Exemplo n.º 1
        public CBPayement(int NumPayement, decimal Reste, AddPayement AddPayement, int NumAttribution)
            this.NumPayement    = NumPayement;
            this.AddPayement    = AddPayement;
            this.NumAttribution = NumAttribution;
            this.Reste          = Reste;
            string          query = "select * FROM creditb  where NumCB=(select MAX(NumCB)) and NumPayement='" + NumPayement + "'";
            MySqlDataReader rdr   = null;
            MySqlConnection con   = null;
            MySqlCommand    cmd   = null;

            con = new MySqlConnection(Database.ConnectionString());
            cmd            = new MySqlCommand(query);
            cmd.Connection = con;
            rdr            = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            bool oneTime = true;

            while (rdr.Read())
                inputNumConv.Text   = rdr["NumConvBan"].ToString();
                inputDateConv.Text  = rdr["DateConv"].ToString();
                inputNomBanque.Text = rdr["NomBanque"].ToString();
                inputBIC.Text       = rdr["BIC"].ToString();
                inputMontant.Text   = rdr["MontantCb"].ToString();

            if (inputNumConv.Text != "")
                BtnValiderCB.IsEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public FNPOSPayement(int NumPayement, decimal Reste, AddPayement AddPayement, int NumAttribution)
            this.NumPayement    = NumPayement;
            this.NumAttribution = NumAttribution;
            this.Reste          = Reste;
            this.AddPayement    = AddPayement;
            string          query = "select * FROM fnpos where NumFNPOS=(select MAX(NumFNPOS)) and NumPayement='" + NumPayement + "'";
            MySqlDataReader rdr   = null;
            MySqlConnection con   = null;
            MySqlCommand    cmd   = null;

            con = new MySqlConnection(Database.ConnectionString());
            cmd            = new MySqlCommand(query);
            cmd.Connection = con;
            rdr            = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            bool oneTime = true;

            while (rdr.Read())
                inputDeciF.Text        = rdr["NumDeciF"].ToString();
                inputDateDeciF.Text    = rdr["DateDeciF"].ToString();
                inputMontantFNPOS.Text = rdr["MontantFNPOS"].ToString();

            if (inputDeciF.Text != "")
                BtnValiderFNPOS.IsEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ListeVers(int NumPayement, decimal Reste, int NumAttribution, AddPayement AddPayement, string CodeClient, string NomProgramme, string id, string username)
            msh.FillDropDownList("select NatureP from naturepayement", inputNaturePayement, "NatureP");
            inputNatureFrais.IsEnabled = false;
            msh.LoadData("select * from ov where NumPayement='" + NumPayement + "'", dataViewOV);
            this.NumPayement    = NumPayement;
            this.Reste          = Reste;
            this.AddPayement    = AddPayement;
            this.NumAttribution = NumAttribution;
            this.CodeClient     = CodeClient;
            this.NomProgramme   = NomProgramme;
            this.id             = id;
            this.username       = username;

            inputNumPayement.Text = NumPayement.ToString();
            inputEtat.IsEnabled   = false;

            string          query = "SELECT count(IdOvSolde) as APPORT FROM `ovsolde` WHERE CodeClient='1' and NomProgramme='LPA 160 logts' and EtatOvSolde='Terminé'";
            MySqlDataReader rdr   = null;
            MySqlConnection con   = null;
            MySqlCommand    cmd   = null;

            con = new MySqlConnection(Database.ConnectionString());
            cmd            = new MySqlCommand(query);
            cmd.Connection = con;
            rdr            = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            bool oneTime = true;

            while (rdr.Read())
                tempApport = rdr["APPORT"].ToString();
            if (int.Parse(tempApport) == 0)
                BtnimportApport.IsEnabled = false;
                BtnimportApport.IsEnabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public CNLPayement(int NumPayement, decimal Reste, AddPayement AddPayement, int NumAttribution)
            this.NumPayement    = NumPayement;
            this.AddPayement    = AddPayement;
            this.NumAttribution = NumAttribution;
            this.Reste          = Reste;
            string          query = "select * from cnl where NumCNL=(select MAX(NumCNL)) and NumPayement='" + NumPayement + "'";
            MySqlDataReader rdr   = null;
            MySqlConnection con   = null;
            MySqlCommand    cmd   = null;

            con = new MySqlConnection(Database.ConnectionString());
            cmd            = new MySqlCommand(query);
            cmd.Connection = con;
            rdr            = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            bool oneTime = true;

            while (rdr.Read())
                NumCNL                 = int.Parse(rdr["NumCNL"].ToString());
                inputNumDeci.Text      = rdr["NumDeci"].ToString();
                inputDateDeci.Text     = rdr["DateDeci"].ToString();
                inputMontantCNL.Text   = rdr["MontantCNL"].ToString();
                inputEtat.Text         = rdr["Etat"].ToString();
                inputDateConserv.Text  = rdr["DateConservation"].ToString();
                inputDatecontrole.Text = rdr["DateControle"].ToString();
                inputDatereserve.Text  = rdr["DateReserve"].ToString();
            if (NumCNL.ToString() != "")
                BtnAddCNL.IsEnabled = false;

            if (inputNumDeci.Text != "")
                BtnValiderverssement.IsEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void BtnModifierpayement_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            AddPayement AP = new AddPayement(tempNumPayement, id, username);
