private sbyte[] Calculate(sbyte[] inputSignal, sbyte[] pattern, int digitsToSkip, sbyte[] output = null)
            output ??= new sbyte[inputSignal.Length];

            //for (int i = 0; i < inputSignal.Length; i++)
            Parallel.For(0, inputSignal.Length, i =>
                var iterationPattern = new RepeatingDigits(pattern, i + 1);

                int sum = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < inputSignal.Length; j++)
                    var a = inputSignal[j];
                    var b = iterationPattern[j + digitsToSkip];
                    sum  += a * b;
                var onesDigit = (sbyte)new IndexableNumber(sum)[0]; // only keep the position in the 1s place
                output[i]     = onesDigit;

            //Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", output));

        // same function as the old one above, but uses iterators, no arrays, and no linq
        private sbyte[] Calculate(sbyte[] inputSignal, sbyte[] pattern, int digitsToSkip, sbyte[] output = null)
            output ??= new sbyte[inputSignal.Length];

            //for (int i = 0; i < inputSignal.Length; i++)
            Parallel.For(0, inputSignal.Length, i =>
                var iterationPattern = new RepeatingDigits(pattern, i + 1);

                //int sum = 0;
                //for (int j = 0; j < inputSignal.Length; j++)
                //    var a = inputSignal[j];
                //    var b = iterationPattern[j + digitsToSkip];
                //    sum += a * b;
                //var onesDigita = (sbyte)new IndexableNumber(sum)[0]; // only keep the position in the 1s place

                // simd

                var offset = Vector <sbyte> .Count;
                var muls   = new sbyte[offset];
                var sumd   = Vector <sbyte> .Zero;
                int k      = 0;
                if (offset < inputSignal.Length)
                    for (; k < inputSignal.Length - offset; k += offset)
                        // populate the muls
                        for (int m = 0; m < offset; m++)
                            muls[m] = iterationPattern[k + m + digitsToSkip];

                        var v1 = new Vector <sbyte>(inputSignal, k);
                        var v2 = new Vector <sbyte>(muls);

                        sumd += v1 * v2;

                int total = 0;
                for (int t = 0; t < offset; t++)
                    total += sumd[t];

                for (; k < inputSignal.Length; k++)
                    total += (inputSignal[k] * iterationPattern[k + digitsToSkip]);

                var onesDigit = (sbyte)new IndexableNumber(total)[0]; // only keep the position in the 1s place

                output[i] = onesDigit;

                //Debug.Assert(onesDigita == onesDigit);

            //Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", output));
