Exemplo n.º 1
        public double getDistance()
            // Retrieve the environment
            Environment env         = Environment.Instance;
            double      maxDistance = -1;

            // Create the range segment
            this.range    = new Segment();
            range.Start.X = env.AgentPosition.X;
            range.Start.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y;
            range.End.X   = env.AgentPosition.X;
            range.End.Y   = env.AgentPosition.Y + length;
            range         = range.Rotate(env.AgentAngle + angleOffset);

            // Go through the list of segments, not neat O(n) but execution
            // fast enough for this simulation purpose
            foreach (Segment s in env.Segments)
                Point p;
                if ((p = range.Intersects(s)) != null)
                    double v = p.Distance(range.Start);
                    if (v < maxDistance || maxDistance == -1)
                        maxDistance = v;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public double getDistance()
            // Retrieve the environment
            Environment env = Environment.Instance;
            double maxDistance = -1;

            // Create the range segment
            this.range = new Segment();
            range.Start.X = env.AgentPosition.X;
            range.Start.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y;
            range.End.X = env.AgentPosition.X;
            range.End.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y + length;
            range = range.Rotate(env.AgentAngle + angleOffset);

            // Go through the list of segments, not neat O(n) but execution
            // fast enough for this simulation purpose
            foreach (Segment s in env.Segments)
                Point p;
                if ((p = range.Intersects(s)) != null)
                    double v = p.Distance(range.Start);
                    if (v < maxDistance || maxDistance == -1)
                        maxDistance = v;

            return maxDistance;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void straight(int speed)
            Environment env = Environment.Instance;

            Segment nextPos = new Segment();
            nextPos.Start.X = env.AgentPosition.X;
            nextPos.Start.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y;
            nextPos.End.X = env.AgentPosition.X;
            //nextPos.End.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y + (longDistance > 0 ? Math.Min(longDistance, 1) : 1);
            nextPos.End.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y + 1;
            nextPos = nextPos.Rotate(env.AgentAngle);

            env.AgentPosition = nextPos.End;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void straight(int speed)
            Environment env = Environment.Instance;

            Segment nextPos = new Segment();

            nextPos.Start.X = env.AgentPosition.X;
            nextPos.Start.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y;
            nextPos.End.X   = env.AgentPosition.X;
            //nextPos.End.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y + (longDistance > 0 ? Math.Min(longDistance, 1) : 1);
            nextPos.End.Y = env.AgentPosition.Y + 1;
            nextPos       = nextPos.Rotate(env.AgentAngle);

            env.AgentPosition = nextPos.End;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Point CurrentPosition(double distance, double angle)
            Point p;

            if (previous == null)
                p = new Point(distance, 0);
                // Touched a wall
                Segment s = new Segment();
                s.Start  = previous.Coord;
                s.End    = s.Start;
                s.End.X += distance;
                p        = new Point(s.Rotate(angle).End);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public Point CurrentPosition(double distance, double angle)
            Point p;
            if (previous == null)
                p = new Point(distance, 0);
                // Touched a wall
                Segment s = new Segment();
                s.Start = previous.Coord;
                s.End = s.Start;
                s.End.X += distance;
                p = new Point(s.Rotate(angle).End);

            return p;