "subdir", "b.st"), b);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(Path.Combine(dir, "x"));
            TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(Path.Combine(dir, "y"));
            Template st = group1.GetInstanceOf("subdir/a");
            string expected = " x's subdir/b ";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void TestImportTemplateFromAnotherGroupObject()
            string dir1 = tmpdir;
            string a = "a() ::= <<dir1 a>>\n";
            string b = "b() ::= <<dir1 b>>\n";
            writeFile(dir1, "a.st", a);
            writeFile(dir1, "b.st", b);
            string dir2 = tmpdir;
            a = "a() ::= << <b()> >>\n";
            writeFile(dir2, "a.st", a);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir1);
            TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir2);
            Template st = group2.GetInstanceOf("b");
            string expected = "dir1 b";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);

            // do it again, but make a template ref imported template
            st = group2.GetInstanceOf("a");
            expected = " dir1 b ";
            result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void TestSubSubdir()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/subdir/b
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= <<foo>>");
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "sub1", "sub2"), "b.st", "b() ::= \"bar\"");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Template st1 = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     Template st2 = group.GetInstanceOf("/sub1/sub2/b");
     string expected = "foobar";
     string result = st1.Render() + st2.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void TestUnloadingSimpleGroup()
     string dir = tmpdir;
     string a =
         "a(x) ::= <<foo>>\n";
     string b =
         "b() ::= <<bar>>\n";
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", a);
     writeFile(dir, "b.st", b);
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     group.Load(); // force load
     Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     int originalHashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st);
     group.Unload(); // blast cache
     st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     int newHashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st);
     Assert.AreEqual(originalHashCode == newHashCode, false); // diff objects
     string expected = "foo";
     string result = st.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
     st = group.GetInstanceOf("b");
     expected = "bar";
     result = st.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void TestSubdirWithSubtemplate()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/subdir/b
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "a.st", "a(x) ::= \"<x:{y|<y>}>\"");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("/subdir/a");
     st.Add("x", new string[] { "a", "b" });
     Assert.AreEqual("ab", st.Render());
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void TestSubdir()
     // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/subdir/b
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= <<foo>>");
     writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "b.st", "b() ::= \"bar\"");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Assert.AreEqual("foo", group.GetInstanceOf("a").Render());
     Assert.AreEqual("bar", group.GetInstanceOf("/subdir/b").Render());
     Assert.AreEqual("bar", group.GetInstanceOf("subdir/b").Render());
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void TestSimpleGroup()
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= <<foo>>");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     string expected = "foo";
     string result = st.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void TestFullyQualifiedTemplateRef()
            // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/subdir/b
            string dir = tmpdir;
            writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "a.st", "a() ::= << </subdir/b()> >>\n");
            writeFile(Path.Combine(dir, "subdir"), "b.st", "b() ::= <<bar>>\n");
            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);

            Template template = group.GetInstanceOf("/subdir/a");
            Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", template.Render());

            template = group.GetInstanceOf("subdir/a");
            Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", template.Render());
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void TestPolymorphicTemplateReference()
            string dir1 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "d1");
            string b = "b() ::= <<dir1 b>>\n";
            writeFile(dir1, "b.st", b);
            string dir2 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "d2");
            string a = "a() ::= << <b()> >>\n";
            b = "b() ::= <<dir2 b>>\n";
            writeFile(dir2, "a.st", a);
            writeFile(dir2, "b.st", b);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir1);
            TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir2);

            // normal lookup; a created from dir2 calls dir2.b
            Template st = group2.GetInstanceOf("a");
            string expected = " dir2 b ";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);

            // polymorphic lookup; a created from dir1 calls dir2.a which calls dir1.b
            st = group1.GetInstanceOf("a");
            expected = " dir1 b ";
            result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void TestGroupFileInDirImportsAnotherGroupFile()
     // /randomdir/group.stg with a() imports /randomdir/imported.stg with b()
     // can't have groupdir then groupfile inside that imports
     string dir = tmpdir;
     string groupFile =
         "import \"imported.stg\"\n" +
         "a() ::= \"a: <b()>\"\n";
     writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile);
     string importedFile =
         "b() ::= \"b\"\n";
     writeFile(dir, "imported.stg", importedFile);
     ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     group.Listener = errors;
     string result = errors.ToString();
     string substring =
         "import illegal in group files embedded in TemplateGroupDirectory; import \"imported.stg\" in TemplateGroupDirectory";
     StringAssert.Contains(result, substring);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void TestUnloadImportedTemplate()
            string dir1 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "d1");
            string a = "a() ::= <<dir1 a>>\n";
            string b = "b() ::= <<dir1 b>>\n";
            writeFile(dir1, "a.st", a);
            writeFile(dir1, "b.st", b);
            string dir2 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "d2");
            a = "a() ::= << <b()> >>\n";
            writeFile(dir2, "a.st", a);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir1);
            TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir2);

            Template st = group2.GetInstanceOf("a");
            Template st2 = group2.GetInstanceOf("b");
            int originalHashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st);
            int originalHashCode2 = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st2);
            group1.Unload(); // blast cache
            st = group2.GetInstanceOf("a");
            int newHashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st);
            Assert.AreEqual(originalHashCode == newHashCode, false); // diff objects

            string expected = " dir1 b ";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);

            st = group2.GetInstanceOf("b");
            int newHashCode2 = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(st);
            Assert.AreEqual(originalHashCode2 == newHashCode2, false); // diff objects
            result = st.Render();
            expected = "dir1 b";
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void TestImportTemplateFromGroupFile()
            // /randomdir/x/subdir/a and /randomdir/y/subdir.stg which has a and b
            string dir = tmpdir;
            string a = "a() ::= << </subdir/b()> >>\n"; // get b imported from subdir.stg
            writeFile(dir, Path.Combine("x", "subdir", "a.st"), a);

            string groupFile =
                "a() ::= \"group file: a\"\n" +
                "b() ::= \"group file: b\"\n";
            writeFile(dir, Path.Combine("y", "subdir.stg"), groupFile);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(Path.Combine(dir, "x"));
            TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(Path.Combine(dir, "y"));

            Template st = group1.GetInstanceOf("subdir/a");


            string expected = " group file: b ";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void TestGroupWithTwoTemplates()
     string dir = tmpdir;
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= <<foo>>");
     writeFile(dir, "b.st", "b() ::= \"bar\"");
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
     Template st1 = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     Template st2 = group.GetInstanceOf("b");
     string expected = "foobar";
     string result = st1.Render() + st2.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void TestImportTemplateInGroupFileFromDir()
            string dir = tmpdir;
            string a = "a() ::= << <b()> >>\n";
            writeFile(dir, "x/a.st", a);

            string groupFile =
                "b() ::= \"group file b\"\n" +
                "c() ::= \"group file c\"\n";
            writeFile(dir, Path.Combine("y", "group.stg"), groupFile);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(Path.Combine(dir, "x"));
            TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "y", "group.stg"));
            Template st = group1.GetInstanceOf("a");
            string expected = " group file b ";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 25
        private void writeScenario()
            if (alreadyGenerated) initialize();

            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(this.templatePath, '$', '$');

                ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer();
                group.Listener = errors;

                Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("MainTemplate");

                this.TSFile = genTsStructFromTestContainer(this.outFile, sequence);

                st.Add("TestStandFile", this.TSFile);

                string result = st.Render();

                if (errors.Errors.Count > 0)
                    foreach (TemplateMessage m in errors.Errors)
                        throw new Exception(m.ToString());

                StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(this.outFile, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1251"));


            this.alreadyGenerated = true;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void TestSuper()
            string dir1 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "d1");
            string a = "a() ::= <<dir1 a>>\n";
            string b = "b() ::= <<dir1 b>>\n";
            writeFile(dir1, "a.st", a);
            writeFile(dir1, "b.st", b);
            string dir2 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "d2");
            a = "a() ::= << [<super.a()>] >>\n";
            writeFile(dir2, "a.st", a);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir1);
            TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir2);
            Template st = group2.GetInstanceOf("a");
            string expected = " [dir1 a] ";
            string result = st.Render();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void TestFullyQualifiedTemplateRef2()
            // /randomdir/a and /randomdir/group.stg with b and c templates
            string dir = tmpdir;
            writeFile(dir, "a.st", "a(x) ::= << </group/b()> >>\n");
            string groupFile =
                "b() ::= \"bar\"\n" +
                "c() ::= \"</a()>\"\n";
            writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile);
            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);

            Template st1 = group.GetInstanceOf("/a");
            Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", st1.Render());

            Template st2 = group.GetInstanceOf("/group/c"); // invokes /a
            Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", st2.Render());
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void TestRefToAnotherTemplateInSameGroup()
     string dir = tmpdir;
     string a = "a() ::= << <$b()$> >>\n";
     string b = "b() ::= <<bar>>\n";
     writeFile(dir, "a.st", a);
     writeFile(dir, "b.st", b);
     TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir, '$', '$');
     Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a");
     string expected = " <bar> ";
     string result = st.Render();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void TestCantSeeGroupDirIfGroupFileOfSameName()
            string dir = tmpdir;
            string a = "a() ::= <<dir1 a>>\n";
            writeFile(dir, "group/a.st", a); // can't see this file

            string groupFile =
                "b() ::= \"group file b\"\n";
            writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile);

            TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupDirectory(dir);
            Template st = group1.GetInstanceOf("group/a"); // can't see
            Assert.AreEqual(null, st);