Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the main method that does the copying. It calls the SQLLaptop class
        /// to do the inserting and the return result is the rows affected by the call.
        /// If there are more than 0 rows, it will let the user know how many rows were affect.
        /// If not it will display the error and a tip
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CopyContent()
            bool copyStatus = false;

            DataTable dataTable1 = new DataTable();
            DataTable dataTable2 = new DataTable();

            int rowsAffected = SQLLaptop.InsertInto(connectionString1Database,
                                                    selectedCombo1Table, selectedCombo2Table, selectedCombo1Database, selectedCombo2Database);

            if (rowsAffected >= 1)
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Green", lbl_Error_Copy);
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Successfully Copied. " + rowsAffected + " rows have been affected.", lbl_Error_Copy);
                // Clear the new table that didnt work
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Red", lbl_Error_Copy);
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Error when copying the tables. Double check your entered schema name and table. (eg. dbo.test)", lbl_Error_Copy);
                cb_Table_2.SelectedIndex = -1;

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the sign in method that will be used to handle to logic of the two different
        /// sign in buttons. We will pass the users number (1 = left side, 2 = right side) to the
        /// method so that the appropriate fields will be used and changed. We are creating a
        /// generic method to handle all the logic because we will have two different sign in forms
        /// that will do the exact same thing but with different pieces. Why repeat code, right?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserNumber">Which User is signing in (1 = Left, 2 = Right)</param>
        /// <returns>Validation</returns>
        private string SignInChecker(int UserNumber)
            string connectionString = "Failed";

            // These fields will be linked to the specific user. User 1 is the left side of the
            // windows form where user 2 is the right side.
            int userNumber = UserNumber;

            if (UserNumber == 2 || UserNumber == 1)
                // Send to "Check Credentials method and return the status to see if it was valid
                if (userNumber == 1)
                    connectionString = SQLLaptop.CreateConnectionString(cb_Provider_1.Text, txt_User_1.Text.ToString(), txt_Pass_1.Text.ToString(), txt_DataSource_1.Text.ToString());
                    connectionString = SQLLaptop.CreateConnectionString(cb_Provider_2.Text, txt_User_2.Text.ToString(), txt_Pass_2.Text.ToString(), txt_DataSource_2.Text.ToString());

                if (!SQLLaptop.CheckCredential(connectionString))
                    connectionString = "Failed";
                connectionString = "Failed";

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles the event that the sign in button on the left side is pressed.
        /// We will check to see if the user can sign in. If they can, lets notify them that
        /// their connection was successful and load the combobox with the database list on the left.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_Signin_1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Check that user 1 can successfully connect. If he can, lets prompt the result
            string connectionString = SignInChecker(USER_ONE);

            if (connectionString != "Failed")
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Successfully Logged in.", lbl_Error_User_1);
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Green", lbl_Error_User_1);
                SQLLaptop.LoadSchemaList(connectionString, cb_DataBase_1);
                connectionString1 = connectionString;
                if (assignmentRequirement)
                    connectionString2 = connectionString1;
                    SQLLaptop.LoadSchemaList(connectionString, cb_DataBase_2);
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Invalid Credentials.", lbl_Error_User_1);
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Red", lbl_Error_User_1);
                connectionString1 = "Failed";
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for selection changes in the Database combo boxes on both the left
        /// and right side. Once a selection has been made or chosen for the first time,
        /// we will find out the selection and append it to the end of the old connection string.
        /// From there, we will set the initial catalog to our chosen database. Then we will
        /// load the contents of the table combo boxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The combo box that triggered the event</param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Database_ComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ComboBox combo = (ComboBox)sender;

            if (sender == cb_DataBase_1)
                selectedCombo1Database = (string)combo.SelectedItem;
                selectedCombo1Table    = null;

                // append the old string with the database and store into the global string
                connectionString1Database = connectionString1 + ";Initial Catalog=" + selectedCombo1Database;
                SQLLaptop.LoadTableList(connectionString1Database, cb_Table_1);

                if (assignmentRequirement)
                    connectionString2Database = connectionString1Database;
            else if (sender == cb_DataBase_2)
                selectedCombo2Database = (string)combo.SelectedItem;
                selectedCombo2Table    = null;

                // append the old string with the database and store into the global string
                connectionString2Database = connectionString2 + ";Initial Catalog=" + selectedCombo2Database;

                // Add the first entry as "New Table"
                if (!assignmentRequirement)
                    cb_Table_2.Items.Add("New Table...");
                else if (assignmentRequirement && (connectionString1Database == connectionString2Database))
                    cb_Table_2.Items.Add("New Table...");
                SQLLaptop.LoadTableList(connectionString2Database, cb_Table_2);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// This method handles the assignment requirement checkbox. If the requirement button is toggled on or
 /// off, it will show/hide the correct information.
 /// </summary>
 private void HandleAssignmentRequirements()
     // If we are following the assignment requirements, we need to disable a few buttons
     // text fields, and data that is linked to those
     // Otherwise lets duplicate all info
     if (assignmentRequirement == true)
         connectionString2         = connectionString1;
         connectionString2Database = connectionString1Database;
         selectedCombo2Database    = selectedCombo1Database;
         selectedCombo2Table       = selectedCombo1Table;
         if (connectionString2 != null && connectionString2Database != null)
             SQLLaptop.LoadSchemaList(connectionString2, cb_DataBase_2);
             SQLLaptop.LoadSchemaList(connectionString2Database, cb_Table_2);
         connectionString2         = null;
         connectionString2Database = null;
         selectedCombo2Database    = null;
         selectedCombo2Table       = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles the sign in button on the right side. Its pretty identicle to the above
        /// method, but handles the right side fields and right side combo box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_Signin_2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Find the provider. If none is selected, loop through them all

            string connectionString = SignInChecker(USER_TWO);

            if (connectionString != "Failed")
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Successfully Logged in.", lbl_Error_User_2);
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Green", lbl_Error_User_2);
                SQLLaptop.LoadSchemaList(connectionString, cb_DataBase_2);
                connectionString2 = connectionString;
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Invalid Credentials.", lbl_User_2);
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Red", lbl_Error_User_2);
                connectionString2 = "Failed";
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is support in non-assignment mode. Is just duplicates the first account
        /// into the second account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_Same_Account(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Retrieve information from the first sign in form
            string connectionString = SignInChecker(USER_ONE);

            // If successfully logged in, display success
            if (connectionString != "Failed")
                SQLLaptop.LoadSchemaList(connectionString, cb_DataBase_2);
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Successfully Logged in.", lbl_Error_User_2);
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Green", lbl_Error_User_2);
                connectionString2 = connectionString;
                LabelChanger.ChangeText("Invalid Credentials.", lbl_User_2);
                LabelChanger.ChangeColor("Red", lbl_Error_User_2);
            // else if failed to log in, display error
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to populate the datagrid inside of the form. This method checks
        /// which side (left or right) is calling it, and then populates it.
        /// </summary>
        private bool PopulateDataGrid()
            bool      containsInvalidDatatypes = false;
            int       rowCount = 0;
            DataTable dt       = null;
            Dictionary <DataColumn, string> invalidColumns = new Dictionary <DataColumn, string>();
            string     columnName = string.Empty;
            DataColumn invalidColumn;

            // Check which preview button was pressed. Left or right side. Send the query to the SQL
            // class to SELECT all.
            if (whichSide == USER_ONE)
                dt = SQLLaptop.QuerySelectAll(connectionStringLeft, selectedTableLeft);
            else if (whichSide == USER_TWO)
                dt = SQLLaptop.QuerySelectAll(connectionStringRight, selectedTableRight);

            // We want to seach the columns for the datatype Byte[]. Currently our
            // datagridview cannot support some Byte[] rows. Lets not display them.
            // We will warn the user if a Byte[] column is found. From here, we will give
            // the user the choice to convert the column and row datatypes to something viewable (a
            // string in our case). This WILL take a while depending on how many rows there are.
            // This may also cause exceptions which we will catch.
            foreach (DataColumn x in dt.Columns)
                if (x.DataType == typeof(Byte[]))
                    invalidColumn = x;
                    columnName    = x.ColumnName;
                    invalidColumns.Add(invalidColumn, columnName);

                    // Count how many rows this table contains to display in the message box.
                    if (!containsInvalidDatatypes)
                        rowCount = dt.Rows.Count;
                    containsInvalidDatatypes = true;

            // The user will have 2 possible message boxes that will pop up. The first being an option
            // to change the datatable to make it viewable. The second will be a message saying its
            // impossible to open the preview because of the row count.
            DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;

            if (containsInvalidDatatypes && (rowCount <= 200))
                result = MessageBox.Show("This table contains a column or columns that have an non-viewable data type." +
                                         "We have the ability to convert that columns rows to blank entries. This will make the rest of the data viewable." +
                                         "Be Warned though.. This could take a VERY long time depending on the amount of rows.\n" +
                                         "We suggest only doing this if the row count is less than 50. \n" +
                                         "The row count for this Table is " + rowCount + ".",
                                         "WARNING: Invalid data type in a column detected.",
                                         MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
            else if (containsInvalidDatatypes)
                result = MessageBox.Show("Currently this application does not support the ability to display a data table " +
                                         "that has an invalid data type in one or more of the columns and more than 200 rows. It would take too long to convert every row containing this datatype" +
                                         "\nSorry for the inconvenience." +
                                         "To better understand why, your tables row count is below.\n" +
                                         "The row count for this Table is " + rowCount + ".",
                                         "ERROR: Invalid data type in a column detected.",
                                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // We will only convert the table if the user clicks "YES"
            // We will display a "temp" table so we dont change the main table.
            if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                DataTable tempTable = ChangeColumnDataType(dt, columnName, typeof(string));
                dataGridView1.DataSource = tempTable;
            // We will only display the result if either
            // 1. The user agrees to converting the column
            // 2. The user's chosen table does not contain unsupported datatypes.
            if (!containsInvalidDatatypes)
                dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the main method that does the copying. It uses a few features inside the SQLlaptop
        /// class to work with the database and figure out results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_Transfer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool shouldCopy = false;
            bool emptyTable = false;

            // Check to make sure all fields are selected
            if (AllFieldsFilled())
                if (!assignmentRequirement)
                    string selectedTable = (string)cb_Table_2.SelectedItem;
                    if (SQLLaptop.TableContainsContent(connectionString2Database, selectedTable))
                        emptyTable = false;
                        // Table 2 is currently empty. Just copy over data
                        emptyTable = true;
                        shouldCopy = true;
                    if (connectionString1Database != connectionString2Database)
                        emptyTable = true;
                        shouldCopy = false;

                if (!emptyTable)
                    DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
                    //Prompt that current table will be over-written with message box
                    result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you'd like to copy the first table to the second table?",
                                             MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                        shouldCopy = true;

            if (shouldCopy)
                //Copy content from table 1 to table 2
            else if ((emptyTable == true) && (shouldCopy == false))
                lbl_Error_Copy.Text = "Database do not match. This is do-able via disables the assignment requirement checkbox";
                lbl_Error_Copy.Text = "You are missing some selections.. Please choose a database and table for source and destination";