private void listBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            Menu   = window.ReadInInventory();
            pizza  = window.ReadInPizza();
            burger = window.ReadInBurger();
            sundry = window.ReadInsundry();
            int PizzaLines  = pizza.PizzaLineReader();
            int BurgerLines = burger.BurgerLineReader();
            int SundryLines = sundry.SundryLineReader();

            if (listBox.SelectedItem == null)

                ListBoxItem SelItem    = listBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem;
                string      item       = SelItem.Content.ToString();
                int         NumOfLines = Menu.LineCheck("inventory.txt");
                string[]    SplitList  = new string[4];
                SplitList    = item.Split(',');
                textBox.Text = SplitList[3];
                double FoodCost;
                double TotalCost = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < PizzaLines; i++)
                    if (SplitList[0] == pizza.PizzaName[i])
                        if (SplitList[1] == " " + pizza.PizzaType[i] && SplitList[2] == " " + pizza.PizzaSize[i])

                            for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == " dough")
                                    FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * pizza.PDoughQuantity[i]);
                                    TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                    listBox1.Items.Add(pizza.PizzaDough[i] + ", " + pizza.PDoughQuantity[i].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));

                                if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == " sauce")
                                    FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * pizza.PSauceQuantity[i]);
                                    TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                    listBox1.Items.Add(pizza.PizzaSauce[i] + ", " + pizza.PSauceQuantity[i].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));

                                if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == " mozzarella")
                                    FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * pizza.PCheseCostQuantity[i]);
                                    TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                    listBox1.Items.Add(pizza.PizzaCheese[i] + ", " + pizza.PCheseCostQuantity[i].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));
                            if (i > 2)
                                for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                    if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == pizza.Topping1[i - 3])
                                        FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * pizza.Topping1Quantity[i - 3]);
                                        TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                        listBox1.Items.Add(pizza.Topping1[i - 3] + ", " + pizza.Topping1Quantity[i - 3].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));
                            if (i > 5)
                                for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                    if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == pizza.Topping2[i - 6])
                                        FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * pizza.Topping2Quantity[i - 6]);
                                        TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                        listBox1.Items.Add(pizza.Topping2[i - 6] + ", " + pizza.Topping2Quantity[i - 6].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));

                            if (i > 8)
                                for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                    if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == pizza.Topping3[i - 9])
                                        FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * pizza.Topping3Quantity[i - 9]);
                                        TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                        listBox1.Items.Add(pizza.Topping3[i - 9] + ", " + pizza.Topping3Quantity[i - 9].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));
                            if (i > 11)
                                for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                    if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == pizza.Topping4[i - 12])
                                        FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * pizza.Topping4Quantity[i - 12]);
                                        TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                        listBox1.Items.Add(pizza.Topping4[i - 12] + ", " + pizza.Topping4Quantity[i - 12].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));

                            textBox2.Text = "£" + TotalCost.ToString("0.00");
                            textBox1.Text = "£" + (pizza.PSizeCost[i] - TotalCost).ToString("0.00");

                for (int i = 0; i < BurgerLines; i++)
                    if (SplitList[0] == burger.BurgerName[i])
                        if (SplitList[1] == " " + burger.BurgerType[i] && SplitList[2] == " " + burger.BurgerSize[i])

                            for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == burger.BurgerBun[i])
                                    FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * burger.BurgerBunQuantity[i]);
                                    TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                    listBox1.Items.Add(burger.BurgerBun[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerBunQuantity[i].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));
                            for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == burger.BurgerPatty[i])
                                    FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * burger.BurgerPattyQuantity[i]);
                                    TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                    listBox1.Items.Add(burger.BurgerPatty[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerPattyQuantity[i].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));

                            textBox2.Text = "£" + TotalCost.ToString("0.00");
                            textBox1.Text = "£" + (burger.BurgerCost[i] - TotalCost).ToString("0.00");

                for (int i = 0; i < SundryLines; i++)
                    if (SplitList[0] == sundry.SundryName[i])
                        if (SplitList[1] == " " + sundry.SundryType[i] && SplitList[2] == " " + sundry.SundrySize[i])
                            for (int j = 0; j < NumOfLines; j++)
                                if (Menu.FoodContents[j] == sundry.SundryType[i])
                                    FoodCost   = (Menu.FoodPrice[j] * sundry.SundryQuantity[i]);
                                    TotalCost += FoodCost;
                                    listBox1.Items.Add(sundry.SundryType[i] + ", " + sundry.SundryQuantity[i].ToString("0.00") + ", " + "£" + FoodCost.ToString("0.00"));

                            textBox2.Text = "£" + TotalCost.ToString("0.00");
                            textBox1.Text = "£" + (sundry.SundryCost[i] - TotalCost).ToString("0.00");
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses methods from main window to read in data for
        /// Pizza, burger and sundry data. Then adds the data to the listbox
        /// and will display information depending on what the comboboxes
        /// display.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddInventory()

            pizza  = window.ReadInPizza();
            burger = window.ReadInBurger();
            sundry = window.ReadInsundry();
            int PizzaLines  = pizza.PizzaLineReader();
            int BurgerLines = burger.BurgerLineReader();
            int SundryLines = sundry.SundryLineReader();

            for (int i = 0; i < PizzaLines; i++)

                ListBoxItem MenuSplit = new ListBoxItem();

                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "All")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Regular" && pizza.PizzaSize[i] == " regular")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Large" && pizza.PizzaSize[i] == " large")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Extra-Large" && pizza.PizzaSize[i] == " extra-large")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Pizza" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "All")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Pizza" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Regular" && pizza.PizzaSize[i] == " regular")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Pizza" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Large" && pizza.PizzaSize[i] == " large")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Pizza" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Extra-Large" && pizza.PizzaSize[i] == " extra-large")
                    MenuSplit.Content = pizza.PizzaName[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaType[i] + ", " + pizza.PizzaSize[i] + ", " + "£" + pizza.PSizeCost[i].ToString("0.00");


            for (int i = 0; i < BurgerLines; i++)

                ListBoxItem MenuSplit = new ListBoxItem();

                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "All")
                    MenuSplit.Content = burger.BurgerName[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerType[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerSize[i] + ", " + "£" + burger.BurgerCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Regular" && burger.BurgerSize[i] == " regular")
                    MenuSplit.Content = burger.BurgerName[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerType[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerSize[i] + ", " + "£" + burger.BurgerCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Large" && burger.BurgerSize[i] == " large")
                    MenuSplit.Content = burger.BurgerName[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerType[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerSize[i] + ", " + "£" + burger.BurgerCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Burger" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "All")
                    MenuSplit.Content = burger.BurgerName[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerType[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerSize[i] + ", " + "£" + burger.BurgerCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Burger" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Regular" && burger.BurgerSize[i] == " regular")
                    MenuSplit.Content = burger.BurgerName[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerType[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerSize[i] + ", " + "£" + burger.BurgerCost[i].ToString("0.00");

                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Burger" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Large" && burger.BurgerSize[i] == " large")
                    MenuSplit.Content = burger.BurgerName[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerType[i] + ", " + burger.BurgerSize[i] + ", " + "£" + burger.BurgerCost[i].ToString("0.00");

            for (int i = 0; i < SundryLines; i++)

                ListBoxItem MenuSplit = new ListBoxItem();

                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "All")
                    MenuSplit.Content = sundry.SundryName[i] + ", " + sundry.SundryType[i] + ", " + sundry.SundrySize[i] + ", " + "£" + sundry.SundryCost[i].ToString("0.00");

                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "All" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Regular" && sundry.SundrySize[i] == " regular")
                    MenuSplit.Content = sundry.SundryName[i] + ", " + sundry.SundryType[i] + ", " + sundry.SundrySize[i] + ", " + "£" + sundry.SundryCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Sundry" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "All")
                    MenuSplit.Content = sundry.SundryName[i] + ", " + sundry.SundryType[i] + ", " + sundry.SundrySize[i] + ", " + "£" + sundry.SundryCost[i].ToString("0.00");


                if (categoryComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Sundry" && sizeComboBox.SelectedItem as string == "Regular" && sundry.SundrySize[i] == " regular")
                    MenuSplit.Content = sundry.SundryName[i] + ", " + sundry.SundryType[i] + ", " + sundry.SundrySize[i] + ", " + "£" + sundry.SundryCost[i].ToString("0.00");
