Container for the parameters to the UpdateXssMatchSet operation. Inserts or deletes XssMatchTuple objects (filters) in an XssMatchSet. For each XssMatchTuple object, you specify the following values:
  • Action: Whether to insert the object into or delete the object from the array. To change a XssMatchTuple, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

  • FieldToMatch: The part of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header, the name of the header.

  • TextTransformation: Which text transformation, if any, to perform on the web request before inspecting the request for cross-site scripting attacks.

You use XssMatchSet objects to specify which CloudFront requests you want to allow, block, or count. For example, if you're receiving requests that contain cross-site scripting attacks in the request body and you want to block the requests, you can create an XssMatchSet with the applicable settings, and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

To create and configure an XssMatchSet, perform the following steps:

  1. Submit a CreateXssMatchSet request.

  2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

  3. Submit an UpdateXssMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for cross-site scripting attacks.

For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

Inheritance: AmazonWAFRequest
        public object Execute(ExecutorContext context)
            var cmdletContext = context as CmdletContext;
            // create request
            var request = new Amazon.WAF.Model.UpdateXssMatchSetRequest();

            if (cmdletContext.ChangeToken != null)
                request.ChangeToken = cmdletContext.ChangeToken;
            if (cmdletContext.Update != null)
                request.Updates = cmdletContext.Update;
            if (cmdletContext.XssMatchSetId != null)
                request.XssMatchSetId = cmdletContext.XssMatchSetId;

            CmdletOutput output;

            // issue call
            var client = Client ?? CreateClient(_CurrentCredentials, _RegionEndpoint);

                var    response       = CallAWSServiceOperation(client, request);
                object pipelineOutput = null;
                pipelineOutput = cmdletContext.Select(response, this);
                output         = new CmdletOutput
                    PipelineOutput  = pipelineOutput,
                    ServiceResponse = response
            catch (Exception e)
                output = new CmdletOutput {
                    ErrorResponse = e

 private Amazon.WAF.Model.UpdateXssMatchSetResponse CallAWSServiceOperation(IAmazonWAF client, Amazon.WAF.Model.UpdateXssMatchSetRequest request)
     Utils.Common.WriteVerboseEndpointMessage(this, client.Config, "AWS WAF", "UpdateXssMatchSet");
         #if DESKTOP
         #elif CORECLR
                 #error "Unknown build edition"
     catch (AmazonServiceException exc)
         var webException = exc.InnerException as System.Net.WebException;
         if (webException != null)
             throw new Exception(Utils.Common.FormatNameResolutionFailureMessage(client.Config, webException.Message), webException);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts or deletes <a>XssMatchTuple</a> objects (filters) in an <a>XssMatchSet</a>.
        /// For each <code>XssMatchTuple</code> object, you specify the following values:
        ///  <ul> <li> 
        /// <para>
        ///  <code>Action</code>: Whether to insert the object into or delete the object from
        /// the array. To change a <code>XssMatchTuple</code>, you delete the existing object
        /// and add a new one.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        ///  <code>FieldToMatch</code>: The part of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect
        /// and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header, the name of the header.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        ///  <code>TextTransformation</code>: Which text transformation, if any, to perform on
        /// the web request before inspecting the request for cross-site scripting attacks.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> </ul> 
        /// <para>
        /// You use <code>XssMatchSet</code> objects to specify which CloudFront requests you
        /// want to allow, block, or count. For example, if you're receiving requests that contain
        /// cross-site scripting attacks in the request body and you want to block the requests,
        /// you can create an <code>XssMatchSet</code> with the applicable settings, and then
        /// configure AWS WAF to block the requests. 
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// To create and configure an <code>XssMatchSet</code>, perform the following steps:
        /// </para>
        ///  <ol> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// Submit a <a>CreateXssMatchSet</a> request.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// Use <a>GetChangeToken</a> to get the change token that you provide in the <code>ChangeToken</code>
        /// parameter of an <a>UpdateIPSet</a> request.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// Submit an <code>UpdateXssMatchSet</code> request to specify the parts of web requests
        /// that you want AWS WAF to inspect for cross-site scripting attacks.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> </ol> 
        /// <para>
        /// For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests,
        /// see the <a href="">AWS WAF Developer
        /// Guide</a>.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateXssMatchSet service method.</param>
        /// <returns>The response from the UpdateXssMatchSet service method, as returned by WAF.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFInternalErrorException">
        /// The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid.
        /// Retry your request.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFInvalidAccountException">
        /// The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using
        /// an invalid account identifier.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFInvalidOperationException">
        /// The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:
        ///  <ul> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to remove a <code>Rule</code> from a <code>WebACL</code>, but the <code>Rule</code>
        /// isn't in the specified <code>WebACL</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to remove an IP address from an <code>IPSet</code>, but the IP address isn't
        /// in the specified <code>IPSet</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to remove a <code>ByteMatchTuple</code> from a <code>ByteMatchSet</code>,
        /// but the <code>ByteMatchTuple</code> isn't in the specified <code>WebACL</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to add a <code>Rule</code> to a <code>WebACL</code>, but the <code>Rule</code>
        /// already exists in the specified <code>WebACL</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to add an IP address to an <code>IPSet</code>, but the IP address already
        /// exists in the specified <code>IPSet</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to add a <code>ByteMatchTuple</code> to a <code>ByteMatchSet</code>, but
        /// the <code>ByteMatchTuple</code> already exists in the specified <code>WebACL</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> </ul>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFInvalidParameterException">
        /// The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request.
        /// For example:
        ///  <ul> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You specified an invalid parameter name.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You specified an invalid value.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to update an object (<code>ByteMatchSet</code>, <code>IPSet</code>, <code>Rule</code>,
        /// or <code>WebACL</code>) using an action other than <code>INSERT</code> or <code>DELETE</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to create a <code>WebACL</code> with a <code>DefaultAction</code> <code>Type</code>
        /// other than <code>ALLOW</code>, <code>BLOCK</code>, or <code>COUNT</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to update a <code>WebACL</code> with a <code>WafAction</code> <code>Type</code>
        /// other than <code>ALLOW</code>, <code>BLOCK</code>, or <code>COUNT</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to update a <code>ByteMatchSet</code> with a <code>FieldToMatch</code> <code>Type</code>
        /// other than HEADER, QUERY_STRING, or URI.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to update a <code>ByteMatchSet</code> with a <code>Field</code> of <code>HEADER</code>
        /// but no value for <code>Data</code>.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> </ul>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFLimitsExceededException">
        /// The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of <code>WebACL</code>
        /// objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see <a href="">Limits</a>
        /// in the <i>AWS WAF Developer Guide</i>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFNonexistentContainerException">
        /// The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from
        /// another object that doesn't exist. For example:
        ///  <ul> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to add a <code>Rule</code> to or delete a <code>Rule</code> from a <code>WebACL</code>
        /// that doesn't exist.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to add a <code>ByteMatchSet</code> to or delete a <code>ByteMatchSet</code>
        /// from a <code>Rule</code> that doesn't exist.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an <code>IPSet</code>
        /// that doesn't exist.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> <li> 
        /// <para>
        /// You tried to add a <code>ByteMatchTuple</code> to or delete a <code>ByteMatchTuple</code>
        /// from a <code>ByteMatchSet</code> that doesn't exist.
        /// </para>
        ///  </li> </ul>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFNonexistentItemException">
        /// The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="Amazon.WAF.Model.WAFStaleDataException">
        /// The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using
        /// a change token that has already been used.
        /// </exception>
        public UpdateXssMatchSetResponse UpdateXssMatchSet(UpdateXssMatchSetRequest request)
            var marshaller = new UpdateXssMatchSetRequestMarshaller();
            var unmarshaller = UpdateXssMatchSetResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return Invoke<UpdateXssMatchSetRequest,UpdateXssMatchSetResponse>(request, marshaller, unmarshaller);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateXssMatchSet operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateXssMatchSet operation on AmazonWAFClient.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.</param>
        /// <param name="state">A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback
        ///          procedure using the AsyncState property.</param>
        /// <returns>An IAsyncResult that can be used to poll or wait for results, or both; this value is also needed when invoking EndUpdateXssMatchSet
        ///         operation.</returns>
        public IAsyncResult BeginUpdateXssMatchSet(UpdateXssMatchSetRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            var marshaller = new UpdateXssMatchSetRequestMarshaller();
            var unmarshaller = UpdateXssMatchSetResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return BeginInvoke<UpdateXssMatchSetRequest>(request, marshaller, unmarshaller,
                callback, state);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateXssMatchSet operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateXssMatchSet operation.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">
        ///     A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public Task<UpdateXssMatchSetResponse> UpdateXssMatchSetAsync(UpdateXssMatchSetRequest request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            var marshaller = new UpdateXssMatchSetRequestMarshaller();
            var unmarshaller = UpdateXssMatchSetResponseUnmarshaller.Instance;

            return InvokeAsync<UpdateXssMatchSetRequest,UpdateXssMatchSetResponse>(request, marshaller, 
                unmarshaller, cancellationToken);