Exemplo n.º 1
        public Tile(int _x, int _y, char c, Day18Form f)
            Location = new Core.Point(_x, _y);
            form     = f;
            Ttype[0] = c;

             * switch (c)
             * {
             *  case '.':
             *      Ttype = TileType.OPEN;
             *      break;
             *  case '#':
             *      Ttype = TileType.LUMBERYARD;
             *      break;
             *  case '|':
             *      Ttype = TileType.TREES;
             *      break;
             *  default:
             *      Ttype = TileType.NONE;
             *      break;
             * }
            Surrounding = new Core.Point[8] {
                new Core.Point(_x, _y - 1), new Core.Point(_x + 1, _y - 1),
                new Core.Point(_x + 1, _y), new Core.Point(_x + 1, _y + 1),
                new Core.Point(_x, _y + 1), new Core.Point(_x - 1, _y + 1),
                new Core.Point(_x - 1, _y), new Core.Point(_x - 1, _y - 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CalculateBoardWindowSize(int _ht, int _wd)
            Point currPos = txtGameBoard.Location;
            int   ptX     = currPos.X;
            int   ptY     = currPos.Y;

            if (_ht < maxBoardHeight)
                ptY = (maxBoardHeight - _ht) / 2 + currPos.Y;

            if (_wd < maxBoardWidth)
                ptX = (maxBoardWidth - _wd) / 2 + currPos.X;

            txtGameBoard.Location = new Point(ptX, ptY);

            if (_ht < txtGameBoard.Height)
                txtGameBoard.Height = _ht;
            if (_wd < txtGameBoard.Width)
                txtGameBoard.Width = _wd;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Player CanAttack(List <Player> players)
            Player _ret        = null;
            int    hpRemaining = 999999;
            Point  p           = this.Location;

            if (p.Y > 0 && players.Exists(e => e.Location == new Point(p.X, p.Y - 1) && e.Side == this.enemy) && players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X, p.Y - 1)).HP < hpRemaining)
                _ret        = players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X, p.Y - 1));
                hpRemaining = _ret.HP;
            if (p.X > 0 && players.Exists(e => e.Location == new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y) && e.Side == this.enemy) && players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y)).HP < hpRemaining)
                _ret        = players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y));
                hpRemaining = _ret.HP;
            if (p.X < (parent as Day15GameBoard).CurrentBoard.GetLength(0) && players.Exists(e => e.Location == new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y) && e.Side == this.enemy) && players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y)).HP < hpRemaining)
                _ret        = players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y));
                hpRemaining = _ret.HP;
            if (p.Y < (parent as Day15GameBoard).CurrentBoard.GetLength(1) && players.Exists(e => e.Location == new Point(p.X, p.Y + 1) && e.Side == this.enemy) && players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X, p.Y + 1)).HP < hpRemaining)
                _ret        = players.Single(s => s.Location == new Point(p.X, p.Y + 1));
                hpRemaining = _ret.HP;

Exemplo n.º 4
 public Tile(Tile t, char tt)
     Location    = t.Location;
     form        = t.form;
     Surrounding = t.Surrounding;
     Ttype[0]    = tt;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Player(char _s, int _h, Point _l, object o)
     this.ID          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     this.Side        = _s;
     this.HP          = _h;
     this.Location    = _l;
     this.parent      = o;
     this.enemy       = (this.side == 'E') ? 'G' : 'E';
     this.attackPower = 3;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Day6b()
            string line;

            string[]          lineSplit;
            List <Core.Point> destinations = new List <Core.Point>();

            using (Stream stream = thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream("AdventOfCode2018._data.AdventOfCode_Day6.txt"))
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        lineSplit = line.RemoveWhitespace().Split(',');
                        Core.Point point = new Core.Point(Convert.ToInt32(lineSplit[0]), Convert.ToInt32(lineSplit[1]));

            int maxX = (destinations.OrderBy(d => d.X).LastOrDefault()).X + 1;
            int maxY = (destinations.OrderBy(d => d.Y).LastOrDefault()).Y + 1;

            char[,] validPartOfZone = new char[maxX, maxY];
            int goodPointCount = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++)
                    validPartOfZone[x, y] = CoordinateGeometry.CheckManhattanDistances(x, y, destinations, 10000);
                    if (validPartOfZone[x, y] == 'X')

             * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             * for (int i = 0; i < validPartOfZone.GetLength(0); i++)
             * {
             *  for (int ii = 0; ii < validPartOfZone.GetLength(1); ii++)
             *  {
             *      sb.Append(validPartOfZone[i, ii].ToString().PadLeft(2));
             *  }
             *  sb.Append(Environment.NewLine);
             * }
             * File.WriteAllText("validzone.txt", sb.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 7
 public T Get(Point p, bool converted = false)
     if (converted)
         return(_internalarray[p.X, p.Y]);
         return(_internalarray[p.X - this.shiftX, p.Y - this.shiftY]);
Exemplo n.º 8
        bool CheckForEnclosed(Point p)
            bool  _ret      = false;
            Point left      = p;
            Point right     = p;
            bool  rightWall = false;
            bool  leftWall  = false;
            bool  falling   = false;

            //if (this.CurrentBoard.Get(p) == '~')
            //return true;

            while (!leftWall && left.X > this.CurrentBoard.GetMinX() && !falling)
                leftWall = (this.CurrentBoard.Get(left) == '#');
                if (!(p.Down().Y > this.CurrentBoard.GetMaxY() - 1))
                    falling = (this.CurrentBoard.Get(left.Down()) == '.');
                left = left.Left();
            while (!rightWall && right.X < this.CurrentBoard.GetMaxX() && !falling)
                rightWall = (this.CurrentBoard.Get(right) == '#');
                if (!(p.Down().Y > this.CurrentBoard.GetMaxY() - 1))
                    falling = (this.CurrentBoard.Get(right.Down()) == '.');
                right = right.Right();

            if (rightWall && leftWall)
                _ret = true;

Exemplo n.º 9
        static int[,] GetRotaryValues(int[,] coordMap, Core.Point p)
            int     x = 0;
            int     y = 0;
            int     d = 1;
            decimal m = 0.5m;

            int[,] distance = new int[coordMap.GetLength(0), coordMap.GetLength(1)];

            while (Inbounds(x, y, coordMap))
                //int step = (int)Math.Ceiling((m));
                while (x * d < m)
                    if (x + p.X >= 0 && y + p.Y >= 0 && (x + p.X) < coordMap.GetLength(0) && (y + p.Y) < coordMap.GetLength(1))
                        distance[x + p.X, y + p.Y] = Math.Min(Math.Abs(p.X - (p.X + x)) + Math.Abs(p.Y - (p.Y + y)), 99);

                    x = x + d;
                while (y * d < m)
                    if (x + p.X >= 0 && y + p.Y >= 0 && (x + p.X) < coordMap.GetLength(0) && (y + p.Y) < coordMap.GetLength(1))
                        distance[x + p.X, y + p.Y] = Math.Min(Math.Abs(p.X - (p.X + x)) + Math.Abs(p.Y - (p.Y + y)), 99);

                    y = y + d;

                d = -1 * d;
                m = m + 0.5m;

Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void Day6a()
            Stopwatch         sw           = new Stopwatch();
            List <Core.Point> destinations = new List <Core.Point>();
            int    maxX = 0;
            int    maxY = 0;
            string line;

            string[]                   lineSplit;
            IAlphabetProvider          provider = null;
            string                     alpha    = String.Empty;
            Dictionary <char, int[, ]> overlays = new Dictionary <char, int[, ]>();

            //Dictionary<int[,], Day6Spot> heatmap = new Dictionary<int[,], Day6Spot>();
            char[,] heatmap      = null;
            int[,] heatmapvalues = null;
            List <Day6Spot> d6s = new List <Day6Spot>();

            using (Stream stream = thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream("AdventOfCode2018._data.AdventOfCode_Day6.txt"))
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        lineSplit = line.RemoveWhitespace().Split(',');
                        Core.Point point = new Core.Point(Convert.ToInt32(lineSplit[0]), Convert.ToInt32(lineSplit[1]));

            if (destinations.Count <= 26)
                provider = new EnglishAlphabetProvider();

            else if (destinations.Count <= 61)
                provider = new LargerUniqueAlphabetProvider();

                throw new Exception("Are you serious?  Too many elements!  ?: " + destinations.Count);

            foreach (char c in provider.GetAlphabet(destinations.Count))
                alpha += c;

            maxX = (destinations.OrderBy(d => d.X).LastOrDefault()).X + 1;
            maxY = (destinations.OrderBy(d => d.Y).LastOrDefault()).Y + 1;

            int[,] coordMap = new int[maxX, maxY];

            Parallel.ForEach(destinations, p =>
                char c;
                lock (alpha)
                    c     = alpha[0];
                    alpha = alpha.Remove(alpha.IndexOf(c), 1);
                overlays.Add(c, GetRotaryValues(coordMap, p));

             * for (int i = 0; i < coordMap.GetLength(0); i++)
             *  for (int ii = 0; ii < coordMap.GetLength(1); ii++)
             *  {
             *      heatmap.Add(new int[i, ii]);
             *  }

            heatmap       = new char[maxX, maxY];
            heatmapvalues = new int[maxX, maxY];

            for (int i = 0; i < coordMap.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < coordMap.GetLength(1); ii++)
                    heatmapvalues[i, ii] = 99;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <char, int[, ]> kvp in overlays)
                for (int i = 0; i < heatmap.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < heatmap.GetLength(1); ii++)
                        if (kvp.Value[i, ii] < heatmapvalues[i, ii])
                            heatmap[i, ii]       = kvp.Key;
                            heatmapvalues[i, ii] = kvp.Value[i, ii];

                        else if (kvp.Value[i, ii] == heatmapvalues[i, ii])
                            heatmap[i, ii] = '*';

             * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             * StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
             * for (int i = 0; i < heatmap.GetLength(0); i++)
             * {
             *  for (int ii = 0; ii < heatmap.GetLength(1); ii++)
             *  {
             *      sb.Append(heatmap[i, ii].ToString().PadLeft(2));
             *      sb2.Append(heatmapvalues[i, ii].ToString().PadLeft(2));
             *  }
             *  sb.Append(Environment.NewLine);
             *  sb2.Append(Environment.NewLine);
             * }
             * File.WriteAllText("heatmap.txt", sb.ToString());
             * File.WriteAllText("heatmapvalues.txt", sb2.ToString());

            foreach (var v in heatmap)
                Day6Spot d6;

                d6 = d6s.FirstOrDefault(x => x.c == v);

                if (d6 != null)
                    d6s.Add(new Day6Spot(v, 1));

             * sb = new StringBuilder();
             * foreach (var v in d6s)
             * {
             *  sb.Append("Char: " + v.c + "   Count:" + v.count.ToString().PadLeft(6));
             *  sb.Append(Environment.NewLine);
             * }
             * File.WriteAllText("countsPerChar.txt", sb.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 11
 public NavPackage(int d, Point p, Player t)
     this.Distance = d;
     this.NextMove = p;
     this.Target   = t;
Exemplo n.º 12
 bool IsFree(Point p)
     return(this.CurrentBoard[p.X, p.Y] == '.');
Exemplo n.º 13
        void DoWork(ref BackgroundWorker bg)
            Queue <Player> turns = new Queue <Player>(this.players.OrderBy(o => o.Location.Y).ThenBy(o => o.Location.X));
            Player         currPlayer;
            Player         currEnemy;

            if (turns.Count == 1)
                complete = true;

            while (turns.Count > 0 && !complete)
                currPlayer = turns.Dequeue();

                if (players.Where(w => w.ID == currPlayer.ID).Count() < 1)

                if ((currEnemy = currPlayer.CanAttack(this.players)) != null)
                    // Attack if opponent within range at beginning of turn.
                    currEnemy.HP -= currPlayer.AttackPower;
                    if (currEnemy.HP <= 0)
                        currentBoard[currEnemy.Location.X, currEnemy.Location.Y] = '.';

                    // Move if no opponent within range at beginning of turn.
                    NavPackage targetEnemy = currPlayer.GetClosestEnemy2(this.players);

                    if (targetEnemy != null)
                        //this.nav.Map = currentBoard;
                        //this.nav.Start = new AStarNode(currPlayer.Location);
                        //this.nav.Finish = new AStarNode(targetEnemy.Location);
                        //Point p = this.nav.Step();
                        Point p = targetEnemy.NextMove;
                        if (IsFree(p))
                            this.CurrentBoard[currPlayer.Location.X, currPlayer.Location.Y] = '.';
                            currPlayer.Location = p;
                            this.CurrentBoard[currPlayer.Location.X, currPlayer.Location.Y] = currPlayer.Side;
                            SetupBoardVisual(ref bg);

                        if ((currEnemy = currPlayer.CanAttack(this.players)) != null)
                            // Attack after move if an opponent is now available.
                            currEnemy.HP -= currPlayer.AttackPower;
                            if (currEnemy.HP <= 0)
                                currentBoard[currEnemy.Location.X, currEnemy.Location.Y] = '.';

                this.Delay = players.Count();
                SetupBoardVisual(ref bg);

            complete = CheckComplete();
            if (!complete)
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void Set(Point p, T value)
     _internalarray[p.X - this.shiftX, p.Y - this.shiftY] = value;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Initializer()
            thisExe = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            Regex        regex    = new Regex(@"^([xy]{1})={1}([0-9]+), [xy]{1}={1}([0-9]+).{2}([0-9]+)$");
            List <Point> clayList = new List <Point>();
            int          xMin     = 0;
            int          xMax     = 999999;
            int          yMin     = 999;

            using (Stream stream = thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream(resource))
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    string line;

                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        Match match = regex.Match(line);
                        if (match.Success)
                            if (match.Groups[1].Value == "x")
                                int x = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value);

                                for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[3].Value); i <= Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[4].Value); i++)
                                    clayList.Add(new Point(x, i));
                                    if (i < yMin)
                                        yMin = i;

                            else if (match.Groups[1].Value == "y")
                                int y = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value);

                                for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[3].Value); i <= Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[4].Value); i++)
                                    clayList.Add(new Point(i, y));
                                    if (y < yMin)
                                        yMin = y;
            this.height = clayList.OrderByDescending(o => o.Y).FirstOrDefault().Y + 1;
            xMin        = clayList.OrderBy(o => o.X).FirstOrDefault().X - 2;
            xMax        = clayList.OrderByDescending(o => o.X).FirstOrDefault().X + 2;
            this.width  = xMax - xMin;

            // Setup board size
            currentBoard      = new ModArray2D <char>(width, height, xMin, 0);
            currentBoard.yMin = yMin;

            // Fill board with sand

            // Populate spring
            Point springPoint = new Point(500, 0);

            currentBoard.Set(500, 0, '+');

            // Setup clay
            foreach (Point p in clayList)
                currentBoard.Set(p.X, p.Y, '#');

            this.pixelHeight = form.pbGameBoard.Size.Height / this.RowsToDisplay;
            this.pixelWidth  = form.pbGameBoard.Size.Width / width;
Exemplo n.º 16
        void DoWork(ref BackgroundWorker bg)
            // If there are no more cursors, we should be done.
            if (Cursors.Count < 1)
                this.complete = true;

            List <Point> newCursors = new List <Point>();

            foreach (Point p in Cursors)
                Point down  = p.Down();
                Point up    = p.Up();
                Point left  = p.Left();
                Point right = p.Right();

                bool enclosed = CheckForEnclosed(p);
                bool skip     = false;

                // If the cursor has fallen below MaxY, drop that cursor path
                if (down.Y > this.CurrentBoard.GetMaxY() - 1)
                    this.CurrentBoard.Set(p, '|');
                    skip = true;

                // If there's already water here
                else if (this.CurrentBoard.Get(down) == '|')
                    this.CurrentBoard.Set(p, '|');
                    skip = true;

                // If it's falling through sand unobstructed
                else if (this.CurrentBoard.Get(down) == '.')
                    this.CurrentBoard.Set(p, '|');
                    if (!newCursors.Contains(down) && !Cursors.Contains(down))

                // It hits clay
                else if ((this.CurrentBoard.Get(down) == '#' || this.CurrentBoard.Get(down).IsWet()))
                    this.CurrentBoard.Set(p, '~');

                    while ((this.CurrentBoard.Get(left.Down()) == '#' || this.CurrentBoard.Get(left.Down()).IsWet()) && this.CurrentBoard.Get(left) != '#')
                        this.CurrentBoard.Set(left, '~');
                        if (this.CurrentBoard.Get(left.Left()) == '.' || this.CurrentBoard.Get(left.Left()) == '|')
                            left = left.Left();

                    while ((this.CurrentBoard.Get(right.Down()) == '#' || this.CurrentBoard.Get(right.Down()).IsWet()) && this.CurrentBoard.Get(right) != '#')
                        this.CurrentBoard.Set(right, '~');
                        if (this.CurrentBoard.Get(right.Right()) == '.' || this.CurrentBoard.Get(right.Right()) == '|')
                            right = right.Right();

                    if (this.CurrentBoard.Get(right.Down()) == '.')
                        Point tmpLeft = right.Left();
                        this.CurrentBoard.Set(p, '|');
                        if (!newCursors.Contains(right))
                        while (this.CurrentBoard.Get(tmpLeft).IsWet())
                            this.CurrentBoard.Set(tmpLeft, '|');
                            tmpLeft = tmpLeft.Left();

                    if (this.CurrentBoard.Get(left.Down()) == '.')
                        Point tmpRight = left.Right();
                        this.CurrentBoard.Set(p, '|');
                        if (!newCursors.Contains(left))
                        while (this.CurrentBoard.Get(tmpRight).IsWet())
                            this.CurrentBoard.Set(tmpRight, '|');
                            tmpRight = tmpRight.Right();

                    if (enclosed && !skip)
                        if (!newCursors.Contains(up))

            Cursors = new List <Point>(newCursors);
            if (Cursors.Count() > 0)
                CurrentLine = Cursors.OrderByDescending(o => o.Y).First().Y;

            if (Visualization)