Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //no inheritance needed, but an interface will be needed

            //create classes that represent animals that makes sounds, what is the animal and what sound does it make

            Cat     cat     = new Cat();
            Dog     dog     = new Dog();
            Chicken chicken = new Chicken();
            Rooster rooster = new Rooster();
            Horse   horse   = new Horse();
            Pig     pig     = new Pig();
            Duck    duck    = new Duck();
            Cow     cow     = new Cow();
            Sheep   sheep   = new Sheep();
            Piano   piano   = new Piano();

            //put all animals in a collection

            IAnimalSounds[] animals = { cat, dog, chicken, rooster, horse, pig, duck, cow, sheep, piano };

            foreach (IAnimalSounds animal in animals)
                string animalName  = animal.GetAnimalName();
                string animalSound = animal.GetAnimalSound();

                //return message: "The animal "" makes the sound """
                string message = $"A {animalName} says {animalSound}.";


            //goal of the program is to output the animals that make sounds
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dog      dog      = new Dog();
            Elephant elephant = new Elephant();
            Monkey   monkey   = new Monkey();
            Cat      cat      = new Cat();
            Cow      cow      = new Cow();
            Chicken  chicken  = new Chicken();
            Pig      pig      = new Pig();
            Lion     lion     = new Lion();
            Hyena    hyena    = new Hyena();
            Horse    horse    = new Horse();

            ISounds[] animals = { dog, elephant, monkey, cat, cow, chicken, pig, lion, hyena, horse };

            foreach (ISounds animal in animals)
                string animalName  = animal.GetName();
                string animalSound = animal.GetSound();
                string message     = $"A(n) {animalName} says {animalSound}.";