Manipulation of Lego Mindstorms NXT device.

The class allows to manipulate with Lego Mindstorms NXT device, setting/getting its motors' state, getting information about sensors' values and retrieving generic information about the NXT brick.

Only communication through Bluetooth (virtual serial port) is supported at this point.

Sample usage:

// create an instance of NXT brick NXTBrick nxt = new NXTBrick( ); // connect to the device if ( nxt.Connect( "COM8" ) ) { // run motor A NXTBrick.MotorState motorState = new NXTBrick.MotorState( ); motorState.Power = 70; motorState.TurnRatio = 50; motorState.Mode = NXTBrick.MotorMode.On; motorState.Regulation = NXTBrick.MotorRegulationMode.Idle; motorState.RunState = NXTBrick.MotorRunState.Running; motorState.TachoLimit = 1000; nxt.SetMotorState( NXTBrick.Motor.A, motorState ); // get input value from the first sensor NXTBrick.SensorValues sensorValues; if ( nxt.GetSensorValue( NXTBrick.Sensor.First, out sensorValues ) ) { // ... } // ... }
Exemplo n.º 1
        public static nxt_result motor_off(NXTBrick.Motor motor)
            nxt_result result = new nxt_result();

            NXTBrick.MotorState motorState = new NXTBrick.MotorState();

            // prepare motor's state to set
            motorState.Power = (sbyte)0;
            motorState.TurnRatio = (sbyte)0;
            motorState.Mode = NXTBrick.MotorMode.None;
            motorState.Regulation = NXTBrick.MotorRegulationMode.Speed;
            motorState.RunState = NXTBrick.MotorRunState.Idle;
            // tacho limit
            motorState.TachoLimit = 0;

            // set motor's state
            if (nxt.SetMotorState(motor, motorState) != true)
                IrcBot.log += "Failed setting motor state\n";
                result.result = false;
                result.value = "Failed";
                return result;
            result.result = true;
            result.value = "succed";

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static nxt_result motor_degree(NXTBrick.Motor motor, int degree)
            nxt_result result = new nxt_result();
            NXTBrick.MotorState motorState = new NXTBrick.MotorState();
            if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.A)
                // prepare motor's state to set
                motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[0];
                motorState.TurnRatio = (sbyte)speed_motors[0];
            if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.B)
                // prepare motor's state to set
                motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[1];
                motorState.TurnRatio = (sbyte)speed_motors[1];
            if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.C)
                // prepare motor's state to set
                motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[2];
                motorState.TurnRatio = (sbyte)speed_motors[2];
            // TODO If al motor's on handel correct speed
            if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.All)
                // prepare motor's state to set
                motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[0];
                motorState.TurnRatio = (sbyte)speed_motors[0];
            motorState.Mode = NXTBrick.MotorMode.On;
            motorState.Regulation = NXTBrick.MotorRegulationMode.Speed;
            motorState.RunState = NXTBrick.MotorRunState.Running;
            // tacho limit

            motorState.TachoLimit = degree;

            // set motor's state
            if (nxt.SetMotorState(motor, motorState) != true)
                IrcBot.log += "Failed setting motor state\n";
                result.result = false;
                result.value = "Failed";
                return result;
            result.result = true;
            result.value = "succed";
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * This will set the motor on
  * @param motor type NXTBrick.Motor
  * @return nxt_result
 public static nxt_result motor_on(NXTBrick.Motor motor, int degrees, int number)
     //Debug.WriteLine("Set motor on");
     nxt_result result = new nxt_result();
     NXTBrick.MotorState motorState = new NXTBrick.MotorState();
     if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.A)
         // prepare motor's state to set
         motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[0];
         motorState.TurnRatio = 50;
     if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.B)
         // prepare motor's state to set
         motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[1];
         motorState.TurnRatio = 50;
     if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.C)
         // prepare motor's state to set
         motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[2];
         motorState.TurnRatio = 50;
     // TODO If al motor's on handel correct speed
     if (motor == NXTBrick.Motor.All)
         // prepare motor's state to set
         motorState.Power = (sbyte)speed_motors[0];
         motorState.TurnRatio = 50;
     motorState.Mode = NXTBrick.MotorMode.On;
         motorState.Regulation = NXTBrick.MotorRegulationMode.Idle;
     motorState.RunState = NXTBrick.MotorRunState.Running;
     motorState.RotationCount = 0;
     // tacho limit
     motorState.TachoCount = 0;
     if (motorState.Power < 0)
         motorState.TachoLimit = -degrees;
         motorState.TachoLimit = degrees;
     // set motor's state
     if (nxt.SetMotorState(motor, motorState) != true)
         IrcBot.log += "Failed setting motor state\n";
         result.result = false;
         result.value = "Failed";
         return result;
     result.result = true;
     result.value = "succed";
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Read data from HiTechnic acceleration/tilt sensor. The HiTechnic accelerometer/tilt sensor measures acceleration in 
        /// three axes. It measures also tilt along each axis. Using the sensor, you can measure the acceleration of your robot in the range
        /// of -2g to 2g.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="xAceeleration">Acceleration in X direction, with a scaling of approximately 200 counts per g.</param>
        /// <param name="yAceeleration">Acceleration in Y direction, with a scaling of approximately 200 counts per g.</param>
        /// <param name="zAceeleration">Acceleration in Z direction, with a scaling of approximately 200 counts per g.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <b>true</b> if the command was sent successfully and reply was
        /// received, otherwise <b>false</b>.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method retrieves the acceleration in three directions of a
        /// <a href=""> HiTechnic acceleration/tilt sensor</a> by
        /// communicating with I2C device (writing to and reading from low speed bus).
        /// The method first sends { 0x02, 0x42 } command to the specified device using
        /// <see cref="LsWrite( Sensor, byte[], int )"/> method. Then it waits until there is something available
        /// to read using <see cref="LsGetStatus"/> method. Finally it reads sensor's value
        /// using <see cref="LsRead"/> device. See
        /// <a href="">this page</a>
        /// for details.</para>
        /// <para><note>Before using this method it is required to use
        /// <see cref="SetSensorMode( Sensor, SensorType, SensorMode, bool )"/> method to set sensor's type to
        /// <see cref="SensorType.Lowspeed"/> mode. It should be done
        /// once after NXT brick is powered onq If sensor's type is not set properly,
        /// the method will generate an exception. Also after setting sensor's
        /// type application may need to wait a bit to give device some time
        /// to initialize.</note></para>
        /// <para>The acceleration sensor can also be used to measure tilt in three axes This is possible because gravity is perceived
        /// as acceleration. When the sensor is stationary and in the normal horizontal position, the x and y axis will be near 
        /// zero, because they are horizontal, while the z axis will be near 200, which represents g. If you tilt the sensor then 
        /// gravity will also be detected on the other axis and the value for the z axis will go down. Since gravity is distributed
        /// among the three component vectors, the tilt of the sensor can be determined.</para>
        /// <para><note>NXT Firmware version 1.05 or later must be loaded in the NXT for the acceleration/tilt sensor and other digital I2C
        /// sensors to operate correctly. You can check the firmware version using the <see cref="GetVersion"/> method.</note></para>
        /// </remarks>
        public bool ReadHiTechnicAccelerationTiltSensor( NXTBrick.Sensor sensor, ref int xAceeleration, ref int yAceeleration, ref int zAceeleration )
            byte[] command = { 0x02, 0x42 };
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[6];

            int intReady;
            int bytesRead;

            LsWrite( sensor, command, readBuffer.Length );
            LsGetStatus( sensor, out intReady );
            LsRead( sensor, readBuffer, out bytesRead );

            if ( bytesRead == readBuffer.Length )
                xAceeleration = readBuffer[0] > 127 ? ( readBuffer[0] - 256 ) * 4 + readBuffer[3] : readBuffer[0] * 4 + readBuffer[3];
                yAceeleration = readBuffer[1] > 127 ? ( readBuffer[1] - 256 ) * 4 + readBuffer[4] : readBuffer[1] * 4 + readBuffer[4];
                zAceeleration = readBuffer[2] > 127 ? ( readBuffer[2] - 256 ) * 4 + readBuffer[5] : readBuffer[2] * 4 + readBuffer[5];

                return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Read data from HiTechnic compass sensor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="angle">The magnetic heading, [0, 359] degrees.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <b>true</b> if the command was sent successfully and reply was
        /// received, otherwise <b>false</b>.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method retrieves the angle of a <a href="">
        /// HiTechnic compass sensor</a> by
        /// communicating with I2C device (writing to and reading from low speed bus).
        /// The method first sends { 0x02, 0x42 } command to the specified device using
        /// <see cref="LsWrite( Sensor, byte[], int )"/> method. Then it waits until there is something available
        /// to read using <see cref="LsGetStatus"/> method. Finally it reads sensor's value
        /// using <see cref="LsRead"/> device. See
        /// <a href="">this page</a>
        /// for details.</para>
        /// <para><note>Before using this method it is required to use
        /// <see cref="SetSensorMode( Sensor, SensorType, SensorMode, bool )"/> method to set sensor's type to
        /// <see cref="SensorType.Lowspeed"/> mode. It should be done
        /// once after NXT brick is powered on. If sensor's type is not set properly,
        /// the method will generate an exception. Also after setting sensor's
        /// type application may need to wait a bit to give device some time
        /// to initialize.</note></para>
        /// <para><note>The HiTechnic compass sensor will only operate correctly in a horizontal plane so you must keep the compass
        /// level for it to read correctly. This is very important so remember this when you build it into your robot.
        /// It is highly desirable to mount the compass at least 6 inches (15cm) away from the motors and 4 inches (10cm) away from the NXT brick
        /// itself. Try to make sure it is firmly mounted, if it bounces around, the readings may bounce around too.
        /// </note></para>
        /// <para><note>NXT Firmware version 1.03 must be loaded in the NXT for the compass to operate correctly. You can check the firmware version
        /// using the <see cref="GetVersion"/> method.</note></para>
        /// </remarks>
        public bool ReadHiTechnicCompassSensor( NXTBrick.Sensor sensor, ref int angle )
            byte[] command = { 0x02, 0x42 };
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2];

            int bytesReady;
            int bytesRead;

            LsWrite( sensor, command, readBuffer.Length );
            LsGetStatus( sensor, out bytesReady );
            LsRead( sensor, readBuffer, out bytesRead );

            if ( bytesRead == readBuffer.Length )
                angle = ( readBuffer[0] * 2 ) + readBuffer[1];
                return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Read data from HiTechnic color sensor (also color sensor v2).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensor">Sensor to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="colorNumber"><a href="">Found color number.</a></param>
        /// <param name="redValue">Found red value.</param>
        /// <param name="greenValue">Found green value.</param>
        /// <param name="blueValue">Found blue value.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <b>true</b> if the command was sent successfully and reply was
        /// received, otherwise <b>false</b>.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method retrieves the color valuse of a <a href="">HiTechnic color sensor</a>
        /// by communicating with I2C device (writing to and reading from low speed bus).
        /// The method first sends { 0x02, 0x42 } command to the specified device using
        /// <see cref="LsWrite( Sensor, byte[], int )"/> method. Then it waits until there is something available
        /// to read using <see cref="LsGetStatus"/> method. Finally it reads sensor's value
        /// using <see cref="LsRead"/> device. See
        /// <a href="">this page</a>
        /// for details.</para>
        /// <para><note>Before using this method it is required to use
        /// <see cref="SetSensorMode( Sensor, SensorType, SensorMode, bool )"/> method to set sensor's type to
        /// <see cref="SensorType.Lowspeed"/> mode. It should be done
        /// once after NXT brick is powered on. If sensor's type is not set properly,
        /// the method will generate an exception. Also after setting sensor's
        /// type application may need to wait a bit to give device some time
        /// to initialize.</note></para>
        /// <para><note>NXT Firmware version 1.24 must be loaded in the NXT for the HiTechnic color sensor to operate correctly.
        /// You can check the firmware version using the <see cref="GetVersion"/> method.</note></para>
        /// <para><note>The color sensor V2 must be configured to match the mains electricity frequency for your
        /// country. Details on how to configure the Color Sensor V2 can be found at
        /// <a href=""></a></note></para>
        /// </remarks>
        public bool ReadHiTechnicColorSensor( NXTBrick.Sensor sensor, ref int colorNumber, ref int redValue, ref int greenValue, ref int blueValue )
            byte[] command = { 0x02, 0x42 };
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4];

            int bytesReady;
            int bytesRead;

            LsWrite( sensor, command, readBuffer.Length );
            LsGetStatus( sensor, out bytesReady );
            LsRead( sensor, readBuffer, out bytesRead );

            if ( bytesRead == readBuffer.Length )
                colorNumber = readBuffer[0];
                redValue    = readBuffer[1];
                greenValue  = readBuffer[2];
                blueValue   = readBuffer[3];
                return true;

            return false;