/* Create a zone of the specified type and number of nodes. */ public Zone(String ID, zoneType ty, int zoneLevel, int numberOfnodes) : base(ID) { if (zoneLevel < 1 || numberOfnodes < 2) { throw new ArgumentException(LevelTooLow); } type = ty; level = zoneLevel; if (ty == zoneType.STARTzone) //eerste node van startzone is startnode { level = 1; Node startnode = new Node(NodeType.STARTnode, "Z1N1"); nodeCounter++; startnode.capacity = 0; startnode.zone = this; nodes.Add(startnode); Dungeon.startnode = startnode; for (int i = 2; i < numberOfnodes; i++) { addCommonNode(); } nodeCounter = 1; makeBridge(); } if (ty == zoneType.InBETWEENzone) { for (int i = 1; i < numberOfnodes; i++) { addCommonNode(); } nodeCounter = 1; makeBridge(); } if (ty == zoneType.EXITzone) { for (int i = 1; i < numberOfnodes; i++) { addCommonNode(); } Node exitnode = new Node(NodeType.EXITnode, "" + this.ID + "N" + nodeCounter); nodeCounter = 1; exitnode.capacity = 0; exitnode.zone = this; connectRandom(exitnode); nodes.Add(exitnode); Dungeon.exitnode = exitnode; } // When compiled in the Debug-build, check the following conditions: Debug.Assert(nodes.Count >= 2); Debug.Assert(ty == zoneType.STARTzone ? HelperPredicates.hasOneStartZone(this) : true); Debug.Assert(ty == zoneType.EXITzone ? HelperPredicates.hasOneExitZone(this) : true); Debug.Assert(HelperPredicates.isConnected(this)); }
private void buttonPosition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { zone = zoneType.Position; labelGoalInfo.Text += "\nЗона - \"Позиция\""; panelZones.Visible = true; }
private void buttonBreakAway_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { zone = zoneType.Breakaway; labelGoalInfo.Text += "\nЗона - \"Отрыв\""; panelZones.Visible = true; }
public ITable zonalStats(object inZoneRaster, object inValueRaster, string outTableName, zoneType[] zoneTypes, esriUtil.Forms.RunningProcess.frmRunningProcessDialog rd,bool classCounts=false) { FunctionRasters.zonalHelper zH = new FunctionRasters.zonalHelper(this,rd); zH.InValueRaster = createIdentityRaster(inValueRaster); zH.InZoneRaster =createIdentityRaster(inZoneRaster); zH.ZoneTypes = zoneTypes; zH.OutTableName = outTableName; zH.ZoneClassCount = classCounts; zH.setZoneValues(); return zH.OutTable; }