Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void SetDatumValue(String value, DatumType datum)
            if (datum != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                int    iValue;
                long   lValue;
                double dValue;
                uint   uiValue;
                ulong  ulValue;

                if (datum is binary)
                    ((binary)datum).value = value;
                if (datum is boolean)
                    ((boolean)datum).value = value.Equals("1");  // 0 or 1
                if (datum is dateTime)
                    ((dateTime)datum).value = DateTime.Parse(value);  //YYYY-MM-DD
                if (datum is @double && double.TryParse(value, out dValue))
                    ((@double)datum).value = dValue;
                if (datum is hexadecimal)
                    ((hexadecimal)datum).value = value;  //^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$
                if (datum is integer && int.TryParse(value, out iValue))
                    ((integer)datum).value = iValue;
                if (datum is @long && long.TryParse(value, out lValue))
                    ((@long)datum).value = lValue;
                if (datum is octal)
                    ((octal)datum).value = value;  //^[1-7][0-7]*$
                if (datum is @string)
                    ((@string)datum).Value = value;
                if (datum is unsignedInteger && uint.TryParse(value, out uiValue))
                    ((unsignedInteger)datum).value = uiValue;
                if (datum is unsignedLong && ulong.TryParse(value, out ulValue))
                    ((unsignedLong)datum).value = ulValue;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void CopyTo(DatumType copy)
     copy.standardUnit        = standardUnit;
     copy.unitQualifier       = unitQualifier;
     copy.nonStandardUnit     = nonStandardUnit;
     copy.Confidence          = Confidence;
     copy.ConfidenceSpecified = ConfidenceSpecified;
     copy.Resolution          = Resolution;
     copy.ResolutionSpecified = ResolutionSpecified;
     copy.ErrorLimits         = ErrorLimits;
     copy.Range = Range;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static DatumType GetDatumFromType(ComboBox combo)
            DatumType datum = null;

            switch (combo.SelectedIndex)
            case (int)DatumTypes.BINARY:
                datum = new binary();

            case (int)DatumTypes.BOOL:
                datum = new boolean();

            case (int)DatumTypes.DATETIME:
                datum = new dateTime();

            case (int)DatumTypes.DOUBLE:
                datum = new @double();

            case (int)DatumTypes.HEX:
                datum = new hexadecimal();

            case (int)DatumTypes.INT:
                datum = new integer();

            case (int)DatumTypes.LONG:
                datum = new @long();

            case (int)DatumTypes.OCT:
                datum = new octal();

            case (int)DatumTypes.STRING:
                datum = new @string();

            case (int)DatumTypes.UINT:
                datum = new unsignedInteger();

            case (int)DatumTypes.ULONG:
                datum = new unsignedLong();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Object GetDatumValue(DatumType datum)
            Object value = null;

            if (datum is binary)
                value = ((binary)datum).value;
            if (datum is boolean)
                value = ((boolean)datum).value;
            if (datum is dateTime)
                value = ((dateTime)datum).value;
            if (datum is @double)
                value = ((@double)datum).value;
            if (datum is hexadecimal)
                value = ((hexadecimal)datum).value;
            if (datum is integer)
                value = ((integer)datum).value;
            if (datum is @long)
                value = ((@long)datum).value;
            if (datum is octal)
                value = ((octal)datum).value;
            if (datum is @string)
                value = ((@string)datum).Value;
            if (datum is unsignedInteger)
                value = ((unsignedInteger)datum).value;
            if (datum is unsignedLong)
                value = ((unsignedLong)datum).value;

Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void SetDatumType(ComboBox combo, DatumType datum)
     if (datum is binary)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.BINARY;
     if (datum is boolean)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.BOOL;
     if (datum is dateTime)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.DATETIME;
     if (datum is @double)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.DOUBLE;
     if (datum is hexadecimal)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.HEX;
     if (datum is integer)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.INT;
     if (datum is @long)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.LONG;
     if (datum is octal)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.OCT;
     if (datum is @string)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.STRING;
     if (datum is unsignedInteger)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.UINT;
     if (datum is unsignedLong)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int)DatumTypes.ULONG;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static Object GetNominalDatumValue(DatumType datum)
            Object value = null;

            if (datum is binary)
                value = ((binary)datum).value;
            else if (datum is boolean)
                value = ((boolean)datum).value;
            else if (datum is dateTime)
                value = ((dateTime)datum).value;
            else if (datum is @double ||
                     datum is integer ||
                     datum is @long ||
                     datum is unsignedInteger ||
                     datum is unsignedLong)
                Physical physical = new Physical(datum.ToString());
                value = physical.Magnitude.AnyQuantity.NominalValue;
            else if (datum is hexadecimal)
                value = ((hexadecimal)datum).value;
            else if (datum is octal)
                value = ((octal)datum).value;
            else if (datum is @string)
                value = ((@string)datum).Value;

Exemplo n.º 7
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out DatumType obj)
     System.Exception exception;
     return LoadFromFile(fileName, out obj, out exception);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes xml markup from file into an DatumType object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">string xml file to load and deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output DatumType object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this Serializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out DatumType obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(DatumType);
         obj = LoadFromFile(fileName);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static bool Deserialize(string input, out DatumType obj)
     System.Exception exception;
     return Deserialize(input, out obj, out exception);
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes workflow markup into an DatumType object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">string workflow markup to deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output DatumType object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this Serializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool Deserialize(string input, out DatumType obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(DatumType);
         obj = Deserialize(input);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void SetDatumValue(String value, DatumType datum)
            if (datum != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                int iValue;
                long lValue;
                double dValue;
                uint uiValue;
                ulong ulValue;

                if (datum is binary)
                    ((binary) datum).value = value;
                if (datum is boolean)
                    ((boolean) datum).value = value.Equals("1"); // 0 or 1
                if (datum is dateTime)
                    ((dateTime) datum).value = DateTime.Parse(value); //YYYY-MM-DD
                if (datum is @double && double.TryParse(value, out dValue))
                    ((@double) datum).value = dValue;
                if (datum is hexadecimal)
                    ((hexadecimal) datum).value = value; //^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$
                if (datum is integer && int.TryParse(value, out iValue))
                    ((integer) datum).value = iValue;
                if (datum is @long && long.TryParse(value, out lValue))
                    ((@long) datum).value = lValue;
                if (datum is octal)
                    ((octal) datum).value = value; //^[1-7][0-7]*$
                if (datum is @string)
                    ((@string) datum).Value = value;
                if (datum is unsignedInteger && uint.TryParse(value, out uiValue))
                    ((unsignedInteger) datum).value = uiValue;
                if (datum is unsignedLong && ulong.TryParse(value, out ulValue))
                    ((unsignedLong) datum).value = ulValue;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static Object GetNominalDatumValue(DatumType datum)
            Object value = null;

            if (datum is binary)
                value = ((binary)datum).value;
            else if (datum is boolean)
                value = ((boolean)datum).value;
            else if (datum is dateTime)
                value = ((dateTime)datum).value;
            else if (datum is @double
                || datum is integer
                || datum is @long
                || datum is unsignedInteger
                || datum is unsignedLong )
                Physical physical = new Physical(datum.ToString());
                value = physical.Magnitude.AnyQuantity.NominalValue;
            else if (datum is hexadecimal)
                value = ((hexadecimal)datum).value;
            else if (datum is octal)
                value = ((octal)datum).value;
            else if (datum is @string)
                value = ((@string)datum).Value;

            return value;
 private void btnLimit1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Datum.SetDatumValue(edtDatumType.Value, datum);
     datum = edtDatumType.DatumType;
     ControlsToData(); //Load the limit item
     if (_limitControlType == ControlType.SimpleLimit)
         _singleLimit.Item = datum;
         if (cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedValue != null )
             _singleLimit.comparator = (ComparisonOperator)Enum.Parse( typeof (ComparisonOperator),
                                                                      (String) cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedValue);
         var form = new SingleLimitForm(_singleLimit);
         RegisterForm( form );
         form.Closed += delegate(object sndr, EventArgs ee)
             if (ee is FormClosedEventArgs)
                 var f = (Form)sndr;
                 if (DialogResult.OK == f.DialogResult)
                         SingleLimit = form.SingleLimit;
                         if (OnSelectLimit != null)
                         if (LimitChanged != null)
                     catch (Exception err)
                         MessageBox.Show(@"Error: " + err.Message, @"E R R O R");
     else if (_limitControlType == ControlType.ExpectedLimit)
         _expectedLimit.Item = datum;
         _expectedLimit.comparator =
                 Enum.Parse(typeof(EqualityComparisonOperator), (String)cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedValue);
         var form = new ExpectedLimitForm(_expectedLimit);
         RegisterForm( form );
         form.Closed += delegate(object sndr, EventArgs ee)
             if (ee is FormClosedEventArgs)
                 var f = (Form)sndr;
                 if (DialogResult.OK == f.DialogResult)
                         ExpectedLimit = form.LimitExpected;
                     catch (Exception err)
                         MessageBox.Show(@"Error: " + err.Message, @"E R R O R");
Exemplo n.º 14
 private void ControlsToData()
     datum = datumTypeControl.Datum;
Exemplo n.º 15
 private void ControlsToData()
     if (_datum == null)
         _datum = ATMLModelLibrary.model.common.Datum.GetDatumFromType(cmbDatumType);
     _datum = edtDatum.DatumType;
     _datum.ResolutionSpecified = chkResolution.Checked;
     if (chkResolution.Checked)
         _datum.Resolution = Convert.ToDouble(edtResolution.Value);
     _datum.ConfidenceSpecified = chkConfidence.Checked;
     if (chkConfidence.Checked)
         _datum.Confidence = Convert.ToDouble(edtConfidence.Value);
     _datum.nonStandardUnit = edtNonStandardUnit.GetValue<string>();
     _datum.standardUnit = standardUnitControl.StandardUnit;
     _datum.unitQualifier = qualifierComboBox.SelectedItem as String;
     _datum.ErrorLimits = errorLimitControl.Limit;
     _datum.Range = rangeLimitControl.Limit;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static Object GetDatumValue(DatumType datum)
            Object value = null;

            if (datum is binary)
                value = ((binary) datum).value;
            if (datum is boolean)
                value = ((boolean) datum).value;
            if (datum is dateTime)
                value = ((dateTime) datum).value;
            if (datum is @double)
                value = ((@double) datum).value;
            if (datum is hexadecimal)
                value = ((hexadecimal) datum).value;
            if (datum is integer)
                value = ((integer) datum).value;
            if (datum is @long)
                value = ((@long) datum).value;
            if (datum is octal)
                value = ((octal) datum).value;
            if (datum is @string)
                value = ((@string) datum).Value;
            if (datum is unsignedInteger)
                value = ((unsignedInteger) datum).value;
            if (datum is unsignedLong)
                value = ((unsignedLong) datum).value;

            return value;
 private void cmbLimit1Type_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!Initializing)
         datum = Datum.GetDatumFromType(cmbLimitType);
         edtDatumType.DatumType = datum;
         if (LimitChanged != null)
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static void SetDatumType(ComboBox combo, DatumType datum)
     if (datum is binary)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.BINARY;
     if (datum is boolean)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.BOOL;
     if (datum is dateTime)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.DATETIME;
     if (datum is @double)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.DOUBLE;
     if (datum is hexadecimal)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.HEX;
     if (datum is integer)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.INT;
     if (datum is @long)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.LONG;
     if (datum is octal)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.OCT;
     if (datum is @string)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.STRING;
     if (datum is unsignedInteger)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.UINT;
     if (datum is unsignedLong)
         combo.SelectedIndex = (int) DatumTypes.ULONG;
        private void ControlsToData()

            if (datum == null)
                datum = Datum.GetDatumFromType(cmbLimitType);
            //Datum.SetDatumValue(edtLimitValue.GetValue<string>(), datum);
            datum = edtDatumType.DatumType;
            if (datum != null)
                datum.standardUnit = standardUnitControl.StandardUnit;

            if (_limitControlType == ControlType.SimpleLimit)
                _singleLimit.Item = datum;
                if (cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedValue != null)
                    _singleLimit.comparator =
                            Enum.Parse(typeof (ComparisonOperator), (String) cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedValue);
            else if (_limitControlType == ControlType.ExpectedLimit)
                _expectedLimit.Item = datum;
                if (cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedValue != null)
                    _expectedLimit.comparator =
                            Enum.Parse(typeof (EqualityComparisonOperator), (String) cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedValue);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void CopyTo( DatumType copy )
     copy.standardUnit = standardUnit;
     copy.unitQualifier = unitQualifier;
     copy.nonStandardUnit = nonStandardUnit;
     copy.Confidence = Confidence;
     copy.ConfidenceSpecified = ConfidenceSpecified;
     copy.Resolution = Resolution;
     copy.ResolutionSpecified = ResolutionSpecified;
     copy.ErrorLimits = ErrorLimits;
     copy.Range = Range;
        private void DataToControls()
            if (_singleLimit != null || _expectedLimit != null)
                Initializing = true;
                object item = null;
                if (_singleLimit != null && _limitControlType == ControlType.SimpleLimit)
                    cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedIndex =
                        cmbLimitComparitor.FindStringExact(Enum.GetName(typeof (ComparisonOperator),
                    item = _singleLimit.Item;
                else if (_expectedLimit != null && _limitControlType == ControlType.ExpectedLimit )
                    cmbLimitComparitor.SelectedIndex =
                        cmbLimitComparitor.FindStringExact(Enum.GetName(typeof (EqualityComparisonOperator),
                    item = _expectedLimit.Item;

                ShowTextPanel = false;
                if (item is DatumType)
                    datum = item as DatumType;
                    standardUnitControl.StandardUnit = datum.standardUnit;
                    //edtLimitValue.Value = Datum.GetDatumValue(datum);
                    edtDatumType.DatumType = datum;
                    Datum.SetDatumType(cmbLimitType, datum);
                    ShowTextPanel = true;
                    if (item != null)
                        lblText.Text = item.ToString();
                Initializing = false;