/// <summary>
        /// Read an individual line from a serialized probability hash
        /// into a single Markov node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Parsing state data</param>
        private static void ParseLine(CorpusParseData data)
            // Line is split into two parts (key and value)
            var components = data.Line.Split(CorpusWriter.ListDelimiter);
            if (components.Length != 2)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Two list delimiters on a line");

            // The key is split in two parts (list of key words and a sub-topic)
            var keyComponents = components[0].Split(CorpusWriter.TopicDelimiter);
            if (keyComponents.Length != 2)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Two topic delimiters in a key");

            // There are n keywords for an n-order Markov chain
            var keyWords = keyComponents[0].Split(CorpusWriter.ItemDelimiter);
            if (keyWords.Length != data.ProbabilityHash.Order)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid number of keywords");

            var topic = keyComponents[1];

            // Get the list of words which follow the key in the corpus, including
            // their probabilities.
            var valueItems = components[1].Split(CorpusWriter.ItemDelimiter);

            var key = new ProbabilityHashKey(keyWords.ToList(), topic);

            // Finalize the value because the probabilities are already
            // present in the value and don't need to be calculated later
            var value = new ProbabilityHashValue();

            foreach (var valueItem in valueItems)
                // Separate each word from its probability
                var valueComponents = valueItem.Split(CorpusWriter.ProbabilityDelimiter);
                if (valueComponents.Length != 2)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Multiple probabilities for a word");

                // Ensure the probability is formatted
                double probability;
                if (!Double.TryParse(valueComponents[1], out probability))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Probability is not a real number");

                value.Add(valueComponents[0], probability);

            data.ProbabilityHash.Add(key, value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a serialized probability hash from disk.
        /// Throws a FileNotFound exception if the specified data doesn't yet exist.
        /// Throws an InvalidDataException if the data format is invalid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Major topic name</param>
        /// <param name="order">Markov order</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProbabilityHash Parse(string name, int order)
            // Mangle the filenames to not contain spaces
            name = name.Replace(" ", "-");

            // Probability hash is finalized because word count data is already
            // present in the file, and doesn't need to be recalculated.
            var probabilityHash = new ProbabilityHash(order);

            var data = new CorpusParseData()
                ProbabilityHash = probabilityHash,

            // This was a rushed design decision. I actually change the working directory to
            // get to the corpus data. A lock needs to be held because the client can be multithreaded,
            // and a race condition could cause the directory to be entered twice.
            lock (DataDirectories.DirectoryControl)

                string filename = String.Format(CorpusWriter.FilenamePattern, name, order);
                if (!File.Exists(filename))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException();

                // Read each line of the data file into an individual
                // Markov node.
                using (var file = File.OpenText(filename))
                    while (!file.EndOfStream)
                        data.Line = file.ReadLine();


            return probabilityHash;