Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddObjectToObjectCollectionOrLink(ApiObject obj, string key, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> otherObjects)
            if (obj == null || (!obj.Properties.Any() && obj.Type == null))

            if (schemaObjects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name) && objects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name) && otherObjects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name))
                objects.Add(key, obj);
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(obj, objects, key, otherObjects, schemaObjects))
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.GeneratedCode) && !linkKeysWithObjectNames.ContainsKey(key))
                        linkKeysWithObjectNames.Add(key, obj.Name);
                else if (!objects.ContainsKey(key))
                    obj.Name = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(objects, obj.Name, schemaObjects, schemaObjects);
                    objects.Add(key, obj);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void AddElement(KeyValuePair <string, ApiObject> newElement, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects)
            if (objects.ContainsKey(newElement.Key))
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(objects[newElement.Key], objects, newElement.Key,
                                                       new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>(), new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>()))

                var apiObject = objects[newElement.Key];
                var oldName   = apiObject.Name;
                apiObject.Name = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(objects, apiObject.Name, new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>(), new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>());
                var newKey = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueKey(objects, newElement.Key, new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>());
                objects.Add(newKey, apiObject);
                objects.Remove(objects.First(o => o.Key == newElement.Key));
                foreach (var apiObj in objects)
                    foreach (var prop in apiObj.Value.Properties)
                        if (prop.Type == oldName)
                            prop.Type = apiObject.Name;
            objects.Add(newElement.Key, newElement.Value);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void AddElement(KeyValuePair <string, ApiObject> newElement, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects)
            if (objects.ContainsKey(newElement.Key))

            if (objects.Values.Any(o => o.Name == newElement.Value.Name))
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(newElement.Value, objects, newElement.Key, emptyDic, emptyDic))

                newElement = HandleDuplicatedObjectName(newElement, objects);

            objects.Add(newElement.Key, newElement.Value);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> > ParseObject(Guid id, string key, Shape shape,
                                                                                                                                IDictionary <string, ApiObject> existingObjects, bool isRootType)
            if (AlreadyExists(existingObjects, existingEnums, shape.Id))
                return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> >
                           (newObjects, newEnums, new Dictionary <Guid, string>()));

            // if is array of scalar or array of object there's no new object, except when is a root type
            if (!isRootType && shape is ArrayShape array && (array.Items is ScalarShape || array.Items is AnyShape))
                return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> >
                           (newObjects, newEnums, new Dictionary <Guid, string>()));

            var linkedType = new Dictionary <Guid, string>();

            var apiObj = new ApiObject
                Id          = id,
                AmfId       = shape.Id,
                BaseClass   = GetBaseClass(shape),
                IsArray     = shape is ArrayShape,
                IsScalar    = shape is ScalarShape,
                IsUnionType = shape is UnionShape,
                Name        = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                Type        = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                Description = shape.Description,
                Example     = MapExample(shape)

            if (isRootType && apiObj.IsScalar)
                apiObj.Type = NewNetTypeMapper.GetNetType(shape, existingObjects);

            if (isRootType && apiObj.IsArray && shape is ArrayShape arrShape)
                var itemShape = arrShape.Items;
                if (itemShape is NodeShape)
                    var itemId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    ParseObject(itemId, itemShape.Name, itemShape, existingObjects, false);

                    apiObj.Type = NewNetTypeMapper.GetNetType(shape, existingObjects);
                    //if (newObjects.ContainsKey(itemShape.Id))
                    //    apiObj.Type = CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(newObjects[itemShape.Id].Type);
                    //else if(existingObjects.ContainsKey(itemShape.Id))
                    //    apiObj.Type = CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(existingObjects[itemShape.Id].Type);
                    apiObj.Type = NewNetTypeMapper.GetNetType(shape, existingObjects);

            if (shape is NodeShape node && node.Properties.Count() == 1 && node.Properties.First().Path != null && node.Properties.First().Path.StartsWith("/") &&
                apiObj.IsMap = true;
                var valueType = "object";
                if (node.Properties.First().Range != null)
                    valueType = NewNetTypeMapper.GetNetType(node.Properties.First().Range, existingObjects);

                apiObj.Type = $"Dictionary<string, {valueType}>";
                AddNewObject(shape, apiObj);
                return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> >(newObjects, newEnums, linkedType));

            apiObj.Properties = MapProperties(shape, apiObj.Name).ToList();

            ApiObject match = null;

            if (existingObjects.Values.Any(o => o.Name == apiObj.Name) || newObjects.Values.Any(o => o.Name == apiObj.Name))
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(apiObj, existingObjects, key, newObjects, emptyDic))
                    return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> >(newObjects, newEnums, linkedType));

                match = HandleNameDuplication(id, apiObj, key, linkedType);

            if (existingObjects.Values.Any(o => o.Type == apiObj.Type) || newObjects.Values.Any(o => o.Type == apiObj.Type))
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(apiObj, existingObjects, key, newObjects, emptyDic))
                    return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> >(newObjects, newEnums, linkedType));

                match = HandleTypeDuplication(id, apiObj, key, linkedType);

            if (match != null)
                return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> >(newObjects, newEnums, linkedType));

            //if (match == null)
            //    match = UniquenessHelper.FirstOrDefaultWithSameProperties(apiObj, existingObjects, key, newObjects, emptyDic);
            //    if (match != null)
            //    {
            //        if (!linkedType.ContainsKey(id))
            //            linkedType.Add(id, match.Type);
            //    }

            if (shape.Inherits != null && shape.Inherits.Count() == 1)
                var baseClass = NewNetTypeMapper.GetNetType(shape.Inherits.First(), existingObjects, newObjects, existingEnums, newEnums);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseClass))
                    apiObj.BaseClass = CollectionTypeHelper.GetConcreteType(baseClass);

            AddNewObject(shape, apiObj);

            return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum>, IDictionary <Guid, string> >(newObjects, newEnums, linkedType));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum> > ParseObject(string key, Shape shape,
                                                                                                    IDictionary <string, ApiObject> existingObjects, bool isRootType)
            var apiObj = new ApiObject
                BaseClass   = GetBaseClass(shape),
                IsArray     = shape is ArrayShape,
                IsScalar    = shape is ScalarShape,
                IsUnionType = shape is UnionShape,
                Name        = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                Type        = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                Description = shape.Description,
                Example     = MapExample(shape)

            if (isRootType && (apiObj.IsArray || apiObj.IsScalar))
                apiObj.Type = NewNetTypeMapper.GetNetType(shape, existingObjects);

            if (shape is NodeShape node && node.Properties.Count() == 1 && node.Properties.First().Path.StartsWith("/") &&
                apiObj.IsMap = true;
                var valueType = "object";
                if (node.Properties.First().Range != null)
                    valueType = NewNetTypeMapper.GetNetType(node.Properties.First().Range, existingObjects);

                apiObj.Type = $"Dictionary<string, {valueType}>";
                new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum> >(newObjects, newEnums);

            apiObj.Properties = MapProperties(shape, apiObj.Name).ToList();

            if (existingObjects.Values.Any(o => o.Name == apiObj.Name))
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(apiObj, existingObjects, key, new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>(), new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>()))
                    return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum> >(newObjects, newEnums));

                apiObj.Name = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(existingObjects, apiObj.Name, new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>(), new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>());
                foreach (var prop in apiObj.Properties)
                    prop.ParentClassName = apiObj.Name;
            if (existingObjects.Values.Any(o => o.Type == apiObj.Type))
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(apiObj, existingObjects, key, new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>(), new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>()))
                    return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum> >(newObjects, newEnums));

                apiObj.Type = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(existingObjects, apiObj.Type, new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>(), new Dictionary <string, ApiObject>());

            if (!newObjects.ContainsKey(apiObj.Type))
                newObjects.Add(apiObj.Type, apiObj);

            return(new Tuple <IDictionary <string, ApiObject>, IDictionary <string, ApiEnum> >(newObjects, newEnums));