Implementation for accessing CodeDeploy AWS CodeDeploy


This reference guide provides descriptions of the AWS CodeDeploy APIs. For more information about AWS CodeDeploy, see the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

Using the APIs

You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to work with the following:

  • Applications are unique identifiers used by AWS CodeDeploy to ensure the correct combinations of revisions, deployment configurations, and deployment groups are being referenced during deployments.

    You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, delete, get, list, and update applications.

  • Deployment configurations are sets of deployment rules and success and failure conditions used by AWS CodeDeploy during deployments.

    You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, delete, get, and list deployment configurations.

  • Deployment groups are groups of instances to which application revisions can be deployed.

    You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, delete, get, list, and update deployment groups.

  • Instances represent Amazon EC2 instances to which application revisions are deployed. Instances are identified by their Amazon EC2 tags or Auto Scaling group names. Instances belong to deployment groups.

    You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to get and list instance.

  • Deployments represent the process of deploying revisions to instances.

    You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to create, get, list, and stop deployments.

  • Application revisions are archive files stored in Amazon S3 buckets or GitHub repositories. These revisions contain source content (such as source code, web pages, executable files, and deployment scripts) along with an application specification (AppSpec) file. (The AppSpec file is unique to AWS CodeDeploy; it defines the deployment actions you want AWS CodeDeploy to execute.) For application revisions stored in Amazon S3 buckets, an application revision is uniquely identified by its Amazon S3 object key and its ETag, version, or both. For application revisions stored in GitHub repositories, an application revision is uniquely identified by its repository name and commit ID. Application revisions are deployed through deployment groups.

    You can use the AWS CodeDeploy APIs to get, list, and register application revisions.

Inheritance: AmazonServiceClient, IAmazonCodeDeploy
Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void DeleteStack(RegionEndpoint awsEndpoint, string stackName)
            var codeDeployClient = new AmazonCodeDeployClient(awsEndpoint);
            var apps = codeDeployClient.ListApplications().Applications.Where(name => name.StartsWith("HelloWorld"));
            foreach (var app in apps) {
                codeDeployClient.DeleteApplication(new DeleteApplicationRequest {ApplicationName = app});

            var cloudFormationClient = new AmazonCloudFormationClient(awsEndpoint);
                cloudFormationClient.DeleteStack(new DeleteStackRequest { StackName = stackName });
                var testStackStatus = StackStatus.DELETE_IN_PROGRESS;
                while (testStackStatus == StackStatus.DELETE_IN_PROGRESS)
                    var stacksStatus =
                        cloudFormationClient.DescribeStacks(new DescribeStacksRequest { StackName = stackName });
                    testStackStatus = stacksStatus.Stacks.First(s => s.StackName == stackName).StackStatus;
            catch (AmazonCloudFormationException)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Deployer(AwsConfiguration awsConfiguration)
            _awsEndpoint = awsConfiguration.AwsEndpoint;
            _bucket = awsConfiguration.Bucket;
            _assumeRoleTrustDocument = awsConfiguration.AssumeRoleTrustDocument;
            _iamRolePolicyDocument = awsConfiguration.IamRolePolicyDocument;

            AWSCredentials credentials;

            if (isArn(awsConfiguration.RoleName))
                var securityTokenServiceClient = new AmazonSecurityTokenServiceClient(awsConfiguration.AwsEndpoint);

                var assumeRoleResult = securityTokenServiceClient.AssumeRole(new AssumeRoleRequest
                    RoleArn = awsConfiguration.RoleName,
                    DurationSeconds = 3600,
                    RoleSessionName = "Net2User",
                    ExternalId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

                Credentials stsCredentials = assumeRoleResult.Credentials;

                SessionAWSCredentials sessionCredentials =
                          new SessionAWSCredentials(stsCredentials.AccessKeyId,

                credentials = sessionCredentials;

                _role = new AssumedRole(assumeRoleResult.AssumedRoleUser);
            else {
                credentials = awsConfiguration.Credentials ?? new EnvironmentAWSCredentials();

            _codeDeployClient = new AmazonCodeDeployClient(
                new AmazonCodeDeployConfig {
                    RegionEndpoint = awsConfiguration.AwsEndpoint,
                    ProxyHost = awsConfiguration.ProxyHost,
                    ProxyPort = awsConfiguration.ProxyPort

            _cloudFormationClient = new AmazonCloudFormationClient(
                new AmazonCloudFormationConfig {
                    RegionEndpoint = awsConfiguration.AwsEndpoint,
                    ProxyHost = awsConfiguration.ProxyHost,
                    ProxyPort = awsConfiguration.ProxyPort

            _s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(
                new AmazonS3Config {
                    RegionEndpoint = awsConfiguration.AwsEndpoint,
                    ProxyHost = awsConfiguration.ProxyHost,
                    ProxyPort = awsConfiguration.ProxyPort

            _iamClient = new AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient(
                new AmazonIdentityManagementServiceConfig  {
                    RegionEndpoint = awsConfiguration.AwsEndpoint,
                    ProxyHost = awsConfiguration.ProxyHost,
                    ProxyPort = awsConfiguration.ProxyPort

            _autoScalingClient = new AmazonAutoScalingClient(
                new AmazonAutoScalingConfig {
                    RegionEndpoint = awsConfiguration.AwsEndpoint,
                    ProxyHost = awsConfiguration.ProxyHost,
                    ProxyPort = awsConfiguration.ProxyPort
Exemplo n.º 3
        void EnsureDeploymentGroupExistsForBundle(AmazonCodeDeployClient codeDeployClient, AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient iamClient, AmazonAutoScalingClient autoScalingClient, Role role, string deploymentGroupName)
            var serviceRoleArn = role.Arn;

            if (TargetsAutoScalingDeploymentGroup)
                var group =
                            asg => asg.Tags.Any(t => t.Key == "DeploymentRole" && t.Value == deploymentGroupName));

                if (group == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                        string.Format("Auto scaling group with DeploymentRole {0} does not exist.", deploymentGroupName));

                    codeDeployClient.CreateDeploymentGroup(new CreateDeploymentGroupRequest
                        ApplicationName = CodeDeployApplicationName,
                        DeploymentGroupName = deploymentGroupName,
                        ServiceRoleArn = serviceRoleArn,
                        AutoScalingGroups = new List<string> {group.AutoScalingGroupName}
                catch (DeploymentGroupAlreadyExistsException)
                    // reuse a previously created deployment group with the same name
                    Console.WriteLine("Will assume role {0} for deployment", serviceRoleArn);
                    codeDeployClient.CreateDeploymentGroup(new CreateDeploymentGroupRequest
                        ApplicationName = CodeDeployApplicationName,
                        DeploymentGroupName = deploymentGroupName,
                        ServiceRoleArn = serviceRoleArn,
                        Ec2TagFilters = new List<EC2TagFilter>
                        new EC2TagFilter
                            Type = EC2TagFilterType.KEY_AND_VALUE,
                            Key = "DeploymentRole",
                            Value = deploymentGroupName
                catch (DeploymentGroupAlreadyExistsException)
                    // since this is EC2, we can reuse a previously created deployment group with the same name
Exemplo n.º 4
        public string Push(AmazonS3Client s3Client, AmazonCodeDeployClient codeDeployClient)
            var zipFileName = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.zip", ApplicationSetName, Version, BundleName);
            var tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), zipFileName + "." + Guid.NewGuid() + ".zip");

            ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(_bundleDirectory.FullName, tempPath, CompressionLevel.Optimal, false, Encoding.ASCII);

            var allTheBuckets = s3Client.ListBuckets(new ListBucketsRequest()).Buckets;

            if (!allTheBuckets.Exists(b => b.BucketName == Bucket))
                s3Client.PutBucket(new PutBucketRequest { BucketName = Bucket, UseClientRegion = true });

            var putResponse = s3Client.PutObject(new PutObjectRequest
                BucketName = Bucket,
                Key = zipFileName,
                FilePath = tempPath,

            var registration = new RegisterApplicationRevisionRequest
                ApplicationName = CodeDeployApplicationName,
                Description = "Revision " + Version,
                Revision = new RevisionLocation
                    RevisionType = RevisionLocationType.S3,
                    S3Location = new S3Location
                        Bucket = Bucket,
                        BundleType = BundleType.Zip,
                        Key = zipFileName,
                        Version = Version
            catch (ApplicationDoesNotExistException)
                codeDeployClient.CreateApplication(new CreateApplicationRequest { ApplicationName = CodeDeployApplicationName });

            return putResponse.ETag;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public CreateDeploymentResponse DeployToStack(
            AmazonCodeDeployClient codeDeployClient,
            AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient iamClient,
            AmazonAutoScalingClient autoScalingClient,
            Role role)
            var deploymentGroupName = _stackName + "_" + BundleName;

            EnsureDeploymentGroupExistsForBundle(codeDeployClient, iamClient, autoScalingClient, role, deploymentGroupName);

            var deploymentResponse = codeDeployClient.CreateDeployment(new CreateDeploymentRequest
                ApplicationName = CodeDeployApplicationName,
                DeploymentGroupName = deploymentGroupName,
                Revision = new RevisionLocation
                    RevisionType = RevisionLocationType.S3,
                    S3Location = new S3Location
                        Bucket = Bucket,
                        Key = FileName,
                        BundleType = BundleType.Zip,
                        ETag = ETag

            return deploymentResponse;