public void Parent_should_create_child()
            // verify child has been created by sending parent a message
            // that is forwarded to child, and which child replies to sender with
            var parentProps = Props.Create(() => new MusicPlayerCoordinatorActor());
            var coordinator = ActorOfAsTestActorRef <MusicPlayerCoordinatorActor>(parentProps, TestActor);

            var songMessage = new PlaySongMessage("Bohemian Rapsody", "John");

            ExpectMsg("Item received");
        public void ShouldInstantiateANewChildActor()
            TestActorRef <MusicPlayerCoordinatorActor> actor =
                ActorOfAsTestActorRef(() => new MusicPlayerCoordinatorActor(), "Coordinator");

            var songMessage = new PlaySongMessage("Bohemian Rapsody", "John");


            IActorRef child = this.Sys.ActorSelection("/user/Coordinator/John")

            Assert.That(child != null);
 private void PlaySong(PlaySongMessage message)
     CurrentSong = message;
     Console.WriteLine($"{CurrentSong.User} is currently listening to '{CurrentSong.Song}'");
     Sender.Tell("Item received");
        private void PlaySong(PlaySongMessage message)
            var musicPlayerActor = EnsureMusicPlayerActorExists(message.User);
