Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <IEnumerable <string> > RetrieveCategoryData(string categoryURL, int qPage, int?qAboveFold = null)
                string url;
                if (qPage == 1)
                    url = string.Format("{0}?pg=1", categoryURL); // page 1 we get full page so we can get the sub categories
                else if (qAboveFold == null)
                    url = string.Format("{0}?_encoding=UTF8&pg={1}&ajax=1", categoryURL, qPage); // ajax page
                    url = string.Format("{0}?_encoding=UTF8&pg={1}&ajax=1&isAboveTheFold={2}", categoryURL, qPage, qAboveFold); // ajax page

                HtmlDocument       doc       = null;
                bool               loaded    = false;
                int                attempts  = 0;
                HtmlNodeCollection itemLinks = null;
                while (attempts < 5 && loaded == false)
                        using (GZipWebClient gZipWebClient = new GZipWebClient())
                            using (Stream stream = await gZipWebClient.OpenReadTaskAsync(url))
                                doc = new HtmlDocument();
                                doc.Load(stream, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"));
                        // update 8.18.2018 - we can probably get rid of this logic below since we are now only looking for links under li[@class='zg-item-immersion']
                        // and these links are not nested in li[@class='zg-item-immersion'], but keep for now
                        // delete nodes with extra links we do not want
                        // they are links from the "recently viewed items" section of the page
                        if (qPage == 1)
                            var removeNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='rhf']");
                            if (removeNode != null)

                        itemLinks = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(XPathItemLinks); // determine all the books on the page by checking for this html
                        if (itemLinks == null)
                            // no books found... did we land on a Captcha page?
                            var titleNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title");
                            if (titleNode != null && (titleNode.InnerText.ToUpper().Contains("AMAZON CAPTCHA") || titleNode.InnerText.ToUpper().Contains("BOT CHECK")))
                                throw new Exception("No books found. Landed on Captcha");
                                // we only throw an exception if the page is 1
                                // because on other pages it is possible that there really are no books because not all sub categories have 100 books
                                if (qPage == 1)
                                    throw new Exception("No books found on page");
                                    return(null); // do not attempt to retry or show error if the page greater than 1
                        loaded = true; // if we get here with no exception, then it was loaded successfully
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (attempts == 1)
                            Logger.Log(string.Format("Error downloading page. Attemping to retry... URL: {0}", url), ex);
                        if (attempts == 5 && loaded == false)
                            throw new Exception("Attempts exceeded 5", ex);

                int           tempBooks      = 0;
                StringBuilder tempStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (HtmlNode node in itemLinks)
                    string   link  = node.GetAttributeValue("href", "").Trim();
                    string[] split = link.Split(new string[] { "/ref=" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Split('/');
                    string   ISBN  = split[split.Length - 1]; // parse the link to get the ISBN

                lock (locker)

                 * // this code checks for missing books. Amazon will sometimes incorrectly deliver a page in which there will be a rank number but no item.
                 * List<HtmlNode> rankDivs = root.Descendants("span").Where(n => n.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Equals("zg_rankNumber")).ToList<HtmlNode>();
                 * if(rankDivs.Count != tempBooks.Count)
                 * {
                 *  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Missing book(s) at " + url);
                 * }
                if (qPage == 1) // check for subcategories if page is 1
                    HtmlNode lastUlElement = doc.GetElementbyId("zg_browseRoot").Descendants("ul").Last();

                    bool hasSubCategories = !lastUlElement.Descendants().Any(n => n.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Equals("zg_selected"));

                    if (hasSubCategories)
                        IEnumerable <HtmlNode> aElements = lastUlElement.Descendants().Where(n => n.OriginalName == "a");

                            (from aElement in aElements
                             select aElement.GetAttributeValue("href", "").Trim());
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log(string.Format("Failed to process page {0} of URL: {1}", qPage, categoryURL), ex);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Scrapes all book data from a page within this category. For each category, books are collected from 9 total URLs. 1 URL for page 1 and 8 URLs for pages 2 thru 5. Even
        /// though more URLs are requested for pages 2 thru 5, the total bandwidth consumed is still lower because each ajax page is very small compared to a normal page.
        /// December 2016 Update: Ajax URLs used for pages 2 thru 5 now display all 20 items - Amazon is no longer using the 'isAboveTheFold' query string to divide items into
        /// sub pages for the ajax pages, except in the Japan domain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qPage">The page number used in the query string.</param>
        /// <param name="qAboveFold">Pages 2 through 5 are retrieved via Amazon's ajax urls. But they are divided into two sub pages per page (only applies to Japan domain). This query string
        /// indicates which sub page is being retrieved.</param>
        /// <returns>An enumerable list of sub categories found on the page. Subcategories are only checked on page 1. For the other pages, null is returned.</returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Category> > RetrieveCategoryData(int qPage, int?qAboveFold = null)
                // updat 8.18.2018 - Amazon no longer using ajax pages. At least not in US or UK Domains.
                string url;

                url = string.Format("{0}?_encoding=UTF8&pg={1}", _URL, qPage);

                HtmlDocument       doc       = null;
                bool               loaded    = false;
                int                attempts  = 0;
                HtmlNodeCollection itemLinks = null;
                while (attempts < 5 && loaded == false)
                        using (GZipWebClient gZipWebClient = new GZipWebClient())
                            using (Stream stream = await gZipWebClient.OpenReadTaskAsync(url))
                                // get encoding. todo: consider setting the encoding based on the url, instead of doing all this work
                                Encoding encoding = null;
                                    var responseHeaders = gZipWebClient.ResponseHeaders.GetValues("Content-Type");
                                    var encodingString  = responseHeaders[0].Split('=').LastOrDefault();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(encodingString))
                                        encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(encodingString);
                                catch {}
                                if (encoding == null)
                                    encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1");
                                doc = new HtmlDocument();
                                doc.Load(stream, encoding);
                        // update 8.18.2018 - we can probably get rid of this logic below since we are now only looking for links under li[@class='zg-item-immersion']
                        // and these links are not nested in li[@class='zg-item-immersion'], but keep for now
                        // delete nodes with extra links we do not want
                        // they are links from the "recently viewed items" section of the page
                        if (qPage == 1)
                            var removeNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='rhf']");
                            if (removeNode != null)

                        itemLinks = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(XPathItemLinks); // determine all the books on the page by checking for this html
                        if (itemLinks == null)
                            // no books found... did we land on a Captcha page?
                            var titleNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title");
                            if (titleNode != null && (titleNode.InnerText.ToUpper().Contains("AMAZON CAPTCHA") || titleNode.InnerText.ToUpper().Contains("BOT CHECK")))
                                throw new Exception("No books found. Landed on Captcha");
                                // we only throw an exception if the page is 1
                                // because on other pages it is possible that there really are no books because not all sub categories have 100 books
                                if (qPage == 1)
                                    throw new Exception("No books found on page");
                                    return(null); // do not attempt to retry or show error if the page greater than 1
                        loaded = true; // if we get here with no exception, then it was loaded successfully
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (attempts == 1)
                            Logger.Log(string.Format("Error downloading page. Attemping to retry... URL: {0}", url), ex);
                        if (attempts == 5 && loaded == false)
                            throw new Exception("Attempts exceeded 5", ex);

                int rank = 1;
                if (qPage > 1) // rank starting number will be different for other pages
                    rank = ((qPage - 1) * ItemsPerPage) + 1;
                int tempBooks = 0;

                foreach (HtmlNode node in itemLinks)
                    string   price     = "N/A";
                    HtmlNode priceNode = node.SelectSingleNode(XPathPrice);
                    if (priceNode != null)
                        price = priceNode.InnerText;
                        // no price displayed, check availability
                        HtmlNode availNode = node.SelectSingleNode(XPathAvailability);
                        if (availNode != null)
                            // translate Japanese text
                            if (availNode.InnerText == OutOfStockJPN)
                                price = OutOfStock;
                            else if (availNode.InnerText == CurrentlyUnavailableJPN)
                                price = CurrentlyUnavailable;
                                price = availNode.InnerText;
                    string   link          = node.GetAttributeValue("href", "").Trim();
                    string[] split         = link.Split(new string[] { "/ref=" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Split('/');
                    string   ISBN          = split[split.Length - 1]; // parse the link to get the ISBN
                    string   title         = "";
                    var      fullTitleNode = node.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@title]");
                    if (fullTitleNode != null)
                        title = fullTitleNode.GetAttributeValue("title", "").Trim();
                        title = node.InnerText.Trim();
                    // get author if possible
                    string author     = "N/A";
                    var    authorNode = node.SelectSingleNode(XPathAuthor);
                    if (authorNode != null)
                        author = authorNode.InnerText;
                    Books[rank - 1] = new Book(title, author, ISBN, price);


                 * // this code checks for missing books. Amazon will sometimes incorrectly deliver a page in which there will be a rank number but no item.
                 * List<HtmlNode> rankDivs = root.Descendants("span").Where(n => n.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Equals("zg_rankNumber")).ToList<HtmlNode>();
                 * if(rankDivs.Count != tempBooks.Count)
                 * {
                 *  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Missing book(s) at " + url);
                 * }
                if (qPage == 1) // check for subcategories if page is 1
                    HtmlNode lastUlElement = doc.GetElementbyId("zg_browseRoot").Descendants("ul").Last();

                    bool hasSubCategories = !lastUlElement.Descendants().Any(n => n.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Equals("zg_selected"));

                    if (hasSubCategories)
                        IEnumerable <HtmlNode> aElements = lastUlElement.Descendants().Where(n => n.OriginalName == "a");

                            (from aElement in aElements
                             select new Category(string.Format("{0} > {1}", _name, aElement.InnerText), aElement.GetAttributeValue("href", "").Trim()));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log(string.Format("Failed to process page {0} of URL: {1}", qPage, _URL), ex);
