Exemplo n.º 1
 public void SaveNewTarget(Target target)
     var srvDao = NinjectKernelFactory.Kernel.Get<ITargetDataAccess>();
     using (var tr = TransactionsFactory.CreateTransactionScope())
         catch (ADOException)
             throw new FaultException<TargetNameAlreadyExistException>(
                 new TargetNameAlreadyExistException
                     MessageError = Dictionary.TARGET_NAME_CONSTRAINT_EXCEPTION_MSG
                 new FaultReason(Dictionary.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_EXCEPTION_REASON));
         catch (StaleObjectStateException)
             throw new FaultException<ConcurrentUpdateException>(
                 new ConcurrentUpdateException {MessageError = Dictionary.TARGET_CONCURRENT_UPDATE_EXCEPTION_MSG},
                 new FaultReason(Dictionary.TARGET_NAME_CONSTRAINT_EXCEPTION_MSG));
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                 new Exception(ex.Message),
                 new FaultReason(Dictionary.UNKNOWN_REASON));
        protected void btnCreateTarget_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsValid)

                /* Get latitude and longtitude from textbox
                 * Issues:
                 *      _ I haven't not validate the case which string is not float format because of time
                 *      => will be fixed using tryparse
                if (txtLat.Text != string.Empty && txtLong.Text != string.Empty)
                    m_latitude = double.Parse(txtLat.Text);
                    m_longtitude = double.Parse(txtLong.Text);

                string targetId;

                if (Request.QueryString["Type"] == Dictionary.CAMPAIGN_TYPE_CHECK_IN_URL)
                    targetId = Dictionary.NA;
                    // Save image target to server - just help debugging, it does not affect system.
                    var fileName = Dictionary.TARGET + m_mission.MissionId + FileUpload_Target.FileName;
                    var filePath = Server.MapPath(Dictionary.PATH_UPLOADED_TARGET + fileName);

                    // Call VWS
                    var callPostNewTarget = new WebClient();
                    var result = callPostNewTarget.DownloadString(new Uri(
                        "http://*****:*****@"""TargetCreated""", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (resultCodeIndex > 0)
                        var resultTargetId = result.IndexOf(@"""target_id""", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        var startIndex = result.IndexOf("\"", resultTargetId + 12, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1;
                        var endIndex = result.IndexOf("\"", startIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal) - 1;
                        targetId = result.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1);

                    // Save target id to ListTarget.txt
                    if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(Dictionary.PATH_LIST_TARGET)))
                        using (var sw = File.CreateText(Server.MapPath(Dictionary.PATH_LIST_TARGET)))
                        using (var sw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath(Dictionary.PATH_LIST_TARGET), true))

                // Save target to database
                var target = new Target
                    Url = targetId,
                    TargetName = txtTargetName.Text,
                    Address = txtAddress.Text,
                    Latitude = m_latitude,
                    Longitude = m_longtitude,
                    FacebookUrl = txtFacebookUrl.Text,
                    YoutubeUrl = txtYoutubeUrl.Text,
                    Mission = m_mission

                // Notes: Will be migrated into helper file

                // Create ArResources
                var arResources = new ArResources();

                // Create ARSM-PicturesGallery
                var commonAttributes = new CommonAttributes();
                var platforms = new Platforms();
                var platform = new Platform();
                var processors = new Processors();

                var uploadedPicturesGallery = FileUpload_PicturesGallery.PostedFiles;

                if (FileUpload_PicturesGallery.HasFiles)
                    // Create Attribute in CommonAttributes
                    foreach (var uploadedPicture in uploadedPicturesGallery)
                        var fileName = "Ar" + m_mission.MissionId + uploadedPicture.FileName;
                        var filePath = Dictionary.PATH_UPLOADED_TARGET + fileName;

                        // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
                        var urip =
                            "ftp://[email protected]/www.ara288.somee.com/Ar_Data/PicturesGallery/";
                        var requestp = (FtpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(urip + fileName);
                        requestp.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
                        // FTP site logon
                        requestp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Authentication.FTP_USER,
                        // Copy the entire contents of the file to the request stream.
                        var sourceStreamp = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath(filePath));
                        var fileContentsp = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceStreamp.ReadToEnd());
                        requestp.ContentLength = fileContentsp.Length;
                        // Upload the file stream to the server.
                        var requestStreamp = requestp.GetRequestStream();
                        requestStreamp.Write(fileContentsp, 0, fileContentsp.Length);
                        // Get the response from the FTP server.
                        var responsep = (FtpWebResponse) requestp.GetResponse();
                        // Close the connection = Happy a FTP server.

                        var attribute = new Attribute
                            Key = Dictionary.AR_KEY_URL,
                            Value = filePath
                        commonAttributes.Attribute = new List<Attribute> {attribute};
                    // Create Platform with Processor in Platforms
                    platform.PlatformId = Dictionary.AR_PLATFORM_ID_ANDROID;
                    processors.Processor = new Processor {ProcessorType = Dictionary.AR_PROCESSOR_TYPE_IMAGE_SWITCHER};
                    platforms.Platform = platform;
                    // Add ArResource to ArResources
                    arResources.ArResource = new List<ArResource>
                        new ArResource
                            CommonAttributes = commonAttributes,
                            ArType = Dictionary.ARSM_PICTURES_GALLERY,
                            Platforms = platforms

                // Create ARSM-Youtube
                commonAttributes = new CommonAttributes();
                platforms = new Platforms();
                platform = new Platform();
                processors = new Processors();

                // Create Attribute in CommonAttributes
                commonAttributes.Attribute = new List<Attribute>
                    new Attribute
                        Key = Dictionary.AR_KEY_URL,
                        Value = txtYoutubeUrl.Text

                // Create Platform with Processor in Platforms
                platform.PlatformId = Dictionary.AR_PLATFORM_ID_ANDROID;
                processors.Processor = new Processor {ProcessorType = Dictionary.AR_PROCESSOR_TYPE_YOUTUBE};
                platforms.Platform = platform;

                // Add ArResource to ArResources
                arResources.ArResource.Add(new ArResource
                    CommonAttributes = commonAttributes,
                    ArType = Dictionary.ARSM_YOUTUBE,
                    Platforms = platforms

                // Create ARSM-Facebook
                commonAttributes = new CommonAttributes();
                platforms = new Platforms();
                platform = new Platform();
                processors = new Processors();

                // Create Attribute in CommonAttributes
                commonAttributes.Attribute = new List<Attribute>
                    new Attribute
                        Key = Dictionary.AR_KEY_URL,
                        Value = txtFacebookUrl.Text

                // Create Platform with Processor in Platforms
                platform.PlatformId = Dictionary.AR_PLATFORM_ID_ANDROID;
                processors.Processor = new Processor {ProcessorType = Dictionary.AR_PROCESSOR_TYPE_FACEBOOK};
                platforms.Platform = platform;

                // Add ArResource to ArResources
                arResources.ArResource.Add(new ArResource
                    CommonAttributes = commonAttributes,
                    ArType = Dictionary.ARSM_FACEBOOK,
                    Platforms = platforms

                // Create ARSM-Text
                commonAttributes = new CommonAttributes();
                platforms = new Platforms();
                platform = new Platform();
                processors = new Processors();

                // Create Attribute in CommonAttributes
                commonAttributes.Attribute = new List<Attribute>
                    new Attribute
                        Key = Dictionary.AR_KEY_NAME,
                        Value = txtArName.Text
                    new Attribute
                        Key = Dictionary.AR_KEY_DIRECTOR,
                        Value = txtDirector.Text
                    new Attribute
                        Key = Dictionary.AR_KEY_ACTOR,
                        Value = txtActor.Text
                    new Attribute
                        Key = Dictionary.AR_KEY_DESCRIPTION,
                        Value = txtDescription.Text

                // Create Platform with Processor in Platforms
                platform.PlatformId = Dictionary.AR_PLATFORM_ID_ANDROID;
                processors.Processor = new Processor {ProcessorType = Dictionary.AR_PROCESSOR_TYPE_TEXTVIEW};
                platforms.Platform = platform;

                // Add ArResource to ArResources
                arResources.ArResource.Add(new ArResource
                    CommonAttributes = commonAttributes,
                    ArType = Dictionary.ARSM_TEXT,
                    Platforms = platforms
                var rootObject = new RootObject {ArResources = arResources};

                // Save JSON to server
                var arResourcesJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rootObject);
                var jsonPath = Dictionary.PATH_UPLOADED_TARGET + target.Url + ".json";
                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute - Added by PhucLS
                File.WriteAllText(Server.MapPath(jsonPath), arResourcesJson);

                // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
                string uri = "ftp://[email protected]/www.ara288.somee.com/Ar_Data/Json/";
                var request = (FtpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(uri + target.Url + ".json");
                request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
                // FTP site logon
                request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Authentication.FTP_USER, Authentication.FTP_PASSWORD);
                // Copy the entire contents of the file to the request stream.
                var sourceStream = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath(jsonPath));
                var fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceStream.ReadToEnd());
                request.ContentLength = fileContents.Length;
                // Upload the file stream to the server.
                var requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                requestStream.Write(fileContents, 0, fileContents.Length);
                // Get the response from the FTP server.
                var response = (FtpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
                // Close the connection = Happy a FTP server.

                // Save new target
            catch (FaultException<TargetNameAlreadyExistException> ex)
                lblMessage.Text = ex.Detail.MessageError;
            catch (FaultException<MissionAlreadyDeletedException> ex)
                lblMessage.Text = ex.Detail.MessageError;