Exemplo n.º 1
        public void treasureDetection()
            Object3D tempTreasure = findClosestTreasure(this.stage.getTreasure);
            float    distance     = Vector3.Distance(tempTreasure.Translation, this.agentObject.Translation);

            if (distance < (tempTreasure.ObjectBoundingSphereRadius + detectionRadius))
                NavNode closestNode  = this.stage.graph.findClosestNavNodeInGraph(this.agentObject.Translation);
                NavNode treasureNode = this.stage.graph.getNavNode((int)tempTreasure.Translation.X, (int)tempTreasure.Translation.Z);

                Path aStarPath = new Path(this.stage, this.stage.graph.aStarPathFinding(closestNode, treasureNode), Path.PathType.SINGLE);

                path = aStarPath;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Algorithm to find the nearest treasure
        /// and returns an Object3D
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">treasure</param>
        public Object3D findClosestTreasure(Treasure t)
            int nTreasures = t.Instance.Count;
            int closest    = 0;

            float [] distances = new float[nTreasures];
            for (int i = 1; i < nTreasures; i++)
                if (Vector3.Distance(this.agentObject.Translation, t.Instance[i].Translation) < Vector3.Distance(this.agentObject.Translation, t.Instance[closest].Translation))
                    closest = i;
            treasureTargetObject = t.Instance[closest];
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Vector3 getCohesionVector(Object3D dog)
            // gets the distance between the passed dog and leader
            float distance             = Vector3.Distance(dog.Translation, leader.Translation);
            float cohesionBoundingArea = 2000.0f;

            // checks distance is greater than the cohesion bounding area if so adjust cohesion vector
            if (distance > cohesionBoundingArea)
                Vector3 dogPosition    = new Vector3(dog.Translation.X, 0, dog.Translation.Z);
                Vector3 leaderPosition = new Vector3(leader.Translation.X, 0, leader.Translation.Z);
                Vector3 cohesionVector = leaderPosition - dogPosition;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the cohesion force by looking at the leader and dogs distance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The cohesion.</returns>
        /// <param name="obj">Object.</param>
        public Vector3 calcCohesion(Object3D obj)
            float   dist = Vector3.Distance(obj.Translation, leader.Translation);
            Vector3 objLoc, leaderLoc, toLeader;

            if (dist > 3000.0f)
                objLoc    = new Vector3(obj.Translation.X, 0, obj.Translation.Z);
                leaderLoc = new Vector3(leader.Translation.X, 0, leader.Translation.Z);
                toLeader  = leaderLoc - objLoc;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void packing(Object3D dog)
            Vector3 alignmentVector  = getAlignmentVector(dog);
            Vector3 cohesionVector   = getCohesionVector(dog);
            Vector3 separationVector = getSeparationVector(dog);
            Vector3 dogForward       = dog.Forward;
            Vector3 flockingVector   = alignmentVector + cohesionVector + separationVector;
            float   angle            = (float)(Math.PI / 180);

            dog.Yaw = 0.0f;


            if (flockingVector == Vector3.Zero)

            if (Vector3.Distance(dogForward, flockingVector) <= 0.01)

            if (Vector3.Distance(Vector3.Negate(dogForward), flockingVector) <= 0.01)
                dogForward.X += 0.05f;
                dogForward.Z += 0.05f;

            // gets the axis of rotation
            Vector3 AoR = Vector3.Cross(dogForward, flockingVector);


            if (AoR.X + AoR.Y + AoR.Z < 0)
                angle = -angle;

            dog.Yaw += angle;
Exemplo n.º 6
/// <summary>
/// Construct a pack with an Object3D leader
/// </summary>
/// <param name="theStage"> the scene </param>
/// <param name="label"> name of pack</param>
/// <param name="meshFile"> model of a pack instance</param>
/// <param name="xPos, zPos">  approximate position of the pack </param>
/// <param name="aLeader"> alpha dog can be used for flock center and alignment </param>
        public Pack(Stage theStage, string label, string meshFile, int nDogs, int xPos, int zPos, Object3D theLeader)
            : base(theStage, label, meshFile)
            isCollidable = true;
            random       = new Random();
            leader       = theLeader;
            int spacing = stage.Spacing;

            // initial vertex offset of dogs around (xPos, zPos)
            int [,] position = { { 0, 0 }, { 7, -4 }, { -5, -2 }, { -7, 4 }, { 5, 2 } };
            for (int i = 0; i < position.GetLength(0); i++)
                int   x     = xPos + position[i, 0];
                int   z     = zPos + position[i, 1];
                float scale = (float)(0.5 + random.NextDouble());
                addObject(new Vector3(x * spacing, stage.surfaceHeight(x, z), z * spacing),
                          new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0f,
                          new Vector3(scale, scale, scale));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void freeRoam(Object3D dog)
            float angle = 0.3f;

            foreach (Object3D obj in instance)
                obj.Yaw = 0.0f;
                // change direction 4 time a second  0.07 = 4/60
                if (random.NextDouble() < 0.07)
                    if (random.NextDouble() < 0.5)
                        dog.Yaw -= angle; // turn left
                        dog.Yaw += angle; // turn right
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the Object3D's height value to the corresponding surface position's height.
        /// (Added by David Kopp) If lerp is enabled then the all MoveableModel3D will get
        /// height by linear interpolation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anObject3D"> has  Translation.X and Translation.Y values</param>
        public void setSurfaceHeight(Object3D anObject3D)
            if (LerpFlag)               // check for lerp is enabled - by David Kopp
                float xY, zY, dX, dZ;
                int   x, z;
                x = (int)(anObject3D.Translation.X / spacing);                                                                     // Get indices for 2d array - by David Kopp
                z = (int)(anObject3D.Translation.Z / spacing);                                                                     // Get indices for 2d array - by David Kopp

                Vector3 A    = new Vector3(x * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(x, z), z * spacing);                                 // Vertex A of the square the object is on - by David Kopp
                Vector3 B    = new Vector3((x * spacing) + spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(x + 1, z), z * spacing);                 // Vertex B of the square the object is on - by David Kopp
                Vector3 C    = new Vector3(x * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(x, z + 1), (z * spacing) + spacing);                 // Vertex C of the square the object is on - by David Kopp
                Vector3 D    = new Vector3((x * spacing) + spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(x + 1, z + 1), (z * spacing) + spacing); // Vertex D of the square the object is on - by David Kopp
                Vector3 aPos = anObject3D.Translation;

                dX = aPos.X - C.X; // x difference away from vertex C - by David Kopp
                dZ = C.Z - aPos.Z; // z difference away from vertex C - by David Kopp

                if (dX < dZ)       // In the top triangle - by David Kopp
                    xY = Vector3.Lerp(A, B, ((float)(aPos.X - A.X)) / spacing).Y - A.Y;
                    zY = Vector3.Lerp(A, C, ((float)(aPos.Z - A.Z)) / spacing).Y - A.Y;
                else                     // In the bottom triangle - by David Kopp
                    xY = Vector3.Lerp(C, D, ((float)(aPos.X - C.X)) / spacing).Y - C.Y;
                    zY = Vector3.Lerp(B, D, ((float)(aPos.Z - B.Z)) / spacing).Y - B.Y;
                aPos.Y = A.Y + xY + zY;                  // Lerp approximate of the objects height at current location - by David Kopp
                anObject3D.Translation = aPos;
                float terrainHeight = terrain.surfaceHeight(
                    (int)(anObject3D.Translation.X / spacing),
                    (int)(anObject3D.Translation.Z / spacing));
                anObject3D.Translation = new Vector3(anObject3D.Translation.X, terrainHeight,
                                                     anObject3D.Translation.Z); // Set the objects vector to a vector containing the height from lerp approximation - by David Kopp
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Camera(Stage aScene, Object3D anAgentObject, CameraEnum cameraType)
     scene      = aScene;
     agent      = anAgentObject;
     cameraCase = cameraType;