public void SetMapRotation(DirectionAngle mapRotation)
     //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     m_mapRotation = mapRotation;
     if (null != m_cursor)
        public void SetCursorPosition([NotNull] CellObject parent)
            //IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0075: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            if (null == m_cursor)
            Transform transform  = parent.get_transform();
            Transform transform2 = m_cursor.get_transform();

            transform2.SetParent(transform, true);
            Quaternion inverseRotation = m_mapRotation.GetInverseRotation();
            Vector3    val             = transform.get_position() + inverseRotation * new Vector3(-0.01f, 0.51f, -0.01f);
            Quaternion val2            = m_mapRotation.GetInverseRotation() * Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f);

            transform2.SetPositionAndRotation(val, val2);
            if (!m_displayPlayableCharactersHighlights)
            List <CellPointer> active = m_active;
            int count = active.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                CellPointer cellPointer = active[i];
                if (!(null == cellPointer) && cellPointer.get_transform().get_parent() == transform)