Exemplo n.º 1
        private static CacheData GetCacheableDataInFMInstalledDir(FanMission fm)
            AssertR(fm.Installed, "fm.Installed is false when it should be true");

            string thisFMInstallsBasePath = Config.GetFMInstallPathUnsafe(fm.Game);

            string path          = Path.Combine(thisFMInstallsBasePath, fm.InstalledDir);
            var    files         = FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(path, "*");
            string t3ReadmePath1 = Path.Combine(path, Paths.T3ReadmeDir1);
            string t3ReadmePath2 = Path.Combine(path, Paths.T3ReadmeDir2);

            if (Directory.Exists(t3ReadmePath1))
                files.AddRange(FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(t3ReadmePath1, "*"));
            if (Directory.Exists(t3ReadmePath2))
                files.AddRange(FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(t3ReadmePath2, "*"));


            var readmes = new List <string>(files.Count);

            foreach (string f in files)
                if (f.IsValidReadme())
                    readmes.Add(f.Substring(path.Length + 1));

            return(new CacheData(readmes));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void ClearCacheDir(FanMission fm)
            string fmCachePath = Path.Combine(Paths.FMsCache, fm.InstalledDir);

            if (!fmCachePath.TrimEnd(CA_BS_FS).PathEqualsI(Paths.FMsCache.TrimEnd(CA_BS_FS)) && Directory.Exists(fmCachePath))
                    foreach (string f in FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(fmCachePath, "*"))
                    foreach (string d in FastIO.GetDirsTopOnly(fmCachePath, "*"))
                        Directory.Delete(d, recursive: true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log("Exception clearing files in FM cache for " + fm.Archive + " / " + fm.InstalledDir, ex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static void CreateOrClearTempPath(string path)
            #region Safety check

            // Make sure we never delete any paths that are not safely tucked in our temp folder
            string baseTemp = _baseTemp.TrimEnd(CA_BS_FS_Space);

            // @DIRSEP: getting rid of this concat is more trouble than it's worth
            // This method is called rarely and only once in a row
            bool pathIsInTempDir = path.PathStartsWithI(baseTemp + "\\");

            Misc.AssertR(pathIsInTempDir, "Path '" + path + "' is not in temp dir '" + baseTemp + "'");

            if (!pathIsInTempDir)


            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                    foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        new FileInfo(f).IsReadOnly = false;

                    foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log("Exception setting temp path subtree to all non-readonly.\r\n" +
                        "path was: " + path, ex);

                    foreach (string f in FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(path, "*"))
                    foreach (string d in FastIO.GetDirsTopOnly(path, "*"))
                        Directory.Delete(d, recursive: true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log("Exception clearing temp path " + path, ex);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log("Exception creating temp path " + path, ex);
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static async Task RestoreFM(FanMission fm)
            if (!GameIsKnownAndSupported(fm.Game))
                Log("Game type is unknown or unsupported (" + fm.Archive + ", " + fm.InstalledDir + ", " + fm.Game + ")", stackTrace: true);

            bool restoreSavesAndScreensOnly = Config.BackupFMData == BackupFMData.SavesAndScreensOnly &&
                                              (fm.Game != Game.Thief3 || !Config.T3UseCentralSaves);
            bool fmIsT3 = fm.Game == Game.Thief3;

            await Task.Run(() =>
                (string Name, bool DarkLoader)fileToUse = ("", false);

                #region DarkLoader

                string dlBakDir = Path.Combine(Config.FMsBackupPath, Paths.DarkLoaderSaveBakDir);

                if (Directory.Exists(dlBakDir))
                    foreach (string f in FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(dlBakDir, "*.zip"))
                        string fn = f.GetFileNameFast();
                        int index = fn.LastIndexOf("_saves.zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        if (index == -1)

                        string an = fn.Substring(0, index).Trim();
                        // Account for the fact that DarkLoader trims archive names for save backup zips
                        // Note: I guess it doesn't?! The code heavily implies it does. Still, it works either
                        // way, so whatever.
                        if (!an.IsEmpty() && an.PathEqualsI(fm.Archive.RemoveExtension().Trim()))
                            fileToUse = (f, true);


                #region AngelLoader / FMSel / NewDarkLoader

                if (fileToUse.Name.IsEmpty())
                    var bakFiles = new List <FileInfo>();

                    void AddBakFilesFrom(string path)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            string fNoExt  = i == 0 ? fm.Archive.RemoveExtension() : fm.InstalledDir;
                            string bakFile = Path.Combine(path, fNoExt + Paths.FMBackupSuffix);
                            if (File.Exists(bakFile))
                                bakFiles.Add(new FileInfo(bakFile));

                    // Our backup path, separate to avoid creating any more ambiguity

                    // If ArchiveName.bak and InstalledName.bak files both exist, use the newest of the two
                    fileToUse.Name = bakFiles.Count == 1
                        ? bakFiles[0].FullName
                        : bakFiles.Count > 1
                        ? bakFiles.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime).ToList()[0].FullName
                        : "";


                    // Use file from our bak dir if it exists, otherwise use the newest file from all archive dirs
                    // (for automatic use of FMSel/NDL saves)
                    if (fileToUse.Name.IsEmpty())
                        foreach (string path in FMArchives.GetFMArchivePaths())

                        if (bakFiles.Count == 0)

                        // Use the newest of all files found in all archive dirs
                        fileToUse.Name = bakFiles.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime).ToList()[0].FullName;


                var fileExcludes = new List <string>();
                //var dirExcludes = new List<string>();

                string thisFMInstallsBasePath = Config.GetFMInstallPathUnsafe(fm.Game);
                string fmInstalledPath        = Path.Combine(thisFMInstallsBasePath, fm.InstalledDir);

                using (var archive = GetZipArchiveCharEnc(fileToUse.Name))
                    int filesCount = archive.Entries.Count;
                    if (fileToUse.DarkLoader)
                        for (int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++)
                            var entry = archive.Entries[i];
                            string fn = entry.FullName;
                            if (!fn.ContainsDirSep())
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, _darkSavesDir));
                                entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, _darkSavesDir, fn), overwrite: true);
                            else if (fm.Game == Game.SS2 && (_ss2SaveDirsInZipRegex.IsMatch(fn) || fn.PathStartsWithI(_ss2CurrentDirS)))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, fn.Substring(0, fn.LastIndexOfDirSep())));
                                entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, fn), overwrite: true);
                        string savesDirS = fmIsT3 ? _t3SavesDirS : _darkSavesDirS;
                        if (restoreSavesAndScreensOnly)
                            for (int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++)
                                var entry = archive.Entries[i];
                                string fn = entry.FullName;

                                if (fn.Length > 0 && !fn[fn.Length - 1].IsDirSep() &&
                                    (fn.PathStartsWithI(savesDirS) ||
                                     fn.PathStartsWithI(_darkNetSavesDirS) ||
                                     fn.PathStartsWithI(_screensDirS) ||
                                     (fm.Game == Game.SS2 &&
                                      (_ss2SaveDirsInZipRegex.IsMatch(fn) || fn.PathStartsWithI(_ss2CurrentDirS)))))
                                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, fn.Substring(0, fn.LastIndexOfDirSep())));
                                    entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, fn), overwrite: true);
                            var fmSelInf = archive.GetEntry(Paths.FMSelInf);
                            // Cap the length, cause... well, nobody's going to put a 500MB binary file named
                            // fmsel.inf, but hey...
                            // Null check required because GetEntry() can return null
                            if (fmSelInf?.Length < ByteSize.MB * 10)
                                using var eo = fmSelInf.Open();
                                using var sr = new StreamReader(eo);

                                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    bool startsWithRemoveFile = line.StartsWithFast_NoNullChecks(_removeFileEq);
                                    bool startsWithRemoveDir  = false;
                                    if (!startsWithRemoveFile)
                                        startsWithRemoveDir = line.StartsWithFast_NoNullChecks(_removeDirEq);

                                    if (!startsWithRemoveFile && !startsWithRemoveDir)

                                    string val = line.Substring(startsWithRemoveFile ? 11 : 10).Trim();
                                    if (!val.PathStartsWithI(savesDirS) &&
                                        !val.PathStartsWithI(_darkNetSavesDirS) &&
                                        !val.PathStartsWithI(_screensDirS) &&
                                        (fm.Game != Game.SS2 ||
                                         (!_ss2SaveDirsInZipRegex.IsMatch(val) && !val.PathStartsWithI(_ss2CurrentDirS))) &&
                                        !val.PathEqualsI(Paths.FMSelInf) &&
                                        !val.PathEqualsI(_startMisSav) &&
                                        // Reject malformed and/or maliciously formed paths - we're going to
                                        // delete these files, and we don't want to delete anything outside
                                        // the FM folder
                                        !val.StartsWithDirSep() &&
                                        !val.Contains(':') &&
                                        // @DIRSEP: Critical: Check both / and \ here because we have no dirsep-agnostic string.Contains()
                                        !val.Contains("./") &&
                                        if (startsWithRemoveFile)
                                        //    dirExcludes.Add(val);

                            for (int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++)
                                var f     = archive.Entries[i];
                                string fn = f.FullName;

                                if (fn.PathEqualsI(Paths.FMSelInf) ||
                                    fn.PathEqualsI(_startMisSav) ||
                                    (fn.Length > 0 && fn[fn.Length - 1].IsDirSep()) ||

                                if (fn.ContainsDirSep())
                                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, fn.Substring(0, fn.LastIndexOfDirSep())));

                                f.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(fmInstalledPath, fn), overwrite: true);

                if (!restoreSavesAndScreensOnly)
                    foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(fmInstalledPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        if (fileExcludes.PathContainsI(f.Substring(fmInstalledPath.Length).Trim(CA_BS_FS)))
                            // TODO: Deleted dirs are not detected, they're detected as "delete every file in this dir"
                            // If we have crf files replacing dirs, the empty dir will override the crf. We want
                            // to store whether dirs were actually removed so we can remove them again.

                    // Disabled till this is working completely
#if false
                    // Crappy hack method
                    var crfs          = Directory.GetFiles(fmInstalledPath, "*.crf", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                    var dirRemoveList = new List <string>();
                    foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(fmInstalledPath, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                        string dt = d.GetDirNameFast();
                        if (Directory.GetFiles(d, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length == 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < crfs.Length; i++)
                                string ft = crfs[i].GetFileNameFast().RemoveExtension();
                                if (ft.PathEqualsI(dt))

                    if (dirRemoveList.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dirRemoveList.Count; i++)
                            Directory.Delete(dirRemoveList[i], recursive: true);

                    // Proper method
                    foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(fmInstalledPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        if (dirExcludes.PathContainsI(d.Substring(fmInstalledPath.Length).Trim(CA_BS_FS)))
                            Directory.Delete(d, recursive: true);
                if (fileToUse.DarkLoader)
                    string dlOrigBakDir = Path.Combine(Config.FMsBackupPath, Paths.DarkLoaderSaveOrigBakDir);
                    File.Move(fileToUse.Name, Path.Combine(dlOrigBakDir, fileToUse.Name.GetFileNameFast()));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static async Task <CacheData> GetCacheableDataInFMCacheDir(FanMission fm, bool refreshCache)
            var readmes = new List <string>();

            AssertR(!fm.InstalledDir.IsEmpty(), "fm.InstalledFolderName is null or empty");

            string fmCachePath = Path.Combine(Paths.FMsCache, fm.InstalledDir);

            if (Directory.Exists(fmCachePath))
                foreach (string fn in FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(fmCachePath, "*"))
                    if (fn.IsValidReadme() && new FileInfo(fn).Length > 0)
                        readmes.Add(fn.Substring(fmCachePath.Length + 1));

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    string t3ReadmePath = Path.Combine(fmCachePath, i == 0 ? Paths.T3ReadmeDir1 : Paths.T3ReadmeDir2);

                    if (Directory.Exists(t3ReadmePath))
                        foreach (string fn in FastIO.GetFilesTopOnly(t3ReadmePath, "*"))
                            if (fn.IsValidReadme() && new FileInfo(fn).Length > 0)
                                readmes.Add(fn.Substring(fmCachePath.Length + 1));

                bool checkArchive = refreshCache || (readmes.Count == 0 && !fm.NoReadmes);

                if (!checkArchive)
                    return(new CacheData(readmes));

            // If cache dir DOESN'T exist, the above checkArchive decision won't be run, so run it here (prevents
            // FMs with no readmes from being reloaded from their archive all the time, which is the whole purpose
            // of NoReadmes in the first place).
            if (!refreshCache && fm.NoReadmes)
                return(new CacheData());


            string fmArchivePath = FindFMArchive(fm.Archive);

            // In weird situations this could be true, so just say none and at least don't crash
            if (fmArchivePath.IsEmpty())
                return(new CacheData());

            if (fm.Archive.ExtIsZip())
                ZipExtract(fmArchivePath, fmCachePath, readmes);

                // TODO: Support HTML ref extraction for .7z files too
                // Will require full extract for the same reason scan does - we need to scan files to know what
                // other files to scan, etc. and a full extract is with 99.9999% certainty going to be faster
                // than chugging through the whole thing over and over and over for each new file we find we need

                // Guard check so we don't do useless HTML work if we don't have any HTML readmes
                bool htmlReadmeExists = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < readmes.Count; i++)
                    if (readmes[i].ExtIsHtml())
                        htmlReadmeExists = true;

                if (htmlReadmeExists && Directory.Exists(fmCachePath))
                        ExtractHTMLRefFiles(fmArchivePath, fmCachePath);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log("Exception in " + nameof(ExtractHTMLRefFiles), ex);
                await SevenZipExtract(fmArchivePath, fmCachePath, readmes);

            fm.NoReadmes = readmes.Count == 0;

            return(new CacheData(readmes));