Exemplo n.º 1

        public AndroidProcess(AndroidDevice device, string name, uint pid, uint ppid, string user)
            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("device");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");

            HostDevice = device;

            Name = name;

            Pid = pid;

            ParentPid = ppid;

            User = user;
Exemplo n.º 2

    public AndroidProcess (AndroidDevice device, string name, uint pid, uint ppid, string user)
      if (device == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("device");

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (name))
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (user))
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("user");

      HostDevice = device;

      Name = name;

      Pid = pid;

      ParentPid = ppid;

      User = user;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static SyncRedirectProcess AdbCommand(AndroidDevice target, string command, string arguments)
            LoggingUtils.Print (string.Format ("[AndroidDevice] AdbCommand: Target={0} Cmd={1} Args={2}", target.ID, command, arguments));

              SyncRedirectProcess adbCommand = new SyncRedirectProcess (AndroidSettings.SdkRoot + @"\platform-tools\adb.exe", string.Format ("-s {0} {1} {2}", target.ID, command, arguments));

              return adbCommand;
Exemplo n.º 4

        public static AsyncRedirectProcess AdbCommandAsync(AndroidDevice target, string command, string arguments)
            LoggingUtils.Print(string.Format("[AndroidDevice] AdbCommandAsync: Target={0} Cmd={1} Args={2}", target.ID, command, arguments));

            AsyncRedirectProcess adbCommand = new AsyncRedirectProcess(AndroidSettings.SdkRoot + @"\platform-tools\adb.exe", string.Format("-s {0} {1} {2}", target.ID, command, arguments));

Exemplo n.º 5

        public static bool IsDeviceConnected(AndroidDevice queryDevice)

            lock (m_updateLockMutex)
Exemplo n.º 6

        public static AndroidDevice [] GetConnectedDevices()
            lock (m_updateLockMutex)
                AndroidDevice [] deviceArray = new AndroidDevice [m_connectedDevices.Count];

                m_connectedDevices.Values.CopyTo(deviceArray, 0);

Exemplo n.º 7

        public static AndroidDevice GetConnectedDeviceById(string id)
            AndroidDevice device = null;

            lock (m_updateLockMutex)
                m_connectedDevices.TryGetValue(id, out device);

Exemplo n.º 8

    public static void Refresh ()
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      lock (m_updateLockMutex)
        // Start an ADB instance, if required.

        using (SyncRedirectProcess adbStartServer = new SyncRedirectProcess (AndroidSettings.SdkRoot + @"\platform-tools\adb.exe", "start-server"))
          adbStartServer.StartAndWaitForExit (30000);

        using (SyncRedirectProcess adbDevices = new SyncRedirectProcess (AndroidSettings.SdkRoot + @"\platform-tools\adb.exe", "devices"))
          adbDevices.StartAndWaitForExit (30000);

          // Parse 'devices' output, skipping headers and potential 'start-server' output.

          Dictionary<string, string> currentAdbDevices = new Dictionary<string, string> ();

          LoggingUtils.Print (string.Format ("[AndroidAdb] Devices output: {0}", adbDevices.StandardOutput));

          if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (adbDevices.StandardOutput))
            string [] deviceOutputLines = adbDevices.StandardOutput.Replace ("\r", "").Split (new char [] { '\n' });

            foreach (string line in deviceOutputLines)
              if (Regex.IsMatch (line, "^[A-Za-z0-9.:\\-]+[\t][a-z]+$"))
                string [] segments = line.Split (new char [] { '\t' });

                string deviceName = segments [0];

                string deviceType = segments [1];

                currentAdbDevices.Add (deviceName, deviceType);

          // First identify any previously tracked devices which aren't in 'devices' output.

          HashSet<string> disconnectedDevices = new HashSet<string> ();

          foreach (string key in m_connectedDevices.Keys)
            string deviceName = (string) key;

            if (!currentAdbDevices.ContainsKey (deviceName))
              disconnectedDevices.Add (deviceName);

          // Identify whether any devices have changed state; connected/persisted/disconnected.

          foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> devicePair in currentAdbDevices)
            string deviceName = devicePair.Key;

            string deviceType = devicePair.Value;

            if (deviceType.Equals ("offline"))
              disconnectedDevices.Add (deviceName);
            else if (deviceType.Equals ("unauthorized"))
              // User needs to allow USB debugging.
              AndroidDevice connectedDevice;

              if (m_connectedDevices.TryGetValue (deviceName, out connectedDevice))
                // Device is pervasive. Refresh internal properties.

                LoggingUtils.Print (string.Format ("[AndroidAdb] Device pervaded: {0} - {1}", deviceName, deviceType));

                connectedDevice.Refresh ();

                foreach (IStateListener deviceListener in m_registeredDeviceStateListeners)
                  deviceListener.DevicePervasive (connectedDevice);
                // Device connected.

                LoggingUtils.Print (string.Format ("[AndroidAdb] Device connected: {0} - {1}", deviceName, deviceType));

                connectedDevice = new AndroidDevice (deviceName);

                connectedDevice.Refresh ();

                m_connectedDevices.Add (deviceName, connectedDevice);

                foreach (IStateListener deviceListener in m_registeredDeviceStateListeners)
                  deviceListener.DeviceConnected (connectedDevice);

          // Finally, handle device disconnection.

          foreach (string deviceName in disconnectedDevices)
            AndroidDevice disconnectedDevice;

            if (m_connectedDevices.TryGetValue (deviceName, out disconnectedDevice))
              LoggingUtils.Print (string.Format ("[AndroidAdb] Device disconnected: {0}", deviceName));

              m_connectedDevices.Remove (deviceName);

              foreach (IStateListener deviceListener in m_registeredDeviceStateListeners)
                deviceListener.DeviceDisconnected (disconnectedDevice);
Exemplo n.º 9

    public static bool IsDeviceConnected (AndroidDevice queryDevice)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      lock (m_updateLockMutex)
        return m_connectedDevices.ContainsKey (queryDevice.ID);
Exemplo n.º 10

    public static AndroidDevice [] GetConnectedDevices ()
      lock (m_updateLockMutex)
        AndroidDevice [] deviceArray = new AndroidDevice [m_connectedDevices.Count];

        m_connectedDevices.Values.CopyTo (deviceArray, 0);

        return deviceArray;
Exemplo n.º 11

        public static void Refresh()

            lock (m_updateLockMutex)
                // Start an ADB instance, if required.

                using (SyncRedirectProcess adbStartServer = new SyncRedirectProcess(AndroidSettings.SdkRoot + @"\platform-tools\adb.exe", "start-server"))

                using (SyncRedirectProcess adbDevices = new SyncRedirectProcess(AndroidSettings.SdkRoot + @"\platform-tools\adb.exe", "devices"))

                    // Parse 'devices' output, skipping headers and potential 'start-server' output.

                    Dictionary <string, string> currentAdbDevices = new Dictionary <string, string> ();

                    LoggingUtils.Print(string.Concat("[AndroidAdb] Devices output: ", adbDevices.StandardOutput));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(adbDevices.StandardOutput))
                        string [] deviceOutputLines = adbDevices.StandardOutput.Replace("\r", "").Split(new char [] { '\n' });

                        foreach (string line in deviceOutputLines)
                            if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "^[A-Za-z0-9.:\\-]+[\t][A-Za-z]+$"))
                                string [] segments = line.Split(new char [] { '\t' });

                                string deviceName = segments [0];

                                string deviceType = segments [1];

                                currentAdbDevices.Add(deviceName, deviceType);

                    // First identify any previously tracked devices which aren't in 'devices' output.

                    HashSet <string> disconnectedDevices = new HashSet <string> ();

                    foreach (string key in m_connectedDevices.Keys)
                        string deviceName = (string)key;

                        if (!currentAdbDevices.ContainsKey(deviceName))

                    // Identify whether any devices have changed state; connected/persisted/disconnected.

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> devicePair in currentAdbDevices)
                        string deviceName = devicePair.Key;

                        string deviceType = devicePair.Value;

                        if (deviceType.Equals("offline", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        else if (deviceType.Equals("unauthorized", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            // User needs to allow USB debugging.
                            AndroidDevice connectedDevice;

                            if (m_connectedDevices.TryGetValue(deviceName, out connectedDevice))
                                // Device is pervasive. Refresh internal properties.

                                LoggingUtils.Print(string.Format("[AndroidAdb] Device pervaded: {0} - {1}", deviceName, deviceType));


                                foreach (IStateListener deviceListener in m_registeredDeviceStateListeners)
                                // Device connected.

                                LoggingUtils.Print(string.Format("[AndroidAdb] Device connected: {0} - {1}", deviceName, deviceType));

                                connectedDevice = new AndroidDevice(deviceName);


                                m_connectedDevices.Add(deviceName, connectedDevice);

                                foreach (IStateListener deviceListener in m_registeredDeviceStateListeners)

                    // Finally, handle device disconnection.

                    foreach (string deviceName in disconnectedDevices)
                        AndroidDevice disconnectedDevice;

                        if (m_connectedDevices.TryGetValue(deviceName, out disconnectedDevice))
                            LoggingUtils.Print(string.Concat("[AndroidAdb] Device disconnected: ", deviceName));


                            foreach (IStateListener deviceListener in m_registeredDeviceStateListeners)
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void InstallApplicationAsync(AndroidDevice debuggingDevice, LaunchConfiguration launchConfig)
              // Asynchronous installation process, so the UI can be updated appropriately.

              LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

              ManualResetEvent installCompleteEvent = new ManualResetEvent (false);

              Exception installFailedException = null;

              System.Threading.Thread asyncInstallApplicationThread = new System.Threading.Thread (delegate ()
              string targetLocalApk = launchConfig ["TargetApk"];

              string targetRemoteTemporaryPath = "/data/local/tmp";

              string targetRemoteTemporaryFile = targetRemoteTemporaryPath + '/' + Path.GetFileName (targetLocalApk);

              bool keepData = launchConfig ["KeepAppData"].Equals ("true");

              string installerPackage = launchConfig ["InstallerPackage"];

              // Construct 'am install' arguments for installing the application in a manner compatible with GDB.
              // Note: Installations to /mnt/asec/ cause 'run-as' to fail regarding permissions.

              StringBuilder installArgsBuilder = new StringBuilder ();

              installArgsBuilder.Append ("-f "); // install package on internal flash. (required for debugging)

              if (keepData)
            installArgsBuilder.Append ("-r "); // reinstall an existing app, keeping its data.

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (installerPackage))
            installArgsBuilder.Append (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "-i {0} ", installerPackage));

              installArgsBuilder.Append (targetRemoteTemporaryFile);

              // Explicitly install the target APK using 'pm' tool, as this allows more customisation.
              //  1) APKs must already be on the device for this tool to work. We push these manually.
              //  2) Installations can fail for various reasons; errors are reported thusly:
              //         pkg: /data/local/tmp/hello-gdbserver-Debug.apk
              //       Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_URI]

              m_debugConnectionService.LaunchDialogUpdate (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[adb:push] {0} {1}", targetLocalApk, targetRemoteTemporaryPath), false);

              debuggingDevice.Push (targetLocalApk, targetRemoteTemporaryPath);

              m_debugConnectionService.LaunchDialogUpdate (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[adb:shell:pm] {0} {1}", "install", installArgsBuilder.ToString ()), false);

              string installReport = debuggingDevice.Shell ("pm", "install " + installArgsBuilder.ToString (), int.MaxValue);

              if (!installReport.Contains ("Success"))
            string sanitisedFailure = installReport;

            throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[adb:shell:pm] install failed: {0}", sanitisedFailure));

              m_debugConnectionService.LaunchDialogUpdate (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[adb:shell:rm] {0}", targetRemoteTemporaryFile), false);

              debuggingDevice.Shell ("rm", targetRemoteTemporaryFile);
            catch (Exception e)
              LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

              installFailedException = e;

              installCompleteEvent.Set ();

              asyncInstallApplicationThread.Start ();

              while (!installCompleteEvent.WaitOne (0))
            Application.DoEvents ();

            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (100);

              if (installFailedException != null)
            throw installFailedException;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public DebuggerLogcatEvent (AndroidDevice device)
   HostDevice = device;
Exemplo n.º 14

        public static bool IsDeviceConnected(AndroidDevice queryDevice)