Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Interpolate(float time, out Transform t)
            // Handle boundary conditions for matrix interpolation
            if (!_actuallyAnimated || time <= _startTime)
                t = _startTransform;
            if (time >= _endTime)
                t = _endTransform;
            float dt = (time - _startTime) / (_endTime - _startTime);
            // Interpolate translation at _dt_
            Vector trans = (1.0f - dt) * _t[0] + dt * _t[1];

            // Interpolate rotation at _dt_
            Quaternion rotate = Quaternion.Slerp(dt, _r[0], _r[1]);

            // Interpolate scale at _dt_
            var scale = new Matrix4x4();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                    scale.M[i, j] = MathUtility.Lerp(dt, _s[0].M[i, j], _s[1].M[i, j]);

            // Compute interpolated matrix as product of interpolated components
            t = Transform.Translate(trans) * rotate.ToTransform() * new Transform(scale);
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected Shape(Transform objectToWorld, bool reverseOrientation)
     ObjectToWorld = objectToWorld;
     WorldToObject = Transform.Invert(objectToWorld);
     ReverseOrientation = reverseOrientation;
     TransformSwapsHandedness = objectToWorld.SwapsHandedness();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Material CreateMaterial(ParamSet parameters, Transform transform)
            var textureParams = new TextureParams(parameters, MaterialParams, FloatTextures, SpectrumTextures);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentNamedMaterial) && NamedMaterials.ContainsKey(CurrentNamedMaterial))
                return NamedMaterials[CurrentNamedMaterial];
            return Factories.MakeMaterial(Material, transform, textureParams);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Disk(Transform objectToWorld, bool reverseOrientation,
     float height, float radius, float innerRadius, float phiMax)
     : base(objectToWorld, reverseOrientation)
     _height = height;
     _radius = radius;
     _innerRadius = innerRadius;
     _phiMax = MathUtility.ToRadians(MathUtility.Clamp(phiMax, 0.0f, 360.0f));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Cylinder(Transform objectToWorld, bool reverseOrientation,
     float radius, float zMin, float zMax, float phiMax)
     : base(objectToWorld, reverseOrientation)
     _radius = radius;
     _zMin = Math.Min(zMin, zMax);
     _zMax = Math.Max(zMin, zMax);
     _phiMax = MathUtility.ToRadians(MathUtility.Clamp(phiMax, 0.0f, 360.0f));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Intersection(DifferentialGeometry dg, Primitive primitive,
     Transform objectToWorld, Transform worldToObject,
     float rayEpsilon)
     _dg = dg;
     _primitive = primitive;
     WorldToObject = worldToObject;
     ObjectToWorld = objectToWorld;
     _rayEpsilon = rayEpsilon;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Sphere(Transform objectToWorld, bool reverseOrientation,
     float radius, float z0, float z1, float phiMax)
     : base(objectToWorld, reverseOrientation)
     _radius = radius;
     _zMin = MathUtility.Clamp(Math.Min(z0, z1), -radius, radius);
     _zMax = MathUtility.Clamp(Math.Max(z0, z1), -radius, radius);
     _thetaMin = MathUtility.Acos(MathUtility.Clamp(_zMin / radius, -1.0f, 1.0f));
     _thetaMax = MathUtility.Acos(MathUtility.Clamp(_zMax / radius, -1.0f, 1.0f));
     _phiMax = MathUtility.ToRadians(MathUtility.Clamp(phiMax, 0.0f, 360.0f));
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected ProjectiveCamera(AnimatedTransform cameraToWorld, Transform cameraToScreen,
            float[] screenWindow, float shutterOpen, float shutterClose,
            float lensRadius, float focalDistance, Film film)
            : base(cameraToWorld, shutterOpen, shutterClose, film)
            _cameraToScreen = cameraToScreen;
            _lensRadius = lensRadius;
            _focalDistance = focalDistance;

            // Compute projective camera screen transformations
            _screenToRaster = Transform.Scale(film.XResolution, film.YResolution, 1.0f)
                * Transform.Scale(1.0f / (screenWindow[1] - screenWindow[0]), 1.0f / (screenWindow[2] - screenWindow[3]), 1.0f)
                * Transform.Translate(new Vector(-screenWindow[0], -screenWindow[3], 0.0f));
            _rasterToScreen = Transform.Invert(_screenToRaster);
            _rasterToCamera = Transform.Invert(_cameraToScreen) * _rasterToScreen;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public AnimatedTransform(
            Transform startTransform, float startTime,
            Transform endTransform, float endTime)
            _startTransform = startTransform;
            _startTime = startTime;
            _endTransform = endTransform;
            _endTime = endTime;
            _actuallyAnimated = !startTransform.Equals(endTransform);

            _t = new Vector[2];
            _r = new Quaternion[2];
            _s = new Matrix4x4[2];
            Decompose(startTransform.Matrix, out _t[0], out _r[0], out _s[0]);
            Decompose(endTransform.Matrix, out _t[1], out _r[1], out _s[1]);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static AreaLight MakeAreaLight(string name, Transform lightToWorld,
     ParamSet parameters, Shape shape)
     switch (name)
         case "area":
         case "diffuse":
             var l = parameters.FindSpectrum("L", new Spectrum(1.0f));
             var scale = parameters.FindSpectrum("scale", new Spectrum(1.0f));
             var numSamples = parameters.FindInt32("nsamples", 1);
             return new DiffuseAreaLight(lightToWorld, l * scale, numSamples, shape);
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown area light: " + name);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static Material MakeMaterial(string name, Transform materialToWorld, TextureParams parameters)
     switch (name)
         case "matte" :
             var kd = parameters.GetSpectrumTexture("Kd", new Spectrum(0.5f));
             var sigma = parameters.GetFloatTexture("sigma", 0.0f);
             var bumpMap = parameters.GetOptionalFloatTexture("bumpmap");
             return new MatteMaterial(kd, sigma, bumpMap);
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown material: " + name);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static Shape MakeShape(string name, Transform objectToWorld, 
     bool reverseOrientation, ParamSet parameters)
     switch (name)
         case "cylinder":
                 var radius = parameters.FindSingle("radius", 1.0f);
                 var zMin = parameters.FindSingle("zmin", -1);
                 var zMax = parameters.FindSingle("zmax", 1);
                 var phiMax = parameters.FindSingle("phimax", 360.0f);
                 return new Cylinder(objectToWorld, reverseOrientation,
                     radius, zMin, zMax, phiMax);
         case "disk" :
             var height = parameters.FindSingle("height", 0.0f);
             var radius = parameters.FindSingle("radius", 1.0f);
             var innerRadius = parameters.FindSingle("innerradius", 0.0f);
             var phiMax = parameters.FindSingle("phimax", 360.0f);
             return new Disk(objectToWorld, reverseOrientation,
                 height, radius, innerRadius, phiMax);
         case "sphere":
             var radius = parameters.FindSingle("radius", 1.0f);
             var zMin = parameters.FindSingle("zmin", -radius);
             var zMax = parameters.FindSingle("zmax", radius);
             var phiMax = parameters.FindSingle("phimax", 360.0f);
             return new Sphere(objectToWorld, reverseOrientation, radius,
                 zMin, zMax, phiMax);
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown shape: " + name);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static Transform Invert(Transform t)
     return new Transform(t._mInv, t._m);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static Light MakeLight(string name, Transform lightToWorld, ParamSet parameters)
     switch (name)
         case "distant" :
             var l = parameters.FindSpectrum("L", new Spectrum(1.0f));
             var scale = parameters.FindSpectrum("scale", new Spectrum(1.0f));
             var from = parameters.FindPoint("from", Point.Zero);
             var to = parameters.FindPoint("to", new Point(0, 0, 1));
             var dir = from - to;
             return new DistantLight(lightToWorld, l * scale, dir);
         case "point":
             var i = parameters.FindSpectrum("I", new Spectrum(1.0f));
             var scale = parameters.FindSpectrum("scale", new Spectrum(1.0f));
             var from = parameters.FindPoint("from", Point.Zero);
             var l2w = Transform.Translate((Vector) from) * lightToWorld;
             return new PointLight(l2w, i * scale);
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown light: " + name);
Exemplo n.º 15
 protected Light(Transform lightToWorld, int numSamples = 1)
     _lightToWorld = lightToWorld;
     _worldToLight = Transform.Invert(lightToWorld);
     _numSamples = Math.Max(numSamples, 1);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static Transform Transpose(Transform t)
     return new Transform(
Exemplo n.º 17
 public virtual DifferentialGeometry GetShadingGeometry(
     Transform objectToWorld, DifferentialGeometry dg)
     return dg;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static Texture<Spectrum> MakeSpectrumTexture(string name, Transform textureToWorld, TextureParams textureParams)
     switch (name)
         case "constant":
                 return new ConstantTexture<Spectrum>(textureParams.FindSpectrum("value", new Spectrum(1.0f)));
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown spectrum texture: " + name);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public abstract Bssrdf GetBssrdf(DifferentialGeometry dg, Transform objectToWorld);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override Bssrdf GetBssrdf(DifferentialGeometry dg, Transform objectToWorld)
     var dgs = _shape.GetShadingGeometry(objectToWorld, dg);
     return _material.GetBssrdf(dg, dgs);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public PointLight(Transform lightToWorld, Spectrum intensity)
     : base(lightToWorld)
     _intensity = intensity;
     _lightPosition = lightToWorld.TransformPoint(Point.Zero);
Exemplo n.º 22
 protected AreaLight(Transform lightToWorld, int numSamples)
     : base(lightToWorld, numSamples)
Exemplo n.º 23
 public DistantLight(Transform lightToWorld, Spectrum radiance, Vector direction)
     : base(lightToWorld)
     _radiance = radiance;
     _direction = Vector.Normalize(lightToWorld.TransformVector(ref direction));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static VolumeRegion MakeVolumeRegion(string name, Transform volumeToWorld, ParamSet parameters)
     switch (name)
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown volume region: " + name);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public override Bssrdf GetBssrdf(DifferentialGeometry dg, Transform objectToWorld)
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static Texture<float> MakeFloatTexture(string name, Transform textureToWorld, TextureParams textureParams)
     switch (name)
         case "constant":
                 return new ConstantTexture<float>(textureParams.FindSingle("value", 1.0f));
             throw new ArgumentException("Unknown float texture: " + name);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public DiffuseAreaLight(Transform lightToWorld, Spectrum lemit, int numSamples, Shape shape) 
     : base(lightToWorld, numSamples)
Exemplo n.º 28
 public TransformSet()
     _transforms = new Transform[MaxTransforms];
     for (var i = 0; i < MaxTransforms; i++)
         _transforms[i] = new Transform();
Exemplo n.º 29
 public override Bssrdf GetBssrdf(DifferentialGeometry dg, Transform objectToWorld)
     throw new InvalidOperationException("Aggregate.GetBssrdf() method called; should have gone to GeometricPrimitive.");